sorry about that my friend was on my profile while i went out for lunch i really aploizge for this his sick and throught these pedo comments about Clementine was funny. I am so sorry about this, i will make sure it will never happened again
sorry about that my friend was on my profile while i went out for lunch i really aploizge for this his sick and throught these pedo comments about Clementine was funny. I am so sorry about this, i will make sure it will never happened again
sorry about that my friend was on my profile while i went out for lunch i really aploizge for this his sick and throught these pedo comments about Clementine was funny. I am so sorry about this, i will make sure it will never happened again
that is not fair, my stupid friend was playing this sick joke i promise it will never happend again, if you see my past history there is no sign of pedo comments, it's just this time only because of my stupid friend. Why did you put a FBI link seriously, remember this is just a video game the characters are not real..
I am a big fan of the walking dead games and clem is my favorite character but i never would say pedo comments like this, please ingore those comments, i have just changed all of my comments and replied to them as Christa is my favorite and she is hot.
that is not fair, my stupid friend was playing this sick joke i promise it will never happend again, if you see my past history there is no … moresign of pedo comments, it's just this time only because of my stupid friend. Why did you put a FBI link seriously, remember this is just a video game the characters are not real..
I am a big fan of the walking dead games and clem is my favorite character but i never would say pedo comments like this, please ingore those comments, i have just changed all of my comments and replied to them as Christa is my favorite and she is hot.
Indeed it is. Thanks for apologizing. I don't have the ability to ban though. But if I did you would be banned because I would have thought you were a pedophile troll. Be more careful. Even if you were banned you can still make another account..
thanks, it won't happend again. I seen someone posted a FBI link i mean i understand there are pedo comments but this is just a video game and clem is not a real child so i don't get that by 'green613',
Indeed it is. Thanks for apologizing. I don't have the ability to ban though. But if I did you would be banned because I would have thought you were a pedophile troll. Be more careful. Even if you were banned you can still make another account..
I knew it was. The quotation marks kind of gave it away.
Anyway, it's coming along pretty well. Everyone seems to be enjoying it, especially the last chapter with Mike and MP.
sorry about that my friend was on my profile while i went out for lunch i really aploizge for this his sick and throught these pedo comments about Clementine was funny. I am so sorry about this, i will make sure it will never happened again
Heh. You're probably still gonna get banned. Don't worry, they can't IP ban.
OH RLY? You better make sure it doesn't happen again. Its sick. If he thinks its funny then I wouldn't be his friend but that's just me.
i have editied all my comments my friend made he was playing a sick sick joke and thinks it was funny.
I like Christa i think she is very hot. no one in there proper mind would say Clem is hot she's just a child.
that is not fair, my stupid friend was playing this sick joke i promise it will never happend again, if you see my past history there is no sign of pedo comments, it's just this time only because of my stupid friend. Why did you put a FBI link seriously, remember this is just a video game the characters are not real..
I am a big fan of the walking dead games and clem is my favorite character but i never would say pedo comments like this, please ingore those comments, i have just changed all of my comments and replied to them as Christa is my favorite and she is hot.
i promise this will never happened again if it does you can banned me forever because my account is my responsibility.
...or you got scared when presented with the link, but eh. None of my business, just keep your friend away from this community, it's for the best.
Thats absurd.I live by"Never jack off more than you've eatin that day".
Indeed it is. Thanks for apologizing. I don't have the ability to ban though. But if I did you would be banned because I would have thought you were a pedophile troll. Be more careful. Even if you were banned you can still make another account..
Are you tellin the truth jack?
Whatever you say... I'm just going to back away now...
thanks, it won't happend again. I seen someone posted a FBI link i mean i understand there are pedo comments but this is just a video game and clem is not a real child so i don't get that by 'green613',
Goodbye sir.
She looks so beautiful in the moonlight
who is jack?
no way.....
I forgot all about Apple Juice!
Apple Juice is definitely the hottest one in the game. So sexy.

Mark is in the same lover category as Rick Grimes, it seems.
MMM those chins....
"Strong six"
I knew it was. The quotation marks kind of gave it away.
Anyway, it's coming along pretty well. Everyone seems to be enjoying it, especially the last chapter with Mike and MP.
What I would do to see her double chin in full glory again...
Carley, Lily, Molly, Christa, Stephanie, Sarita,
I think Sarita is really pretty c:
XD What is with you and zombie herpes?
I liked that, too. I still like Yes fucking way more.
Definitely Lily.
This is her human twin, just for the imagination.
What about Molly's sister?
Shel, Christa, and Carley for me tbh
Wow they're almost identical xD that's amazing
Yep. That would be Evangeline Lilly, coincidentally.
Or perhaps it's not a coincidence and Telltale did this on purpose.
Carley, and also Shel is pretty hot too. Lol we should do a who is most ugliest in TWD thread.
What about Rebecca? She's urban.