Can everybody stop complaining about "Hit the Road"?



  • edited February 2010
    Lena_P wrote: »
    I'd have said if there wasn't an Anne Rice, there wouldn't be Twilight, but anyway.

    The only person you should ever truly blame for Twilight is Stephenie Meyer. And possibly whatever publishing company decided her fanfic was worth publishing. (I hope their immortal souls were worth all that money).

    And now the obligatory Sam and Max reference to stop this going off topic.
  • edited February 2010
    Zonino wrote: »

    And now the obligatory Sam and Max reference to stop this going off topic.

    Oh! Pick me! ^^

    Random but innocuous comment that refers to "Hit the Road" and supposedly people complaining about it.
  • edited February 2010
    Lena_P wrote: »
    Okay, actually on topic, it's been, God, I don't know, 14 years? since I last saw HtR, but I remember it as being pretty funny with a lot of style. Maybe it wasn't the greatest game ever, but I'm glad it was made since it showed Sam and Max could work in an adventure game. If HtR hadn't been made, we might never have had the Telltale S&M games.

    Actually, back in '93, I do think it was the best adventure game ever. I've replayed it a few months ago, and it still holds up pretty well.
  • edited February 2010
    Random but innocuous comment that refers to "Hit the Road" and supposedly people complaining about it.
    Response that hints at an attempt at a joke!
  • edited February 2010
    Shwoo wrote: »
    Response that hints at an attempt at a joke!

    Comment that chastises your pitiful attempt at a joke in an attempt to make myself appear to be witty.
  • edited February 2010
    Chyron8472 wrote: »
    Comment that chastises your pitiful attempt at a joke in an attempt to make myself appear to be witty.

  • edited February 2010
    Says something strange in an attempt to derail the thread.

  • edited February 2010
    Says something on-topic in an attempt to re-rail the thread.

    Hit the Road is one of my favorite LucasArts adventures, definitely in the top 3.
  • edited February 2010
    purple monkey dishwasher
  • edited February 2010
    ... was the original "code" title for Hit the Road.
  • edited February 2010
    *complains about "Hit the Road"...
  • edited February 2010
    Surprised that his comment totally changed the direction of the thread.
  • edited February 2010
    Zonino wrote: »
    Surprised that his comment totally changed the direction of the thread.

  • edited February 2010
    This is satisfactory!
  • edited February 2010
    Forgotten was the time of sentences constructed like skyscarpers; reaching high, straight and true to the heavens. They had been reduced to meandering complexes of half-thoughts and tacked on allusions. "Woe!" cried the World, "The thread is derailed!"
  • edited February 2010
    Lena_P wrote: »

    This might be the best word ever.
  • edited February 2010
    All forums must have at least one of those. Great way of nostalgia. Fun for the whole family.

    Plus, according to the Sam and Max Wiki, this forum "is probably the largest concentration of Sam & Max fans on the Internet". Boy, they were ASKING for it!
    Pale Man wrote: »
    This might be the best word ever.



    EDIT: OH GOD yeah, couldn't see the typo.
  • edited February 2010
    Pale Man wrote: »
    This might be the best word ever.

    Does this make me Shakespeare now?
  • edited February 2010
    Lena_P wrote: »
    Does this make me Shakespeare now?
    Less Shakespeare, more Dr. Seuss.

    Or at least Marlowe or Bacon.
  • edited February 2010
    Ooo! Marlowe! I've even got a disguise and everything! Just hope I don't get killed in a bar room brawl ...
  • edited February 2010
    Lena_P wrote: »
    Ooo! Marlowe! I've even got a disguise and everything! Just hope I don't get killed in a bar room brawl ...
    Don't worry. If you're Marlowe, being killed in a bar room brawl is only one of a surprisingly wide variety of death scenarios. The bar room brawl keeps company with assassination and a wide selection of conspiracy theories. Best of all, the whole thing is steeped in mystery and shadow. It's secretive and exciting!
  • edited February 2010
    Yeah, but I'd still prefer to live past my 30th birthday. Even 70th, if possible.
  • edited February 2010
    Lena_P wrote: »
    Yeah, but I'd still prefer to live past my 30th birthday. Even 70th, if possible.
    Well, there's always the theory that Marlowe IS Shakespeare. But if we accept that, then saying you're more Marlowe than Shakespeare stops making sense.
  • edited February 2010
    Personally, I think Shakespeare was Jack the Ripper, and the person who actually killed Lizzie Borden's dad and step-mom and the two Princes in the Tower. Busy, old man.
  • edited February 2010
    Lena_P wrote: »
    Personally, I think Shakespeare was Jack the Ripper, and the person who actually killed Lizzie Borden's dad and step-mom and the two Princes in the Tower. Busy, old man.
    The idea that Shakespeare is Jack the Ripper is absolutely absurd! He would be around 300 years old, far too elderly to still commit murders. Jack the Ripper was obviously his protégé. That, or Jack the Ripper is actually a collection of time-travellers that gained wealth and power in an undefined period after 1888 through a series of murders and other sordid activities and then used the hoarded wealth to advance their careers in their own timelines. But I like the protégé theory a good deal more.
  • edited February 2010
    Lena_P wrote: »
    Ooo! Marlowe! I've even got a disguise and everything! Just hope I don't get killed in a bar room brawl ...

