How will you play it with Carver in Episode 3?
Okay so we know we don’t have complete free choice in this game [as in whether or not you go to lock that door to the cabin or not, Carver’s going to come right on in anyway] so whatever happens will probably happen regardless, with the exceptions that few characters might live and so on and so forth.
But, what I want to ask you guys: is how are you going to interact with Carver come episode 3 at his camp? As you going to be straight up “you’re a dick” to him in every dialogue choice so it’s made very clear you are not happy there and hate his smoky guts? Or are you going to play it cool so he doesn’t suspect anything?
For me, I’ll be playing it cool like I did in the cabin, and not go reaching for any sharp pointy objects in Carver’s presence for as long as possible, all in the hopes he won’t suspect Clementine as any other than just a harmless little girl. So in the event Carver ever asks “How you enjoying your stay here?” I’ll be sure to have Clementine say “Fantastic! You just murdered someone over there and beat up Kenny a minute ago, but I’m good, just peachy!”
I know maybe we won’t be able to keep such an act up, since when shit hits the fan, it will. But I’m definitely going that path anyway since I’d like to try and catch Carver off guard, even if Clem or the group happen to get in trouble. And also after the choice I caught online of the with ‘(?) Carver will remember that’ message if you have Clementine rush in to help Alvin and Carver gut punches her, I figure I don’t want anything giving away how tough a cookie Clem really is.
What about you? What will you do?
In the Cabin I also played it cool, Didn't go for the knife and stayed silent and gave him no info whatsoever, just gave him a dirty look when he found out i knew them. I will play it smart but silent at times.. I will try to make him feel guilty about what he is doing and use "my" Lee as a driving force to help me remember that what this guy is doing is against what my Lee taught Clementine and that is what i will express to Carver through my dialogue options. I want Carver to learn more from Clem than Clem does from Carver.. And maybe before Carver dies, he might have some sort of regret of his actions.
I'm going to play it Machiavelli style, stay cool and wait for an opportunity to strike.
Are you sure your not TURBO NACHOS!?
Are you alright?
In episode 3, I'm not listening to a fucking word he says for me to do. But unless he starts threatening to kill one of the group, then it's a whole different story. First chance that I get though, he's a dead man.
Nah, man. He forgot his LSD at a party last night.
Your profile picture is incredible.
I'll try to be chill and non-obstructive towards him. Getting on his bad side won't benefit either of us. So for the most part I'll be compliant, unless he starts physically/verbally threatening someone, in which case I'll defend them as much as possible. I'd actually like to know more about Carver and his group, so calling him a dick probably won't allow me to do so.
I want to see if I can get details about him and the cabin group. While they seem nice, I'm not sold. It's like a cloud is hanging over them; I only need to wait until it spills. It'd be nice to know what my Clem is getting into. So I'll be cool. We've all seen what he's capable of, so if I can avoid that side of him.... Might suck up a little pride for the safety of the others. I don't know. Should be a fun dynamic regardless!
I'm gonna spit in his eggs
I'll try to play it smooth, but then a smart ass dialogue option will come along that's just to good to pass up, and then the gloves come off.
I'm going to be mean to him and not do what he says, making sure to tell him how horrible of a person he is every chance I get. I'm trying to see if I can get him to crack. Hopefully by the time we strike he will be unsure of himself and we can finish him off.
I'm looking our for numero uno, Clem. If others suffer because of that then so be it but I'm not going to try and get on his bad side.
I am going to be relax and play as smart as possible. Carver seem to try convince people of things not true. he is likely bend what happens to suit him, so by the end of the day he will remain boss of the community. other people are going to know the truth, I will try and convince them so I will learn more, and I am going to try the fill in the gaps. If I can't trust anyone then i'll try and get Clem out of that place.
In my game he pointed a gun at me, so I'm going to be the "Be Nicer to Me"/Laser eye Clem.
I played the assertive, but not aggressive Clementine in episodes 1 & 2 and will do the same in #3. I want Carver (and others) to know they can't walk all over me, and I will have no qualms about standing up for myself. But I also want the fact that people underestimate me, such as I confided to Walter, to work in my favor.
Clem will bide her time, not making waves but working subversively against Carver until the time is right to act. I may even pretend to work with him depending on how far I would have to go. Then depending on the big reveal in episode 3 (i.e. Carver's and the cabin group's motives) I will decide the best way to deal with the fallout.
And oh yes, there will be fallout.
I'm going to be cautious, just like I was when he forced his way into the cabin. I wasn't overly rude, but I was hardly friendly. Clem was an unarmed kid-he clearly had the advantage. And that will be even more true in his camp. Letting this guy know exactly what you think of him just isn't smart. He could take his anger out on you or someone else, or could do something violent to send a message, like at the lodge.
I want to play Diplomatic and strictly firm,
I want to play Firm to let him know that I am not gonna be his good friend, and to let him know that how much of an asshole he was to kill Walter and pull a gun/kill his pregnant "lover's" husband in front of her eyes.
I also need to play Diplomatic for all of my people like Kenny, Sarita, Nick, Carlos, Sarah and Luke. I want to let him know that I am their protector now and that he will have to get through me if they have to lay a single hand on them.
I am actually really scared for Kenny and Nick...none of them have a good calm mentality that are flexible in situations.
Alongside I really want to know Carver, what his motives are, his personality and how much of a sociopath he is. and Investigate the cabin group (hopefully I wont forget that in the way like an idiot)
I'm most likely going to also play it cool when interacting with Carver so that I can get some information out of him about the cabin group, why Alvin killed George, his side of the story about the Rebecca fiasco, etc. But, I won't hesitate to try & intervine if someone is in danger like I did with Alvin. Super Clem will come to rescue whenever possible. :P
Don't know yet. Gonna pull a wild-card.
Ill go along with everything until someones life is on the line then ill try to intervene. Maybe even talk to him making him change his mind about things even though Im not really on his side just going to make it look like Im on his side. I can see people trying to kill him first chance they get but most likely you'll fail and someone will jump in and protect you from the backlash getting them hurt or killed.
Best to play it smart not hot headed.
Honestly noone can tell for sure how he/she will gonna play this episode. This depends on the situation but... yes, we can have predictions, yeah. For example, I'm planning to be suspiscious. I will probably try to help everyone else and I won't let Carver to win. At least, I will try but lik I said - it depends on what will happen in episode 3.
2nd episode was so long ago that i had to replay it to refresh my memory and give judjement to anything.
I'm going to be as sassy as possible still. But if he acts more threatening and scary, I'll probably tone down the attitude.
Right now, I've done little to provide Carver with any suspicion that Clem is more capable than someone would assume of a child her age. I've lied to him, defended the cabin group, and haven't made any attempts to dismantle his efforts that he could observe. Beyond that, and saying anything that would be a red flag, I'll be honest, silent when I don't like my options, and avoid licking his proverbial boots.
Play it cool. But if Kenny dies. I don't give a crap about it anymore. Just act like a dick
He's going to be my best friend, until he turns his back on me. That's when I strike!
Seriously though, I'm going to try and stay on his good side, simply to protect Clem and the rest of the group while secretly forging an evil plan to kill the bastard. I will, however, show him that my Clem is strong and can handle herself to earn his respect and then later kill him off with no regret.
Fuck Carver.
Pretend in being scared/ befriending him then in the best opportunity, he's screwed.
I'll show him Clem's a badass, be calculated and try to befriend him, and when the time comes I'll pistol whip him in the head.
I be nice and when I get my change... I take him down and save my group