Additions to gameplay like to see?
I like to see
Instead of all qtes with zombies everytime like tactical section with zombies where have sneak past them without them seeing you using hiding places and quick movements
Fun minigames with sarah where find an old game of connect four or checkers and have a game maybe even game of snap be fun little break from constant depressive atmostphere
Like section where find diary's in the bags of characters or in their rooms and get little flashback cutscene seeing big events in their lifes of each character in your group as you find their diary adding more character depth and also understand their motives
Fail-able qte's example where if trying to escape and miss qte event and get caught no retry. Fighting bandit and lose your taking hostage. When played heavy rain where no second chances really added to the tension be edge of your seat stuff.
Like fun easter egg joke responses after completed game first time the game allows you to response to dialogue with added choice to each conversation which makes no sense or action where clem just does robot or something
Kenny: I Just got lucky
Clem: That makes no sense you stupid urban
Michelle: Give me your hat
Clem: Just shoot you take my hat i take your life
Get the point
Shooting practice minigame where have shoot bottles off wall etc
Anyway what additions or changes would you like to see?
That is what I was thinking!!! Hopefully TT does something like this
More scavenging, greater tension in combat (different ways to use the environment to your advantage), more hubs for more opportunities to talk to characters, more ways to interact with characters in general, no time jumps, hunting.
Exactly good points
Yeah, I think the shooting practice would be cool. And it would be better if you only got one chance to play the minigame, and if you got a certain percentage, it would make Clem kill zombies in one shot. And if you got under the percentage, she would still kill zombies with two shots.
Nice be so cool if did that
Though I think asking for so much is a little too late at this point, I'd like to see a better 'hub'. Sure, we got a 'hub' in the ski lodge, but it was missing something vital. What made the hubs so great in my opinion, was not just the fact that you could talk to the characters, but the fact that there were options to talk about with each one. For example, at the drugstore, you can ask Kenny about his kid, their plans, and how he's feeling. You can ask Lily about Larry, Larry's state. You can talk to Carley about her state, who she is, and the radio. This continues in episodes two and three, but is lost in four and five. It continues to be absent in S2E1 and S2E2, and I miss it a whole bunch.
No time jumps? Wow that would be tedious... have to control the characters while they are going to the bathroom... wait and just stare at the screen for hours while they sleep...
I don't understand you time jump complainers.
yeah say definitely say to late but even throw in better hub area be nice i agree
More situations where you have to make an accurate shot. Such as when Lee has to save Molly if you dont bring clem, they seem to be doing that a bit already as clem's accuracy is important when shooting the walkers in ep 2.
yeah this actually 100% agree with remember in s1 with zombies my shot wouldn't even be near there head and hits them really ruined the moment for me good point
Significant time jumps as in the huge time jump between the bathroom scene and the firewood scene, and the 5 day jump during episode 2. These jumps deny us opportunity for greater character development (something lacking in many current group members). Why would I want to do the things you listed? Be reasonable.
I would LOVE to see better stealth moments in the game.
I agree. Current stealth sections (of which there are few) seem almost impossible, if not completely impossible to fail.
I really liked the part where you give out food to people in S1. I hope they make some similar choices like that in future episodes.
I agree the 16 month jump was excessive. Small jumps are fine. The 5 day jump wouldn't have mattered at all to me except that it happened at such a pivotal point with the new group starting to trust her etc, so that was a terrible jump imo.
They had time jumps in season one all the time and they were fine. Season two just can't control them correctly.
" Kenny: I Just got lucky "
" Clem: That makes no sense you stupid urban "
Kenny isn't Urban...Lee is Urban!
The episode would be long over two hours if they make longer hubs and what you said.
I know couldn't really think of anything and like urban line should called kenny a stupid rural
I don't see how that's a problem, considering the majority of S1 episodes were at least 2.5 hours.
I'd like to see a sort of tactical management of the group during a battle against another group or against walkers, or give the player the opportunity to prepare the group at best for it.
I.e. Decide to give a rifle to kenny or Nick in prevision of a battle, establish where your companions should stay and what to do during a battle or an ambush, or also, decide to let a wounded charachter fight or make him/her rest and loose some offensive power for a higher chanche of his/her survival.
Also, I'd like to see that your choiches actually change the course of events. Up until now, in the end your choiches don't actually make a change, the story evolves in a pre-established way no matter what you do (i.e., you get caught by Carver no matter what, or Lilly kills Carley/Dough in S1).
Even if you save a charachter from death, the same charachter is gonna die anyway shortly after, and be relatively useless while they're still alive (like carley/dough during the St. John episode. They only appear in the end and have minimal weight on what's happening.
I undertand it's a way to let all players have at least similar experiences, but this way the deaths of your friends are there just to make you feel sad. They don't have a real weight on the plot
How about this?
Clem: That makes no sense at all you stupid Redneck!
lol maybe see have to discuss it with telltale writers
Double Post I'm really sorry. Stupid phone!
Triple post I really wish you can delete comments
I wish telltale would have your choices bite you in the ass more. Like in episode 2 you can lie to Walter about everything but all you have to do is say that Nick is a good guy and he won't let him die. I think Telltale should show a lot more mercy with these people who do a lot of awful things in the game but one time they say the right thing and everything turns out "Peachy". I want my decisions to really hurt! Maybe I'm just masochist with these sort of things.
The problem with that is is so many people just walk straight past those areas. As such they cant use anything said in those exchanges in choices.
