The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 8
How the hell did they find me? Is all Adam could think.
O… morene day before the apocalypse
"Get me a copy of the surveillance photos, alright?" Duke asked the tech guy. The tech expert nodded as he typed in his keyboard, and the printer next to him made a buzzing noise. The tech expert grabbed the photos and handed them to Duke. Duke squinted to look at the photos and saw Adam Stark. At the scene of the killing, he saw his face slashing the victim 'Inda Jones', convicted felon and murderer. That was the Disformer's M.O. Adam Stark was the Disformer. Duke couldn't believe it. He grabbed his pistol off from his desk, putting it in his holster as he ran out of the police station, entering his black sedan. He was about to start the engine, but instead he got out of the car, pulling out a screwdriver from his butt pocket, unscrewing the license plates. He tossed the l… [view original content]
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 8
How the hell did they find me? Is all Adam could think.
O… morene day before the apocalypse
"Get me a copy of the surveillance photos, alright?" Duke asked the tech guy. The tech expert nodded as he typed in his keyboard, and the printer next to him made a buzzing noise. The tech expert grabbed the photos and handed them to Duke. Duke squinted to look at the photos and saw Adam Stark. At the scene of the killing, he saw his face slashing the victim 'Inda Jones', convicted felon and murderer. That was the Disformer's M.O. Adam Stark was the Disformer. Duke couldn't believe it. He grabbed his pistol off from his desk, putting it in his holster as he ran out of the police station, entering his black sedan. He was about to start the engine, but instead he got out of the car, pulling out a screwdriver from his butt pocket, unscrewing the license plates. He tossed the l… [view original content]
"Why the fuck would you do such a thing, Ben?" Adam growled.
"I - They said they had my friend, I didn't know what to do..." Ben replied, his voice a bit shaky.
"Do you... DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU'VE DONE!? We lost Lilly, We lost Xavier, we lost...." Adam had nothing good to think about Ben now.
"I'm sorry, I - Thought it would keep them off our backs! I - I'm sorry!" Ben said, his hands raised against his face in case Adam attacked him.
"Are you going to tell anyone..?" Ben said, cowardly.
"....Don't tell anyone else. They won't be so friendly." Adam sighed as he walked away, walking into the room where Kenny, Sonya, Daniel and Lee were at.
"Hey, Adam." Lee greeted. Adam put up a fake smile and nodded. He was so incredibly pissed about what Ben did. He couldn't even imagine how Kenny would take it.
"So who the hell is the new guy? Chuck?" Adam asked. He had heard the name, but he just randomly popped out of nowhere.
"Apparently he lived in the train for a bit. You were out jerking off in the forest so you didn't find out." Kenny said, harshly.
"Kenny, enough." Sonya growled. He didn't know why he was in the forest for about an hour or two, he was just angry about Manny's death.
"Adam, let me speak to you in private for a second." Daniel said as he exited out to the very front of the train, and Adam followed.
"Look.. if you're gonna be a danger to the group, I'm going to tell everyone." Daniel said.
"I - That's not me anymore. I only killed people who were murderers, alot like Dexter, as you said. I didn't really read the book but I heard alot about it." Adam replied.
"Why did you start doing it? Why become a vigilante?" Daniel asked.
"I killed my foster father because he tried to kill me. I - uh, lost my mother when I was young, and my real father just disappeared. My mother died in a hostage situation in a bank. Murderers, made me sick. That cop, John Duke took care of me for the next few years after I killed my foster father. I learned the ways of the police force, covering up my tracks. I learned I had a sister, a little sister just a few years ago, she was under my custody. She died a day before all this happened. A guy drove by my neighborhood and killed her. Then a few hours later I tried to kill myself, but I couldn't. John Duke knew who I was, he figured it out somehow. This all started, my car broke down and I ran through Macon trying to find someone to help me, I came across Manny, Sonya, and a man named Danny." Adam explained.
"I'm sorry, man. I - I just need to know if I can trust you." Daniel said.
"Of course. I just need you to... keep this to yourself." Adam said.
"I - Okay. Yeah.." Daniel replied, nodding. Adam patted him on the shoulder and walked back into the front.
"I don't suppose we couldn't catch up?" Sonya asked.
"Sure." Adam smiled.
"So what happened?" Adam asked.
** Day 153 **
Sonya woke up, the RV had flipped over and was on fire. She heard voices. She had to get out of there, everyone else was unconscious.
Goddamn it, I'm sorry Sonya thought, and she looked behind her to see a side window, it was tilted sideways so she could kick it and crawl through, as she did, she groaned as a piece of broken glass had stuck through her hand, she heard voices asking if they heard any sounds. That's when she quietly crawled out, and took a look at who was there.
"Get them out of there. I need them ALIVE." Thomas ordered, grabbing the front door and seeing Kenny unconscious.
"Everyone." Thomas repeated. There was two other men with him, two men she hadn't seen before.
"Yes sir." A man said, and Thomas and the man were kneeling down to the RV.
"HEY!" The second man yelled, noticing.
"Go after her." Thomas said, strangely calm. The second man nodded and Sonya ran through the woods, pulling the broken piece of glass out of her skin, groaning as it slid through. She hid behind a tree, gripping the handle side of it and waited for him to run by, she didn't think he noticed her. He then ran by, and Sonya jumped from behind, tugging at his neck, but the man just spun around trying to shake her off. Sonya then bit his hand as he tried to grab her, and then clutched the glass and stabbed the glass into his neck. The man spat out blood, and then fell over. His body shook as tons of blood flooded from his neck, she then ran off with the glass.
Present Day
"Jesus. You're pretty fucking awesome, y'know?" Adam chuckled.
"I know." Sonya smiled.
"So how the hell did you two end up together?" Adam asked. Remembering how the two of them gave each other dirty looks, but he did flirt with her alot, and she finally just let him in?
"I still don't have any idea." Sonya shrugged.
"Well, I mean... I didn't mean - He's been shot, alot.. huh?" Adam quickly changed the conversation.
"I heard that." Nero said as he walked into the front.
"Speak of the devil." Lee muttered.
"People like shooting me in the fucking shoulder. Stomach's a first." Nero chuckled, coughing a bit.
"You shouldn't be up walking around." Beatrice said from behind. She then walked in as well.
"Well, I heard there was a party up here, so why the fuck can't I just check it out?" Nero chuckled.
"So, Kenny... when do you think we might reach Savannah?" Daniel asked.
"It may be about a day or two. We won't be stopping." Kenny replied.
"Alright, sounds good." Daniel smiled.
"Never thought I'd say this, but nice to see you again Daniel." Nero said.
"Nice to see you too, asshole." Daniel chuckled.
"You're on, motherfucker." Nero replied.
"Look, I - uh, I'm sorry about Manny. He was a good guy." Sonya said to Adam.
"Yeah, he was. We lost a lot of good people. Danny, Frankie, Xavier, Beth, Crystal, Luis... George, Callie, Lilly." Adam said, remembering when he saved Manny instead of Danny. Remembering when Frankie had sawn off Mitchell's arm, and was always a nice guy to everyone in the group. He didn't deserve to go out like that. Xavier tried to take Thomas out, Adam wished he hadn't done that, he was a good guy. Beth, she was a nice girl. At times. Crystal was a nice and quiet girl. Luis was a brave guy. He wished everyone was alive. His sister. His mother. Manny.
"Carmen." Sonya shut her eyes and a tear had fallen down her eye. Nero walked over, and put his hand on his shoulder.
"Kat... Duck." Kenny sighed.
"Rest in peace." Daniel said.
Two Days Later
"Carley, do you think there will be boats there?" Clementine asked.
"I'm sure there will be. Don't you?" Carley asked.
"I'm not sure. Maybe." Clementine answered. Carley smiled and patted her head as she heard the train stopping.
"Looks like we're here." Carley smiled as her and Clementine got up.
"Alright, everyone we're here!" Kenny yelled out. Everyone got off the train. There they were, Savannah. It looked so grey and dead, just like the rest of the world.
Adam walked with Ava.
"Look, did that really mean anything?" Ava asked, referencing to when they were at Matthew's Hardware store.
"Look, you're a nice girl, but we barely knew each other. We were a bit drunk..." Adam said.
"Yeah, I kinda agree. I'm sorry, I didn't really - I fucking don't even remember half of it." Ava chuckled.
"Same here, Ava." Adam smiled.
"What are you two up to?" David butted in the conversation, walking right next to Adam. I hate this guy Adam sighed.
"Sorry to interrupt, but uh... I just wanted to say hey." David cleared his throat.
"Are you still mad about the gunshot?" David asked, noticing Adam's silence. No. No. Not at all. It's just a fucking gunshot, I mean why would anyone care about it?
"You know, I don't know anything about you, so why don't you tell me?" Adam asked.
"Okay. Well, before I joined Thomas' group, I was with a community. The leaders were so serious, and it was hard labor, or your out. I was in the guard section, I escaped alone, and I was kidnapped by these guys. Now, I've broken out of two communities." David explained.
"Ah. Hopefully we don't have to get kidnapped by any more community leaders." Adam chuckled.
"I sure hope not. At least, maybe someone good, not batshit crazy." David agreed.
"Hopefully this place has better people. Or no people." Nero said, holding his wound.
"Beatrice told you not to touch it." Sonya said, and Nero rolled his eyes and then removed his hand from his wound.
"Mommy told me not to touch alot of things. Does that stop me?" Nero muttered.
"What?" Sonya questioned. She heard what he said, but didn't really understand why he said that. She thought it was really awkward to hear.
"Nothing.." Nero sighed.
"Hey Lee. Do you think we would find my parents here?" Clementine asked, holding her walkie talkie. She had her hair cut during the two days, Lee had thought she looked alot cuter. Thanks from the advice from Chuck, her hair would definitely be safer.
"I'm sure they'll be waiting for ya, Clem." Lee replied, wrapping his arm around her.
"They have to be." Carley agreed.
"We're almost to the entrance of the city, if everyone can keep at a medium pace, we should be there in no time!" Kenny yelled out so everyone could hear. Everyone felt... weird. They didn't think Kenny's plan was the best, but there was no other plan. Nero remembered when himself, Beth, Rose, Frankie, Xavier, Crystal, and Luis had planned to go to Savannah. He remembered that he was the only one who was still alive and with the group. Rose was gone, Frankie, Xavier, Crystal and Luis were all dead. He missed them.
"I wonder where Travis and Mark went." Ben said. He was walking behind Lee, Clementine and Carley.
"Hopefully they are okay, maybe we can run into them sometime." Carley shared hope with Ben. Adam still hated Ben for what he did. He didn't even wanna hear his voice. But he kept his cool and kept walking.
"So, uh.. you play guitar alot?" Daniel said to Chuck, trying to make conversation.
"Been since I was a lil' boy. You?" Chuck replied, smiling as he walked with a shovel. The guitar was laced onto his back.
