Original Sam and Max Comic Art on eBay!!!

edited January 2009 in Sam & Max
So I was browsing through eBay for the heck of it and found this auction:


It is for an orignal page from the "Bad Day on the Moon" comic and comes with a paperback
version of the new Sam and Max Collection. It starts at $100 so it is out of my price range. I'm
guessing that Fishbones is Steve's eBay id. Anyway, here is the page for sale.



  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2008
    (That's one page, not two -- the first picture is a blow up of one of the panels.)
  • edited November 2008
    Ahh the temptation to spend my ill gotten gains on something as awesome.. but alas, I only have £40 in my bank account and no job. NOOOO!!!!
  • edited November 2008
    I will not let this one go as easily as those jackets a few months back... >_>

    I wonder how high it's going to go...
  • edited November 2008
    yea i just got a jacket.. and its december so my funds are dry doh!
    ahh well looks awesome contrats ahead of time if someone here wins
    last original page sold for almost 200$ :P
    doh x2
  • ZeroSA wrote: »
    So I was browsing through eBay for the heck of it and found this auction:


    It is for an orignal page from the "Bad Day on the Moon" comic and comes with a paperback
    version of the new Sam and Max Collection. It starts at $100 so it is out of my price range. I'm
    guessing that Fishbones is Steve's eBay id. Anyway, here is the page for sale.


    Yeah,thats a pretty cool Sam and Max piece,and one of my favorite storys!
    I would have loved to have it but its out of my range too!
    Rich people get to have all the fun!
    And you're right "Fishbones" is Steve Purcells ebay name.
    Check out that cool old ventriloquist dummy he won!
    Edgar Bergen and Paul Winchell would be jealous!
  • edited December 2008
    I could almost afford it but i live between the middle of nowhere and the end of the line. curse my reclusive genius!
  • edited December 2008
    What can I say? This is why you open up a bank account and save money for days like these. (Having two jobs also helps!)

    I also got this. "Ordinary" copy of Surfin' the Highway? I think not.

    Of course, I thanked Mr Purcell for having the auction. :)
  • edited December 2008
    Thats cool stuff. I've seen some other peoples Surfin' the Highways art on Comicartfans.com. I think that soft cover you have is cooler than my hardcover. I'd love to have some art by him, be it Sam & Max or Toybox or anything else... I really love his art style.
  • edited December 2008
    I had the option of buying this at comic con from steve himself, sad that I didn't have the monies for that at the time :(
  • edited December 2008
    Don't you people know how to save or be economic about money? Gzzzzzzs! No wonder we're up in our asses in debts... Plus this crap on the stock market and the whole goddamn crisis? Merry Christmas indeed! :rolleyes:
  • edited January 2009
    ahhhwwww i already bought 5 original sam and max drawings signed by steve purcell at comic con 08. i spent like 600.00 dollars at the telltalegames booth and steves booth i have so much sam and max stuff i love them the only thing i really want is the action figures i will hecka buy one if anyone nows were i can buy one please tell.
  • edited January 2009
    droool... i never get to go to the cons... always seem to work or get deathly ill..

    action figures.. droolll
  • edited January 2009
    Where exactly is this "comic con" located, and when?
    I've heard of previous comic cons before, but I've never actually BEEN to one. Doubt I'll be able to go this year, since I can't DRIVE yet. Maybe next year, huh?
    Hopefully Steve Purcell will be there next year...
  • edited January 2009

    For more info, basically Comic-Con is the Convention of all Conventions, held at the end of July in San Diego. I travelled across from the UK to visit 08 convention.

    Met Steve after his career talk that he held, also bought some original sketches from him. Also met a whole host of other crazy and famous people. Ended up in a free showing of the latest Futurama movie showing, out of pure chance and met the cast and creators.

    Also stopped by the Telltale Booth quite a few times.

    Basically Comic Con is a must if you can get to it!
  • edited January 2009
    Damn. Want. That. Art.
  • edited January 2009
    Dang... I really want to go to comic con now, but im too poor :( one of the main reasons of why I hate living in the middle of nowhere.
  • edited January 2009
    And why I hate living on the other side of the US as San Diego.
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