Bosco or Bubs

Do you like Bubs,or Bosco?
Bubs owns a concession stand and likes to rip people off!!!
Bosco owns the "Bosco Inconvenience Store" and is paranoid.
Bubs is shown as the bartender of club techno-chocolate in SBCG4AP.
Bosco frequintly dresses in strange disquises.
Who's your favorite!?!?


  • edited October 2008
    I BUNNO!?! WHOS URS!?1/!?!/!/1/!11randomnumbers

    Kidding. I'm gonna have to go with Bubsco, a mix between the two.
  • edited October 2008
    While I love Bubs' blatant dishonesty and such, Bosco's paranoia and attitude are even more fun.
  • edited October 2008
    Bosco! I love Bosco! HE IS AWESOME!
  • edited October 2008
    Do you like Bubs,or Bosco?
    Bubs owns a concession stand and likes to rip people off!!!
    Bosco owns the "Bosco Inconvenience Store" and is paranoid and rips people off.
    Bubs is shown as the bartender of club techno-chocolate in SBCG4AP, and has never been seen in the same place as the Thnikkaman.
    Bosco frequently dresses in strange disguises.
    Who's your favorite!?!?


    Bosco, they're the same character except that Bubs hasn't got the whole paranoia thing going for him, even if he probably has a really sketchy past.
    "I'm sorry, I thought you said Navajo blankets."
    "Have you got any Navajo blankets?"
  • edited October 2008
    You cannot beat Bosco's. Guns, liquor, baby needs, and the only store in the world to sell broken satellites at 100 trillion a pop.
  • edited October 2008
    Yeah, but Bubs' Concession Stand has everything, TWICE!
  • edited October 2008
    I like Bubs,probably because I have been familiar with him for so long.
    But Bosco doesn't have over 99 ways to rip you off.
    And Bosco doesn't sell all kinds of crazy crap...Well...I guess he does
    But I still like Bubs more.
  • edited October 2008
    This question is too hard. but... Bosco.
  • edited October 2008
    Bubs i way way way way funnier!
  • edited October 2008
    There both odd. hmmm..

    Bubs: I conartist that has 99 ways to rip you off and takes wodshavings as currency.
    Bosco: An insane person that that has a giant fist thing that hits sam alot if you what to do. Has a disgise in every episode. and doesn't trust anyone.
    unfortinaltly my answer is :confused::confused::confused:
  • edited October 2008
    Bubs i way way way way funnier!

    I agree, Bubs is way way way way funnier!!!:D
  • edited October 2008
    Bubs. I've known him longer than Bosco.
  • edited October 2008
    I'm gonna have to go with Bubsco, a mix between the two.

    Come on down to Bubsco where we're having a sale on biological weapons and flame throwers that shoot chocolate hundred dollars bills.

    Bubsco - We're like Costco, only we'll take all your money. - So we're exactly like Costco.
  • edited October 2008
    Bubs, I knew him longer. he's funnier too.
  • edited October 2008
    Now it's 50 50
  • edited October 2008
    It;s one of the hardest polls
  • edited October 2008
    I dare say that if this were in the Sam and Max Forum, Bosco would be winning. The fact that they're so close on the Strongbad forum shows that Bosco is the clear winner here :D
  • edited October 2008
    Bubs is winning.

    And now that ive finally played Sam and Max, Ive got to say Bosco.
    Who knew the government WAS after him in episode 104

    EDIT: I also loved
    the fact that in episode 105, you pay 1 billion dollars just for snot
  • edited October 2008
    It's a tough call - both are hugely entertaining.

    I'm going to go with Bubs as Strong Bad is the reason I'm even aware of the question.

  • edited October 2008
    Seeing in episode 4 that Bubs can sew with his feet...THAT MAKES HIM MORE AWSOME!
  • edited October 2008
    I think I gotta go with Bubs.
  • edited November 2008
    Bubs, just cuz I'm the sorta person who likes that kinda crazy crap. Bosco is too predictable because of all his running gags, even though lots of H*R characters have plenty, he really doesn't have that many, though I still like the fact that even though Bosco keeps raising the prices 'cause he knows you'll pay it you still pay 1tril even if it means selling the U.S.A. to Canada.

    [EDIT]Also cuz Bubs is a known black marketeer.
  • edited November 2008
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Bubs is winning.

    And now that ive finally played Sam and Max, Ive got to say Bosco.
    Who knew the government WAS after him in episode 104

    EDIT: I also loved
    the fact that in episode 105, you pay 1 billion dollars just for snot

    :mad:It'snot funny!!!
  • edited November 2008
    :rolleyes:Baad Puun
  • edited November 2008
    Holyxion wrote: »
    :rolleyes:Baad Puun

  • edited November 2008
    Yeah, it wasn't very...

  • edited November 2008
    thread revival hooooooraaaaayyyy
    wowowowowowoowowowowowow thats a tough one bubs is always crazy and wacky and rippin people off and bosco is the exact same way so i say its a tie
  • edited November 2008
    I almost called Bosco Bubs once, so...Bubs.
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