"I think I learned a bit in school. I wasn't very good. I think I took only a few weeks worth, then I dropped out of the class." Daniel replied.
"Where'd ya go to school? They have a whole class about playing guitar?" Chuck asked.
"Well, I went to Musicians Institute in late 1995, I wanted to do Guitar, but I changed my mind and I decided to edit music, such as like editing music videos for song artists. I decided to take a break from it and visit somewhere else. I came to Macon in 2003, after 8 years of music editing. I just recently arrived in Macon when this started." Daniel replied.
"Not bad, son. Not bad. I can teach ya a bit about music, kid." Chuck smiled.
"That'd be cool, if we have time, y'know." Daniel said. Chuck nodded in response.
"YO!" A voice called out. Adam looked to see two strangers standing at the gate of Savannah. One looked to be a man, and another a woman. The man looked to be white, and had a brown-ish sweatshirt with blue jeans. The woman was black and had a purple track jacket with white sleeves. She had lighter blue jeans.
"Are you guys going to be trouble? Because we could have just kept walking." The woman said.
"No, we're friendly!" Lee called out.
"Dammit, Lee." Kenny muttered. The two strangers walked over to them.
"Hey, dude. I'm Omid. I see you've got a group. Uh, we were wondering if we coul-" Omid began to say but was interrupted by his presumed to be girlfriend.
"Omid. Look, Omid was just curious if you guys were friendly. We are just gonna head forward." The woman said.
"Come on, Christa." Omid argued.
"Look, it's nice to meet you guys. I'm Lee, this is Kenny, and-" Lee began to say, but was cut off by Christa.
"Look, we don't mean to intrude on whatever your here, we will just be going." Christa said.
"Hey, why don't you guys join us?" Adam blurted. Kenny looked back to him with a dirty look.
"No, we don't-" Christa was cut off by Omid.
"That'd be great! We'd.. we haven't seen any people, so it'd be great! Goddamn, you've guys got a kid! I haven't seen one in forever. What's your name?" Omid asked.
"Clem-Clementine." Clementine said, smiling. Lee would of thought she would be more shy.
"We'd be happy to have you." Lee said, as Kenny sighed. Lee gave him a look that said 'deal with it.'
"Well, where are you guys headed?" Christa asked.
"Around here." Kenny retorted.
"You don't have to be rude about it, dude." Omid replied.
"Well, let's get to it then?" Adam said, walking forward.
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 9
[Ask him why.]
"Why the fuck would you do such a thing, B… moreen?" Adam growled.
"I - They said they had my friend, I didn't know what to do..." Ben replied, his voice a bit shaky.
"Do you... DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU'VE DONE!? We lost Lilly, We lost Xavier, we lost...." Adam had nothing good to think about Ben now.
"I'm sorry, I - Thought it would keep them off our backs! I - I'm sorry!" Ben said, his hands raised against his face in case Adam attacked him.
"Are you going to tell anyone..?" Ben said, cowardly.
"....Don't tell anyone else. They won't be so friendly." Adam sighed as he walked away, walking into the room where Kenny, Sonya, Daniel and Lee were at.
"Hey, Adam." Lee greeted. Adam put up a fake smile and nodded. He was so incredibly pissed about what Ben did. He couldn't even imagine how Kenny would take it.
"So who the hell is the n… [view original content]
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 9
[Ask him why.]
"Why the fuck would you do such a thing, B… moreen?" Adam growled.
"I - They said they had my friend, I didn't know what to do..." Ben replied, his voice a bit shaky.
"Do you... DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU'VE DONE!? We lost Lilly, We lost Xavier, we lost...." Adam had nothing good to think about Ben now.
"I'm sorry, I - Thought it would keep them off our backs! I - I'm sorry!" Ben said, his hands raised against his face in case Adam attacked him.
"Are you going to tell anyone..?" Ben said, cowardly.
"....Don't tell anyone else. They won't be so friendly." Adam sighed as he walked away, walking into the room where Kenny, Sonya, Daniel and Lee were at.
"Hey, Adam." Lee greeted. Adam put up a fake smile and nodded. He was so incredibly pissed about what Ben did. He couldn't even imagine how Kenny would take it.
"So who the hell is the n… [view original content]
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 9
[Ask him why.]
"Why the fuck would you do such a thing, B… moreen?" Adam growled.
"I - They said they had my friend, I didn't know what to do..." Ben replied, his voice a bit shaky.
"Do you... DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU'VE DONE!? We lost Lilly, We lost Xavier, we lost...." Adam had nothing good to think about Ben now.
"I'm sorry, I - Thought it would keep them off our backs! I - I'm sorry!" Ben said, his hands raised against his face in case Adam attacked him.
"Are you going to tell anyone..?" Ben said, cowardly.
"....Don't tell anyone else. They won't be so friendly." Adam sighed as he walked away, walking into the room where Kenny, Sonya, Daniel and Lee were at.
"Hey, Adam." Lee greeted. Adam put up a fake smile and nodded. He was so incredibly pissed about what Ben did. He couldn't even imagine how Kenny would take it.
"So who the hell is the n… [view original content]
Um, you'll have to ask the administrator, JakeSt123 if you want to join, because we were doing it for our own fanfics.
Don't mean to be a dick here, but it's what we all agreed on.
Oh, well, I still can't wait to see what happens in episode 5, considering almost everyone died in E5 in the real game. Also, how wil lthe time skip be handled if this goes into Season 2?
In the Right or Wrong Universe, Nero calls Daniel, "Jack Daniels"(a nickname that should be used more often) in Episode 2, to which he replies that he "doesn't drink much".
In the What Comes After Universe, Daniel is an alcoholic, but usually tries to avoid alcohol. Occasionally though, his willpower breaks(a scene I have planned for episode 3).
Oh, I hadn't realized, but why tell me?
* I'm over there on the othertwdforum, so when I do start my fic(What Comes After), I should be included in that, right?
* I'm not the guy who asked to put their fan-fic there, Gustav_Kenny is.
Fun Fact:
In the Right or Wrong Universe, Nero calls Daniel, "Jack Daniels"(a nickname that should be used more often) in Episode 2, to w… morehich he replies that he "doesn't drink much".
In the What Comes After Universe, Daniel is an alcoholic, but usually tries to avoid alcohol. Occasionally though, his willpower breaks(a scene I have planned for episode 3).
"Kenny, how much farther to the river front?" Lee asked, walking behind Kenny. Lee had recently found out that the walkie talkie was working again, and that Clementine had been talking to her.
"Can't I just hold it?" Clementine begged.
"Clem, not right now." Lee replied, paying attention to the street. Savannah looked quite empty actually, no walkers as far as they saw. They had entered the city. It's been three days on the train, and about an hour since they met Omid and Christa. Nero was slowly walking, still injured from his gunshot wound. Sonya had his arm and helped him walk.
"This is some bullshit." Nero coughed.
"Nero needs to rest, Kenny. We need to find a place to recharge ourselves." Sonya said, seeing as Nero was wincing in pain at every step.
"We can't rest! I'm sorry, Nero and Sonya... but we need to keep moving. We can't rest on the street." Daniel said.
"Okay, first of all... Danny boy. You're right about one thing, I can't rest on the motherfucking street. So, uh - find a house or something." Nero retorted.
"No. That's not an option." Kenny said, coldly.
"You don't even listen to anyone else, you just go on barking orders!" Sonya replied.
"Look, man... I think she's right, we got an injured man!" Omid butted in.
"Omid, you don't get a say." Kenny growled.
"Oh, he doesn't get a say? Who put you as the leader, anyhow?" Adam also decided to step in.
"This is getting out of hand! Why don't we put it into a vote?" Carley suggested. Adam nodded, agreeing and Kenny sighed heavily and stopped. They all turned around.
"Who thinks we should find a place to rest? Raise hands." Kenny said, placing his hands on his hips. Adam raised his, Sonya raised his, Lee and Clem and Carley, did too. Ben and Chuck and Ava did. As did Omid and Christa. The only hands that weren't raised were Kenny's, David's, and Daniel's.
"Well, it's decided then. Let's find a place to rest." Ava said, as everyone put their hands down. Kenny sighed and turned back around, looking for a house. Then they all heard a noise, like a church bell. It rang very loudly, and it obviously would attract some walkers.
"Maybe this city's not so dead after all." Christa inquired.
"Keep moving. It's automatic, on a timer." Kenny replied.
"What kind of church bell goes off twenty past the hour?" Lee asked.
Lee jumped a bit once he saw a shadow run across the bell tower.
"Someone's up there!" Lee exclaimed. Everyone turned to face him. They all saw him looking at the bell tower.
"Are you sure? I don't see anything." Ben replied.
"I know what I saw! There was someone up on that bell tower, someone alive! Could be the person who rang the bells!" Lee exclaimed. That's when he heard the crackle of the walkie talkie, Lee raised it to his mouth to respond.
"If I were you, I'd get out of the street. NOW." The man on the radio warned.
"Look, we should just keep going and finding a safe place because -" Adam was interrupted by Chuck who started talking.
"Ask not for whom the bell tolls...." Chuck began.
"What are you yammerin' on about?" Kenny questioned. They all turned the face the street. What they saw...
They saw about twenty maybe thirty walkers approaching the group.
"It tolls for thee...." Chuck finished, gripping his shovel.
"Oh shit, everyone run!" Adam yelled as he pulled out his combat knife, hacking away at the zombies that were in his way. Chuck smashed a walker's head open with his shovel. Sonya helped Nero run, but he slowly stopped every few seconds. Kenny ran and suddenly he tripped, a walker had grabbed his foot.
"Kenny!" Lee said as the walker pulled Kenny's foot in closer to bite it, but Lee quickly shot the walker in the head, killing it instantly.
"Little too close, don't ya think?" Kenny panted as he slowly got up off the concrete.
"Ben!" Clementine squealed as the two of them were backed up against a wall, neither had weapons. Clementine shook in fear as Ben did nothing but run. He left her there, to die.
That motherfucker... Is all Adam could think at that very moment.
"GODDAMN IT!" Lee yelled, pulling his pistol at again shooting all the walkers that were surrounding her. There was one left that couldn't be shot by Lee. Lee ran over to her, holding out his hand. He thought this might be it for her, but it couldn't be.
"NOOO!" Lee yelled, and quickly the walker was taken down by Chuck. The walker fell on the ground, and then Chuck stuck the shovel into the walker's chest.
"Get her the hell outta here! I'll catch up with ya!" Chuck said as Lee hugged Clementine, sighing in relief that Chuck had saved her when she did. Chuck then nodded as Lee and Clem ran off.
"Move your asses! River Street is right up ahead!" Kenny ordered. All of them were back, and all Adam could think about is punching Ben in the face.
"That's not all." Ben said, referencing to the walkers that had stumbled into the street. Everyone turned to face Chuck who was fighting off zombies.
"Shit! He's in trouble! We have to help him." Omid said.
