What if you had to save Sarah or Sarita?

What if in Episode 3 In Harm's Way, there is a scene where chaos erupts in Carver's camp and before you can escape, you once again have to decide who gets to live at the cost of another. The two that we would have to choose would be Sarah, Carlos' daughter, and Sarita, Kenny's new girlfriend.

Who would you run to save first, but then let the other die?



  • Well if Sarah Died it would destroy Carlos and Carlos would hate Clem.... and If Sarita died it would destroy Kenny and he would be mad at Clem. hmm Kenny is my favorite character and I have known him since the beginning so I would probably save sarita maybe? Then again I don't think I could let a kid die.

    Dang it OP that's a good question.

  • edited April 2014

    Gah, this is actually really difficult. I'd probably pause the game and take 1,000 years to decide. On one hand, if you pick Sarah..well, Kenny's already pretty unstable, and I've always loved Kenny as a character, personally. It'd hurt to make him go through losing someone he loved again, even though I really don't think he loves Sarita near as much as he did Katjaa. Still, don't know if he could handle it.
    But if you pick Sarita..gah! Sarah's just a little girl!(basically! she's a teen, really, but yeah!) Not to mention her dad would flip out! There'd be no winning here.

  • sarah lol, as much as i don't care about sarah i definitely don't care at all about sarita lol :P

  • I totally agree this is a difficult choice. Well, to choose between both girls, I might choose Sarita because I don't want Kenny to hate me.

  • This is more difficult than it should be, but ultimately I'd save Sarah and hope the 'kids come first' side of Kenny would understand.

  • Ugh, both are so irritating. Sarita annoys me more, I'll just save Sarah

  • Sarah.


  • edited April 2014

    Even though Sarah is young, I'd probably choose Sarita.
    Mainly cause of knowing how losing her would affect my old pal Kenny.
    And that poor guy's been through enough already!

  • I'd choose Sarah,

    I hope Kenny dies .-.

  • edited April 2014

    I'd probably end up choosing Sarah, because despite what others say, I truly value Sarah's friendship (no matter how... strange, quick, and naïve the origin was).

  • I agree. It might change next episode, who knows, but for now I'd say I'd save Sarah. I value her friendship too.

    Conduit42 posted: »

    I'd probably end up choosing Sarah, because despite what others say, I truly value Sarah's friendship (no matter how... strange, quick, and naïve the origin was).

  • Yea, downvote me. Give me all your hate.

    ItsGabee posted: »

    I'd choose Sarah, I hope Kenny dies .-.

  • What the hell?

    ItsGabee posted: »

    I'd choose Sarah, I hope Kenny dies .-.

  • They're both kinda crap I'd just opt for shooting Carver in the other shoulder.

  • Sarah.

    Honestly Sarita's nice but until I get to know her I'm not plunging Carlos into depression and letting a kid die for her. Right now I feel more loyalty to Rebecca and Alvin who I can't stand.

  • I'd save Sarita since she obviously has the know how to survive in an apocalypse. The way Sarah is being protected by her father means she's just going to die eventually, anyways. The girl has no real survival skills because Carlos has made no effort to impart them upon her. Sarita has generally much brighter prospects. Besides, Kenny already lost his family once. I won't do that to him again.

  • Same here.

    This is more difficult than it should be, but ultimately I'd save Sarah and hope the 'kids come first' side of Kenny would understand.

  • edited April 2014

    this's exactly what i would say.

    keylimepie posted: »


  • Sarah,maybe?

  • If Sarah died, it would destroy a man with broken fingers who couldn't tell the difference between a dog bite and a walker bite. If Sarita died, we'd lose a valuable survivor with reasonably good aim and it would destroy a man whose already lost his family and best friend. Sarita is more valuable. We gotta do what's best for the group.

  • Sarah, because as Carlos said "She's all i have left" while Kenny will still have Clementine. But it really comes down to character development, if we learn something important about Sarita or Sarah, then it might change opinions of few people. I also believe that Pinkie swear will bite us in the ass.

  • I would chose Sarite because losing her would destroy Kenny. And i dont like Sarah.

  • I would choose Sarah, she is still just a kid and i gave her the unbreakable Pinky swear!

    Kenny will be very angry and depressed when Sarita dies, but as his friend i will do all i can to support him though this hard times!

  • I would save Sarah. Kenny can pout all he wants, if he'd rather a child's life be sacrificed to keep Sarita, who's been able to live a much longer life than Sarah, then that's his problem. Plus I actually like Sarah's character and I think Sarita is pretty boring so far.

  • Save a kid while a man we've known for a long time becomes more upset.

    Save a woman while a father loses the last thing he has left.

    Oh fuck, that's hard!

  • s&m?

    What the hell?

  • edited April 2014

    Now let me start off by saying that I definitely like Kenny more than Carlos(even though Carlos grew a bit on me too) and that if I were to choose between saving Carlos or Kenny I'd save Kenny.

    That said, in the situation you give, I'd save Sarah. Even if it meant Kenny hating me. As much as I want to avoid that.

  • Sarah. She's the only one i actually care the most about in the Cabin Group. Sarita is nice but Clem (and I) doesn't know her that much. Just saving her for Kennys Sake? Sorry Ken, highly doubt that would happen.

    And i think Clem should support someone in her Age Group, if she's able to.

  • edited April 2014

    Oh God, please, no :'( Sarah or Sarita? It's like Carlos or Kenny! Damn! I don't know, how should I know?! :'(

  • Kenny saved Duck first at Hershel's farm.
    So, yeah. I hope he'll understand.

    This is more difficult than it should be, but ultimately I'd save Sarah and hope the 'kids come first' side of Kenny would understand.

  • IDK. If I save Sarah I'd have someone who takes selfies during the apocalypse but then again her father would never leave me live in peace for the rest of... the ETERNITY

    If I save Sarita I'd save Kenny's wife or whatever they have together and I don't wanna save her cause Kenny is an asshole (f*ck all the downvotes IDC)

    I don't wanna save anyone so I'd probably let the time end and VOILA.

  • It's sexual things with chains and whips. I have no idea why he said that...


  • That might happen. Maybe the Christmas topper was kind of a foreshadowing..... I guess I would save Sarita.

  • I dont know, maybe sarita.... No wait.........if only i could save both.

  • Maybe he's a troll?

    Bubadoo posted: »

    It's sexual things with chains and whips. I have no idea why he said that...

  • i would choose sara.
    maybe after you choose sara kenny starts telling at you and you can say: REMEMBER DUCK? REMEMBER HERSELS FARM?
    so then kenny will remember he choose the cild and kenny wont be as mad to you.

  • Honestly, it's a lausy fucking choice (in a good way, of course). No matter what you do, you're fucked, and, as if that weren't bad enough, they are both very nice and innocent characters. I'd go with Sarah, probably, on account of her age and the fact that I know her better. Sorry, Kenny. Don't hate me for the rest of the season and then refuse to help me in episode 4.

  • Sarah is a child. That automatically gives her priority in my book (yeah, I'd die quick in the ZA). Even on a completely character basis I would choose Sarah, we have been through multitudes more with her than Sarita. Kenny can kiss my ass. Not to mention the corny, childish antics could have a cool affect on Clem if Sarah is present long enough. Many have complained of Clementine's lack of childlike qualities, and I think Sarah could bring those back.

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