The story starts with an intriguing mystery to solve. As an interactive game there should have been more opportunity to explore elements of… more this mystery.
Unfortunately we are ushered from scene to scene as we are pulled along the story, not allowing us much time to digest the information presented before us. I have to replay a scene from YouTube so I can pause and review the contents of a dossier or copy down the names on the blackboard (to satiate my own curiosity). The game should allow moments of reflection or analysis (if one so chooses), as well as maintaining the exciting action sequences we have enjoyed.
My fear is with everything episode 5 needs to accomplish to end the story we are going to have someone come around and just tell us what happened.
I am not asking for it to be just "sniffing around things", but I still think that as a murder investigation game it completely ignores way too many clues we've found so far. When things finally connect at the end it will feel abrupt and not as a result of intelligent work by our protagonist.
no actually i have my own minor complains but def those are not "its not detective enough" w/e ,to me detective is much more than sniffing around things.
IMO, episodes 2 and 3 borderline sucked. But I thought episode 4 was the best since the first episode. More happened in that episode in the previous 2 combined.
It wasnt 60 minutes. If you got through the game in sixty minutes, I am boggled by that. It took me an hour and a half and I didnt pause the game in any way, not even to read the Book of Fables which I like to do when they pop up.
She brought it up when she was telling Bigby to play it more "by the books." Then the Jersey Devil gives me a mouthful after he clearly bullshits me and attacks me, essentially calling me a dick for defending myself. Then the bloody butcher does the same thing. I am fine being made to regret my actions but c'mon, if it's retaliatory there shouldn't be any "WAAH LOOK HOW MEAN YOU ARE" nonsense.
The episode IMO was good, but didn't include interesting choices, plot twists, and a multitude of things the previous episodes did deliver on. Personally, episode 1 is my favorite thus far, because it seamed the most polished story wise and mechanically wise. As a whole, I'd give this episode a 7/10.
you see TWD s2 any difference now? do you even make an impact on storyline? its not just TWAU its how TT games have progressed, they have stopped giving us puzzles or our ability to make a major impact on storyline like they did with TWDs1 and previous games now its just fast games with hardly any puzzles, some Q action and done. Its all about dialogues you chose thats it.
Everyone to their own opinion so I'll throw mine into the mix. Like most, I loved Episode 1 and reckoned I was in for something possibly be… moretter than TWD but since Episode 2 onwards I really feel this game, story and interactions has just gotten worse by the episode. There's no longer a feel that my actions make any difference, the story is too short and yet too fast paced at the same time and the dialogue and scripting is very poor, there are times that I feel a comment from Bigby or the response from another Fable makes no sense at all and it's been rammed in there to progress the story as quickly as possible. I will play through 'til the end "when" the final episode is released but I honestly believe TWAU has become a torn in Telltales side and now they want rid as quickly as possible so they can focus on other things (I suspect TWAU has not sold anywhere near the amount as TWD or what TTG project for GOT).
I am not asking for it to be just "sniffing around things", but I still think that as a murder investigation game it completely ignores way too many clues we've found so far. When things finally connect at the end it will feel abrupt and not as a result of intelligent work by our protagonist.
IMO, episodes 2 and 3 borderline sucked. But I thought episode 4 was the best since the first episode. More happened in that episode in the previous 2 combined.
Well i finished it in 53 minutes. (counted the time with timer)
Spot on!
She brought it up when she was telling Bigby to play it more "by the books." Then the Jersey Devil gives me a mouthful after he clearly bullshits me and attacks me, essentially calling me a dick for defending myself. Then the bloody butcher does the same thing. I am fine being made to regret my actions but c'mon, if it's retaliatory there shouldn't be any "WAAH LOOK HOW MEAN YOU ARE" nonsense.
The episode IMO was good, but didn't include interesting choices, plot twists, and a multitude of things the previous episodes did deliver on. Personally, episode 1 is my favorite thus far, because it seamed the most polished story wise and mechanically wise. As a whole, I'd give this episode a 7/10.
you see TWD s2 any difference now? do you even make an impact on storyline? its not just TWAU its how TT games have progressed, they have stopped giving us puzzles or our ability to make a major impact on storyline like they did with TWDs1 and previous games now its just fast games with hardly any puzzles, some Q action and done. Its all about dialogues you chose thats it.
maybe they were hurrying to get episode 4 over with, so Telltale would have time to work on episode 5