Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • Yeah, I know I was blatantly overlooking the fact that Kate is the [step-]parent in the situation, but it makes the most sense for Gabe to be the one to welcome her into his family since he's sharing his dad now.

    Well that and it's his logic anyway seeing as Ties that Bind made us assume he resented Kate for not being and/or acting like his real mom. Which is one of the many things that's never really resolved, btw.

    HammyShow posted: »

    Hmm makes sense

  • seeing as Ties that Bind made us assume he resented Kate for not being and/or acting like his real mom.

    Yeah. I do have this thought, that in the finale, Gabe would finally accept Kate as his 'mother'. From the start we'd seen him in denial of Kate's status as his step-mother, but as the story goes on, he actually cares about Kate, and that's enough to show that he is starting to accept her.

    this makes me wonder, how does Gabe's and Mariana's real mother look like though?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Yeah, I know I was blatantly overlooking the fact that Kate is the [step-]parent in the situation, but it makes the most sense for Gabe to b

  • Yeah. I do have this thought, that in the finale, Gabe would finally accept Kate as his 'mother'. From the start we'd seen him in denial of Kate's status as his step-mother, but as the story goes on, he actually cares about Kate, and that's enough to show that he is starting to accept her.

    Yeah. Also, I should rephrase myself in that previous comment: that's never really resolved so much as just its not really a thing anymore. Hell, he even looks to her for approval before his rage out when Tripp questions who invited him on the mission.

    this makes me wonder, how does Gabe's and Mariana's real mother look like though?

    There's pictures of the photos in the Garcia's house several pages back and she's in one of them. It's kinda far out and drawn rather than modeled, but the closest comparison due to her attire and hairstyle is Bonnie I believe.

    HammyShow posted: »

    seeing as Ties that Bind made us assume he resented Kate for not being and/or acting like his real mom. Yeah. I do have this thought

  • edited May 2017

    There's pictures of the photos in the Garcia's house several pages back and she's in one of them.

    Ohh I know that picture. I just thought it was supposed to be Kate's early character concept.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Yeah. I do have this thought, that in the finale, Gabe would finally accept Kate as his 'mother'. From the start we'd seen him in denial of

  • ...Idk.

    HammyShow posted: »

    There's pictures of the photos in the Garcia's house several pages back and she's in one of them. Ohh I know that picture. I just thought it was supposed to be Kate's early character concept.

  • Lol I guess we'll never know then

    DabigRG posted: »


  • edited May 2017

    Found it.
    enter image description here

    Bonus: Emo Javi and House Party David
    enter image description here

    HammyShow posted: »

    Lol I guess we'll never know then

  • Honestly, young David looked like a bully..
    DabigRG posted: »

    Found it. Bonus: Emo Javi and House Party David

  • I think she actually slaps you no matter the dialogue you choose. As I chose the option about not wanting to hurt David or something?

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    If you chose to kiss Kate at the junkyard (or are an unlucky sap like myself and randomly generated Ep 1-2 choices for an Anti-Kate save) an

  • I think it's only if you choose to kiss her in episode 1

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I think she actually slaps you no matter the dialogue you choose. As I chose the option about not wanting to hurt David or something?

  • Ah, I see... Cool.

    Graysonn posted: »

    They left internal notes to each other. Some of them have dates, like Brad Kane left a note for the design team about Mariana's grave which was dated 14th November last year.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited May 2017

    Actually, if you want wallpaper-worthy versions of those, just PM me the one(s) that interest you the most. I can upload full resolution versions of them. Those pics don't really do them justice.

    That applies for anyone else that's interested. If you like any of the above pictures and are looking for a possible wallpaper, PM me and I can send the full-res versions.

    AChicken posted: »

    Cool stuff, bro. sees various background pictures Hello new wallpapers!

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited May 2017

    Man, you chose all the boring stuff regarding Wellington to talk about. Allow me to help:

    enter image description here

    Also, because no one ever seems to give a straight answer about where this stuff is found-- WD3_pc_WalkingDead301_data.ttarch2

    If you don't know how to view/extract .ttarch files... well, just google around, because it's a bit of a lengthy explanation

    Graysonn posted: »

    Okay I know I'm practically spamming at this point sorry this will be my last for a bit but holy shit they scrapped SO MUCH from episode 1 i

  • My posts were getting lengthy enough I didn't want to spam useless info, anyway that pretty much is what actually happens. I think it's interesting that at that point they decided that Clem should have a 'damage state' yet hadn't decided on the scars.

    Deltino posted: »

    Man, you chose all the boring stuff regarding Wellington to talk about. Allow me to help: Also, because no one ever seems to give a s

  • I actually got a dialogue where she mentioned I told her I missed her earlier in the episode. I still got bitch-slapped though.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    If you chose to kiss Kate at the junkyard (or are an unlucky sap like myself and randomly generated Ep 1-2 choices for an Anti-Kate save) an

  • Probably mentioned, but Clem beat Gabe at Euchre

  • Aww, I really like that conversation. If only it was easier to hear in-game.

