In The ______.
I noticed this in another thread: the themes of the song seem to be similar in a symbolic sense. 'In The Water' and 'In The Pines'. It all seems to be related symbolically; how it is, I am not sure yet.
My question is that if you could guess the name of the songs based on this info, what do you think it would be called from EP. 3 - EP.5? It can be as silly or serious as you want.
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ep.3 in the peach
ep.4 in the juice
ep.5 in the peach juice
Episode3: In the captivity.
Episode4: In the sorrow.
Episode5: In the end.
Episode6 (Kenny DLC): In the Mustache!
So Ep5 will get the Linkin Park song? I approve.
Linkin Park ? im out
Where the hell are these dislikes coming from? Is someone trolling me with dislikes?
EDIT: Well, now its obvious.
In thee eeeeeend it doesn't even matteeeeeer
looks that way.
Episode 3 : In the Pit
Episode 4: In the Darkness
Episode 5: In the Feels.
Episode 3 is going to take place in Carver's camp, which is actually an abandoned hardware store(proven by file names)...