more polls!!!!

edited April 2014 in The Walking Dead

I created more polls because you guys seemed to like them.
support your choice but be nice about it. least favorite out of the cabin group duck or sarah? mark or glenn lee or clem omid or christa?


  • edited April 2014
    1. Rebecca. She is my least favorite because she threatened to hurt/kill Clementine. I realize she is trying her best to make amends, but out of all of them, she is still my least favorite, though I can still forgive her. I mean, if she was indeed raped, I can understand her fear of Clem being with Carver, but it still doesn't really excuse that behavior.
    2. Duck, because he's Duck.
    3. Mark. He didn't have much as a character and was underdeveloped, but I just think Glenn is oversensitive sometimes. You can't please the man with that choice with Irene :^/
    4. Didn't vote
    5. Didn't vote
  • I didn't feel like it.

    zombieet posted: »

    why didnt you vote on the last 2?

  • why didnt you vote on the last 2?

    * Rebecca. She is my least favorite because she threatened to hurt/kill Clementine. I realize she is trying her best to make amends, but o

  • 1.Rebecca

  • 3.) Over-sensitive? He watched a lady blow her brains out, possibly right in front of him. He was mopey afterwards, but I think he handled it pretty well, all things considered.

    * Rebecca. She is my least favorite because she threatened to hurt/kill Clementine. I realize she is trying her best to make amends, but o

  • edited April 2014
    1. Rebecca (She's bitchy, and when she's not being a bitch, she's just annoying)
    2. Duck (Less annoying)
    3. Mark (If this is comparing Game Glenn to Mark, then I would choose Mark, but if it was comparing TV show or comic Glenn with Mark, I would choose Glenn.)
    4. Clem (Well she's my favorite character)
    5. Omid (I always love a comic relief character)
    1. Rebecca. She's friendly when she's not having her mood swings, but when she is she's completely unbearable. She wanted to kill Clem and didn't even bat an eye when Pete suggested amputating her, that's pretty harsh. I have difficulty forgiving her for that, but I am warming up to her more.
    2. I like both, but Sarah. She seems like a more interesting character, in my opinion.
    3. Mark, he's a nice guy. Not much personality and a bit too eager to trust, but he's still alright. I think he should've replaced game-Glenn, maybe then he wouldn't feel so much like a redshirt and we'd know a little more about him.
    4. I don't really have a preference over either, but Lee. S2 feels weird without him.
    5. It was a close tie... but, Christa. Don't get me wrong, I love Omid, but Christa is my favorite character.
  • edited April 2014

    who the hell voted pete for least favorite?

    Alt text

  • Jesus, Sarah or Duck? That's a tough question...

  • Rebecca





    1.Rebecca 2.Duck 3.Glenn 4.Clementine 5.Omid

  • edited April 2014

    Carlos, Duck, Glenn, Clem, Christa because she was with clem longer

    1. Nick
    2. Duck
    3. Mark
    4. Lee
    5. Omid
  • 1: Rebecca

    2: Duck

    3: Glenn

    4: Clementine


  • They aren't annoying in my opinion. I find them funny.

    Rafoli posted: »

    Jesus, Sarah or Duck? That's a tough question...

  • 1.Carlos 2.What the ____ 3.Mark 4.Clementine 5.Omid,obviously

  • 1.Carlos

  • You give Irene the gun and he get's pissed...

    You don't give Irene the gun and he get's pissed...

    nothing pleases the man!

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    3.) Over-sensitive? He watched a lady blow her brains out, possibly right in front of him. He was mopey afterwards, but I think he handled it pretty well, all things considered.

    1. I can't choose because I actually like all of them now? Lol
    2. This was hard but Imma have to go with Sarah. She reminds me of a few of my cousins. But Duck was adorable
    3. Mark (but I love comics guessing this is based off of only the games)
    4. DONT
    5. DONT
  • wow trolls about great

    1: Rebecca 2: Duck 3: Glenn 4: Clementine 5:Omid

  • edited April 2014
    1. Initially, it was Rebecca that made my mad. Now...
    2. Sarah. I don't recall a pinky swear between Clem and Duck.
    3. Good Guy Mark, of course.
    4. This is cruel...
    5. Christa. Taking care of Clem, even after the Pitstop Incident? Good job, Christa. Lee and Omid are proud.
  • I mean, I liked Duck just like I do with Sarah now.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    They aren't annoying in my opinion. I find them funny.

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