Does the SB model SBCG4AP contain a face underneath the mask like Halo 3?



  • edited November 2008
    This is the most unintentionally hilarious thread I've ever seen.
  • edited November 2008
    Strong Bad does in fact have some kind of a face. Look at this!

    And also, DARN YOU JAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • edited November 2008
    Jake's promise was left unfulfilled. I guess I saw that coming. If he does show us a picture, it will probably show him pulling his mask off to reveal... exactly the same mask. That would be an interesting plot twist; throughout the game, he was wearing an extra mask over his real "mask" (face) so that... um... we could be tricked into thinking we'd see his "real" face on this thread. Well, this was certainly a good was to create some suspense to make us forget that we're anxiously waiting for December and the release of possibly the best SBCG4AP yet.
  • edited November 2008
    Still no answer of whether they made a face or not.
  • edited November 2008
    It's fairly obvious that they didn't.
  • edited November 2008
    Yeah. They couldn't have.
  • edited November 2008
    Jake's promise was left unfulfilled.
    Of course it's unfulfilled - it's not tomorrow yet. He's going to show us the picture tomorrow. Sheesh, can't anybody read?
  • edited November 2008
    Of course it's unfulfilled - it's not tomorrow yet. He's going to show us the picture tomorrow. Sheesh, can't anybody read?

    Yeah, I can read. I could also read it 3 days ago. If Jake's seriously going to pull a "tomorrow never comes" joke on us, then I'll really be pretty disappointed in his maturity. I mean, really; I've never heard anyone older than 10 years old use that one. It's extremely uncreative, although it is a great way to get druggies to stop today, as opposed to "tomorrow". I think that, at this point, it would be best for him to just leave this thread alone.
  • edited November 2008
    If Jake's seriously going to pull a "tomorrow never comes" joke on us, then I'll really be pretty disappointed in his maturity.
    He doesn't have to. I'm pulling it for him, whether he likes it or not.
  • edited November 2008
    He doesn't have to. I'm pulling it for him, whether he likes it or not.

    Ugh... Ah well. Go ahead and have your fun. But someday, reverend, I will have my revenge. You hear me? Revenge!

    But not revenge on you. I thought I would throw that in there, just in case you misinterpreted it.
  • edited November 2008
    But not revenge on you. I thought I would throw that in there, just in case you misinterpreted it.
    Curses! Yet another opportunity at Arch Nemesis status foiled...again!
  • edited November 2008
    Curses! Yet another opportunity at Arch Nemesis status foiled...again!

    Ahahaha! I love bringing people's hopes up, then crushing them into tiny bits. Especially when I'm not even trying!

    By the way, 299 posts. Make your next one special!
  • edited November 2008
    By the way, 299 posts. Make your next one special!
    I'd rather not.
  • edited November 2008
    I'd rather not.

    Best 300th post EVER.
  • edited November 2008
    I wonder if I'll hit my 1000th before years end. Hard to believe I've been around that long, seems like only yesterday... Actually, I have no recollection of when I first joined
  • edited November 2008
    Dangerzone wrote: »
    I wonder if I'll hit my 1000th before years end. Hard to believe I've been around that long, seems like only yesterday... Actually, I have no recollection of when I first joined
    You joined about a month before I did, grandpa. It's been nearly two years, now.
  • edited November 2008
    You whippersnappers with your >1000 posts! :p

    But yeah, I spend way too much time here. Damn your quality, Telltale!
  • edited November 2008
    ShaggE wrote: »
    You whippersnappers with your >1000 posts! :p

    But yeah, I spend way too much time here. Damn your quality, Telltale!
    So I joined in Jan 07 and have 300.
    DZ joined a month earlier and has 500 more with 800.
    And you joined a month before him and have 1000 more with 1800. (For what it's worth, that's nearly 2% of the total post count on all of Telltale's forums.)

    If we continue the trend, someone who joined in October 06 should have 3800 posts. :-p
  • edited November 2008
    Heh, makes me look like a spammer. :p
  • edited November 2008
    Thread name change unto - talk of your post count!


    On the talk of mine.... it's not very special. I joined September 1st of this year, and I have 137 (138, with this post). I would have more, but due to the fact that I have a Mac, I can't play Sam & Max without a Windows-to-Mac converter, and so I don't own any of the games. So, really, I only ever talk on the Strong Bad and General Chat forums. Eventually, I might get Sam & Max Wii, and if Season 2 gets disc'd and Season 3 is WiiWare compatible, I'll probably purchase them, too. If that happens, my post count will suddenly soar, due to my sudden explosion of posts on the Sam & Max forums. Until then, my 1.64 posts per day shall continue.

