do you think clemintine will get beat up? (POLL)

I know it would suck if it were to happen, but seriously, based on the achievements and tweets and stuff, do you think clementine will get beat up in episode 3?? :(



  • edited April 2014

    I really hope not. But if Telltale wants to do it (I don't even want to imagine it...) probably yes.

  • edited April 2014

    While I hope not, I do think that TTG would be brave enough to go there, if it was relevant to the story. She's already been (determinately) pistol-whipped by Carver.

    I don't think it's going to happen though, and if it does it probably won't be full-blown torture. I can't bear to watch that.

  • edited April 2014

    They made her sew her arm up without pain relief, and Carver hit her in the gut and put a gun to her head depending on what decisions the player made. Clementine is so going to get beaten up...probably by the torture of having to listen to Carver sing karaoke while tied to a chair.

    But serious, I am worried. I do think it's possible Clementine will get hurt. I just hope that girl gets some revenge in order afterwards.

  • edited April 2014

    Nope, dont think so. What i think is that Alvin is the one that is going to get beat up and maybe die in this episode. In the ep.3 preview if you save Alvin, you can see him sitting with bruises in a chair while Carver is talking. So its possible Carver or someone else is gonna beat him up.

  • edited April 2014

    People in this forum are so biased, it hurts. They are all in for Clem being more badass, but when it goes to her getting hurt it's "But she's just a little kid!" again. Fucking annoying. Make up your mind, folks. Is she a kid? Or a badass? If you want her to be a badass, then don't complain about a beating. Badasses can take those.

    And besides, there is no "too far" for Telltale. If they want to do it, they will do it.

  • Considering one of the other achievements is has the description "Give back what you got" or something like that with the picture of a bloody crowbar, I think Clem will get some revenge >:D

  • I hope she doesn't get beat up, but I think Telltale has that in mind.

  • edited April 2014

    Clementine: [raises crowbar] THIS IS FOR ALL THE KARAOKE YOU DOUBLE CHINNED MUSTACHED BACON FART! [smashie smash smash wham wham]

    Oh I can't wait >:D

    That1Guy posted: »

    Considering one of the other achievements is has the description "Give back what you got" or something like that with the picture of a bloody crowbar, I think Clem will get some revenge >:D

  • She'll get hit once, and then Kenny will step in and fight Carver himself. I can see Kenny being incredibly protective of Clementine from now on.

  • I feel like it won't be as bad as Carlos but she get punched a few times or something...I don't think Telltale would show something that bad...But on the other hand, we did have to see her stitch her arm up. I guess we have to wait and see?

  • It's most likely a mental beatdown, such as watching Kenny get beaten.

  • And for Alvin?

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Clementine: [raises crowbar] THIS IS FOR ALL THE KARAOKE YOU DOUBLE CHINNED MUSTACHED BACON FART! [smashie smash smash wham wham] Oh I can't wait >:D

  • But what if Alvin dies in your playthrough?

  • Clemintine's going to go all Gordon Freeman on Carver I'd imagine.

    That1Guy posted: »

    Considering one of the other achievements is has the description "Give back what you got" or something like that with the picture of a bloody crowbar, I think Clem will get some revenge >:D

  • edited April 2014

    She's not little, she's not a badass; she's alive.

  • I don't think she'll get seriously beat up, she'll probably get a couple of hits but I doubt TTG will go THAT far.

  • talking about realism in a zombie-apocalypse game ?

  • You guys are taking it far maybe isn't caver that will beat her up maybe Becca or Bonnie or someone else.

  • "Well, then we're fucked. We'll just deal with it then."

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    But what if Alvin dies in your playthrough?

  • but yeah, i understand what you wanna tell me

  • "Strong women are stupid" - GOUSTTTT

  • Maybe Carver ends up beating Kenny i dunno...

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    But what if Alvin dies in your playthrough?

  • Going for the tall walker makes her even more badass. Luke doesn't like it :P

  • Considering it says got beaten up i'd say yes

  • edited April 2014

    Carver sing karaoke while tied to a chair.

    Is that a Reservoir Dogs reference?

  • Yes.

    The achievement description is from a POV that implies you, as the player, get beaten down.

  • Well 1) She's been killing zombies for two years so there's bound to be some muscle 2) She can pull herself up so she can probably bash some heads 3) Zombies that are that decayed probably are a bit softer 4) You just jelly :P

  • I don't think it's that surprising for someone to beat up a kid... I mean it'd be a really powerful scene, but if people are fucked up enough to do BAD THINGS to corpses then beating up a kid is almost nothing, but trust me, Carver will pay if he lays a finger on Clem-Clem.

  • Ugh. I hate Becca. I've never hated a character in the game as much as her.

    poplee posted: »

    You guys are taking it far maybe isn't caver that will beat her up maybe Becca or Bonnie or someone else.

  • edited April 2014

    LOL at the people who say telltale wouldn't go that far, as to let Clem get beaten up.They have already gone beyond that.
    FAR WORST things happen to Clem if you fail the QTE's.
    Episode 1 of this season , Clem can be shot in the head by the bandits that had Crista.She can be killed by Sam the dog with a bite to her neck.She can be eaten by walkers.

  • What if you didn't try to find him in Episode 2? Do you think he'll still be friendly to Clementine? If you tried to save Larry, then you'll know what he did to Lee in the beginning of Episode 3.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    She'll get hit once, and then Kenny will step in and fight Carver himself. I can see Kenny being incredibly protective of Clementine from now on.

  • I think the person whose attitude towards Clem will change depending on that option will be Carlos. In looking for Kenny he'll think you prolonged his suffering.

    I know Kenny blames her for giving up but I think his protectiveness of her would overcome that.

    Conduit42 posted: »

    What if you didn't try to find him in Episode 2? Do you think he'll still be friendly to Clementine? If you tried to save Larry, then you'll know what he did to Lee in the beginning of Episode 3.

  • If Clem is sassy and disrespectful then sure she'll get beat up as she'd deserve it.

  • edited April 2014

    Kenny has a tendency to not let things go. He wouldn't even offer to help Lee find Clementine if you didn't help kill Larry in front of her. Anyway, I hope you're right.

    Edit: Nevermind, but don't forget about Sarah's view on Clementine. Prolonging her dad's suffering and all.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    I think the person whose attitude towards Clem will change depending on that option will be Carlos. In looking for Kenny he'll think you pro

  • edited April 2014

    I really hope its a fight between Clem and Becca because I cant stand that bitch. I want clementine to lay the smack down.

  • To the person who beats up Clem...

    Alt text

  • If she does get beaten, then all the politicians and anti-game activists will come down on this game. Hard.

  • If ANYONE Lays a hand on clementine I will simply find a way into the game, and kick their Asses....

  • edited April 2014

    Probably not. Failing action sequences can already lead to her getting disemboweled/shot in the head/eaten, and there hasn't been shit stirred about that.

    If she does get beaten, then all the politicians and anti-game activists will come down on this game. Hard.

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