For your insolence, for insinuating Clem will EVER die, Chick Norris will stare at you for ten hours and eye-rape you.
You made me do this.
I am not sorry.
if we will see an end for the story of Clem, the end must be focused in : finding a cure for this infection, OR otherwise Clem's death, but unfortunately Kirkman said there's no cure for the infection, but at least i think Clem will live for a long time, beside i don't think TellTale will kill 11-year-old Clem, because it will be great to see Clem at an older age.
I feel like i bear some kind of resemblance to Arya. And Jon is just so... Jon. I also LIKED Ned. Notice the past tense for obvious reasons. And then, my fave character ever HAS to be Dany. Because she's Dany.
Oh, and, everyone hates Joffrey. Including me. I am happy that what happened to him happened to him.
I wish Robert Kirkman will write some of this game. He claimed that nobody is too popular to die, I wish that rule applied to the game as well. Now I'm not saying I want Clem to die, but it'll definitely be an amazing shock, and I love shocks like that. I absolutely fucking LOVE THEM!!!
if we will see an end for the story of Clem, the end must be focused in : finding a cure for this infection, OR otherwise Clem's death, but … moreunfortunately Kirkman said there's no cure for the infection, but at least i think Clem will live for a long time, beside i don't think TellTale will kill 11-year-old Clem, because it will be great to see Clem at an older age.
Everyone dies in the TWD world, its only a matter of when. But i don't think Telltale will be able to justify doing this series of games without Clementine involved. So If she dies in this season of the game, then that would mean Telltale doesn't plan to do a season 3.
actually if Clem will be dead this season , that doesn't mean there's no season 3 , they can start again with a new characters, "400 days" stories wasn't bad.
Everyone dies in the TWD world, its only a matter of when. But i don't think Telltale will be able to justify doing this series of games wit… morehout Clementine involved. So If she dies in this season of the game, then that would mean Telltale doesn't plan to do a season 3.
actually if Clem will be dead this season , that doesn't mean there's no season 3 , they can start again with a new characters, "400 days" stories wasn't bad.
If you could make clem stare at you for 10 hours,you'd be too awesome(but you already are)
You love getting hurt?Now that explains a lot...
if we will see an end for the story of Clem, the end must be focused in : finding a cure for this infection, OR otherwise Clem's death, but unfortunately Kirkman said there's no cure for the infection, but at least i think Clem will live for a long time, beside i don't think TellTale will kill 11-year-old Clem, because it will be great to see Clem at an older age.
none of them ???
but my fav family is the Starks.
my fav two characters are Arya Stark and Jon Snow.
what about you?
I feel like i bear some kind of resemblance to Arya. And Jon is just so... Jon. I also LIKED Ned. Notice the past tense for obvious reasons. And then, my fave character ever HAS to be Dany. Because she's Dany.
Oh, and, everyone hates Joffrey. Including me. I am happy that what happened to him happened to him.
Everybody dies
I wish Robert Kirkman will write some of this game. He claimed that nobody is too popular to die, I wish that rule applied to the game as well. Now I'm not saying I want Clem to die, but it'll definitely be an amazing shock, and I love shocks like that. I absolutely fucking LOVE THEM!!!
Did Kirkman really say that? I didn't know.
actually i heard of it from this guy
and from this
Everyone dies in the TWD world, its only a matter of when. But i don't think Telltale will be able to justify doing this series of games without Clementine involved. So If she dies in this season of the game, then that would mean Telltale doesn't plan to do a season 3.
actually if Clem will be dead this season , that doesn't mean there's no season 3 , they can start again with a new characters, "400 days" stories wasn't bad.
Maybe. Or they can move on to a different group of people and just leave Clem's story open-ended.