Strong Bad Dreams

This thread may be rediculus, but If I dreamed about it, I'm shure others did. This moring, I had a dream about SBCG4AP, and it was weird. I first had a dream that I had a car, but I ended up crashing. When I came back asleep, I was in FCUSA, and I was half Strong Bad, half a camera above him. I went into the sewers, and flowed like it was an oversized waterslide. I came out the other end with some water balloons, and threw 'em at Pom Pom, who was using a laptop on his balconey. And so I went to the feild and won the game. And woke up again. Man, this lack of Episode 2 is really getting to my head(still don't have any money). Anyone else have something simmilar?


  • edited September 2008
    If I remembered my dreams, or had any(I'm not sure which it is), I'd have something to say.
    But I had one dream, see, we (including Strong Bad) were all in a giant doughnut, and there was this giant snake in a vest, and...And then I woke up screaming.
  • edited September 2008
    I think I'd have dreams related to the game/series if I was playing them longer. I mean, I finish a game within a day or two of getting them so there isn't a huge storyline going on that I'm fully engrossed in for days on end.

    Usually, if I have a dream related to what I'm playing, then I've been concentrating on nothing but it for a good while. Usually my dreams are related in some way to my fiancee, though. Or at least she's always in them somewhere as a major or minor role. My dreams are a lot less random, containing discernable plot and tangible experiences. I guess I don't get to enjoy the seemingly chaotic dreams that others have.
  • edited September 2008
    I guess to have chaotic dreams you need a crazy imagenation. And, boy, my imagenation is CRAZY. The last dream I had (before the ones I said) was me climbing a real tall building, and being forced to jump. And it was fun. I landed on my feet, and bounced a few times. Like if you droped a basket ball from the top floor of a house.
  • edited September 2008
    I don't know about crazy imagination, but I have a very powerful imagination. I mean, if my dreams are as vivid and real as life itself to the point that I sometimes forget I'm dreaming... that's gotta say something for the quality of the dream, no matter what's going on.
  • edited September 2008
    I had many dreams about SBCG4AP, but this was when Homestar Ruiner was put on hold for 2 months, the first dream was:

    I was sitting at my computer then a huge error message appeared saying, Wiiware Update! Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People out today! So I got up and ran to the Wii, but it kept turning off when I turned it on, finally it turned on, but when I got on it said Wiiware sold out of downloads, suddenly my Wii exploded in smoldering crater.. Yes it is very creepy.
  • edited September 2008
    i had a dream that i forgot. o wait, i dont have dreams that often. dang.
  • edited September 2008
    Haha... I had a dream about Episode 3, except it had nothing to do with the actual plot. There's nothing better than Strong Sad giving a genuine O_o face...without his actual eyes. Along with Marzipan....*gigglesnort* And Trogdor's minions...poor pompom getting eaten by one....
    Oh yeah, Strong Bad got an email from strong mad and it's all so confusing to explain...
    all this last night...Although I wish I really did dream about Trogstar wanting to get revenge on SB...

    My dreams are crazy... O_o
  • edited September 2008
    My dream a few nights ago was The Dark Knight with Strong Bad replacing Harvey Dent.
  • edited September 2008
    I had this weird dream where Strong Bad showed up out of nowhere, and then Mega Man came... and we had a party.
  • edited October 2008
    my dream was the my style song and video. over and over and over and over.......
  • edited October 2008
    Here's my wierd dream, first I was a bad pixelated Homestar in a maze. I got through the maze and there was a computer, I (Homestar) went up to it, I saw the "at the track" video, then I (Homestar) went through the maze again, and woke up.

    So weird........
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