"There's no time! We gotta go, now!" Kenny ordered.
"We can't just..." Daniel wanted to run over there, but it was suicide.
"I'll be fine! Just GO!" Chuck yelled. Then all of them started running until the reached a backyard of some sort, it was a fairly big house. They entered the gate, and as soon as they reached the backyard, Nero tripped and landed on his wound. He groaned in pain as Sonya got him up. Adam then lunged at Ben, pinning him against the wall.
"Adam, what are you-" Christa questioned. Adam clenched his fist and was about to punch Ben in the face, but something stopped him. Adam sighed and then lowered his fist.
"You pull something like that again... and...." Adam couldn't say. He didn't want to hurt Ben, he was just a stupid teenager. He wasn't a serial killer anymore. Adam let go of him and walked away, trying to wipe away the anger that overcame him.
"Jesus. We just left him back there!" Daniel yelled.
"There was nothing we could do. We need to find a way to get inside this house!" Kenny said, twisting the door handle.
"He's right. Okay, let's see here..." Omid agreed as he messed around with the boarded windows.
"Omid, you've got the windows. Ben, you do whatever. And everyone else can rest." Kenny said as he kicked the door a few times, and decided it wasn't going to budge.
"What are we going to do now..." Ben muttered to himself.
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 10
Day 167
"Kenny, how much farther to the river front?" Le… moree asked, walking behind Kenny. Lee had recently found out that the walkie talkie was working again, and that Clementine had been talking to her.
"Can't I just hold it?" Clementine begged.
"Clem, not right now." Lee replied, paying attention to the street. Savannah looked quite empty actually, no walkers as far as they saw. They had entered the city. It's been three days on the train, and about an hour since they met Omid and Christa. Nero was slowly walking, still injured from his gunshot wound. Sonya had his arm and helped him walk.
"This is some bullshit." Nero coughed.
"Nero needs to rest, Kenny. We need to find a place to recharge ourselves." Sonya said, seeing as Nero was wincing in pain at every step.
"We can't rest! I'm sorry, Nero and Sonya... but we need to keep moving. We can't re… [view original content]
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 10
Day 167
"Kenny, how much farther to the river front?" Le… moree asked, walking behind Kenny. Lee had recently found out that the walkie talkie was working again, and that Clementine had been talking to her.
"Can't I just hold it?" Clementine begged.
"Clem, not right now." Lee replied, paying attention to the street. Savannah looked quite empty actually, no walkers as far as they saw. They had entered the city. It's been three days on the train, and about an hour since they met Omid and Christa. Nero was slowly walking, still injured from his gunshot wound. Sonya had his arm and helped him walk.
"This is some bullshit." Nero coughed.
"Nero needs to rest, Kenny. We need to find a place to recharge ourselves." Sonya said, seeing as Nero was wincing in pain at every step.
"We can't rest! I'm sorry, Nero and Sonya... but we need to keep moving. We can't re… [view original content]
Awesome chapter but.....
The line that Chuck says is, "Ask not for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."
You only wrote" From whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."
....Please fix it.
All Adam could think about is if they were going to come back. As he heard, Crawford was going to be dangerous. It apparently didn't allow kids. They had met a girl named Molly, who had apparently known about everything that happened. Almost everyone went, except for Adam, Nero, Sonya, Ava, David, Beatrice and Clementine. They had almost met a man named Vernon, and a woman named Brie. Apparently, they were cancer patients. Adam didn't even know why he didn't go with the group to Crawford, he just felt he had to stay here.
Daniel, Lee, Kenny, Carley, Ben, Christa, Omid, Vernon, Brie, and Molly had all went to the Crawford trip. He wished he went. All Adam could hear is the pained yells of Nero.
"Just hold still!" Beatrice's voice yelled, from up the stairs.
"Hey, I was thinking me and you could go look for Chuck?" Ava suggested. Adam then remembered, he felt horrible for remembering.
"Lee found Chuck in the sewers. He's gone." Adam sighed, placing his hand on his forehead.
"You didn't even tell anyone? You just waited till someone asked?" David walked in.
"Can you get off my ass?" Adam growled. Ava pushed David away, David just scowled and walked out of the living room.
"What's wrong with you?" Ava asked, concerned.
"Just because we had sex doesn't mean you care about me. You don't. We aren't - anything. We don't even know each other. It was a mistake, we were both drunk like you said. You don't get to ask those questions." Adam replied, harshly.
"I don't care. I wanna know why you're acting like this." Ava replied, not taking any offense to what he had said. She agreed with him, it was a mistake.
"Because I'm a fucking serial killer, okay!? I'm crazy. It's what I am, it's in my BLOOD." Adam admitted. Ava just raised her eyebrow. Ava wanted to laugh, but he felt so serious about it. He then noticed there was a bottle of whiskey sitting on the table. The cap was open.
"You've been drinking." Ava said, rolling her eyes. Adam looked at the bottle of whiskey.
"I didn't drink shit. That was Kenny. So fucking depressed because he didn't find a boat, boo fucking hoo. I am a serial killer. Before all this - I was. I was one." Adam finally admitted.
"Bullshit. Just - take it easy, okay?" Ava said, grabbing a pillow that was on a chair, and tossed it towards the couch.
"I don't need you to make my bed for me, alright?" Adam growled. Ava sighed and then walked away. She was greeted by David in the hallway.
"I knew he was trouble. Fuck." David said, putting his hands on his head, unknown of what to do.
"What? You heard all that?" Ava asked, embarrassed about him hearing about the two of them having sex.
"Yeah. All of it. He's a goddamn serial killer, jesus. I knew from the moment he choked you, he was dangerous..." David said, panting heavily. Why was he acting so afraid? Was he afraid of Adam?
"He's not a serial killer. I saw a open bottle of whiskey on the table, he's been drinking." Ava replied.
"No, he's right. Kenny drunk the whole bottle. I was there when he did it. It was empty when Adam walked into the living room. He didn't drink at all." David informed her.
"Are you sure?" Ava asked.
"Pretty fucking sure. Don't fuck with Tiny Carlos, sure." David said, he remembered hearing one of his friends back in college saying that phrase. He figured he might as well bring it up.
"Oh, shit! I need help up here!" Sonya yelled. David and Ava ran up the stairs to see blood squirting out of his stomach, Beatrice and Sonya were trying to stop the bleeding.
"How the hell did that happen?" David gasped.
"Just fucking help!" Sonya growled. Beatrice grabbed a wet rag and held down on the wound. Adam walked up the stairs with a gun in his hand.
["In case he turns, I'll be right here."] ["He's dead, Sonya. Let me kill him."] ["He's not going to make it. Maybe you should put him down, Sonya."] [Stay silent.]
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 11
Day 167
All Adam could think about is if they were going… more to come back. As he heard, Crawford was going to be dangerous. It apparently didn't allow kids. They had met a girl named Molly, who had apparently known about everything that happened. Almost everyone went, except for Adam, Nero, Sonya, Ava, David, Beatrice and Clementine. They had almost met a man named Vernon, and a woman named Brie. Apparently, they were cancer patients. Adam didn't even know why he didn't go with the group to Crawford, he just felt he had to stay here.
Daniel, Lee, Kenny, Carley, Ben, Christa, Omid, Vernon, Brie, and Molly had all went to the Crawford trip. He wished he went. All Adam could hear is the pained yells of Nero.
"Just hold still!" Beatrice's voice yelled, from up the stairs.
"Hey, I was thinking me and you could go look for Chuck?" Ava suggested. Adam then remem… [view original content]
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 11
Day 167
All Adam could think about is if they were going… more to come back. As he heard, Crawford was going to be dangerous. It apparently didn't allow kids. They had met a girl named Molly, who had apparently known about everything that happened. Almost everyone went, except for Adam, Nero, Sonya, Ava, David, Beatrice and Clementine. They had almost met a man named Vernon, and a woman named Brie. Apparently, they were cancer patients. Adam didn't even know why he didn't go with the group to Crawford, he just felt he had to stay here.
Daniel, Lee, Kenny, Carley, Ben, Christa, Omid, Vernon, Brie, and Molly had all went to the Crawford trip. He wished he went. All Adam could hear is the pained yells of Nero.
"Just hold still!" Beatrice's voice yelled, from up the stairs.
"Hey, I was thinking me and you could go look for Chuck?" Ava suggested. Adam then remem… [view original content]
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 11
Day 167
All Adam could think about is if they were going… more to come back. As he heard, Crawford was going to be dangerous. It apparently didn't allow kids. They had met a girl named Molly, who had apparently known about everything that happened. Almost everyone went, except for Adam, Nero, Sonya, Ava, David, Beatrice and Clementine. They had almost met a man named Vernon, and a woman named Brie. Apparently, they were cancer patients. Adam didn't even know why he didn't go with the group to Crawford, he just felt he had to stay here.
Daniel, Lee, Kenny, Carley, Ben, Christa, Omid, Vernon, Brie, and Molly had all went to the Crawford trip. He wished he went. All Adam could hear is the pained yells of Nero.
"Just hold still!" Beatrice's voice yelled, from up the stairs.
"Hey, I was thinking me and you could go look for Chuck?" Ava suggested. Adam then remem… [view original content]
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 11
Day 167
All Adam could think about is if they were going… more to come back. As he heard, Crawford was going to be dangerous. It apparently didn't allow kids. They had met a girl named Molly, who had apparently known about everything that happened. Almost everyone went, except for Adam, Nero, Sonya, Ava, David, Beatrice and Clementine. They had almost met a man named Vernon, and a woman named Brie. Apparently, they were cancer patients. Adam didn't even know why he didn't go with the group to Crawford, he just felt he had to stay here.
Daniel, Lee, Kenny, Carley, Ben, Christa, Omid, Vernon, Brie, and Molly had all went to the Crawford trip. He wished he went. All Adam could hear is the pained yells of Nero.
"Just hold still!" Beatrice's voice yelled, from up the stairs.
"Hey, I was thinking me and you could go look for Chuck?" Ava suggested. Adam then remem… [view original content]
"Pretty fucking sure. Don't fuck with Tiny Carlos, sure." David said, he remembered hearing one of his friends back in college saying that phrase. He figured he might as well bring it up.
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 11
Day 167
All Adam could think about is if they were going… more to come back. As he heard, Crawford was going to be dangerous. It apparently didn't allow kids. They had met a girl named Molly, who had apparently known about everything that happened. Almost everyone went, except for Adam, Nero, Sonya, Ava, David, Beatrice and Clementine. They had almost met a man named Vernon, and a woman named Brie. Apparently, they were cancer patients. Adam didn't even know why he didn't go with the group to Crawford, he just felt he had to stay here.
Daniel, Lee, Kenny, Carley, Ben, Christa, Omid, Vernon, Brie, and Molly had all went to the Crawford trip. He wished he went. All Adam could hear is the pained yells of Nero.
"Just hold still!" Beatrice's voice yelled, from up the stairs.
