Full wolf form in Ep5?
What are the chances we'll see the true big bad wolf in the finale?
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What are the chances we'll see the true big bad wolf in the finale?
Just a volunteer mod with no inside info pulling a guess out of thin air, but I think that for Telltale's interpretation of the game, what we saw at the end of Episode 3 was Bigby's "true wolf form" for the intents of the game.
I know Bigby's Wolf form is more powerful in the comics, but I'd venture a guess that Telltale mildly downplayed Bigby's powers so that the player could better relate to Bigby, while also adding more agency to the plot.
Pretty much.
I'm so tired if these final form posts...
Right? I must be the only pleased with the 'form' he has now. He looks pretty badass, either way.
I love both
Chasing someone with that full wolf form would be pretty sweet but I doubt that'll do that, it's okay though from the looks of the trailer we'll hopefully be spending quite a bit of time in the form we got in episode 3.
I haven't read the comics, but I'm curious to see what he looks like in "Full wolf form". I'd imagine it looking something like the picture we saw in Faith when we got to look in the book for fables.
It could also be that Bigby doesn't want to assume his true form because it would considerably increase the risk of Mundies spotting him if he has to deal with the bad guys in Fabletown.
That is badass XD
Agreed, if this is Bigby's true potential, then I'm more than satisfied.
telltale can't make him a giant wolf -.-
i really doubt that. they'd not even accept that.
He's going to get uncontrollable and kill everyone in fabletown!
I doubt we'll see him morph into a full wolf. Non comic book readers can relate to a biped. Even as a werewolf Bigby is recognizable and relatable. When he transforms into a wolf no matter how powerful he gets he's still more animal than man and not many games take the chance of using an animal protagonist.
They have to...cause that's what he is...and it's a canon prequel to the first issue of Fables therefore he has the capability now they may not let him do it for a story/moral reason but they cannot take away that Bigby's real form is a Giant black Lupine wolf
If he doesn't go full form it could be for a Moral reason (He doesn't want to surrender himself completely to that side) or like the post above doesn't wanna draw too much attention in case it escalates to the Mundy world...but then again he probably thinks he doesn't need to go that far cause he's dealing with a bunch of beings who are humanoid or humanoid in stature..the Big Bad Wolf would prob come out for the most dire of situations..which is pretty funny cause Bigby could slaughter the entire room at the end of EP4 but he's doing his job..they may hold off on that for season 2...lord i would love to see "True" form Bigby maul Bloody Mary but got a feeling we not see that
I'm assuming that's also the reason he's unable to solve the case exactly the same way he would've in the comics. He relies a lot on his sense of smell, and if there was more indication of that in the game, he'd probably know a lot more than he seems to while solving the case through out each episode. For example, he'd know Crane probably didn't murder either girls, even if he smelled Crane's scent on lily, because only having Crane's scent on one body and not the other wouldn't make sense. So yeah. I still like the game despite it's simpilization of what Bigby can actually be capable of.
My favorite one of him is this one:
A more badass one would be this one:
Yeah. I love Bigby
I only want this scene .
Things go pretty bad , bad stuff happens etc , etc . Bigby starts a monologue .
"Crooked Man , you've laid your powers upon fabletown , abusing and corrupting in ways I've never known , never tolerated . AND I won't endure it a moment longer . You've played your games of power and lust , tempting me to resist holding on my vow to never become the monster again . But I won't do it . I won't become the mindless creature of past . I will be only what I am . A man sometimes ... And a wolf all the times"
Proceed into turning to his final form , gloriously kicking ass .
For comic readers , this is one kickass line Bigby says in the Great-Fables-crossover(with a few changes) . It would make a great fit
Dude!! I totally nerded out that you broke this quote out and now that I have a voice to put too it makes it so much better
I hope they have a massive chose around it
Well, if they don't add it, i would be genuinely super disappointed.
I don't see them including his wolf form in the gameplay, but maybe alluding to it in one of the final scenes? Bigby corners the culprit in some isolated location, the mystery and intrigue long since unraveled, the only possible question left being what to do with our quarry. If we choose to subdue him, we're treated to a desperate, frantic fight between the two. If not, the camera moves to the background where we see Bigby's shadow grow and elongate while his voice deepens and a terrified moan escapes the villain's throat before he finally growls and pounces like a lion, followed by the sounds of smacking jaws and tearing flesh...
And then Bigby returning to the Woodlands, clothes torn and bloodied but obviously fine, fables everywhere averting their eyes out of equal amounts respect and fear as he passes, marching straight into the Business Office where Snow looks up with indignation and disappointment, except that she's the one to break eye-contact when he just looks back at her, cool and confident that what he did had to be done, and that things can finally get better now that the rot as been dealt with.
They must bring the full wolf form and blowing powers in the last episode!
He controls himself in all werewolf forms.
I would love his full wolf form! Having the gameplay options while in true form would be so awesome.
However maybe they don't have to make the full form mandatory in the story. Something like a Mass Effect paragon/Renegade option sort of thing. Paragon for not going into true form and taking the Crooked Man in, and Renegade for true form and tearing him into shreds.
Either way I hope they include it ^^
It would be realy hard to make a model for him in final form but I hope we see his final form in the game.
I mostly agree that they are probably not going to show Bigby as a full wolf but we did see him like that in the storybook they were looking at in the first episode, so we know that his wolf form is possible. I wonder if they feel showing Bigby as a wolf would be confusing to people who don't read the comics. Or maybe he loses his sex appeal. at least as a wolfman he looks somewhat human but how can you crush on a wolf lol
There is one indication that Bigby might be in his true form before the last chapter. The North Wind was never in Fabletown or The Farm till the comics, and neither of us see Bigby huff and puff out of his original form.
Well, one of the poster's for "Cry Wolf" DOES show a full on wolf instead of the form we saw in Episode 3. Plus, in the very 1st episode when you're looking in the illustrated fairy tale book, Bigby is shown as a ginormous wolf. If what we saw in Episode 3 was his finale form, wouldn't that be what was in the book? I think it's very possible that we could see a full-wolf Bigby to leave this season with a bang.
i dont get the big deal!! I like him no matter what!!!
Yeah, yeah, besides seeing his full wolf form in the new TRAILER.
At the end of the episode 5 trailer looked like Bigby's full wolf form y'know with his eyes and all.
In the trailer for episode 5 it looks like Bigby does go into full wolf form though
This is what he looks like in the last episode