Well, looks like it'll have to be out on the 28th if this game is going to come out in October.
I've gotta say, these long delays are kind of irritating (the first ep was supposed to be out in what, June, right?), seems kind of odd that the PC gamers have to wait for Nintendo to set a Wiiware release date so we can get the game.
At least with Sam & Max, Telltale had control over release times, I'll think twice about purchasing the next series which is simultaneously coming out on a console...
Guess it comes out on the 27th. Unless.... 1) Nintendo gives us a huge surprise and releases it tomorrow, or 2) Nintendo gives us a surprise and doesn't release it in October, ruining Telltale's release schedule.
We and Nintendo are intending an October release, but of course it's not official until it's official. At the moment, the game is still in submission. As usual, when we know, we'll let you guys know!
It's going through Nintendo's certification process, which every game ever released for the Wii must go through. When it's through that, we should know the release date.
Approval-shmoval, its holding back the release. We all know that it's going to get approved, so why are they standing on formality?
What if Nintendo does not approve an episode? Will you still release the PC version on time? Or hold it back untill you fix the Wii version and resubmit it? Would you make the same changes to the PC version? what If the game is not out on the 27th and the release schedule gets all screwed up, again? When did these bureaucrats get in the way of my game? Does this mean I get to have my Yearly forum-splitting blowout?
We and Nintendo are intending an October release, but of course it's not official until it's official. At the moment, the game is still in submission. As usual, when we know, we'll let you guys know!
Emily, as always, has the answers.
Expecting the game to come out tomorrow, I'm slightly annoyed, but it's all good. I'm using this extra time to play Chariot of the Dogs, again. Man! I can't get enough time traveling action. It's so awesome!
I hope all y'all can keep it together so we don't have a riot over this... (flashbacks of Episode 1 delay... jibblie...jibblie...jibblie...)
Meh, bit dissapointing. It's not monthly episodes now, it's month and a week-ly episodes. Still, this delay probably means that it's gonna be uber awesome... or that nintendo are just a bit crap.
New H*R short soon. That'll cheer us up.
Out of interest, what wiiware game was released in America today?
Hmmmm...... Yeah. I gotta admit, waiting around for Nintendo is getting seriously irksome.
Couldn't Telltale say "Oh hey, you PC users can get it today but those Wiiware folks will just have to wait until next Monday" and then see what happens at Nintendo after the outcry from Wiiware users?
Nah.... I know, no way.
Eh. This bugs me a bit, but it's not the end of the world. By Decemberween, I'm sure I'll have my 5 episodes and a disc will be in production. If not, then I'll have 4 episodes and a finale to look forward to, with a disc in production soon after that! ;-)
We'll all get our games. Anyone who can't find anything to do in-between episodes needs to do some serious evaluation of their lives and their priorities. Nobody promised to you that it would be out on the 15th, the Monday closest to the 15th, or whatever.
I do hope, however, that Telltale learns from this and alters their development/submission process to allow for more consistent monthly releases next time...if that's at all possible, and if they do the downloads on consoles thing again.
Perhaps develop an episode ahead, or something like that. Because while I'm a patient fellow, a more consistent monthly release schedule would be much appreciated, thank you. ;-)
Therefore, Nintendo=Jerks
Nintendo/Telltale=Able to fix memory issues on Wii version.
It's simple math.
*Except in horrible, horrible Slash Fan Fiction...
Because it's not ready?
It's not? Awwww
I've gotta say, these long delays are kind of irritating (the first ep was supposed to be out in what, June, right?), seems kind of odd that the PC gamers have to wait for Nintendo to set a Wiiware release date so we can get the game.
At least with Sam & Max, Telltale had control over release times, I'll think twice about purchasing the next series which is simultaneously coming out on a console...
♪ Saturday is the date,
But still no release date ♪
♪ Baddest of the Bands is nay,
And The Dark Knight has been pwn'd today ♪
♪Cool Tapes will rock the show then,
But not even The Dark Knight knows when♪
We and Nintendo are intending an October release, but of course it's not official until it's official.
Oh, yeah. That's the mature way to handle this.
What if Nintendo does not approve an episode? Will you still release the PC version on time? Or hold it back untill you fix the Wii version and resubmit it? Would you make the same changes to the PC version? what If the game is not out on the 27th and the release schedule gets all screwed up, again? When did these bureaucrats get in the way of my game? Does this mean I get to have my Yearly forum-splitting blowout?
You have a deeper grasp of the world of console publishing than all of us, I see ¬¬
Emily, as always, has the answers.
Expecting the game to come out tomorrow, I'm slightly annoyed, but it's all good. I'm using this extra time to play Chariot of the Dogs, again. Man! I can't get enough time traveling action. It's so awesome!
I hope all y'all can keep it together so we don't have a riot over this... (flashbacks of Episode 1 delay... jibblie...jibblie...jibblie...)
I don't think so, they may have a contract with Nintendo that says that they can't release the PC version without the Wii version.
Sounds like it!
its always hours away:)
New H*R short soon. That'll cheer us up.
Out of interest, what wiiware game was released in America today?
Couldn't Telltale say "Oh hey, you PC users can get it today but those Wiiware folks will just have to wait until next Monday" and then see what happens at Nintendo after the outcry from Wiiware users?
Nah.... I know, no way.
We'll all get our games. Anyone who can't find anything to do in-between episodes needs to do some serious evaluation of their lives and their priorities. Nobody promised to you that it would be out on the 15th, the Monday closest to the 15th, or whatever.
I do hope, however, that Telltale learns from this and alters their development/submission process to allow for more consistent monthly releases next time...if that's at all possible, and if they do the downloads on consoles thing again.
Perhaps develop an episode ahead, or something like that. Because while I'm a patient fellow, a more consistent monthly release schedule would be much appreciated, thank you. ;-)
Yes, yes it is. Anywayz, I am now playing Night Of The Raving Dead to pass the time! Danke, Telltale!