"Hey, I was thinking me and you could go look for Chuck?" Ava suggested. Adam then remem… [view original content]
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 11
Day 167
All Adam could think about is if they were going… more to come back. As he heard, Crawford was going to be dangerous. It apparently didn't allow kids. They had met a girl named Molly, who had apparently known about everything that happened. Almost everyone went, except for Adam, Nero, Sonya, Ava, David, Beatrice and Clementine. They had almost met a man named Vernon, and a woman named Brie. Apparently, they were cancer patients. Adam didn't even know why he didn't go with the group to Crawford, he just felt he had to stay here.
Daniel, Lee, Kenny, Carley, Ben, Christa, Omid, Vernon, Brie, and Molly had all went to the Crawford trip. He wished he went. All Adam could hear is the pained yells of Nero.
"Just hold still!" Beatrice's voice yelled, from up the stairs.
"Hey, I was thinking me and you could go look for Chuck?" Ava suggested. Adam then remem… [view original content]
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 11
Day 167
All Adam could think about is if they were going… more to come back. As he heard, Crawford was going to be dangerous. It apparently didn't allow kids. They had met a girl named Molly, who had apparently known about everything that happened. Almost everyone went, except for Adam, Nero, Sonya, Ava, David, Beatrice and Clementine. They had almost met a man named Vernon, and a woman named Brie. Apparently, they were cancer patients. Adam didn't even know why he didn't go with the group to Crawford, he just felt he had to stay here.
Daniel, Lee, Kenny, Carley, Ben, Christa, Omid, Vernon, Brie, and Molly had all went to the Crawford trip. He wished he went. All Adam could hear is the pained yells of Nero.
"Just hold still!" Beatrice's voice yelled, from up the stairs.
"Hey, I was thinking me and you could go look for Chuck?" Ava suggested. Adam then remem… [view original content]
"In case, he turns. I'll be right here." Adam said, like he didn't even care about Nero. He cocked the gun and Sonya gave him an angry glare. She then turned to face to see Nero passing out.
"I stopped the bleeding. I say we just let him rest." Beatrice said, walking over to the table to grab a dry dish rag, and then she rubbed her hands with it, rubbing off all the blood.
"They need to get back with medicine. They have to." Sonya sighed.
"They will. Don't worry." Ava assured her.
"Where's Clem?" Adam asked. He hadn't seen her anywhere in the house, where could she be?
"I think she went outside." David shrugged. Adam nodded, and went down the stairs and went out to the backyard. She didn't see anyone.
"Clementine, CLEMENTINE?" Adam called out. There was nothing. All he could hear was the breeze. Adam looked over to the open little shed, he remembered when Lee and Clementine had found a boat just sitting there in that shed. She wasn't in there, so where was she?
"Adam..." Clementine said, Adam faced her to see her walking through the gate door, and looking at him with a frown.
"What the hell were you doing out here?" Adam questioned.
"I thought I saw something! I had to check it out!" Clem explained.
"Don't do that. You ask one of us first, got it?" Adam crossed his arms.
"Lee would be worried sick if you were just out here by your damn self." Adam growled.
"I'm - sorry!" Clementine felt a tear dripping down her eye. Adam had thought of his little sister once he saw the tear fall down her cheek. Adam sighed heavily, then kneeled down and rested his hand on her shoulder. Clementine looked at his beard that was beginning to form. It was still a bit of a stubble, but it was becoming a beard. She remembered he didn't have any facial hair and had short hair when she first saw him.
"It's okay, Clem. I - uh, just don't do that again. Okay?" Adam said, with a more calm tone than before.
"Okay..." Clem sniffled, wiping the tear from her face.
"Why don't you go run inside?" Adam suggested. Clem nodded and ran inside. Adam then sighed and closed the gate door, and looked around to see if anyone was lurking around. Then he heard groaning and moaning. What the hell was that? He figured it was a walker, but as soon as he saw what it was. He couldn't believe it. It was Frankie. Frankie's corpse had found his way towards us. He had died all the way back at Thomas' camp. He followed the damn train. What were the odds?
"Goddamn it, Frank." Adam sighed, looking at the ground. Frankie was a good friend of his, he just couldn't believe that he was a walker. He remembered him being shot in the back while with Beatrice.
"I'm sorry, buddy. I can't see you like this." Adam said, grabbing his combat knife. He then opened the gate, and shut it and that's when the moaning intensified. It wasn't Frankie, it was more like more walkers were coming his way, and he was right. He heard his belt click onto the gate, and he suddenly couldn't break free.
"What the fuck?" Adam panted. He was stuck. He then tried to cut the belt, but instead cut his finger, and that resulted into him dropping the knife on the ground. Then he saw about ten or eleven more walkers. They came towards him as Adam started pushing his foot towards the gate, tugging away desperately. Frankie grabbed his arm, and Adam desperately tried to shove him off. He groaned in pain as a second walker grabbed his other hand. He kicked Frankie and the walker in the stomach, pushing them back. He then leaned down to grab the combat knife. He was still bleeding from his finger. He then waited for the walker to get up, and then shoved the knife in it's skull.
"Sorry, buddy." Adam said as he faced Frankie, he then shoved the knife into Frankie's skull. The rest of the walkers weren't very close to him, but they were progressing. It seems they had found some sort of animal, so that kept them distracted, fortunately. He then placed the knife near the belt, cutting through. Once he finished, he took out the belt, and threw it towards the walkers. He didn't have a belt anymore. He then went through the gate again, laying down on the grass. All he could do was laugh.
"Ah... shit!" Adam laughed, panting heavily. That was a close one. Is all Adam could think. He got up, walking towards the door, he opened it and walked through. He saw Clementine sitting on the couch. He walked up the stairs, and saw Nero laying in bed while Sonya sat next to him, in the chair, putting her two hands in front of her mouth. She faced Adam once he walked in. He had blood over his shirt, and his hair was a bit wet from the blood.
"What happened to you?" Sonya asked.
"Frankie followed us here. My belt laced to the gate, and I got stuck. Fucking walkers almost got me." Adam said.
"Jesus. Frankie? Frankie did? How?" Sonya asked.
"I don't know how, alright? How's he?" Adam asked, Nero was still passed out.
"Why do you care? You seemed to be dead set on shooting him." Sonya replied, giving him a dirty look.
"I was preparing. He would have bit your arm off! Don't even pull that shit with me." Adam replied, coldly.
"Oh, what the hell is your problem!? Lately, you've been nothing but a sad fucking sob. Manny's dead, yeah. He meant something to us as well, not just you!" Sonya yelled. Adam rolled his eyes.
"You think this is about Manny? You've got no fucking idea, Sonya." Adam scoffed.
"Then what is it about?" Sonya asked.
"Me. It's about me. It's always been about me. You don't know who I am, Sonya. What I've done. What I've destroyed. You have no fucking idea." Adam said, placing his hands on his hips, walking around the room.
"Adam, what are you talking about!?" Sonya demanded an answer.
"I'm a serial killer. Was. Before the apocalypse. I killed people. The reason I don't talk about my family is because I killed my step-father, my birth mother died when I was young. And my little sister fucking was killed right in front of me." Adam confessed. He didn't know why he was telling everyone that he was a serial killer.
"You're... you're a wh-what!?" Sonya questioned. She thought about reaching for her gun, but Adam sighed.
"You ever heard on the news, 'The Disformer?' The name doesn't even make any sense, but that's me. I am the Disformer." Adam confessed.
"The-" Sonya gasped, she had heard about the Disformer was a vigilante, all over the news. They never figured it out who he was. That's when Sonya reached for her gun, she pulled it out and cocked it, pointing it towards Adam. Adam just raised his hands up.
"Whoa? What the hell are you doing!?" Ava reacted, she had been eavesdropping in the conversation.
"He's the - He's...." Sonya couldn't believe it. Sonya had been surviving with Adam for months, and she couldn't believe what he had told him.
"I'm not your enemy, Sonya. It's just - I figured you should know. If you want to shoot me, go ahead." Adam said, closing his eyes. David walked into the room and saw Sonya pointing the gun at Adam.
"Sonya...don't do anything stupid............" Ava said, carefully walking towards her.
Day 169
"I think that's our cue to the get the hell out of here." Lee said to Molly, hearing the Crawford school bells. Molly nodded, and the two of them walked forward and then they were about to turn the corner, but they only heard the sound of the floorboard creak. Lee looked over to Molly, and then Molly nodded, grabbing her ice pick, which she had named 'Hilda' That's when Ben had jumped out in front of them, he had a sharp hatchet. Molly thought it looked familiar.
"Shit! Ben!" Lee exclaimed.
"Sorry, sorry. I just got spooked by the bells, but I heard someone coming." Ben told him.
"What the fuck are you doing out here?" Lee questioned.
"Kenny sent me to look for something to bust the armory open, I found this." Ben explained, holding the hatchet in his hand. Lee remembered that he had braced the door with that very hatchet.
"Uh... Ben, where did you get that?" Lee asked.
"I just found it. It was stuck in a door handle at the end of the hallway back there." Ben pointed to the door.
"Oh no..." Lee gasped as walkers busted in through the front door.
"Shit!" Molly exclaimed, she started to fight off a few zombies. There was about three, she shoved the pick into a walker's head, killing it, the two of walkers had gotten ahold of her.
"Lee, shoot this fucker!" Molly yelled. Lee shot the two walkers, Molly broke free, and said thanks. Lee nodded and the two of them ran back to the classroom. Ben must have ran away. They reached inside the classroom to see everyone else.
"What the fuck is going on?" Kenny asked.
"They're coming." Lee informed.
"That outta hold 'em." Vernon inquired, pointing to the door that Brie was holding back.
"Yeah, but now how do we get out?" Brie asked.
"Through the armory, if we can just get this damn door open! C'mon, damn you!" Kenny groaned, running into the door, elbowing it.
"This is my fault, all my fault!" Ben cried.
"What the hell's he babbling about?" Christa questioned.
"Ben, we talked about this....." Lee warned Ben, Ben had asked him if he should tell Kenny about what he did.
"No, I wanna know what he meant! What do you mean this is all your fault!?" Christa demanded.
"Christa, why don't we-" Omid tried to stop her.
"Omid, let him talk." Daniel was interested as well.
"Guys we don't have time for this!" Carley yelled. Nobody listened.
"Kenny, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, man..." Ben tried to plead himself.
"Kid, this ain't the best time! Whatever you did, save it for later!" Kenny yelled back, still charging against the armory door.
"Ben, Shut the fuck up!" Lee yelled.
"Fuck you, Lee! I can't do this anymore!" Ben growled.
"It was me who did the deal with the bandits back at the motor inn, slipping them supplies. I wanted to keep them off our backs, that's when Lee found the package in the grate, that's when they raided the camp. That's what killed Xavier and Lilly. And that's when Duck....." Ben finally explained. Kenny felt pure anger rushing all over his mind. He then lunged at Ben, but was held back by Daniel and Lee.