    Perhaps you should be Ben Jonson, and go around killing other people in brawls? Not only that, but can you can also go around praising people for being at the height of your profession whilst still nebulously not being as a good as you and rubbish because they're no good at Classics.
  • edited February 2010
    Okay, before this thread gets locked, I would like to say that the point of making this thread was to tell people that Hit the Road is Hit the Road, if you would like to play that game, do so. I wasn't saying HTR was good or bad, just that it exists, and people who want to play it should play it. I think that TellTale should use it's time and resources to make new and exciting games, and not remakes of old games with better voice acting and new graphics.
  • edited February 2010
    The idea that Shakespeare is Jack the Ripper is absolutely absurd! He would be around 300 years old, far too elderly to still commit murders. Jack the Ripper was obviously his protégé. That, or Jack the Ripper is actually a collection of time-travellers that gained wealth and power in an undefined period after 1888 through a series of murders and other sordid activities and then used the hoarded wealth to advance their careers in their own timelines. But I like the protégé theory a good deal more.

    I'd have liked the time travelling theory a bit better if there was a mariachi band in there somewhere. The two just go together somehow.
  • edited February 2010
    Well, there's always the theory that Marlowe IS Shakespeare. But if we accept that, then saying you're more Marlowe than Shakespeare stops making sense.

    I often wonder if Edward De Vere was Shakespeare. I read Shakespeare By Another Name, which made the argument. It's not the most satisfying thing ever, and you can explain away many of the author's points, but there's just wayyyy too many coincidences for it not to seem at least somewhat plausible.

  • edited February 2010
    natlinxz wrote: »
    Okay, before this thread gets locked, I would like to say that the point of making this thread was to tell people that Hit the Road is Hit the Road, if you would like to play that game, do so. I wasn't saying HTR was good or bad, just that it exists, and people who want to play it should play it. I think that TellTale should use it's time and resources to make new and exciting games, and not remakes of old games with better voice acting and new graphics.
    The problem with this statement, especially for those who desire a closer version of history to Hit the Road, is that they don't want Hit the Road, they want a new game in a similar vein to Hit the Road.

    Let's say your favorite nostalgic series got a reboot, and replaced some important element with disco dancing ducks from space or something. A lot of people and a lot of fandoms have issues with new interpretations of their beloved franchises. Star Wars, that new Twilight Zone that lasted a couple years, the various Star Trek series, etc. You can't really say "go play the old one". The old one is EXPERIENCED, the upcoming one is not.
  • edited February 2010
    The old one is EXPERIENCED, the upcoming one is not.

    Exactly. Better try new things than just stay swimming in the same pool forever.
  • edited February 2010
    Do you mean "experienced" in the older woman sense, or "experienced" in the "been there, done that" sense?

    And Shakespeare was actually an Immortal with multiple personality disorder. Each time he "died" the next personality would take over until it was "killed" in turn. So sometimes he was a literary genius, sometimes he went around killing people. Nobody's perfect.

    And I could never be Ben Jonson; I am just NOT willing to get that close to James I/VI. Blech.
  • edited February 2010
    Lena_P wrote: »
    And Shakespeare was actually an Immortal with multiple personality disorder. Each time he "died" the next personality would take over until it was "killed" in turn.

    Shakespeare is Evil the Cat?!

  • edited February 2010
    Lena_P wrote: »
    Do you mean "experienced" in the older woman sense, or "experienced" in the "been there, done that" sense?
    The latter. I'm pretty sure that's evident from the context, but hey.
    Lena_P wrote:
    And Shakespeare was actually an Immortal with multiple personality disorder. Each time he "died" the next personality would take over until it was "killed" in turn. So sometimes he was a literary genius, sometimes he went around killing people. Nobody's perfect.
    Interesting theory. What evidence do you have to base this on?
  • edited February 2010
    Lena_P wrote: »
    Forgotten was the time of sentences constructed like skyscarpers; reaching high, straight and true to the heavens. They had been reduced to meandering complexes of half-thoughts and tacked on allusions. "Woe!" cried the World, "The thread is derailed!"

    Parasites caused it, as they once caused my city to fall.
  • edited February 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    Shakespeare is Evil the Cat?!


    Can ya dig it? (I have no idea who Evil the Cat is, but I love 70's slang.)
    The latter. I'm pretty sure that's evident from the context, but hey.

    Dude, when have I ever missed out on making a crude and obvious joke? You should know me better, man.
    Interesting theory. What evidence do you have to base this on?

    Why else would Marlowe have stolen his own plots as Shakespeare? Dude forgot who he was.
  • edited February 2010
    Scummvm runs pretty much every LucasArts 2D adventure game perfect these days, provided you copy them to your HDD (tends to skip emulating them off the CD's)

    why would anyone want to have HTR redone? its fine how it is :P unless your talking about a 3D style remake (which imo is what they should have done with MI SE)
  • edited February 2010
    Ah i must say i still hold the quality of the old sam & max aboeve the new, the new ones from Telltale are good. But the old 2d had more action, more crazy and wacky and fun locations. The music was better, also alot more variaty in the characters. But again thats probably the downside of episodes.

    One can only dream of what a 2010 full lenght Sam & Max game could be like. with a good backing and 3-4 year developement cycle. As we learned from Blizzy boys quality takes time oh and money! :D but mostly time.

    Its fun how developers now adays are so crazed in their search to change stuff, that they will actully invent at use inferior stuff, all for the sake of trying new stuff and improving the experience. I mean imagine your next car the wheel was in the middle, because hey you know what, we got bored, we wanted to try something new. or maybe put the seat where you sit on the roof.

    As we say here, if you cant do it better, then even try. WASD keys, man its so horrible :( its like those controller for consoles, they are so horrible and bad. But thats de-evolution for you. Before you know it we will live in the forrest again, running with spears and clubs lol.

    Atleast i hope soon that the Telltale engine will be on pair and able to do all the cool stuff we had in the old scumm engine. Characters and actions are still to limited. I miss the wacky animations and such. But one can always hope.
  • edited February 2010
    RMJ1984 wrote: »
    As we say here, if you cant do it better, then even try.
    I think you lost a word here. Or is it intended "what we say here" is the direct opposite of your entire post?
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