Hugh Bliss costume



  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2008
    If you have a problem with a post, report it and we may or may not do something about it, but there is no reason to post about it. Let us handle things.
  • edited November 2008
    You should of made a fake book of the one Hugh Bliss made.
  • edited November 2008
    Derwin wrote: »
    I love the costume... but I must say, the skipping is a bit much. :P

    Great work though!!!

    Thank you! And there's no such thing as too much :P
    Breakman wrote: »
    Good gosh. That was funny! Maybe it is best not to have the videos on Youtube. I would fav it. XD

    About the hair, wigs are the way to go. You could easily and cheaply buy one on eBay, style/trim it, pin up your real hair (you may have to shave the nape of your neck), and voila! Fast (after the initial set up) and no mess hair. I'm not sure what to do with your eyebrows and mustache, though...

    I really like your costume (and, btw, I like your girlfriend's costume too!). Coming to Comic Con next year? ;)

    Pretty sure I saw fake facial hair at the one point that could have been trimmed up. I wanted to see how similar I could get my own hair to Hugh Bliss' though, just for the fun of it. And by the time I actually was seriously doing this I didn't think I had the time for eBay anyway. I have this habit of choosing idiot sellers too! :P

    If there's ever a next time though, at least I know what I can improve on :)

    Wish I could go to Comic Con, not happening though :D
    wiiman8888 wrote: »
    You should of made a fake book of the one Hugh Bliss made.

    I was actually going to but I didn't get around to it. No printer or anything either, and it would have been awkward to carry with a pillow case full of candy too.
  • edited December 2008
  • edited December 2008
    Bit late now I think.
  • edited December 2008
    Eerily similar...I agree a Prismatology book would have really been a nice accessory to it. I'd love to see a sketch where you tried to give Prismatology books to people! lol
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