    ClemRanger posted: »

    Probably mentioned, but Clem beat Gabe at Euchre

  • David's still a bully in the flashbacks and arguably the present as well. I don't even dislike David as a character, he's interesting, but boy is he an asshole.

    HammyShow posted: »

    Honestly, young David looked like a bully..

  • Thank god they scrapped all that, I might have had a seizure if the episodes were this long and had actual substance. Phew, dodged a bullet there.

    Seriously. GG, Telltale. Cutting all the good shit until nothing but an empty, soulless shell remained. GG indeed.

    Graysonn posted: »

    Okay I know I'm practically spamming at this point sorry this will be my last for a bit but holy shit they scrapped SO MUCH from episode 1 i

  • Nope, only if you kissed her in Episode 1.1.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I think she actually slaps you no matter the dialogue you choose. As I chose the option about not wanting to hurt David or something?


    ClemRanger posted: »

    Probably mentioned, but Clem beat Gabe at Euchre

  • Sarcasm at its best. Love it.

    Thank god they scrapped all that, I might have had a seizure if the episodes were this long and had actual substance. Phew, dodged a bullet

  • Lmao XD excuses~


  • Now imagine if there was a slow moment where Clem, Gabe, Javier and Kate sat down and all played Euchre. There would have been a lot more character building and Gabentine might have made some sense.

    Sure, the conversation between Javi and Kate had to happen, but having a quick game and some nice discussion really helps to make you feel for the characters.

    ClemRanger posted: »

    Probably mentioned, but Clem beat Gabe at Euchre

  • We need more of this <3 I love the way Gabe gets beaten and acts as a sore loser, then clem loses and is like: fuck off XD

    ClemRanger posted: »

    Probably mentioned, but Clem beat Gabe at Euchre


    Thank god they scrapped all that, I might have had a seizure if the episodes were this long and had actual substance. Phew, dodged a bullet

  • Tavia was apparently supposed to get shot by Bonnie and fall of the roof.

  • Yeah, people can be and have been pretty petty.


  • For real I don't know what the hell they're thinking when they cut stuff like this out

    BC_Guy posted: »

    This sounds so much better than how it was in-game. Wish they went with this version instead.

  • yo fucking telltale....

    Thank god they scrapped all that, I might have had a seizure if the episodes were this long and had actual substance. Phew, dodged a bullet

  • Tripp was originally familiar with Badger and The New Frontier.

  • Proof?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Tavia was apparently supposed to get shot by Bonnie and fall of the roof.

  • Not sure about Bonnie shooting Tavia but she has a unused animation where she falls off the top of Howes.


  • edited May 2017

    Good point, as there's technically little explicitily saying Bonnie caused it to happen, but I believe it was @Grayson who told me that there's an unused animation of Tavia falling off the roof of Howe's.

    Meanwhile, the final scene of In Harm's Way was originally supposed to be more chaotic, as Carlos's death was supposed trigger a more explicit panic amongst the group and it's implied that Tavia's men were trying to kill them, but this was apparently changed very late in development. There are numerous voice clips(with a few of them being used in the episode) that were meant for the scene and Rebecca and Jane still reference this during the argument at the beginning of Amid the Ruins.

    I'll try to find the video with these voice clips, but for now, I'll just paraphrase what I remember, with similar appropriate used lines being thrown in(bolded) to help get the basic idea across:

    Luke: Is that Tavia?(Is this one used? I swear I recall it.)
    Mike: Watch Sarah.
    Carlos: Sarah, you've got to be quiet, honey.
    Tyler/Lowell(?): Shoot them!
    Mike: SHIT! They got Carlos!.
    Sarah: Dad...get up...get up....
    Kenny: SARITA!
    Nick(?): REBECCA!
    Rebecca: Sarah! Someone, go after her!
    Bonnie: Tavia, STOP!
    Jane: Run! Just tell them to run!
    Rebecca: Run! Go! Just Go!
    Sarita: Kenny...?
    Kenny: I can't get to ya, babe....
    Luke: I'm goin after Sarah!


  • edited May 2017

    Detail you may have missed: It is more entertaining to talk about what was scrapped from the game rather than what's actually in it.

  • Found it. Got some lines wrong and missed a few, but same general effect.

    Here's where you can here Tavia men apparently spot the group, but it may just be a coincidence @ 0:41

    Here's the argument between Rebecca and Jane @9:43

    DabigRG posted: »

    Good point, as there's technically little explicitily saying Bonnie caused it to happen, but I believe it was @Grayson who told me that ther

  • Javier has a different voice in the reveal trailer than in the actual game

  • I thought that option was only available if you kissed her or something, haven't done a second playthrough yet.

    Melton23 posted: »

    I think it's only if you choose to kiss her in episode 1

  • she should be listed higher than Kate too

    Tony112 posted: »

    9:13 In Road To Survival Mariana is a better character than Gabe: ...and I love that. Thank you Scopely.

  • familiar with badger himself? like he's a notorious asshole?
    I want to know about this.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Tripp was originally familiar with Badger and The New Frontier.

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