Predictions about S2E3 based on achievements
For those of you who don't know, the achievements for S2E3 are now on Steam:
I wanted to make this thread to discuss some of the possible events of S2E3 based on the achievement names, descriptions, and pictures. I put the spoiler tag on in case some of these predictions come true, but we obviously don't know as of right now.
1.) Come Hither - Invited some friends into the compound.
Due to the picture of a walker on this achievement, I think that it's safe to say that walkers will invade the compound, and that we will have a hand in their invasion (whether by accident, or, more likely, on purpose).
2.) Not in Nottingham - Got beaten down.
This one worries me. I'm worried that Carver, or one of his lackeys, will give Clementine a severe beating at some point in the episode. That would be hard to watch, let alone play through.
3.) Rehabilitated - Gave what you got.
This achievement, however, makes me feel a bit better about the last one. The description and image of a bloody crowbar imply to me that Clementine is going to dish out a beating herself, with a crowbar. Hopefully, to Carver. She would make Gordon Freeman proud.
4.) Eye of the Storm - Completed Episode 3: "In Harm's Way"
The image in this one sticks out to me, a picture of broken glasses. These glasses bear a startling resemblance to Sarah's. I think something horrible is going to happen to Sarah, or Carlos (but probably Sarah, unless you take into account the next achievement).
5.) Long Way Down - Witnessed a murder.
This one seems obvious enough. Someone is going to be murdered (no surprise there), more than likely getting pushed off of a building or tower. This image depicts no known character (at this point, anyway), but going off of the last achievement, it may be Carlos. Other possibilities may be Nick or Alvin, given their Determinant status.
6.) Fresh Fish - Arrived at your new home.
This doesn't require an explanation.
7.) One Long Day - Made it through your first day.
This one doesn't require much explanation either.
8.) Always the Quiet Ones - Committed larceny.
Larceny, for those who don't know, is basically theft. Clementine is likely going to steal something at one point, likely a walkie-talkie, given the picture (does she still have her own until this point?). This act of hers may prompt the possible beating brought into question by #2.
I would love to hear what you folks think, and if I missed something (which I don't doubt that I did).
what if Clem steals the thing Dee from 400 days stole? It played an important part in 400 days. Maybe Bonnie is the one who gets murdered trying to help Clem and her group
I think the quiet ones means Sarah as even Carver says "quiet girl, bit taller than you."
Did you play Shel's story after Bonnie's? If you did, you'd know that the thing in Dee's backpack was just some medicine and ammo from Shel's group that Dee stole.
I agree and Not in Nottingham really worries me O____O
The horrible pun and alliteration worry me more.
I think it's Clem, I mean I can't really imagine Sarah stealing. Plus clem is pretty quiet.
The person being murdered can't be Nick or Alvin, as they can both already be dead
For "Come Hither" it looks like we could use sound to attract the walkers as the achievement picture has a loud speaker next to the walker.
the last picture of sarah's broken glasses makes me think she sees carlos get killed, then goes bad shit crazy, throws her glasses on the ground and stamps on it, then kills carver in cold blood
I think Kenny is going to kill Sarah because she has a similar name to Sarita.
Does anyone think "Rehabilitated" will be Clem killing someone? This would be her first kill, perhaps in cold blood or just where she was directly responsible, which would lead to a huge change in personality that leads into "Amid the Ruins".
Oh, hey Shaundi!
I've heard nothing but good things about you
She already killed the Stranger in Season 1 Finale.
It's a reference to a song, actually.
I know, but that was mostly in defense of Lee. This one might be more "them or me" type scenario.
not for me she didn't i choked him to death and left him to turn
That's exactly why I chose them. Typically, Determinant characters end up dead either way (See: Carley/Doug, Ben, Danny from 400 Days).
EDIT: I see what you're saying now, disregard this.
This song perfectly fits in with Clementine's situation. I bet this is exactly the feel we will get once inside of Carver's camp. For your awesomeness skoothz, have my like.
Delete this shit.
Do we know the order of these achievements? Like obviously Eye Of The Storm would be last but knowing the placement of these would be helpful in crafting more accurate theories.
Nevermind, just checked Steam for the order:
Also, about the Episode 3 screen. It seems not one of these achievements is of direct relation to Rebecca or her giving birth to her baby despite Rebecca being on the screen.
this song is depressing.
The photo shopped picture looks so fucking sad, they put characters faces into a shitty movie or whatever this robin hood shit is.
Always The Quiet Ones, Not in Nottingham, Rehabilitated, in that order. That's probably not how it's gonna go down, but maybe Clementine steals something, is punished for it then gives it back.
The beating will probably be Kenny, he's the most likely one to act up considering his attitude.
I played before Bonnie's lol. Well it was just a thought...
It was meant to be really shitily done.
yes but its depressing for a reason. the song was written for the 1973 animated robin hood film. the sheriff of Nottingham heavily taxed the poor, and if you couldn't pay then you were thrown in jail. this song was after the scene with the priest was put in jail - unfairly he was defending the poor box, the money was stolen for the sheriff. people who have seen the movie would understand the song better.
I think that Rebecca will go into labor by the near end of the episode, then continue it on Episode 4? Just a thought.
Come Hither and Eye Of The Storm are gonna be the last 2 achievements I think. Here is my guess: Clem and few others from the community will use the speakers to alert the Walkers which leads to hundreds of them invading the community. It will be a battle field and many people will die. When your trying to escape with the group away from the havoc you will find Sarah being eaten by a Walker or even find her broken glasses on the ground and her where about's unknown.
Might sound a bit stupid but that's just my guess.
Why would Kenny kill a little girl for having a name that only slightly sounds the same as Sarita.
That's like Kenny killing Clem because her nickname has 4 letters like Duck does.
Yes, because that's exactly what we need right now. Another character going missing.
not that i want to be mean or anything... but i dont think that will happen. i think it would be to much of a clif hanger.
just a misunderstanding.
and in the eye means "in the middle of all the hundreds of walkers"
@clukeforlife, its twd, ANYTHING can happen at any time.
I think Clem might steal a walkie-talkie and use it to attract walkers.