Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • Seems like a rather specific vehicle to reuse, but nothing would surprise me with this company at this point.

    It's not too far of a stretch to assume that Kenny and Clem ended up following the train tracks and found the same vehicle

    Poogers555 posted: »

    We were talking about that a few pages back, as cool as that would be, it's probably unintentional, just Telltale reusing a car model that has opening doors.

  • I just played S1, the music from the preview for episode 2 is the same sound that is used when you start up Season 3, check it out

  • Matter of fact is she's at least one of the main characters. Either as protagonist or deuteragonist.

    Some seem to forget that Clementine isn't "the main character."

  • edited January 2017

    I meant written-wise...

    One sacrificing himself and the entire group to save her, while redeeming himself at the end.

    And the other falls through the car glass, used as zombie bait...

    Should've added that up there.
  • That is true, but she is not the main character as some say.

    Matter of fact is she's at least one of the main characters. Either as protagonist or deuteragonist.

  • All the lines are used in the flashback...

    Poogers555 posted: »

    So these are unused audio clips during Kenny's flashback (Im not super sure if these are indeed unused) Kenny talking about his driving t

  • edited January 2017

    Actually I went ahead and removed the stuff that was too spoilery. Here you go.

    Megaodg33 posted: »

    Ok, it's fine. I would guess they're just cut scenes anyway.

  • I still don't see how anyone could have brought Danny with them. I choose a thief over a rapist any day.

    Louche posted: »

    If Vince brings Danny with him, in the epilogue at the camp Russel said it was a good thing Danny was dead because of Becca, indicating that he knew he was a rapist/pedophile Also Lily gave Clem her hair tying thingies

  • I was sad but then AJ got me at the end XD

    Actually I went ahead and removed the stuff that was too spoilery. Here you go.

  • Looks it up to see if you're right

    Sees S1 E2 gameplay, sees the length: 2:34:09

    Sees S3 E1 gameplay, sees the length: 1:03:12

    sigh "fuck"

    Closes tab because it's not worth wasting my time

    I just played S1, the music from the preview for episode 2 is the same sound that is used when you start up Season 3, check it out

  • enter image description here

    Looks it up to see if you're right Sees S1 E2 gameplay, sees the length: 2:34:09 Sees S3 E1 gameplay, sees the length: 1:03:12 sigh "fuck" Closes tab because it's not worth wasting my time

  • Doesn't Clementine say to every player that Lily gave her the hair thingies, you have to cut her hair to continue the story after all.

    Louche posted: »

    If Vince brings Danny with him, in the epilogue at the camp Russel said it was a good thing Danny was dead because of Becca, indicating that he knew he was a rapist/pedophile Also Lily gave Clem her hair tying thingies

  • Probably because he was a pretty caring guy otherwise and it was never explicitly confirmed whether he actually he actually did it or not? Plus, Justin was unapologetically the type to sell his own mother.

    I still don't see how anyone could have brought Danny with them. I choose a thief over a rapist any day.

  • You're right, but....

    watch S3 Ep1 twice

    Why would anyone want to do that?

  • Some people actually like the game believe it or not.

    You're right, but.... watch S3 Ep1 twice Why would anyone want to do that?

  • edited January 2017

    Danny had guilty written all over him. The other guy didn't lie as much, he seemed more honest.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Probably because he was a pretty caring guy otherwise and it was never explicitly confirmed whether he actually he actually did it or not? Plus, Justin was unapologetically the type to sell his own mother.

  • I thought he was taking fire at Kenny as a character.

    Kenny was crippled from the waste down, that's sad, not pathetic.

  • If you hold the gun on him long enough he admits he did it

    DabigRG posted: »

    Probably because he was a pretty caring guy otherwise and it was never explicitly confirmed whether he actually he actually did it or not? Plus, Justin was unapologetically the type to sell his own mother.

  • [removed]

    DabigRG posted: »

    Probably because he was a pretty caring guy otherwise and it was never explicitly confirmed whether he actually he actually did it or not? Plus, Justin was unapologetically the type to sell his own mother.

  • edited January 2017

    Some people actually like the game believe it or not.

    Deeply judges their taste buds.
    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Some people actually like the game believe it or not.

  • Dude, come on don't be like that. You don't have to agree with people that like it.

    TheMPerson posted: »

    Some people actually like the game believe it or not. Deeply judges their taste buds.

  • edited January 2017

    Eh, they reused the iconic season 1 RV. Wouldn't read anything into it - especially as in the Alone ending she seems to be further south going by the weather.

    Seems like a rather specific vehicle to reuse, but nothing would surprise me with this company at this point. It's not too far of a stretch to assume that Kenny and Clem ended up following the train tracks and found the same vehicle

  • edited January 2017

    ... I apologize it was just a joke... guess I can't have a lil laugh at someone else's expense anymore...

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Dude, come on don't be like that. You don't have to agree with people that like it.

  • Maybe I overreacted. It just gets a bit frustrating when you like something but you constantly see other people make jokes implying that you shouldn't like it.

    TheMPerson posted: »

    ... I apologize it was just a joke... guess I can't have a lil laugh at someone else's expense anymore...

