what if luke really did bail on everyone?



  • wat

    it would be hilarious when they're leaving the sky lodge and Luke just comes running out of the woods with a camera crew and ashton kutcher screaming "YOU GUYS JUST GOT PUNK'D! LMAO"

  • Then he would officially be an asshole.
  • Maybe it's cuz I'm pretty.
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    I get the downvotes and you get the upvotes.Seems legit.

  • edited May 2014
    If Luke really did run off to save his own skin, then I'll be disappointed in Telltale that they took this route with his character, and wonder if they deliberately made this decision just to make Kenny look better after the recent Kenny vs Luke scenario.

    So far Luke rarely shown any signs of cowardice, even on the bridge where he nearly fell to his death after falling through the fragile rail tracks and wound up right next to a walker. Though we haven't seen his experience with Carver and his group, his decision to pull a Ben and abandon Clementine and everyone and run off would feel out of character.
  • I think he just said that to calm Sarah down. The thought of her father doing something "not nice" could terrify her.
    darky07 posted: »

    I believe he is a nice guy, he wouldn't have saved Clem just to let her die, btw i found it weird when in ep1 he said to Sarah Carlos wouldn

  • I agree with dqtl74 here, Luke only said that because Sarah said 'you're not going to hurt anyone dad, are you?'. But the hell do we know, this is TrollTale games, it could have meant something!
    darky07 posted: »

    I believe he is a nice guy, he wouldn't have saved Clem just to let her die, btw i found it weird when in ep1 he said to Sarah Carlos wouldn

  • Naw, I think Carver would have wanted to gloat about Luke being on his side, and do a shaming thing with Luke like 'hey, YOUR FRIEND tipped me off here'
    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    that way he can catch them if they try to scape cause they trust him


    it would be hilarious when they're leaving the sky lodge and Luke just comes running out of the woods with a camera crew and ashton kutcher screaming "YOU GUYS JUST GOT PUNK'D! LMAO"

  • i agree, its such a cheap move to make him like that. Tbh, if we look at the stats for who sat next to Kenny or Luke during dinner from the wiki (never thought I'd state that in a sentence to back me up lol): Kenny - 65.8% Luke - 34.2%. TellTale do look at the stats to kinda see where the story goes, and what they need to be doing now is really redeem Luke as a legitimate buddy in the ZA, cause so far it seems like everyone wants Kenny.

    I really hope that Luke just thought he'd be more help to the group from outside...
    RichWalk23 posted: »

    If Luke really did run off to save his own skin, then I'll be disappointed in Telltale that they took this route with his character, and won

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