What if you had to save Sarah or Sarita?



  • edited April 2014

    To be brutally honest, I'd save Sarita, but allowing a fifteen-year-old girl to die probably wouldn't win me a lot of popularity points with the rest of the group.

    On the plus side, my Clem would pretty much be solid with Kenny for good.

  • Unless you never pinkie sweared with her.

    popcorp posted: »

    Sarah, because as Carlos said "She's all i have left" while Kenny will still have Clementine. But it really comes down to character developm

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited April 2014

    Clementine is required to abide the terms of the indefinite and legally-binding 'pinkie swear' alliance to which she was a party. Therefore, she is contractually obligated to rescue Sarah. Sorry, Kenny. :(

  • edited April 2014

    Ahh.. That's hard :// I need about three hours to think about this.

    If I save Sarita, Carlos will be sad. A young girl has just been killed. But if I save Sarah, Kenny will probably break down into much deeper depression. It would be hard on him after so much he's suffered, but Carlos has suffered as well.
    Gahh I don't know! I like both Kenny and Carlos. I hope this doesn't actually turn into a decision later on in the episodes, Lol.

    Oh yeah, I also forgot I pinkie swore Sarah. Damn. A pinkie swear is forever.

  • edited April 2014

    It'd be the meat-locker choice all over again with Kenny swearing some vendetta against Clem, but we really don't know much about Sarita, and I tend to lean towards protecting kids.

  • True enough.

    Besides, pinky swear with me? We ride together, we die together.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Sarah is a child. That automatically gives her priority in my book (yeah, I'd die quick in the ZA). Even on a completely character basis I w

  • edited April 2014

    At first I simply just wanted to manipulate Sarah into giving me the supplies so I pinky swore with her to secure them, but as time went on I actually started liking her character, she reminds me of Duck in a way.

    Sorry Kenny, but unless Sarita gets even better in Episode 3 (Which she might, if that actually happens it would be 50/50), I'm gonna have to go with Sarah :/

  • such a hard choice,but Sarita for Kenny's trust,very hard decision

  • To the bitter end :p

    Mikejames posted: »

    True enough. Besides, pinky swear with me? We ride together, we die together.

  • I'll do nothing and leave on my own. I just like to see the world burn.

  • I'd choose my BFF Sarah! Sorry, but I value someone who we someone know over someone who's been 1 dimensional so far...

  • I can't just let a kid die, especially Sarah (pinky swear is forever lmao) and as much as I hope Kenny would understand he'd probably hate Clementine forever. :p My Lee did talk him down on the train ride and Kenny revealed that he felt guilt over letting Hershel's son die. Maybe Kenny would realize that letting Carlos' daughter die would be horrible too? But this is Kenny. Tough choice.

  • I fed Duck and Clem in Episode 2 and Kenny agreed, saying that, "It takes a real man to keep those kids fed." I would think that the same ideology applies here. Kids come first. That's still a damn hard decision though. I hope Kenny would understand. I'd have to save Sarah.

    ItsGabee posted: »

    Kenny saved Duck first at Hershel's farm. So, yeah. I hope he'll understand.

  • oh my god that needs to happen

    i would choose sara. maybe after you choose sara kenny starts telling at you and you can say: REMEMBER DUCK? REMEMBER HERSELS FARM? so then kenny will remember he choose the cild and kenny wont be as mad to you.

  • edited April 2014

    I'd save Sarita. Sorry, but i'd rather have Carlos hating me than Kenny hating me since last time Kenny hated me for doing the right thing and it sucked.


    Just so you know, it's not anything to do with my distaste for Sarah, it's just purely about hatred coming from those who would stand behind me.

  • I'll be real. It depends on who's closer. Or, in the contrived instance where both are equidistant from Clem, who sounds more desperate in which case I guess Sarah would be a given.

  • Oh no it's the star or the angel decision all over again. I'd probably save Sarah.

  • edited April 2014

    Just like with Duck, I'd save Sarah. No hesitation. I can't and won't let a kid die.


    If you save Sarita, Carlos loses his only thing left and may hate you. But on the other hand saving Sarah makes Kenny lose the only thing thats keeping him from going insane and depressed, and knowing Kenny he's gonna keep bringing it up.

  • That's tough :/ I like them both but I think I would choose Sarah, because I'm starting to really like her and she is also still a child. Kenny will probably be pissed at me but oh well.

  • edited April 2014

    kenny knows sarita not for THAT long, so he'll get over it.

    he already lost his kid and wife, so one person more or less wont matter, lol

    on the other side clem barely knows the cabin's group at all, so why give a shit about them?

    and if sarah's father gets mad, i'd be like "hey dude, in episode 1 you told me to not mess around with your daughter, d'oh. and now i stick to it and you're still mad, get your shit sorted out, maaaan" retardedface

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