"Kick his ass later, Kenny! We can't do this right now!" Lee yelled.
"I don't give a fuck! You little pissant, you're fucking dead, you hear me? DEAD. My wife, my child - you got them both fucking killed!!" Kenny lashed out at Ben.
"If this asshole thinks he's getting on my boat after what he did, he's out of his motherfucking mind! You hear me, shitbird!? You can stay behind and fucking ROT." Kenny lashed out again.
"Kenny, we'll sort this out later - AFTER we get out of here, okay!?" Lee tried to stop it.
"AIN'T NOTHING TO SORT OUT! I told you the way it's gonna be!" Kenny growled.
"The boat's not big enough for all of us. Someone's gotta get left behind, and a few people can't come with! Might as well have this piece of shit right here not join us!" Kenny said, pushing Ben in the shoulder.
"Let's put it to a vote. You can't decide something like that by yourself." Omid said. Christa agreed, and soon everyone else agreed.
"Sure, take a vote! It's America, isn't it!? Fucking great." Kenny yelled. Lee had never seen him this furious.
"I vote we leave him. Ben's too much of a risk. Because of you, Lilly, Xavier, Frankie and many others are DEAD." Daniel voted.
"I know becoming one of them is the beginning of the end, I vote Ben stays with us." Lee voted.
"I vote we leave him, I'm sorry, Ben - I know you mean well, but all I want to do is get out of this hellhole, and you put that at risk." Christa voted.
"We can't just leave him - yeah, he fucked up but... come on, man!" Omid voted.
"I can't do this." Carley abstained.
"Two to two! Well, then my vote counts too! BEN STAYS HERE!" Kenny yelled. Kenny grabbed Ben and pushed him away, and he hit against a desk.
"What about the rest of us, don't we get a say in..." Brie began to say, but she was interrupted once walkers had broke through the window, and grabbed her by the neck, and pulled her in to bite her. She gurgled out blood as another walker got on her and feasted on her.
"BRIE!!!" Vernon cried.
"Now can we go?" Molly asked.
"Damn right. Vernon, c'mon!" Lee said, grabbing Vernon by the elbow. He didn't budge. He didn't move.
"Brie..." Vernon frowned. Lee couldn't get him to move.
"C'mon, Vernon! Stop screwing around!" Lee ordered him to move, but he didn't. The walkers moved closer. Lee made a decision he never thought he would. He left Vernon. Vernon stood there as a walker grabbed him, pulling him down to the floor. The walkers then feasted on him as Lee closed the door behind him. He regretted what he did.
"Vernon and Brie didn't make it." Lee frowned.
"You didn't close that door behind us?" Kenny questioned, referencing to Lee who was holding himself against the door.
"I couldn't - THE LOCK was busted." Lee replied.
"Great. Just fucking great. C'mon, there's gotta be a way out down here!" Kenny said, running down the stairs. Lee had reached the door, and opened it. He saw nothing but dozens of walkers, Lee then slammed it shut.
"That's not gonna hold - BACK UPSTAIRS!" Lee ordered. Kenny stopped and grabbed a shotgun, tossing it towards Lee. Lee cocked the shotgun and got ready for the walkers to storm through. He walked backwards, shooting walkers that were getting remotely close to him. He kept backing up until his foot fell through the stairs. His foot was stuck, he pulled it to get it out, but it wouldn't work. He shot the walkers that got close to him. He kept tugging at his leg, and he finally broke free. He noticed there wasn't many walkers in his way anymore, until he turned around to see them right next to him. The walkers were then shot by Christa. Lee nodded as saying 'thanks' and grabbed the hatchet that he had previously used from the door handle in the hallway. He then hacked at a zombie, tossing it over the stairs. He did an uppercut, slicing him towards the right, so he would fall off the stairs. He then shoved the hatchet into the next walkers' head, and tried to push it off with his hands, he then shoved it off the stairs, but it held onto the shotgun. Lee fired it, and then the walker fell. Lee reached the top and saw Kenny, Christa, Omid, Daniel and Carley climbing down the ladder to get out of Crawford. He then saw Ben running up the stairs. The bells then rang, and Lee told him to come on. Ben covered his ears as a walker grabbed him from behind, he was attached at the bell. Lee then shot the walker, and Ben fell, holding onto the ledge. Lee lunged to grab his hand.
"Hold on, Ben. I've got you!" Lee said. If Lee had let him go, he would have fallen about fifty feet, and he would die.
"Climb up, Ben! C'mon, you can do it!" Lee panted as Ben's hand was slipping off a bit.
"There's no time, dammit! Get the others out of here!" Ben ordered for Lee to let him go.
"Lee." Kenny's voice was heard, Lee looked behind him to see Kenny staring at him, raising his eyebrow a bit as if he wanted Lee to drop him. Lee then looked back to see Ben's hand slipping away.
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 12
[In case, he turns, I'll be right here.]
"In case, he tu… morerns. I'll be right here." Adam said, like he didn't even care about Nero. He cocked the gun and Sonya gave him an angry glare. She then turned to face to see Nero passing out.
"I stopped the bleeding. I say we just let him rest." Beatrice said, walking over to the table to grab a dry dish rag, and then she rubbed her hands with it, rubbing off all the blood.
"They need to get back with medicine. They have to." Sonya sighed.
"They will. Don't worry." Ava assured her.
"Where's Clem?" Adam asked. He hadn't seen her anywhere in the house, where could she be?
"I think she went outside." David shrugged. Adam nodded, and went down the stairs and went out to the backyard. She didn't see anyone.
"Clementine, CLEMENTINE?" Adam called out. There was nothing. All he could hear was the breeze. Adam l… [view original content]
[Ask why.]
Throw him off the train.
I had to, sorry Ben.
Daniel, Beatrice, Ava, and David confirmed for Episode 5?
Dammit, Zyphon! You spoiled the surprise.
The trow off the train thing it's hilarous. Anyway "Ask him why"
Waiting for my character to be introduced like.
Is that wiki for everyone's fanfics?
Because I really need a wiki for my shit.
Today's chapter we'll finally move the plot along. Heading to Savannah!
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 9
[Ask him why.]
"Why the fuck would you do such a thing, Ben?" Adam growled.
"I - They said they had my friend, I didn't know what to do..." Ben replied, his voice a bit shaky.
"Do you... DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU'VE DONE!? We lost Lilly, We lost Xavier, we lost...." Adam had nothing good to think about Ben now.
"I'm sorry, I - Thought it would keep them off our backs! I - I'm sorry!" Ben said, his hands raised against his face in case Adam attacked him.
"Are you going to tell anyone..?" Ben said, cowardly.
"....Don't tell anyone else. They won't be so friendly." Adam sighed as he walked away, walking into the room where Kenny, Sonya, Daniel and Lee were at.
"Hey, Adam." Lee greeted. Adam put up a fake smile and nodded. He was so incredibly pissed about what Ben did. He couldn't even imagine how Kenny would take it.
"So who the hell is the new guy? Chuck?" Adam asked. He had heard the name, but he just randomly popped out of nowhere.
"Apparently he lived in the train for a bit. You were out jerking off in the forest so you didn't find out." Kenny said, harshly.
"Kenny, enough." Sonya growled. He didn't know why he was in the forest for about an hour or two, he was just angry about Manny's death.
"Adam, let me speak to you in private for a second." Daniel said as he exited out to the very front of the train, and Adam followed.
"Look.. if you're gonna be a danger to the group, I'm going to tell everyone." Daniel said.
"I - That's not me anymore. I only killed people who were murderers, alot like Dexter, as you said. I didn't really read the book but I heard alot about it." Adam replied.
"Why did you start doing it? Why become a vigilante?" Daniel asked.
"I killed my foster father because he tried to kill me. I - uh, lost my mother when I was young, and my real father just disappeared. My mother died in a hostage situation in a bank. Murderers, made me sick. That cop, John Duke took care of me for the next few years after I killed my foster father. I learned the ways of the police force, covering up my tracks. I learned I had a sister, a little sister just a few years ago, she was under my custody. She died a day before all this happened. A guy drove by my neighborhood and killed her. Then a few hours later I tried to kill myself, but I couldn't. John Duke knew who I was, he figured it out somehow. This all started, my car broke down and I ran through Macon trying to find someone to help me, I came across Manny, Sonya, and a man named Danny." Adam explained.
"I'm sorry, man. I - I just need to know if I can trust you." Daniel said.
"Of course. I just need you to... keep this to yourself." Adam said.
"I - Okay. Yeah.." Daniel replied, nodding. Adam patted him on the shoulder and walked back into the front.
"I don't suppose we couldn't catch up?" Sonya asked.
"Sure." Adam smiled.
"So what happened?" Adam asked.
** Day 153 **
Sonya woke up, the RV had flipped over and was on fire. She heard voices. She had to get out of there, everyone else was unconscious.
Goddamn it, I'm sorry Sonya thought, and she looked behind her to see a side window, it was tilted sideways so she could kick it and crawl through, as she did, she groaned as a piece of broken glass had stuck through her hand, she heard voices asking if they heard any sounds. That's when she quietly crawled out, and took a look at who was there.
"Get them out of there. I need them ALIVE." Thomas ordered, grabbing the front door and seeing Kenny unconscious.
"Everyone." Thomas repeated. There was two other men with him, two men she hadn't seen before.
"Yes sir." A man said, and Thomas and the man were kneeling down to the RV.
"HEY!" The second man yelled, noticing.
"Go after her." Thomas said, strangely calm. The second man nodded and Sonya ran through the woods, pulling the broken piece of glass out of her skin, groaning as it slid through. She hid behind a tree, gripping the handle side of it and waited for him to run by, she didn't think he noticed her. He then ran by, and Sonya jumped from behind, tugging at his neck, but the man just spun around trying to shake her off. Sonya then bit his hand as he tried to grab her, and then clutched the glass and stabbed the glass into his neck. The man spat out blood, and then fell over. His body shook as tons of blood flooded from his neck, she then ran off with the glass.
Present Day
"Jesus. You're pretty fucking awesome, y'know?" Adam chuckled.
"I know." Sonya smiled.
"So how the hell did you two end up together?" Adam asked. Remembering how the two of them gave each other dirty looks, but he did flirt with her alot, and she finally just let him in?
"I still don't have any idea." Sonya shrugged.
"Well, I mean... I didn't mean - He's been shot, alot.. huh?" Adam quickly changed the conversation.
"I heard that." Nero said as he walked into the front.
"Speak of the devil." Lee muttered.
"People like shooting me in the fucking shoulder. Stomach's a first." Nero chuckled, coughing a bit.
"You shouldn't be up walking around." Beatrice said from behind. She then walked in as well.
"Well, I heard there was a party up here, so why the fuck can't I just check it out?" Nero chuckled.
"So, Kenny... when do you think we might reach Savannah?" Daniel asked.
