Most unfair deaths?
A lot of characters were killed prematurely. Of these, which do you think was MOST premature:
Shawn, Doug (in most cases), Mark, Chuck, Omid (season 2), Uncle Pete, and our two determinants.
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in my opinion Doug, Mark, Larry, Omid, Pete, Matthew, Walter and Sam :<
Larry liked his character would of been so fun if stayed alive with the group also probably would of kept eye on Clem and the boat better
Mark ! Imagine being cut alive by people !
Matthew was fairly premature, he seemed like a nice guy and died before we got change to get to know him.
Pete most definitely! I guess people loved him too much that Kirkman gave out the hit.
Though he's not dead for me, Nick.
He had more character development happening than anyone else, Uncle Pete's last wish was for you to look out for him and then...dead.
Mark. He just sort of shows up randomly at the beginning of the episode (granted there is a line explaining how he got there), hangs out for a little while, and then gets cut up and eaten...
Chuck - no good reason for his death.
Omid - cheap emotional impact.
Pete - I saved him, he should've lived with one leg.
Juice box
Chuck died too early... although he was too good of a character that never had much conflict, so obviously telltale killed him off.
I know man... I know.
Chuck and Omid, for fuck's sake, Telltale.
and pete
He wasn't confirmed dead... He can't be... He got lucky.
Alvin. He seemed like he was a character who could've had some interesting development, but BOOM! dead at the end of episode 2. or, if you saved him, he'll probably die horribly in carver's camp.
All of the nice guys; Omid, Mark, Pete, Chuck, Matthew and Walter.
It's not fair!
I really hated that Doug died. He was one of the most likeable in the group.
Oh no. Carley....
To me:
Kenny Jr. Nobody remember's him.
Poor Omid. He had a child to look forward to.
omid the most he had a freaking child!
Walter- gay couples never last long enough
matthew- he seemed so cool
ive watched over 5 lets plays of season 1 (yes i have that much time on my hands other than acting and art club) only one lets player liked duck and that was yamimash and he didnt even finish his playthrough.
sam was a filler they needed somone to hurt clem so they added him
woop woop omid
It annoys me when Let's Players rant about how much they hate Duck. It's like, come on dude, really? He's just a kid.
Season 1 Characters:
Doug (Episode 1 only): Overshadowed by Carley in his first and final appearance, making the final choice in Episode 1 appear rather biased.
Katjaa: Her suicide, while shocking and tragic, felt unnecessary and only served to further advance Kenny's story of losing the ones he loved.
Chuck: Made quite the impact in Episode 3 by offering crucial advice to Lee, which is then passed on to Clementine for her role in Season 2, and then abruptly killed off early in Episode 4 and is promptly forgotten afterwards.
Season 2 Characters:
Omid (and possibly Christa, if she's never seen again): The reunion was too short and served only as a plot device to have Clementine be separated from the couple after one death and the other vanishing, and bump into a new group she's unfamiliar with.
Pete: Overshadowed by Nick in a worse fashion than Doug, and doesn't even get to survive his predicament in the next episode while Nick survives the Episode 1 finale no matter what happens.
we miss you,Carley
I think Yamimash finished it without recording it.
The police officer that was driving Lee to prison XD
Do we even know what gender it is? For all we know, it could be a girl, and a hot one for that matter. I may or may not want to fuck Juicy.
Hmm I'm guessing its a she's as we had to stick a straw in it. Or maybe we stabbed him idk.