Well, glad you guys liked this new bonus part! I have one more planned for a future time. Happy Valentine's day everyone! B^]
Pro your story is one of the best i read IN MY LIFE. Heck if it wasent for it i probably never would have had the guts to join the forums and meet all of these great people. It change my life FOREVER and ill never be able to thank you enough for writting it. So if i enjoy a part of this more that i have before im preatty sure ill die of overjoy
Thanks a lot, man! And I have one more bonus part planned, and if you like this one you'll love the next one I have planned. Don't know when it'll be out though.
Good to know you enjoyed.......wait.....WERE YOU IN FORUM........wait........YOU WERE. o god and i never gave you the 'thank you for everything' treatment oh god im sorry
Good to know you enjoyed.......wait.....WERE YOU IN FORUM........wait........YOU WERE. o god and i never gave you the 'thank you for everything' treatment oh god im sorry
Wow, thanks, man! I dont think it's that good, but I'm glad that you guys enjoyed it. This story wouldn't be the same without everyone who participated.
Pro your story is one of the best i read IN MY LIFE. Heck if it wasent for it i probably never would have had the guts to join the forums an… mored meet all of these great people. It change my life FOREVER and ill never be able to thank you enough for writting it. So if i enjoy a part of this more that i have before im preatty sure ill die of overjoy
...“I can’t stop smiling!” ATR said as I continued to play. “You’re playing Part of Your World! Oh my God!” I smiled back at her and we star… moreed into each other’s eyes while I finished playing.
“Well there you go, I tried my best to play it, but the best you can hope for is hardly the best anyway, right? To be honest, I was nervous as all hell trying to play it.” I said to her while putting the guitar down.
“What?! Are you kidding?! That was great! I loved it!” ATR said and then got up to hug me. “That was awesome! Thank you so much!”
I chuckled. “Well thanks, I tried, and any time, ATR.” We stared at each other and we slowly went for a kiss...
KSHH! “Shit!” We were interrupted by a loud noise, I turned around and saw Shadow on the floor with a bunch of broken alcohol bottles everywhere and one of the shelves broken.
Password turned around and saw him as well. “Oh for fuck’s sake, you shitbird! Look at what you’ve done!”
“Fuck… [view original content]
You're awesome pro. And i can honestly say everyone here is too. I just love Forum of the dead and everything that came out of it........well the HUGE majority.
Wow, thanks, man! I dont think it's that good, but I'm glad that you guys enjoyed it. This story wouldn't be the same without everyone who participated.
Hi sup
Hi coming
Has happytack
Hey lord, how are ya?
Well, glad you guys liked this new bonus part! I have one more planned for a future time. Happy Valentine's day everyone! B^]
Good Job!
Hi Lordy
Pro your story is one of the best i read IN MY LIFE. Heck if it wasent for it i probably never would have had the guts to join the forums and meet all of these great people. It change my life FOREVER and ill never be able to thank you enough for writting it. So if i enjoy a part of this more that i have before im preatty sure ill die of overjoy
Before meh but now i can stop smiling its kinda hard to stop being happy
That's amazing! Glad you're so happy man
I second this :P
That makes me even more happy
Good to know you enjoyed.......wait.....WERE YOU IN FORUM........wait........YOU WERE. o god and i never gave you the 'thank you for everything' treatment oh god im sorry
I wasn´t in the story , but i liked when i read it :P
Hi lurd_eggs
Wow, thanks, man! I dont think it's that good, but I'm glad that you guys enjoyed it. This story wouldn't be the same without everyone who participated.
Rachelle! Happy Valentines day
skype misses you ;-;
So awesome! Glad you made this. : )
Hooray for happiness
Hmm, i haven't been on in a long time. I can't remember if we talked.
no u
Good shit, LeeTheFuckingBrofessional
Well whatever you are AWESOME
Hi its good to see another awesome person here (then again everyone here is awesome)
Did you see my guy?
Oh yeah i forgot you kept mentioning it
....im afraid to ask but......what did you think?
Your character? COOL
yeah sure mhm it's always great amirite or amimrite
Chelle that's so beautiful!
Ugh, don't remind me.
You're awesome pro. And i can honestly say everyone here is too. I just love Forum of the dead and everything that came out of it........well the HUGE majority.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)