For those who played TLOU is it just me?

edited April 2014 in The Walking Dead

Disclaimer: the last of us is in my top 5 video games of 2013, however I had to pose this question. When Joel falls from the university and the pole goes through his body, is it just me or did that seem like a clear copy of when ben fell off the balcony ?



  • No.

  • No as Ben fell and joel got pushed. It couldnt have been much different

  • There were plenty of moments in this game I felt where too cliche or taken from other games. It had it's original moments though

  • I was just discussing the similarities between TLOU & TWD with some friends. I don't mind them. Like you, TLOU is one of my favorite games of 2013, maybe of all time? I just really dig the story, even if it has it's cliche moments.

  • edited April 2014

    Alt text

    HELL NO completely original not like QTE's, timed decision making, multiple dialogue choices, decision changing story, movies based, child as central character who's defenseless in constant danger story with father and child relationship like Heavy Rain wait no mean the walking dead

    Edit: See all downthumbs so assume want me to change my opinion but I won't credit where credit is due please downthumb me don't argue the point lol

    Heavy rain release date 11 February 2010

    The Walking Dead April 24, 2012 episode 1

    Still think it's quality game and one of my favorite games ever but denying the imitating in terms of gameplay is ignorance in itself bring on the downthumbs honesty more important then downthumbs lol

  • If these downvotes gets on my nerves, I'll upload all of Clementine's non-canon death scenes, being looped over and over for 10 hours.

    ItsGabee posted: »


  • Nobody would watch it and you'll just waste your time uploading it.

    ItsGabee posted: »

    If these downvotes gets on my nerves, I'll upload all of Clementine's non-canon death scenes, being looped over and over for 10 hours.

  • I know, i was just kidding.

    Rigtail posted: »

    Nobody would watch it and you'll just waste your time uploading it.

  • I always wanted to play The Last of Us, but I'm too poor. Is it fun?

  • Well, I did instantly think of this, so I guess I wasn't the only one.

  • no

    I always wanted to play The Last of Us, but I'm too poor. Is it fun?

  • edited April 2014

    Graphics are great, the gameplay itself can be fun or irritating at times. I found myself struggling at certain points, ruining my overall experience at the end I had to lower the difficulty. The story itself is nothing special. The voice acting is quite nice but the emotion in this game isn't even effective. Without spoiling, the first death of the game was supposed to be like the saddest moment in the game, but to me it wasn't even done well and was rather weak. I can explain why I thought it was weak but that would require me to go into spoiler territory and surely you don't want that.

    I always wanted to play The Last of Us, but I'm too poor. Is it fun?

  • The last of us going to ps4! :D

  • and I won't be buying it. Not that I hate the game or anything, I enjoyed my time playing it, I just haven't touched the game since I completed it the first time. I haven't even tried the multiplayer. I should have have just rented it instead of buying it.

    The last of us going to ps4!

  • But multiplayer is good :(

    Rigtail posted: »

    and I won't be buying it. Not that I hate the game or anything, I enjoyed my time playing it, I just haven't touched the game since I comple

  • In some ways it is similar to Ben's alleyway death. Both fall from a survivable height, both get impaled, both lose alot of blood. However, the difference is, Joel was impaled in the side and had a higher chance of survival, as there are no major organs where he was impaled. Ben was impaled through the stomach, it had probably already hit his kidney and he wouldn't have made it even if Kenny did save him.

  • Oh really?Did you even play it yourself?


  • Yeah, the combat and stealth were atrocious and the A.I was the worst i've ever seen in my life. I don't enjoy many games anymore after playing TWD S1 though.

    Oh really?Did you even play it yourself?

  • edited April 2014

    Come The Last Of Us, I guess I'm not the only one who saw that easter egg. It's amazing actually. (?) Telltale fans will remember that. Alt text

  • Spoiler

    Spoiler tag. Please continue.

    Rigtail posted: »

    Graphics are great, the gameplay itself can be fun or irritating at times. I found myself struggling at certain points, ruining my overall e

  • Same here. All I can play is more TWD, Halo and zombie related games.

    Yeah, the combat and stealth were atrocious and the A.I was the worst i've ever seen in my life. I don't enjoy many games anymore after playing TWD S1 though.

  • Thanks.

    Rigtail posted: »

    Graphics are great, the gameplay itself can be fun or irritating at times. I found myself struggling at certain points, ruining my overall e

  • edited April 2014

    Ignore this, my comment is in the spoiler tags. I accidentally double posted

  • Spoiler

    Sarah's death wasn't emotional at all. I was actually a little entertained by Joel's reaction. I absolutely love seeing people fall apart like that. I have a strong hate towards children (Aside from Clem) and we only knew the character for 15 minutes. Yeah, if you're gonna make me feel attached to a character, at least make them last longer.

  • Lol yea. I was thinking damn Lee just rip Ben off the pole like Ellie did to Joel XD

  • Well the code for multiplayer didn't even come with my copy so now I have no intentions of ever trying it. I bought it used from gamestop for around $50 if that makes a difference, I heard it does though. Yes, I checked the receipt and nope, no code.

    But multiplayer is good

  • First three Halos were the best.

  • Same here, it's either Telltale games or multiplayers and most of these multiplayers are also zombie games :)

    Same here. All I can play is more TWD, Halo and zombie related games.

  • This is real Survival Extinct gameplay? Are you serious? That's horrible.

  • TLOU is great in my opinion! I love the character development between Joel & Ellie. It's really not terrible, we have far worst games out there and TLOU isn't even bad at all. Good graphics, great story, and nice combat. Yes, it's cinematic, but very fascinating. Online is nice too, there's more strategy to it compared to online modes like COD. That's just my personal opinion though..

    I always wanted to play The Last of Us, but I'm too poor. Is it fun?

  • Halo 2 > Others

    But all are enjoyable. Long live halo!

  • I disagree, it jerked my heart strings a little bit, It didn't make me cry though. It was pretty damn emotional either way. I loved the entire game, the emotions were pretty good, and so was all of the voice and MO-CAP

  • I would buy the last of us but it's like $90 here!

  • I preferred Halo 3, but Halo 2 was a badass game, too.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Halo 2 > Others But all are enjoyable. Long live halo!

  • @Markd4547 I think the story forum was removed, you got to set up a new one!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    HELL NO completely original not like QTE's, timed decision making, multiple dialogue choices, decision changing story, movies based, child a

  • I like halo 1 the best.
    (don't have the HD version)

    I preferred Halo 3, but Halo 2 was a badass game, too.

  • Oh god no..
    Are you alright?

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