Ideas on improving

I love this website. I spend an ungodly amount of time on it. However, the website has many flaws that can be fixed. First off, make it so you can upload images from your computer/tablet/phone without having to go through the URL process. Second, give us more customization options for out profile such as choosing our background, giving us much more official profile pics, and giving us a friend system. Third, bring back the store so we can purchase things directly from the store. Fourth, appoint more mods. Those are my requests.


  • I don't think a friends list is that necessary over here. Everyone is very united in this community, but yeah, the rest of the stuff is really necessary.
  • Uploading pics would be bad for them as it would take the lots of storage after a while with all the meme spamming and stuff. Agree with everything else
  • edited May 2014
    Umm there's already a suggestions for the forum thread.
  • New forum software!
  • edited May 2014
    A personal message system would be cool. I know there's the whole 'private discussion' thing you can start with members by going to their profile. Although I doubt a lot of people even know about that feature, do they? Let alone even tried it, since I've been hearing that it has been kind of buggy for a lot of people who have tried it?
  • Not so much "buggy" as "doesn't work." Watch, I'll send you a PM right now. Tell me when you get it.

    A personal message system would be cool. I know there's the whole 'private discussion' thing you can start with members by going to their pr

  • edited May 2014
    I don't see it in my feed, is it located somewhere else?
    DomeWing333 posted: »

    Not so much "buggy" as "doesn't work." Watch, I'll send you a PM right now. Tell me when you get it.

  • Yeah. It's located here:

    But see the problem? Currently, the only way you can receive a PM from me is by following a link that I post in a comment to you. Which kinda defeats the purpose of a PM. I mean, we're still the only two members who can follow the link to view the contents of the PM, but it's still really dumb.

    I don't see it in my feed, is it located somewhere else?

  • Yep, I definitely see it. Telltale seriously needs to step up their game for this site.
    DomeWing333 posted: »

    Yeah. It's located here: But see the problem? Currently, the only way you can receive a P

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