A good idea an project! (for you other peoples...)

Okay, I'm new, bla bla bla.

I've got a great idea! Why doesn't someone make it to where anybody could email that one person who decides to do this, and he'd email him back with a free download to the first episode of SBCG4AP! (And I mean the FULL game!) I was reading the Sam and Max board and someone did that with Sam & Max 201. I just thought it would be a good idea because....... I'm broke.....:eek:


  • edited October 2008
    You're welcome to enter the Halloween contest for a copy of the whole season.
  • edited October 2008
    Chuck wrote: »
    You're welcome to enter the Halloween contest for a copy of the whole season.

    Man! I would really like someone to do that though......
  • edited October 2008
    Dude,just download the demo
  • edited October 2008
    Someone sending you a free game is "a good idea for a project"?
  • edited October 2008
    Dude,just download the demo

    I did, beat it, got broke, and want someone to just do the freaking thing! It's not hard, I'm guessing. I mean, why not?

    And, it's not really a good idea for a PROJECT, but a good idea for people that are broke like me.......
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2008
    People were doing that for 201 of Sam & Max because many people got extra free copies in promotions.
  • edited October 2008
    I've got a good idea for a project. I'd like someone to e-mail me and if I e-mail him back I get a $100,000,000....

    Woah, somebody did it! Thanks Mr. Wigambo from Nigeria! You're the best!

    Seriously though. Get a job! Is 9 bucks too much for you?
  • edited October 2008
    bigdondoo wrote: »
    I've got a good idea for a project. I'd like someone to e-mail me and if I e-mail him back I get a $100,000,000....

    Woah, somebody did it! Thanks Mr. Wigambo from Nigeria! You're the best!

    Seriously though. Get a job! Is 9 bucks too much for you?

    Apparentely, right now, yes. I'm a cashier, and I get paid next Friday. That job sucks. :D
  • edited October 2008
    I'm tired, man.
  • edited November 2008
    Anybody gonna do it, or are my hopes getting to high?:confused:
  • edited November 2008
    Well, can anyone tell me how to get ANY episode for free?! I just want to play more than the demo that I beat 3 minutes after I download it!!!
  • edited November 2008
    There are one or two Sam and Max episodes available for free, but no Strong Bad. You should have entered the Halloween contest, though. They gave a free downloadable game of your choice to everyone who entered.

    I really don't understand how you expect to get a free episode of a pretty new game for nothing, especially after no one in this thread has told you anything but "uh... no." Since there's no way to get a Strong Bad episode for free, someone would have to buy it full price, then send it to you as a present, and you've really presented no valid reason for anyone to do that. I suggest you move on. If you'd save up a dollar a week since you started this thread, you'd be able to afford an episode by now.
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