Homstarrunner Easter Egg Found

1.Go To Homestarrunner.com

2.Go To Toons

3.Click Toons On The Remote

4.Click On The King Of Town Toon On The Bottom

5.Click On The Mustashe

6. Click On Brick Behine It

7. Cheak Oue The Game&Email

Oh & Click The 8 On The Bottem On The Main Menu That Says CopyRight 2000-2008 For A Cool Something From Homesar


  • edited September 2008
    Uh, no this isn't really something new... The KOT main page was an April fools joke from the chaps a few years back (they just keep it hidden there for posterity).

    And the homsar main page was a strong bad email easter egg that was eventually linked to the main page itself.

    Anyways, may I suggest going over the H*R wiki? It has lots of interesting facts, and a comprehensive list of all the known easter eggs on the site.
  • edited September 2008
    There oughta be a Main Page inspired by SBCG4AP! It would have Strong Bad, disguised as Homestar Runner, with the following things:

    TOONS - "Oh, hewwo. I'm Homestar Wunner. TOONS!"

    Games - "GAMES!" (Strong Mad pops up, shouting "SBCG4AP!!")

    Characters - "Chawacters." (Naked Homestar runs from a bush in the background, startling either Coach Z, and/or The King of Town)

    Downloads - "DOWNWOADS!"

    Store - "STORE!" (Bubs walks by, saying "Wanna buy something? Everybody wanna buy something.")

    Email - "EMAAAIL! SHUT UP, HOMESTAR! Whoa, I even had myself convinced!"
  • edited September 2008
    Oi! They've already got too many Main Pages as it is! :p Also I dunno if they're ever going to put in references to the game, seeing how you'd have to have bought it to get them. But then, they have already referenced toons that were removed from the site, so who knows.
  • edited October 2008
    That would be "TOtlly GR8!!!" what if the cursor was a little blue dot.
    Or a P1 hand(like in the wii menu)
  • There oughta be a Main Page inspired by SBCG4AP! It would have Strong Bad, disguised as Homestar Runner, with the following things:

    TOONS - "Oh, hewwo. I'm Homestar Wunner. TOONS!"

    Games - "GAMES!" (Strong Mad pops up, shouting "SBCG4AP!!")

    Characters - "Chawacters." (Naked Homestar runs from a bush in the background, startling either Coach Z, and/or The King of Town)

    Downloads - "DOWNWOADS!"

    Store - "STORE!" (Bubs walks by, saying "Wanna buy something? Everybody wanna buy something.")

    Email - "EMAAAIL! SHUT UP, HOMESTAR! Whoa, I even had myself convinced!"
    They had better make one by the Season 1 Finale (Last Episode)
  • edited October 2008
    Dash383535 wrote: »
    1.Go To Homestarrunner.com

    2.Go To Toons

    3.Click Toons On The Remote

    4.Click On The King Of Town Toon On The Bottom

    5.Click On The Mustashe

    6. Click On Brick Behine It

    7. Cheak Oue The Game&Email

    Oh & Click The 8 On The Bottem On The Main Menu That Says CopyRight 2000-2008 For A Cool Something From Homesar

    cool. and go to http://www.homestarrunner.com/hremail49.html


    those are homestar runner emails. :)
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