Strong Badia the Free: To buy or not to buy

Hey everyone, I'm considering buying Strong Badia the Free, but I'm not sure if I want to spend $20 on Wii points if I'm not gonna like the game.Can you give me your honest opinion of the game?


  • edited September 2008
    Well, for one, each episode is only $10, not $20. And YES, YES YOU SHOULD buy them. The episodes are a bit short, but it's packed with so much to do. It's a lot of fun, and there are a lot of collectibles to unlock. Plus, it's worth playing through the game again just to watch a certain 5-second clip with Homsar. And a certain minigame at the end is very challenging, but a lot of fun. So buy it. Buy it now.
  • edited September 2008
    Well, for one, each episode is only $10, not $20.

    I know, but I don't want to give any credit card info to get points online, and if you buy 'em at a store, you have to get 2000 points at a time.
  • edited September 2008
    You could use the rest of it to buy Episode 3 when it comes out.
  • edited September 2008
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    You could use the rest of it to buy Episode 3 when it comes out.
    Or, if you don't have it, episode 1.
  • edited September 2008
    Or play safe and also use the points card for Mega Man 9 as second game, assuming if you don't have the game. Otherwise, Pokémon Snap.
  • edited September 2008
    GaryCXJk wrote: »
    Or play safe and also use the points card for Mega Man 9 as second game, assuming if you don't have the game. Otherwise, Super Mario RPG.
  • edited September 2008
    Super Mario RPG, doo do do doo doo doo doo doo doooooo...
  • edited September 2008
    Super Mario RPG, doo do do doo doo doo doo doo doooooo...
    Super Mario RPG
    It is the only one just for me
    When I play the game, I got lost in the phase
    Then I find out I'm stuck in Geno's Maze!
  • edited September 2008
    Give me star egg, give something, doo do doo doo doo doo doo doo do doo doo doo...
  • edited September 2008
    Mario: Gimme Frog Coins!
    Bowser: Gimme Mario!
    Mario: Gimme Frog Coins!
    Bowser: Gimme Mallow!
    Mario: Gimme See ya!
    Bowser: Gimme Geno!
    Mario: Gimme Cookies!
    Magikoopa: Of course, we will get you that Mario!
    Bowser: We need to mute that stupid voice!
    Mario: I need to get those damn frog coins!

    OK, this has gone waaaay off-topic. So, yes. Buy Strong Badia the Free.
  • edited September 2008
    *channels Strong Bad once again*
    strong bad wrote:
    Not going to buy it if you are not going to like it?

    Well Dr. Zoidberg, Wait a sec, what are you claiming to be a doctor of anyways? Have you got a PHD in sucks or something like that? I should start calling myself to be's a docter too.

    Anyways *Mr.* Zoidberg, I am going to assume you are a kid trying to determine if it is worth "borrowing" your Dad's credit card to buy the game. It's a tough call, but its definitely worth the ensuing ass whooping you are going to get from his belt. (but you may want to cut the grass and take that garbage out anyways. That's definitely worth $10 right there!)

    What kind of a question is "Am i going to like it?" anyways? Son, this is the Law of video games... It's not about "liking" a game or not, it's about being cool; and Being cool is all about having the right games on your shelf and desktop (or your Wii menu as the case may be). Imagine all the cool kids and hot girls you will meet if you have my awesome game on your console (even better if you snag a boot-leg box for the game and put it next to your Wii)

    So, yes the game is awesome. Buy it, name your children after it, and ladies, sleep with it under you pillow at night. Oh, and you can send me the rest of those Wii points, if having them in your pocket is going to be a problem.

    Dr. Bad (Da medicine man)

    P.S. Being a cool gamer is also about having an entertainment unit filled with several expensive "next gen" consoles, and a huge display thats so shiny, it can be used as a mirror when its off (so you can stare at your abs). Finish it off by filling the remaining space with a bunch of mature rated, 60$ games that you will never actually play.

    P.P.S. Since you're a doc and all. If I stab strong sad in the face with a pair of scissors (again) but claim he did it to himself, can you have him taken away... again?
  • edited September 2008
    Or, if you don't have it, episode 1.

    I already have 101.So I'd probably used the extra Wii points to buy Operation Wolf!!!!!!!(Just kidding.Why would I unleash such terror on myself?I'd get episode 3 with that money.)

    In an unrelated comment, I hope there's a Decemberween episode at the end of the year!(I guess it's too late for a Halloween episode in October.)
  • edited September 2008

    Super Mario RPG is only 800 / 900, what the hell are you supposed to do with the other 200 / 100 points?
  • edited September 2008
    GaryCXJk wrote: »
    Super Mario RPG is only 800 / 900, what the hell are you supposed to do with the other 200 / 100 points?

    I've had an extra 200 points in my account since late June.I think once DLC starts reaching the Wii(when Guitar Hero: World Tour comes out), the problem of extra Wii points will be solved.
  • edited October 2008
    GaryCXJk wrote: »
    Super Mario RPG is only 800 / 900, what the hell are you supposed to do with the other 200 / 100 points?

    I had 2,000 wii points spent 800 on super mario rpg(finally out:D) and it said I got 1,300 left. I got lucky.
  • edited October 2008
    And you have 1,300 left. It just didn't say that, then show 1,200. Are you SURE you have 1,300?
  • edited October 2008
    yeah but now it's 3,300 because I got wii points for sbcg4ap.
  • edited October 2008
    2000 - 800 = 1300?

    (No offense)
  • edited October 2008
    Dangerzone wrote: »
    *channels Strong Bad once again*

    Oh so you're close friends with him now are you? well I'm friends with Original Bubs then!
    Alright Persons! I can see you, from here!
  • edited October 2008
    StonkBad wrote: »
    2000 - 800 = 1300?

    (No offense)

    He did say he got lucky, and I'm pretty sure he's not talking about women.
  • edited October 2008
    Well, I can channel Marshie. Well, not really "channel" so much as "be forcibly taken over with no apparent cause or reason". That's probably why so many people hate me.
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