Like if could control different characters apart from clem like in flashback like could control Kenny and see how he escaped
100% agree great comment with great depth loving this
The 16 month time jump was part of the introduction to the season. If they had a 16 month time jump in the middle of the season, yes it would have been excessive. But it wasn't in the middle of the story. It was to get to the place where the story begins. Clementine had to be both older and more experienced to be a decent protagonist. It was completely necessary and completely acceptable. Yes, I suppose they could have just started at the fire wood scene and not had the scene that took place 16 months earlier, but that 16 months earlier scene really added something in my opinion, it set up the kind of world they were in. Anyone whining about the 16 month time jump is basically whining for whining's sake.
As for the 5 day time jump, I can kind of agree that it was slightly premature. She should have had a little more time to talk to and get to know the people she was with before time jumping. I felt the same way actually, like "She has been traveling with these people for five days, and I still don't know anything more about them?" So yes, that could have been better executed.
It just annoys me a bit when people complain about "the time jumps" when they have no idea what they're actually complaining about. the post I responded to above is a perfect example. That person just wrote "no time jumps" as if any time we don't see every second of what is happening to the characters, that's a bad thing. As you say, season one jumped forward in time a lot, several months at one point. So if people are going to complain, at least know what they're complaining about instead of complaining about "time jumps."
I understand why they did it. As I understand why America dropped two atomic bombs on Japan to end WW II. Terrible analogies aside it is still a huge time jump with absolutely no information in between. It was needed to make Clementine a playable character (of value) but that doesn't mean it wasn't excessive. There are other ways to handle the situation with more finesse.
You are reading too much into the lesser portion of my post, I'm not bothered by the 16 month time jump. I'm far from "whining for the sake of whining" but thanks for shoving that down my throat
We have the same thoughts on the 5 day time jump. To say the least it felt like the characters had walked silently the entire time without so much as looking at eachother.
As I pointed out earlier the time jumps in season one were done fantastically, I hope you aren't aiming this "know what they're complaining about instead of complaining about "time jumps."" statement at me :P
Oh, I certainly was not aiming that comment at you. I was aiming it at the person who wrote the original comment I responded to and other people who think like that person. I also have not seen you whining about the 16 month jump, so that wasn't aimed at you either. Although I don't see what was excessive about it. We pretty much know what happened during that time. Christa and Clementine experienced a lot of fucked up shit. That's all we have to know to set up the story for season two. What precisely happened during that time is not part of the story.
< "Oh, I certainly was not aiming that comment at you. I was aiming it at the person who wrote the original comment I responded to and other people who think like that person. I also have not seen you whining about the 16 month jump, so that wasn't aimed at you either."
The story is how Clementine survived. If we follow your train of thought then they could have started S1 when Lee found Clem and time jumped to where Lee died and filled in the middle with "experienced a lot of fucked up shit." What precisely happened in that time is directly part of the story. If it isn't important enough to go into detail that's fine, but giving us nothing, to me, is excessive.
If the story they wanted to tell in season 1 happened after Lee died, then they could have absolutely done that. That would have been the set-up to the story and then they'd tell the story they want to tell which happens right after Lee dies. As it happens, however, the story they wanted to tell was about Lee and his redemption from being a convicted murderer to being a little girl's savior. That was the story.
In season 2, the story is not about what happens while Christa and Clementine are wondering around alone surviving. It's about what happens after they get separated. Therefore, it is appropriate that they skip the things that are not a part of that story and go right to the beginning of the story.
How very pleasant you seem. There is a difference between giving one's opinion and "whining". You nitpick a small part of a post, take it completely literally in order to antagonize the poster, and completely disregard any possible validity in favor of scoffing at the poster's ignorance. At least Viva is willing to discuss alternate viewpoints.
First: Sorry for the people downvoting you. I'd rather they give us both thumbs up for having such a good discussion, but since I can't make that happen I'll just give you my like
I agree that it was the story they wanted to tell, I'm just emphasizing that everything that happens developes the story. Every action or word that happens to/is spoken to Clementine alters who she is. It is all her story, the story of how she survives. This season is about what happens after they get separated, but everything that happened before they were separated plays into how her character developes. Again I'm not saying that the 16 months didn't set up this story, or that it wasn't necessary, just that it was excessive.
Sorry. I realize that I can sometimes have too little patience for stupidity. But I also realize that Mullet_Necromancer is probably like ten years old, and I should go a little easier.
As person who created this thread i'm loving this sort argument with great depth and points haters gonna hate but i love reading it and encourage more thumb for all comments
Now, of course, this devolves into personal insults. I am quite amazed by the amount of information you are able to discern about a poster's age and intelligence based solely on the fact that the poster's viewpoint conflicts with your own. Why someone would waste their time to debate against someone holding such an insulting demeanor is beyond me.
Yes, I do enjoy a good discussion. I have gone through and liked your posts as well. (I always forget those like/dislike things are even there honestly. It doesn't bother me)
At this point, I'm a little confused. You say "I'm not saying that the 16 months didn't set up this story, or that it wasn't necessary" and then you follow that with "it was excessive." Those cannot both be true. If something is necessary, it is by definition not excessive. If I put an excessive amount of sugar in my cake, then I have put far more sugar than was necessary. If I put the necessary amount of sugar in the cake, then the amount of sugar I put could not be excessive. It was the necessary amount.