What has TWD taught you?



    1. Clementine is an awesome name
    2. Don't trust people
    3. Some children are still awesome
  • It taught me that silence is a valid option "..."

    Or, don't be fuckin' rude or it bites you on the ass

  • What I learned is that small things you do or say could make a big difference later.

  • Comment of the year

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    It hasn't taught me patience, that's for fuckin' sure.

  • What i learned is how to survive

  • edited April 2014

    It taught me that not everyone is good at batteries. R.I.P. Carley. You made my day in that scene. :D :(

  • I've learned that in this world we need to keep our humanity strong and alive

  • you should have learnt new version of Xombire. these days new version are avilable in the market.

  • edited April 2014

    No matter how cruel people are towards you.. Don't let them bring you down with them

    Alt text

  • ''If people don't trust you, how can you trust them?''

    Plus some other things, but that is just really good advice!

  • Well, animal shit makes a smokeless fire, I've learned that children won't always give me headaches if I'm stuck with a cool one (like Clem), someone always needs to be the morale compass and I'll be damned if I'm not it!

  • edited April 2014

    But without taking risks, they might've died. I'm not saying they should've taken the risks all the time, but don't you think that it's neccesary once in a while?

    Giraffehat posted: »

    NEVER take risks. We "risked" going to the St. John dairy, most people "risked" taking the stranger's food, most people "risked" keeping Ben alive and most people "risked" Lee bleeding out due to amputation. Gotta play it safe if you want to survive.

  • MrLeeMrLee Banned
    edited April 2014
    1. I believed Clem was my daughter but she is a game character... So... Yeah
    2. People can be realy mean
    3. A asshole who you brought back to life and he hits you in the face and threatens you.
    4. I learned to survive the worst cliffhanger EVER MADE IN A GAME OR SHOW... SEASON 1 ENDING!
    5. Don't trust a nice woman on the farm
  • Okay, pardon my poor phrasing. I meant as few risks as possible.

    But without taking risks, they might've died. I'm not saying they should've taken the risks all the time, but don't you think that it's neccesary once in a while?

  • Glitches, unexplained delays, and broken games are no big deal as long as they are from cool indie Devs.

  • It has taugh me that helping your friends and family will most likely get you killed! Just look at Doug, Shawn, Ben, Lee, Omid and Brie!

  • Well how can you trust anyone then?

    jansai posted: »

    ''If people don't trust you, how can you trust them?'' -Carver Plus some other things, but that is just really good advice!

  • I've learned that there are shitty doctors roaming the earth,like ones who can steal your boat under your noise and others who can't tell a walker bite from a dog bite.

  • But is this also something you think would apply to situations in normal/everday life?
    Because in a ZA your comment makes sense, however I'm curious about your opinion of the applicability of this statement when talking about real life (if you don't mind me asking, I'm not sure whether you're talking about real life or in-game/
    ZA morals).

    Don't make friends, because they are more than likely to die horrible deaths while you watch.

  • I've learned that milking your fans for money with half-assed attempts at storytelling is a bad thing to do as an entertainer. Much worse than giving a splendidly horrible work. Kirkman.

  • You don't just end it 'cause it's hard. You stick it out, and you help the folks you care about. - Kenny

    That's a valuable lesson. You can use this advice on life. No matter how hard life is, you can't just give up.

  • Sooooooooo true!

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    * Clementine is an awesome name * Don't trust people * Some children are still awesome

  • Hell yeah!

    Legendary12 posted: »

    No matter how cruel people are towards you.. Don't let them bring you down with them

  • Yeah, but they have the rage.

  • I learned a lot about good writing, actually.

    Also learned that there is rarely such thing as the 'right' choice. If the decision is important enough, hard feelings are basically unavoidable.

  • I've learned how to be a good father.

    PS I made one like this before when I was new as well. HI NEWCOMER!

  • HI :D

    I've learned how to be a good father. PS I made one like this before when I was new as well. HI NEWCOMER!

  • You and me, both, Tobi.

    I've learned how to be a good father. PS I made one like this before when I was new as well. HI NEWCOMER!

  • edited May 2014


  • knowing that you'll piss someone off no matter what, but knowing who to piss off who and when

  • I've learned that things are not always as they seem and first impressions are hard to change, but can change easily. I've also learned about how no person's strength has any impact on anything, and you can do anything no matter who you are.

  • edited April 2014

    You always have a choice.


    Being good is good, despite the circumstances.

  • I've learned to: 1) handle intense situations better, 2) how to beat a someone's ass with hand-to-hand combat/ limited weapons, 3) how to not patronize kids, and 4) how love conquers all.

    Examples: 1) Whole game, 2) Whole game, 3) Episode 3, 4) Episode 5

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