"It may be about a day or two. We won't be stopping." Kenny replied.
"Alright, sounds good." Daniel smiled.
"Never thought I'd say this, but nice to see you again Daniel." Nero said.
"Nice to see you too, asshole." Daniel chuckled.
"You're on, motherfucker." Nero replied.
"Look, I - uh, I'm sorry about Manny. He was a good guy." Sonya said to Adam.
"Yeah, he was. We lost a lot of good people. Danny, Frankie, Xavier, Beth, Crystal, Luis... George, Callie, Lilly." Adam said, remembering when he saved Manny instead of Danny. Remembering when Frankie had sawn off Mitchell's arm, and was always a nice guy to everyone in the group. He didn't deserve to go out like that. Xavier tried to take Thomas out, Adam wished he hadn't done that, he was a good guy. Beth, she was a nice girl. At times. Crystal was a nice and quiet girl. Luis was a brave guy. He wished everyone was alive. His sister. His mother. Manny.
"Carmen." Sonya shut her eyes and a tear had fallen down her eye. Nero walked over, and put his hand on his shoulder.
"Kat... Duck." Kenny sighed.
"Rest in peace." Daniel said.
Two Days Later
"Carley, do you think there will be boats there?" Clementine asked.
"I'm sure there will be. Don't you?" Carley asked.
"I'm not sure. Maybe." Clementine answered. Carley smiled and patted her head as she heard the train stopping.
"Looks like we're here." Carley smiled as her and Clementine got up.
"Alright, everyone we're here!" Kenny yelled out. Everyone got off the train. There they were, Savannah. It looked so grey and dead, just like the rest of the world.
Adam walked with Ava.
"Look, did that really mean anything?" Ava asked, referencing to when they were at Matthew's Hardware store.
"Look, you're a nice girl, but we barely knew each other. We were a bit drunk..." Adam said.
"Yeah, I kinda agree. I'm sorry, I didn't really - I fucking don't even remember half of it." Ava chuckled.
"Same here, Ava." Adam smiled.
"What are you two up to?" David butted in the conversation, walking right next to Adam.
I hate this guy Adam sighed.
"Sorry to interrupt, but uh... I just wanted to say hey." David cleared his throat.
"Are you still mad about the gunshot?" David asked, noticing Adam's silence. No. No. Not at all. It's just a fucking gunshot, I mean why would anyone care about it?
"You know, I don't know anything about you, so why don't you tell me?" Adam asked.
"Okay. Well, before I joined Thomas' group, I was with a community. The leaders were so serious, and it was hard labor, or your out. I was in the guard section, I escaped alone, and I was kidnapped by these guys. Now, I've broken out of two communities." David explained.
"Ah. Hopefully we don't have to get kidnapped by any more community leaders." Adam chuckled.
"I sure hope not. At least, maybe someone good, not batshit crazy." David agreed.
"Hopefully this place has better people. Or no people." Nero said, holding his wound.
"Beatrice told you not to touch it." Sonya said, and Nero rolled his eyes and then removed his hand from his wound.
"Mommy told me not to touch alot of things. Does that stop me?" Nero muttered.
"What?" Sonya questioned. She heard what he said, but didn't really understand why he said that. She thought it was really awkward to hear.
"Nothing.." Nero sighed.
"Hey Lee. Do you think we would find my parents here?" Clementine asked, holding her walkie talkie. She had her hair cut during the two days, Lee had thought she looked alot cuter. Thanks from the advice from Chuck, her hair would definitely be safer.
"I'm sure they'll be waiting for ya, Clem." Lee replied, wrapping his arm around her.
"They have to be." Carley agreed.
"We're almost to the entrance of the city, if everyone can keep at a medium pace, we should be there in no time!" Kenny yelled out so everyone could hear. Everyone felt... weird. They didn't think Kenny's plan was the best, but there was no other plan. Nero remembered when himself, Beth, Rose, Frankie, Xavier, Crystal, and Luis had planned to go to Savannah. He remembered that he was the only one who was still alive and with the group. Rose was gone, Frankie, Xavier, Crystal and Luis were all dead. He missed them.
"I wonder where Travis and Mark went." Ben said. He was walking behind Lee, Clementine and Carley.
"Hopefully they are okay, maybe we can run into them sometime." Carley shared hope with Ben. Adam still hated Ben for what he did. He didn't even wanna hear his voice. But he kept his cool and kept walking.
"So, uh.. you play guitar alot?" Daniel said to Chuck, trying to make conversation.
"Been since I was a lil' boy. You?" Chuck replied, smiling as he walked with a shovel. The guitar was laced onto his back.
"I think I learned a bit in school. I wasn't very good. I think I took only a few weeks worth, then I dropped out of the class." Daniel replied.
"Where'd ya go to school? They have a whole class about playing guitar?" Chuck asked.
"Well, I went to Musicians Institute in late 1995, I wanted to do Guitar, but I changed my mind and I decided to edit music, such as like editing music videos for song artists. I decided to take a break from it and visit somewhere else. I came to Macon in 2003, after 8 years of music editing. I just recently arrived in Macon when this started." Daniel replied.
"Not bad, son. Not bad. I can teach ya a bit about music, kid." Chuck smiled.
"That'd be cool, if we have time, y'know." Daniel said. Chuck nodded in response.
"YO!" A voice called out. Adam looked to see two strangers standing at the gate of Savannah. One looked to be a man, and another a woman. The man looked to be white, and had a brown-ish sweatshirt with blue jeans. The woman was black and had a purple track jacket with white sleeves. She had lighter blue jeans.
"Are you guys going to be trouble? Because we could have just kept walking." The woman said.
"No, we're friendly!" Lee called out.
"Dammit, Lee." Kenny muttered. The two strangers walked over to them.
"Hey, dude. I'm Omid. I see you've got a group. Uh, we were wondering if we coul-" Omid began to say but was interrupted by his presumed to be girlfriend.
"Omid. Look, Omid was just curious if you guys were friendly. We are just gonna head forward." The woman said.
"Come on, Christa." Omid argued.
"Look, it's nice to meet you guys. I'm Lee, this is Kenny, and-" Lee began to say, but was cut off by Christa.
"Look, we don't mean to intrude on whatever your here, we will just be going." Christa said.
"Hey, why don't you guys join us?" Adam blurted. Kenny looked back to him with a dirty look.
"No, we don't-" Christa was cut off by Omid.
"That'd be great! We'd.. we haven't seen any people, so it'd be great! Goddamn, you've guys got a kid! I haven't seen one in forever. What's your name?" Omid asked.
"Clem-Clementine." Clementine said, smiling. Lee would of thought she would be more shy.
"We'd be happy to have you." Lee said, as Kenny sighed. Lee gave him a look that said 'deal with it.'
"Well, where are you guys headed?" Christa asked.
"Around here." Kenny retorted.
"You don't have to be rude about it, dude." Omid replied.
"Well, let's get to it then?" Adam said, walking forward.
Nice chapter
. Keep up the good work.
Mhmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Okay then. good work.
Yes it is.
Hm... I need some help, can't figure out how to get a character box to work... I'm really bad at this. xD
Great work, I can't wait to see what will happen in Episode 5.
Um, you'll have to ask the administrator, JakeSt123 if you want to join, because we were doing it for our own fanfics.
Don't mean to be a dick here, but it's what we all agreed on.
That's not the end of Episode 4. Should be another 4 or 5 parts, this episode is the longest
Oh, I hadn't realized, but why tell me?
Oh, well, I still can't wait to see what happens in episode 5, considering almost everyone died in E5 in the real game. Also, how wil lthe time skip be handled if this goes into Season 2?
Fun Fact:
In the Right or Wrong Universe, Nero calls Daniel, "Jack Daniels"(a nickname that should be used more often) in Episode 2, to which he replies that he "doesn't drink much".
In the What Comes After Universe, Daniel is an alcoholic, but usually tries to avoid alcohol. Occasionally though, his willpower breaks(a scene I have planned for episode 3).
What happened to What Comes After? It's been pretty dead as of late
You replied to me. :P
I'm not sure if I want to do a page for the one over here, probably just when I start it on my own I'll ask for page.
I'm going to start it once I finish Legend.
It's completely dead, I'm planning to do it on my own once I finish Legend. I've got a whole note book full of plans for the first Season.
Okay, didn't find time to do the next chapter yesterday, so I'll try to do it today.
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 10
Day 167
"Kenny, how much farther to the river front?" Lee asked, walking behind Kenny. Lee had recently found out that the walkie talkie was working again, and that Clementine had been talking to her.
"Can't I just hold it?" Clementine begged.
"Clem, not right now." Lee replied, paying attention to the street. Savannah looked quite empty actually, no walkers as far as they saw. They had entered the city. It's been three days on the train, and about an hour since they met Omid and Christa. Nero was slowly walking, still injured from his gunshot wound. Sonya had his arm and helped him walk.
"This is some bullshit." Nero coughed.
"Nero needs to rest, Kenny. We need to find a place to recharge ourselves." Sonya said, seeing as Nero was wincing in pain at every step.
"We can't rest! I'm sorry, Nero and Sonya... but we need to keep moving. We can't rest on the street." Daniel said.
"Okay, first of all... Danny boy. You're right about one thing, I can't rest on the motherfucking street. So, uh - find a house or something." Nero retorted.
"No. That's not an option." Kenny said, coldly.
"You don't even listen to anyone else, you just go on barking orders!" Sonya replied.
"Look, man... I think she's right, we got an injured man!" Omid butted in.
"Omid, you don't get a say." Kenny growled.
"Oh, he doesn't get a say? Who put you as the leader, anyhow?" Adam also decided to step in.
"This is getting out of hand! Why don't we put it into a vote?" Carley suggested. Adam nodded, agreeing and Kenny sighed heavily and stopped. They all turned around.
"Who thinks we should find a place to rest? Raise hands." Kenny said, placing his hands on his hips. Adam raised his, Sonya raised his, Lee and Clem and Carley, did too. Ben and Chuck and Ava did. As did Omid and Christa. The only hands that weren't raised were Kenny's, David's, and Daniel's.
"Well, it's decided then. Let's find a place to rest." Ava said, as everyone put their hands down. Kenny sighed and turned back around, looking for a house. Then they all heard a noise, like a church bell. It rang very loudly, and it obviously would attract some walkers.
"Maybe this city's not so dead after all." Christa inquired.
"Keep moving. It's automatic, on a timer." Kenny replied.
"What kind of church bell goes off twenty past the hour?" Lee asked.
Lee jumped a bit once he saw a shadow run across the bell tower.
"Someone's up there!" Lee exclaimed. Everyone turned to face him. They all saw him looking at the bell tower.
"Are you sure? I don't see anything." Ben replied.
"I know what I saw! There was someone up on that bell tower, someone alive! Could be the person who rang the bells!" Lee exclaimed. That's when he heard the crackle of the walkie talkie, Lee raised it to his mouth to respond.
