Homsar Wierd and Wacky Quotes Contest!!!
Here's an example: "Aaaaah! It's the best man! I don't think I deserve these two cents!" Okay, it's probably not that Homsar-ish, but it works, right?
Let it begin!
Let it begin!
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WhoOoOoOoOo has the golden stanza of navy town?
Don't remove the taAaAg, it's a thunderous uprising!
DaAaAAaAaAaA! Commuting is the goal of the tennis dancers!
HiIiIiIjack a taco, Gary! Hijack a taco!
Edit: (What the prize?)
iguana puffs!
The toast tot the AAAaaaAAAaaa Gravy men!
I feel a prancer pantser on the loooOOOoooOOOooose!
I think a guy like me is AAaaAAaaaAAAlready a mickington angel!
Fred has three but I have seveEEEeeeEEEn!!!
"What's mine is yours, black ninja!"
Mile-high triangles are the chance for tomorrow!
That'll be two hondy for the good times, but don't forget the toilet ticket!
(Man, these are fun to make!)
bbbbbbbbbbbYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa CCCCCCCCCuuuuuuuuuPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP ooooooooooooooooFFFFFFFFFFFF ccccccccccccOOOOOOOOOOOOffffffffffEEEEEEEEE
Also, according to this he says that the greater the need for communication the more sense he makes, so what sort of circumstances are we talkin' about here?
Strong Bad: I stopped looking in these drawers after I found Strong Mad's "below the belt paste"! (jibblie,jibblie,jibblie)
Yeah, I read this. But it still makes sense to make a quote contest!
(about to be run over by a locamotive)"I"m the Dukes of Hazard in 1985!"
And, of course, the interpretation of that particular quote would be that Homsar thinks he's about to be cancelled (aka: run over by a locamotive).
I understand that many of Homsar's quotes make much much less direct sense than that, so lots of people would probably have a blast coming up with the most indirect, convoluted, roundabout way to communicate an idea that they can think of.
Well Snicklin, am I crazy, or is that a good idea? I am inclined to believe the latter, but I will let you decide.
Yep, you're right. But I'd doubt that Homsar would care. He has Jengaships to sink.
I only made this contest for the sake of entertainment. I would have made this a word salad contest, but then I thought of Homsar. Homsar has wierd speech patterns, and everyone knew him. Besides, these quotes, if they fit into the situation, could make perfect sense. Example: Someone made one saying "Don't remove the taaag, it's a thunderous uprising", Homsar could be an employee at a coat factory, advising a coustomer not to remove the tag. Would you agree that that's Homsar-ish enough? If you disagree, read this article.
Have I made my point?
In fact...
(in the middle of an endless field full of short, brown grass) "I don't know west from left in this hairy dangle-wood!"