Opinion Game



  • MY GOD...

    ... that has a metaphorical (as well as a literal meaning in) relation to the game.

    What it really is is; Mind-BLOWN! :O:O:O:O:O:O:O:O
    JonGon posted: »

    No my friend... It is a mind-opener.

  • That made my night. :)
    Bygler posted: »

    Pete should show up in ep 3 and say "I got lucky... Real lucky."

  • A characteristic many men lack these days.
    MayorMilk posted: »

    Who wouldn't want to? He's got charm coming out of his ass.

  • Yup, you gotta admit Larry looked hawt having a heart attack and getting crushed by a block of salt.

    A characteristic many men lack these days.

  • That's too much sexyness for my mind to handle.
    MayorMilk posted: »

    Yup, you gotta admit Larry looked hawt having a heart attack and getting crushed by a block of salt.

  • A lot of the people that hate Jane will change their opinion of her by the end of episode 4.
  • edited May 2014
    Going off of the previous comment above...

    Carver should show up in episode 4 and say, "I got lucky... real lucky."

    Carlos: "Me too."

    Edit: Actually, I just realized that Carver doesn't have a mouth anymore... or a face for that matter.

    I'll just assume he gets a translator. Yeah, sure... why not.

    Second Edit: Plus he's got one eye hanging off of his face, so he should get an eye-patch for that or something.
  • Kenny should of taken Carver's eyeball to replace his own.
  • There should be a mini game in the game (lol wat)
  • It's either gonna get worse, or they're gonna kill him. I love TTG, but I really want to see them keep a character alive for once instead of just preventing their death until the next episode or two, ya feel me? Also Nick is the only character from the new group who I care about.

    Nick didn't get enough screen time in episode 3.

  • The Walking De-CEPTION!!!

    (Inception joke, harhar)
    iHeartTWD posted: »

    There should be a mini game in the game (lol wat)

  • Yeah, I feel ya.

    Lol, I like your username.

    It's either gonna get worse, or they're gonna kill him. I love TTG, but I really want to see them keep a character alive for once instead of

  • Thanks bruh

    Yeah, I feel ya. Lol, I like your username.

  • Yeah, but there are quite a few people who dislike him. Plus I mentioned him to show that I like Kenny AND Lilly, not just Lilly.
    Zyphon posted: »

    Kenny gets a lot of hate? He is basically a fan favorite more than anything.

  • Pete subtitled is green... SO is Kenny's..... PETE CONFIRMED FOR KENNY
  • Pete got lucky...
    Bygler posted: »

    Pete subtitled is green... SO is Kenny's..... PETE CONFIRMED FOR KENNY

  • Mike should make it to season 3!
  • ... REAL lucky.

    Pete got lucky...

  • Agreed. Lilly had a really complex and interesting personality. Carley was mostly just there to be the player's waifu.

    Might as well get one out of the way that'll get pretty much unanimous thumbs down: I like Lilly more than Carley.

  • Short legacy.

    Damn right it was. But Nick shall carry out his legacy! :)

  • I think Carver should have had a Julius Caesar type death, with multiple characters pitching in to all viciously rip him apart together. That's what I expected when everyone started closing in on him with their weapons, like that scene where the hungry hyenas turn on Scar at the end of The Lion King.

    It's a mob mentality that built him up--would've been cool to see a mob that tore him down.
  • Great because you said that telltale is gonna play a omid with mike (I up voted you it's just a joke)

    Mike should make it to season 3!

  • Omid was my favorite character outside of Lee & Clem (RIP Carley/Doug) and I have loved to see more of the group together, TTG kind of got it right setting the tone of the season and forcing us to start fresh with a new group. Even reintroducing Kenny may disallow development for all of the other cast but I assume his contrasting skill than the other group makes future Clem decisions more interesting. I can't vote for either :(

    Omid died too early. He should have least lasted until the middle of the season.

  • Nick's a determinant character... it's a given.
    skoothz posted: »

    Short legacy.

  • As quick as he appeared than died, the reason he was killed will foreshadow future episode(s).

    Speaking of Reggie, I think his character was rather pointless. He didn't even last that long.

  • edited May 2014
    He could get a parrot. Or kenny for a matter of fact.

    Going off of the previous comment above... Carver should show up in episode 4 and say, "I got lucky... real lucky." Carlos: "Me to

  • Kenny looks like a real pirate. I could see that, now.

    He could get a parrot. Or kenny for a matter of fact.

  • Oh yea and he was always crying about getting a pirate ship in season one wow telltale ya sneaky bastards Kenny is a Pirate Captain.

    Kenny looks like a real pirate. I could see that, now.

  • Of course! It all makes sense now.

    Kenny is Blackbeard.

    Oh yea and he was always crying about getting a pirate ship in season one wow telltale ya sneaky bastards Kenny is a Pirate Captain.

  • edited May 2014
    OMG :O IT ALLLL MAKES SENSE HOLY SHIT this like some secret conspiracy type shit now telltale will send hitman 47 after us.

    Of course! It all makes sense now. Kenny is Blackbeard.

  • Maybelle needs to come back. She was the heart of TWD ;)
  • Season 2 should officially be called a movie and not a game anymore. Storyline is great but gameplay (solving something, fighting someone and ....above all.... making decisions which actually have consequences like in Season 1 ) is by far not as good as it was in Season 1.

    With all respect to the authors...you did better before!
  • *cries*
    Cain_Abel posted: »

    Season 2 should officially be called a movie and not a game anymore. Storyline is great but gameplay (solving something, fighting someone an

  • I was angry when Reggie died, and I hope Mike survives.
  • Are you calling my 11 yr old bro an asshole? Naw jk he hates sarah and carlos and cheered when carlos died which made me go mad >:C

    First, people who hate/dislike Sarah are assholes. Secondly, activateTWDCharacterMode("Negan") I DON'T GIVE ONE SINGLE GODDAMN

  • If they are as good as this one, don't hesitate. Post like you never posted before!
    kawaiiclem posted: »

    Hey guys. If you want to play more games just say so, I can post a game on the thread whenever you want me too. I have a lot of ideas in my

  • Hahaha, that's sweet. I just hope your other girls won't be jealous. :p
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    You get hugs for being a sweet girl.

  • Kenny must lose one leg and then, become a true pirate.
  • okay i have a few things to say:

    1. I dont think Christa is dead
    2. I liked Pete
    3. Sarah is kinda a strange girl.. not sure what her deal is.
    4. I didnt want to kill the dog
    5. I cried when I saw Kenny and am completely stoked to see him
    6. I think that Telltale foreshadows its character's deaths.
    a) there is a part in ep 2 (if you lie to Walter) that he doesnt shoot the zombie attacking Nick- and Nick Subsequently dies.
    b) Alvin either dies in episode 2 or episode 3. But again, you know he dies because we all know 'Becca's baby isnt his. And we also assume its kina like a Shane/Lori/Rick situation
    c) Sarah and Carlos are like Duck and Katja
    d) Nick is this season's Ben
    e) Sarita will die
    f) i think that 400 days was a mind fuck.. and i the only person who has any substance was Bonnie.
  • I don't want Kenny to die he's all Clem have for the remembrance of lee and season 1
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