"If I were you, I'd get out of the street. NOW." The man on the radio warned.
"Look, we should just keep going and finding a safe place because -" Adam was interrupted by Chuck who started talking.
"Ask not for whom the bell tolls...." Chuck began.
"What are you yammerin' on about?" Kenny questioned. They all turned the face the street. What they saw...
They saw about twenty maybe thirty walkers approaching the group.
"It tolls for thee...." Chuck finished, gripping his shovel.
"Oh shit, everyone run!" Adam yelled as he pulled out his combat knife, hacking away at the zombies that were in his way. Chuck smashed a walker's head open with his shovel. Sonya helped Nero run, but he slowly stopped every few seconds. Kenny ran and suddenly he tripped, a walker had grabbed his foot.
"Kenny!" Lee said as the walker pulled Kenny's foot in closer to bite it, but Lee quickly shot the walker in the head, killing it instantly.
"Little too close, don't ya think?" Kenny panted as he slowly got up off the concrete.
"Ben!" Clementine squealed as the two of them were backed up against a wall, neither had weapons. Clementine shook in fear as Ben did nothing but run. He left her there, to die.
That motherfucker... Is all Adam could think at that very moment.
"GODDAMN IT!" Lee yelled, pulling his pistol at again shooting all the walkers that were surrounding her. There was one left that couldn't be shot by Lee. Lee ran over to her, holding out his hand. He thought this might be it for her, but it couldn't be.
"NOOO!" Lee yelled, and quickly the walker was taken down by Chuck. The walker fell on the ground, and then Chuck stuck the shovel into the walker's chest.
"Get her the hell outta here! I'll catch up with ya!" Chuck said as Lee hugged Clementine, sighing in relief that Chuck had saved her when she did. Chuck then nodded as Lee and Clem ran off.
"Move your asses! River Street is right up ahead!" Kenny ordered. All of them were back, and all Adam could think about is punching Ben in the face.
"That's not all." Ben said, referencing to the walkers that had stumbled into the street. Everyone turned to face Chuck who was fighting off zombies.
"Shit! He's in trouble! We have to help him." Omid said.
"There's no time! We gotta go, now!" Kenny ordered.
"We can't just..." Daniel wanted to run over there, but it was suicide.
"I'll be fine! Just GO!" Chuck yelled. Then all of them started running until the reached a backyard of some sort, it was a fairly big house. They entered the gate, and as soon as they reached the backyard, Nero tripped and landed on his wound. He groaned in pain as Sonya got him up. Adam then lunged at Ben, pinning him against the wall.
"Adam, what are you-" Christa questioned. Adam clenched his fist and was about to punch Ben in the face, but something stopped him. Adam sighed and then lowered his fist.
"You pull something like that again... and...." Adam couldn't say. He didn't want to hurt Ben, he was just a stupid teenager. He wasn't a serial killer anymore. Adam let go of him and walked away, trying to wipe away the anger that overcame him.
"Jesus. We just left him back there!" Daniel yelled.
"There was nothing we could do. We need to find a way to get inside this house!" Kenny said, twisting the door handle.
"He's right. Okay, let's see here..." Omid agreed as he messed around with the boarded windows.
"Omid, you've got the windows. Ben, you do whatever. And everyone else can rest." Kenny said as he kicked the door a few times, and decided it wasn't going to budge.
"What are we going to do now..." Ben muttered to himself.
To be continued
Goddamit, Ben...
Awesome chapter but.....
The line that Chuck says is, "Ask not for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."
You only wrote" From whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."
....Please fix it.
Oops, done.
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 11
Day 167
All Adam could think about is if they were going to come back. As he heard, Crawford was going to be dangerous. It apparently didn't allow kids. They had met a girl named Molly, who had apparently known about everything that happened. Almost everyone went, except for Adam, Nero, Sonya, Ava, David, Beatrice and Clementine. They had almost met a man named Vernon, and a woman named Brie. Apparently, they were cancer patients. Adam didn't even know why he didn't go with the group to Crawford, he just felt he had to stay here.
Daniel, Lee, Kenny, Carley, Ben, Christa, Omid, Vernon, Brie, and Molly had all went to the Crawford trip. He wished he went. All Adam could hear is the pained yells of Nero.
"Just hold still!" Beatrice's voice yelled, from up the stairs.
"Hey, I was thinking me and you could go look for Chuck?" Ava suggested. Adam then remembered, he felt horrible for remembering.
"Lee found Chuck in the sewers. He's gone." Adam sighed, placing his hand on his forehead.
"You didn't even tell anyone? You just waited till someone asked?" David walked in.
"Can you get off my ass?" Adam growled. Ava pushed David away, David just scowled and walked out of the living room.
"What's wrong with you?" Ava asked, concerned.
"Just because we had sex doesn't mean you care about me. You don't. We aren't - anything. We don't even know each other. It was a mistake, we were both drunk like you said. You don't get to ask those questions." Adam replied, harshly.
"I don't care. I wanna know why you're acting like this." Ava replied, not taking any offense to what he had said. She agreed with him, it was a mistake.
"Because I'm a fucking serial killer, okay!? I'm crazy. It's what I am, it's in my BLOOD." Adam admitted. Ava just raised her eyebrow. Ava wanted to laugh, but he felt so serious about it. He then noticed there was a bottle of whiskey sitting on the table. The cap was open.
"You've been drinking." Ava said, rolling her eyes. Adam looked at the bottle of whiskey.
"I didn't drink shit. That was Kenny. So fucking depressed because he didn't find a boat, boo fucking hoo. I am a serial killer. Before all this - I was. I was one." Adam finally admitted.
"Bullshit. Just - take it easy, okay?" Ava said, grabbing a pillow that was on a chair, and tossed it towards the couch.
"I don't need you to make my bed for me, alright?" Adam growled. Ava sighed and then walked away. She was greeted by David in the hallway.
"I knew he was trouble. Fuck." David said, putting his hands on his head, unknown of what to do.
"What? You heard all that?" Ava asked, embarrassed about him hearing about the two of them having sex.
"Yeah. All of it. He's a goddamn serial killer, jesus. I knew from the moment he choked you, he was dangerous..." David said, panting heavily. Why was he acting so afraid? Was he afraid of Adam?
"He's not a serial killer. I saw a open bottle of whiskey on the table, he's been drinking." Ava replied.
"No, he's right. Kenny drunk the whole bottle. I was there when he did it. It was empty when Adam walked into the living room. He didn't drink at all." David informed her.
"Are you sure?" Ava asked.
"Pretty fucking sure. Don't fuck with Tiny Carlos, sure." David said, he remembered hearing one of his friends back in college saying that phrase. He figured he might as well bring it up.
"Oh, shit! I need help up here!" Sonya yelled. David and Ava ran up the stairs to see blood squirting out of his stomach, Beatrice and Sonya were trying to stop the bleeding.
"How the hell did that happen?" David gasped.
"Just fucking help!" Sonya growled. Beatrice grabbed a wet rag and held down on the wound. Adam walked up the stairs with a gun in his hand.
["In case he turns, I'll be right here."]
["He's dead, Sonya. Let me kill him."]
["He's not going to make it. Maybe you should put him down, Sonya."]
[Stay silent.]
["In case he turns, I'll be right here."]
["In case he turns, I'll be right here."]
None of these are good options!
[Stay silent.]
["In case he turns, I'll be right here."]
[Stay silent.]
"Pretty fucking sure. Don't fuck with Tiny Carlos, sure." David said, he remembered hearing one of his friends back in college saying that phrase. He figured he might as well bring it up.
best. phrase. evar.
["In case he turns, I'll be right here."]
Also when are we going to see more of Ian, Leroy and co.
Episode 5 is when I'm bringing them back.
I'm confirming that now.
[In case he turns, I'll be right here.]
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 12
[In case, he turns, I'll be right here.]
"In case, he turns. I'll be right here." Adam said, like he didn't even care about Nero. He cocked the gun and Sonya gave him an angry glare. She then turned to face to see Nero passing out.
"I stopped the bleeding. I say we just let him rest." Beatrice said, walking over to the table to grab a dry dish rag, and then she rubbed her hands with it, rubbing off all the blood.
"They need to get back with medicine. They have to." Sonya sighed.
"They will. Don't worry." Ava assured her.
"Where's Clem?" Adam asked. He hadn't seen her anywhere in the house, where could she be?
"I think she went outside." David shrugged. Adam nodded, and went down the stairs and went out to the backyard. She didn't see anyone.
"Clementine, CLEMENTINE?" Adam called out. There was nothing. All he could hear was the breeze. Adam looked over to the open little shed, he remembered when Lee and Clementine had found a boat just sitting there in that shed. She wasn't in there, so where was she?
"Adam..." Clementine said, Adam faced her to see her walking through the gate door, and looking at him with a frown.
"What the hell were you doing out here?" Adam questioned.
"I thought I saw something! I had to check it out!" Clem explained.
"Don't do that. You ask one of us first, got it?" Adam crossed his arms.
"Lee would be worried sick if you were just out here by your damn self." Adam growled.
"I'm - sorry!" Clementine felt a tear dripping down her eye. Adam had thought of his little sister once he saw the tear fall down her cheek. Adam sighed heavily, then kneeled down and rested his hand on her shoulder. Clementine looked at his beard that was beginning to form. It was still a bit of a stubble, but it was becoming a beard. She remembered he didn't have any facial hair and had short hair when she first saw him.
"It's okay, Clem. I - uh, just don't do that again. Okay?" Adam said, with a more calm tone than before.
"Okay..." Clem sniffled, wiping the tear from her face.
"Why don't you go run inside?" Adam suggested. Clem nodded and ran inside. Adam then sighed and closed the gate door, and looked around to see if anyone was lurking around. Then he heard groaning and moaning. What the hell was that? He figured it was a walker, but as soon as he saw what it was. He couldn't believe it. It was Frankie. Frankie's corpse had found his way towards us. He had died all the way back at Thomas' camp. He followed the damn train. What were the odds?
"Goddamn it, Frank." Adam sighed, looking at the ground. Frankie was a good friend of his, he just couldn't believe that he was a walker. He remembered him being shot in the back while with Beatrice.
"I'm sorry, buddy. I can't see you like this." Adam said, grabbing his combat knife. He then opened the gate, and shut it and that's when the moaning intensified. It wasn't Frankie, it was more like more walkers were coming his way, and he was right. He heard his belt click onto the gate, and he suddenly couldn't break free.
"What the fuck?" Adam panted. He was stuck. He then tried to cut the belt, but instead cut his finger, and that resulted into him dropping the knife on the ground. Then he saw about ten or eleven more walkers. They came towards him as Adam started pushing his foot towards the gate, tugging away desperately. Frankie grabbed his arm, and Adam desperately tried to shove him off. He groaned in pain as a second walker grabbed his other hand. He kicked Frankie and the walker in the stomach, pushing them back. He then leaned down to grab the combat knife. He was still bleeding from his finger. He then waited for the walker to get up, and then shoved the knife in it's skull.