    Wow. I got way off topic. Not that this thread was going anywhere anymore. *sigh*
  • No, it's precisely today. And he said he'd reveal it tomorrow. And today isn't tomorrow, so just wait until tomorrow and he'll reveal it.
    But tommorow never comes... OH! Ha! I get it. *cough*


    Aw, I killed it. :[

    But seriously though, Strong Bad's face is his Mask.

    Or Vice versa. Either way, if you pull it off, Hannibal Lecter will feed it to the dogs. *Wink Wink*
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2008
    Thread name change unto - talk of your post count!


    If you want to seriously talk about something else, start a new thread.
  • edited November 2008
    No, no, I don't think it would be a very good idea to have a whole thread of people bragging about their post count. *shudder* Somehow, that was the subject at the moment, and I made a joke about it. A ha-ha. A funny. However, if someone seriously wants to make a thread on that subject, they can go right ahead. I don't have a copyright on it (or do I?).

    But, on the serious side, yeah, we should probably get back on track. Say, Jake, is it tomorrow yet?

    *AHAHAHAHAHA. Puny human. Not only do you not understand the philosophical belief that tomorrow never comes, but now you joke against it. Someday you will understand the wisdom of these words, and you will truly regret it. With your regret will come pain, misery, and quite possibly death. If you wish to continue this so-called joke, then you may do so, but keep in mind that it will make your last day here on earth much more miserable.* -says the creepy voice in my head.
  • edited November 2008
    Someone really needs to toss together an endlessly-looping GIF of Strong Bad peeling off his mask to reveal another identical mask beneath. That someone would be me if I had any artistic talent whatsoever.
  • edited November 2008
    someone really needs to toss together an endlessly-looping gif of strong bad peeling off his mask to reveal another identical mask beneath. That someone would be me if i had any artistic talent whatsoever.

    Best idea EVER.

    Sorry, that was a lie.
  • edited November 2008
    Hey, could we get a pic of strong bad without his face texture... You know, just him with a "red bulb" head... Strong bad without his "mask" there you go, that ill be 5$.

    Jake wrote: »
    If you want to seriously talk about something else, start a new thread.

    Since this thread is definitely a "roll" and it's now obvious that is purpose is going to go unfulfilled for a long time... allowing the thread to drift off into "off-topicry" and eventually closed... Why delay the inevitable?

    Anyways, I'm glad I still have less than 1000 posts... Cause I hate people who brag about their post count... So I'll end with these, Neither are applicable here, but they are the two best web signatures ever!

    Postcount (noun)

    Another gauge used by forum failures of a person's netdick. Doesn't necessarily prove contribution to said forum, but does prove how little of a life the poster has. Can reach the tens of thousands for the true basement-dweller.
    "Wow, a 10,000 postcount! He must be a well respected member of this forum..."


    "Thats awesome, 9,000 posts that say "HA HA, N00b"... What a hero!"
  • edited November 2008
    As a lifeless forum-goer, I take offense :p

    (I keed, of course. I never post for the sake of posting.)
  • edited December 2008
    Was their a face designed under strong bad's mask or not?
  • edited December 2008
    Was their a face designed under strong bad's mask or not?

    No, there wasn't.
  • edited December 2008
    As I was using a modeling tool to screw around with a game that wasn't made by telltale, I found out what kind of things you'd see when you removed his "Mask". You'd see...
    ABSOLOUTELY NOTHING! I'm serious. It would just remove his head and you'd get to see the untextured inside of his neck.

    Oh, and about that whole "Tomorrow NEVER comes!" thing, Yes it does! Its scientifically proven that Tomorrow is a REAL time measurement, Lasting 671 Minutes, 3 seconds.
  • edited December 2008
    Dangerzone wrote: »
    ...given his green eyes, and odd shaped head, and the sound he made last time he pulled off his mask... I think would be frightened to see his real face anyways.)

    Based on little observations like that, I think Strong Bad's "real" face would look something like this:

    Click at your own risk.
  • edited December 2008
    Based on little observations like that, I think Strong Bad's "real" face would look something like this:

    Click at your own risk.

    Oh Snap!
  • edited December 2008
    Based on little observations like that, I think Strong Bad's "real" face would look something like this:

    Click at your own risk.
  • edited December 2008
    I don't know whether to barf or have a seizure...
  • edited December 2008
    I don't know whether to barf or have a seizure...

    I'd reccomend both.
  • edited December 2008
  • edited December 2008
    My God that's ugly.

    And look at my huge postcount!
  • edited January 2009
    Will wrote: »
    i designed the original strong bad and the chapmans stole him from me! One day they'll pay! You'll all pay!

    that is so not true
  • edited January 2009
    based on little observations like that, i think strong bad's "real" face would look something like this:

    click at your own risk.

    ahhhhhhhhhhhg my eyes
  • edited January 2009
    Based on little observations like that, I think Strong Bad's "real" face would look something like this:

    Click at your own risk.
    Must...Resist... ajibble jibble jibble jibble jibble jibble
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