  • I should've seen it from your perspective, the majority are upset at the game while the minority are enjoying it...

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Maybe I overreacted. It just gets a bit frustrating when you like something but you constantly see other people make jokes implying that you shouldn't like it.

  • me too this scene really made love Jane, Luke, Bonnie, and Mike. But it was never meant to last...

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I love the playful dialogue between Clementine and Jane! ^_^

  • You guys are putting these really disturbing images in my head...

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Whatever you do, don't use the arrow buttons Delty!

  • In the second episode of A New Frontier in Clem's flashback, if you choose to hum to AJ, the song Clem hums sounds very similar to "Alive Inside" or "Clementine Suite".

  • Agreed, he talks about staying clean, despite being a rapist. He's a hypocrite, I'd choose Justin over him anyday.

    And you can tell he's guilty just by the way he deflects Justin's comment about ruining a girl's life

    Danny had guilty written all over him. The other guy didn't lie as much, he seemed more honest.

  • I read this whole conversation in Luke and Nick's voices

    TheMPerson posted: »

    I should've seen it from your perspective, the majority are upset at the game while the minority are enjoying it...

  • Well to the average person if you're watching that scene you're most likely going to believe the one with the nicer tone. Plus Danny probably won points with people when he stood up to that guard.

    Danny had guilty written all over him. The other guy didn't lie as much, he seemed more honest.

  • Gotta say, the beard does make Javier's character much more likable.
    The beard dream is alive.

    Yellowsno posted: »

    There is one giant, game-changing detail that everyone seems to be missing. In every trailer and screenshot we see Javier clean-shaven, face

  • Hers was bad too though, they were trying to give eachother the mercy of death.

    She was just trying to warn us of what his season 3 model was going to look like.

  • Pretty much. A friendly guy who was more concerned with his girlfriend's well-being than the fact that he's been arrested and who actively stands up for his fellow man to the point of wanting to intervene with the black guys' fight and getting Deputy Clyde to back down was obviously gonna get my vote over a self-righteous con man who admits to feeling no remorse for his lying and thieving ways.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Well to the average person if you're watching that scene you're most likely going to believe the one with the nicer tone. Plus Danny probably won points with people when he stood up to that guard.

  • Really? I might look into that.

    kymopoleia posted: »

    If you hold the gun on him long enough he admits he did it

  • Maybe I overreacted. It just gets a bit frustrating when you like something but you constantly see other people make jokes implying that you shouldn't like it.

    I know the feeling. Like i said in my previous post, don't let my opinion or others who don't like the game affect you liking the game. The most important thing is that you like it, just remember that. Everything else doesn't matter

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Maybe I overreacted. It just gets a bit frustrating when you like something but you constantly see other people make jokes implying that you shouldn't like it.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    He doesn't specifically admit to anything. The most you can get out of him is him saying "I did some bad shit" and "I know I'm a fuck-up"

    There's nothing concrete. They intended Danny's guilt/innocence to be ambiguous-- it's up to the player to decide if he really is what they're told he is. That's the whole point of Vince's story; the player ends up being the judge, jury, and executioner, deciding which one is the more guilty of the two.

    Justin's accused what a lot of people see as the lesser crime, but at the same time, he outright admits he's a good liar and manipulator, and brags about his crime with little remorse for what he did.

    Danny's accused of what a lot of people consider a worse crime, but he maintains his innocence, seemingly shows remorse over it, and overall seems to have a better moral compass than Justin, which is meant to leave the player questioning his supposed guilt.

    It's part of why I really liked Vince's story. That final choice doesn't really have a right answer, and there's valid arguments that can be made for and against both sides, regardless of the crimes Danny and Justin are respectively accused of.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Really? I might look into that.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    I've played it 4 times

    Second time for alternate choices

    Third time to see the Kenny flashback

    Fourth time to see the alone flashback

    You're right, but.... watch S3 Ep1 twice Why would anyone want to do that?

  • If you choose to cover AJ's mouth to muffle his crying, he'll "learn" that action and cover his own mouth when he starts crying again.

  • edited January 2017

    In S1E4, if you choose to leave Ben behind, you can give Clementine an explanation that sounds eerily similar to what Carver can tell Clementine as justification for killing Reggie in S2E3.

    Clementine: "What happened to Ben? What did Kenny mean when he said you did what you had to?"
    Lee: "Clementine... This may be hard to understand right now, but sometimes, for the good of everyone, we have to make tough choices. Ben was putting us all in danger in Crawford. So I made a decision, and I left him behind. I know that sounds bad. But I had to think about the whole group, not just one person."
    Clementine: "But I'm just one person."
    Lee: "Not to me you're not."

    Carver: "Now I know you might not believe this after what happened earlier but, I liked Reggie. He was a funny guy. He kept things light. You need folks like that - it's easy to let depression sink in during times like this. But he was weak, and I don't mean just cause he was maimed, that wasn't his problem. He was weak of will, and weak of character."
    Clementine: "[...]"
    Carver: "You see, Reggie put us at risk with his incompetence. He's had a string of screw-ups lately. Killing one in order to save many is part of survival. It's one of the tough decisions that a weaker person couldn't make. It's why it falls to people like us to lead them to safety. Do you understand?"

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