"Sorry, buddy." Adam said as he faced Frankie, he then shoved the knife into Frankie's skull. The rest of the walkers weren't very close to him, but they were progressing. It seems they had found some sort of animal, so that kept them distracted, fortunately. He then placed the knife near the belt, cutting through. Once he finished, he took out the belt, and threw it towards the walkers. He didn't have a belt anymore. He then went through the gate again, laying down on the grass. All he could do was laugh.
"Ah... shit!" Adam laughed, panting heavily. That was a close one. Is all Adam could think. He got up, walking towards the door, he opened it and walked through. He saw Clementine sitting on the couch. He walked up the stairs, and saw Nero laying in bed while Sonya sat next to him, in the chair, putting her two hands in front of her mouth. She faced Adam once he walked in. He had blood over his shirt, and his hair was a bit wet from the blood.
"What happened to you?" Sonya asked.
"Frankie followed us here. My belt laced to the gate, and I got stuck. Fucking walkers almost got me." Adam said.
"Jesus. Frankie? Frankie did? How?" Sonya asked.
"I don't know how, alright? How's he?" Adam asked, Nero was still passed out.
"Why do you care? You seemed to be dead set on shooting him." Sonya replied, giving him a dirty look.
"I was preparing. He would have bit your arm off! Don't even pull that shit with me." Adam replied, coldly.
"Oh, what the hell is your problem!? Lately, you've been nothing but a sad fucking sob. Manny's dead, yeah. He meant something to us as well, not just you!" Sonya yelled. Adam rolled his eyes.
"You think this is about Manny? You've got no fucking idea, Sonya." Adam scoffed.
"Then what is it about?" Sonya asked.
"Me. It's about me. It's always been about me. You don't know who I am, Sonya. What I've done. What I've destroyed. You have no fucking idea." Adam said, placing his hands on his hips, walking around the room.
"Adam, what are you talking about!?" Sonya demanded an answer.
"I'm a serial killer. Was. Before the apocalypse. I killed people. The reason I don't talk about my family is because I killed my step-father, my birth mother died when I was young. And my little sister fucking was killed right in front of me." Adam confessed. He didn't know why he was telling everyone that he was a serial killer.
"You're... you're a wh-what!?" Sonya questioned. She thought about reaching for her gun, but Adam sighed.
"You ever heard on the news, 'The Disformer?' The name doesn't even make any sense, but that's me. I am the Disformer." Adam confessed.
"The-" Sonya gasped, she had heard about the Disformer was a vigilante, all over the news. They never figured it out who he was. That's when Sonya reached for her gun, she pulled it out and cocked it, pointing it towards Adam. Adam just raised his hands up.
"Whoa? What the hell are you doing!?" Ava reacted, she had been eavesdropping in the conversation.
"He's the - He's...." Sonya couldn't believe it. Sonya had been surviving with Adam for months, and she couldn't believe what he had told him.
"I'm not your enemy, Sonya. It's just - I figured you should know. If you want to shoot me, go ahead." Adam said, closing his eyes. David walked into the room and saw Sonya pointing the gun at Adam.
"Sonya...don't do anything stupid............" Ava said, carefully walking towards her.
Day 169
"I think that's our cue to the get the hell out of here." Lee said to Molly, hearing the Crawford school bells. Molly nodded, and the two of them walked forward and then they were about to turn the corner, but they only heard the sound of the floorboard creak. Lee looked over to Molly, and then Molly nodded, grabbing her ice pick, which she had named 'Hilda' That's when Ben had jumped out in front of them, he had a sharp hatchet. Molly thought it looked familiar.
"Shit! Ben!" Lee exclaimed.
"Sorry, sorry. I just got spooked by the bells, but I heard someone coming." Ben told him.
"What the fuck are you doing out here?" Lee questioned.
"Kenny sent me to look for something to bust the armory open, I found this." Ben explained, holding the hatchet in his hand. Lee remembered that he had braced the door with that very hatchet.
"Uh... Ben, where did you get that?" Lee asked.
"I just found it. It was stuck in a door handle at the end of the hallway back there." Ben pointed to the door.
"Oh no..." Lee gasped as walkers busted in through the front door.
"Shit!" Molly exclaimed, she started to fight off a few zombies. There was about three, she shoved the pick into a walker's head, killing it, the two of walkers had gotten ahold of her.
"Lee, shoot this fucker!" Molly yelled. Lee shot the two walkers, Molly broke free, and said thanks. Lee nodded and the two of them ran back to the classroom. Ben must have ran away. They reached inside the classroom to see everyone else.
"What the fuck is going on?" Kenny asked.
"They're coming." Lee informed.
"That outta hold 'em." Vernon inquired, pointing to the door that Brie was holding back.
"Yeah, but now how do we get out?" Brie asked.
"Through the armory, if we can just get this damn door open! C'mon, damn you!" Kenny groaned, running into the door, elbowing it.
"This is my fault, all my fault!" Ben cried.
"What the hell's he babbling about?" Christa questioned.
"Ben, we talked about this....." Lee warned Ben, Ben had asked him if he should tell Kenny about what he did.
"No, I wanna know what he meant! What do you mean this is all your fault!?" Christa demanded.
"Christa, why don't we-" Omid tried to stop her.
"Omid, let him talk." Daniel was interested as well.
"Guys we don't have time for this!" Carley yelled. Nobody listened.
"Kenny, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, man..." Ben tried to plead himself.
"Kid, this ain't the best time! Whatever you did, save it for later!" Kenny yelled back, still charging against the armory door.
"Ben, Shut the fuck up!" Lee yelled.
"Fuck you, Lee! I can't do this anymore!" Ben growled.
"It was me who did the deal with the bandits back at the motor inn, slipping them supplies. I wanted to keep them off our backs, that's when Lee found the package in the grate, that's when they raided the camp. That's what killed Xavier and Lilly. And that's when Duck....." Ben finally explained. Kenny felt pure anger rushing all over his mind. He then lunged at Ben, but was held back by Daniel and Lee.
"Kick his ass later, Kenny! We can't do this right now!" Lee yelled.
"I don't give a fuck! You little pissant, you're fucking dead, you hear me? DEAD. My wife, my child - you got them both fucking killed!!" Kenny lashed out at Ben.
"If this asshole thinks he's getting on my boat after what he did, he's out of his motherfucking mind! You hear me, shitbird!? You can stay behind and fucking ROT." Kenny lashed out again.
"Kenny, we'll sort this out later - AFTER we get out of here, okay!?" Lee tried to stop it.
"AIN'T NOTHING TO SORT OUT! I told you the way it's gonna be!" Kenny growled.
"The boat's not big enough for all of us. Someone's gotta get left behind, and a few people can't come with! Might as well have this piece of shit right here not join us!" Kenny said, pushing Ben in the shoulder.
"Let's put it to a vote. You can't decide something like that by yourself." Omid said. Christa agreed, and soon everyone else agreed.
"Sure, take a vote! It's America, isn't it!? Fucking great." Kenny yelled. Lee had never seen him this furious.
"I vote we leave him. Ben's too much of a risk. Because of you, Lilly, Xavier, Frankie and many others are DEAD." Daniel voted.
"I know becoming one of them is the beginning of the end, I vote Ben stays with us." Lee voted.
"I vote we leave him, I'm sorry, Ben - I know you mean well, but all I want to do is get out of this hellhole, and you put that at risk." Christa voted.
"We can't just leave him - yeah, he fucked up but... come on, man!" Omid voted.
"I can't do this." Carley abstained.
"Two to two! Well, then my vote counts too! BEN STAYS HERE!" Kenny yelled. Kenny grabbed Ben and pushed him away, and he hit against a desk.
"What about the rest of us, don't we get a say in..." Brie began to say, but she was interrupted once walkers had broke through the window, and grabbed her by the neck, and pulled her in to bite her. She gurgled out blood as another walker got on her and feasted on her.
"BRIE!!!" Vernon cried.
"Now can we go?" Molly asked.
"Damn right. Vernon, c'mon!" Lee said, grabbing Vernon by the elbow. He didn't budge. He didn't move.
"Brie..." Vernon frowned. Lee couldn't get him to move.
"C'mon, Vernon! Stop screwing around!" Lee ordered him to move, but he didn't. The walkers moved closer. Lee made a decision he never thought he would. He left Vernon. Vernon stood there as a walker grabbed him, pulling him down to the floor. The walkers then feasted on him as Lee closed the door behind him. He regretted what he did.
"Vernon and Brie didn't make it." Lee frowned.
"You didn't close that door behind us?" Kenny questioned, referencing to Lee who was holding himself against the door.
"I couldn't - THE LOCK was busted." Lee replied.
"Great. Just fucking great. C'mon, there's gotta be a way out down here!" Kenny said, running down the stairs. Lee had reached the door, and opened it. He saw nothing but dozens of walkers, Lee then slammed it shut.
"That's not gonna hold - BACK UPSTAIRS!" Lee ordered. Kenny stopped and grabbed a shotgun, tossing it towards Lee. Lee cocked the shotgun and got ready for the walkers to storm through. He walked backwards, shooting walkers that were getting remotely close to him. He kept backing up until his foot fell through the stairs. His foot was stuck, he pulled it to get it out, but it wouldn't work. He shot the walkers that got close to him. He kept tugging at his leg, and he finally broke free. He noticed there wasn't many walkers in his way anymore, until he turned around to see them right next to him. The walkers were then shot by Christa. Lee nodded as saying 'thanks' and grabbed the hatchet that he had previously used from the door handle in the hallway. He then hacked at a zombie, tossing it over the stairs. He did an uppercut, slicing him towards the right, so he would fall off the stairs. He then shoved the hatchet into the next walkers' head, and tried to push it off with his hands, he then shoved it off the stairs, but it held onto the shotgun. Lee fired it, and then the walker fell. Lee reached the top and saw Kenny, Christa, Omid, Daniel and Carley climbing down the ladder to get out of Crawford. He then saw Ben running up the stairs. The bells then rang, and Lee told him to come on. Ben covered his ears as a walker grabbed him from behind, he was attached at the bell. Lee then shot the walker, and Ben fell, holding onto the ledge. Lee lunged to grab his hand.
"Hold on, Ben. I've got you!" Lee said. If Lee had let him go, he would have fallen about fifty feet, and he would die.
"Climb up, Ben! C'mon, you can do it!" Lee panted as Ben's hand was slipping off a bit.
"There's no time, dammit! Get the others out of here!" Ben ordered for Lee to let him go.
"Lee." Kenny's voice was heard, Lee looked behind him to see Kenny staring at him, raising his eyebrow a bit as if he wanted Lee to drop him. Lee then looked back to see Ben's hand slipping away.
"Lee, we both know. Let me go." Ben told him.
[Let him go.]
[Save him.]
[Save him.] We can't leave Ben