The Walking Dead Episode 1: A Nightmare Arrives Chapter 2: Without delay
Airport Atlanta
“Damn, that was a long fucking flig… moreht” said Joe in an upset tone.
“Well want did you expect? Atlanta isn’t just around the corner from LA at least we got 2 weeks off from work, thats something to look forward to right” replied Bradley O’Cart.
Both men are in their thirties, Joe has been Bradley’s long time friend since Law school.
Even though Bradley decided to change his career and become a model hasn’t affected their relations. However things are about to change.....
“I don’t care, it’s the 21st Century flights shouldn’t take that long for god sake” said Joe angrily.
“Man, you’re starting to sound like my sister” remarked Bradley smiling.
“Hey want’s going why are there so many people by the luggage belts” said Joe curiously.
“Give us some space” - shouted the paramedic, as he started performing CPR.
Other paramedics were r… [view original content]
The Walking Dead Episode 1: A Nightmare Arrives Chapter 2: Without delay
Airport Atlanta
“Damn, that was a long fucking flig… moreht” said Joe in an upset tone.
“Well want did you expect? Atlanta isn’t just around the corner from LA at least we got 2 weeks off from work, thats something to look forward to right” replied Bradley O’Cart.
Both men are in their thirties, Joe has been Bradley’s long time friend since Law school.
Even though Bradley decided to change his career and become a model hasn’t affected their relations. However things are about to change.....
“I don’t care, it’s the 21st Century flights shouldn’t take that long for god sake” said Joe angrily.
“Man, you’re starting to sound like my sister” remarked Bradley smiling.
“Hey want’s going why are there so many people by the luggage belts” said Joe curiously.
“Give us some space” - shouted the paramedic, as he started performing CPR.
Other paramedics were r… [view original content]
Joe stayed silent looking through the window clenching his teeth, consumed with anger.
“Let’s just say, I have nothing to go back to” replied the driver in a negative tone.
“You don’t have any family here?” asked Bradley.
“I have a cousin in Virginia, that’s about it” the taxi driver answered.
“So, where do you live then?” Bradley asking the driver.
“Midtown Atlanta” the driver responded emphatically.
“If this ‘virus’ or something is serious, then the cities are going to suffer the most” said Bradley.
“We don’t know anything yet” replied Joe firmly.
“My name’s Ellis, by the way” said the driver.
“I’m Joe and this is Bradley”
“Looks like were going to be stuck with each other for a while” responded Ellis Holt.
26 minutes later, arriving at Riverdale
“Okay, stop here this is my house” said Bradley decisively.
He ran out of the car and entered his Uncles home, while Joe and taxi driver waited outside.
“The whole neighborhood seemed deserted, a few cars were left in the road. I wonder why would people leave their vehicles, traveling by car would’ve been safer and faster for these folks, maybe there is a logical explanation for what’s going on.” thought Ellis
“Damn, this place looks like a ghost town” said Ellis.
“Did people know about the virus in advance?” asked Joe curiously.
“Hmm...why do you think that?” answered Ellis.
“Come on, if everyone would start evacuating at once this place would’ve been fucking chaos” Joe responded.
“Well, I’ve heard on the news about 2 days ago, that there were many cases of people getting bit by other people. I knew that some shit is hitting the fan, never thought that it would be this serious, but this morning they were talking about some type of virus which might be the cause of this mess” said Ellis in firm tone.
“Everything is fucked up, what’s Bradley taking so long, I’m going to check in on him” replied Joe unpleasantly.
As Joe entered the house he yelled for Bradley, but no one responded, the kitchen and living room was in a total mess. I went upstairs and found him sitting by a bed looking downcast.
“Christ, want happened here..... oh my God” said Joe in shock.
There was a dead man on the floor, with a knife sticking out of his head.
“My sister had to kill him....she left me a note that dead people are coming back to life....their neighbor Julian attacked my uncle....later he died and turned....” sighed Bradley.
“I’m sorry man.....what about your sister, is she alright? where is she?” asked Joe.
“She.......she went to Atlanta, apparently there’s some sort of quarantine zone in the city” replied Bradley in a bleak tone.
“GUYS!!!!!” someone yelled from outside.
Both Bradley and Joe ran out to see what happened.
“Fuck, is that a dead person!?” Joe questioned.
“How do I know, it fucking looks like one” Ellis yelled, glued to his taxi.
As the three stood in shock, the dead person was proceeding towards them, growling with its hands out trying to reach them.
Bradley stormed back into the house.
“Hey, where are you going?!” yelled Ellis while pushing the walker away.
Joe approached the walker, clenching his fist and punches it in the face, but the walker kept going and grabs him. Both fell to the ground, in a split second Joe saw a rabid monster forcing to bite his neck. In the nick of time Bradley stabs the lurker in the head with a knife.
“Breaths heavily....too close don’t ya think...thanks” said Joe with a terrified face.
“We have to go” yelled Ellis.
“Yeah we do, I’m heading for the quarantine zone” replied Bradley affirmatively.
“No way, were going to Jonesboro to find my family first that’s how we planned” said Joe angrily.
“My taxi has about enough gas to head back” Ellis responded.
“Plan changes Joe, I guess it’s time to split up then, check those cars if they work, I’m going to get a few things from the house” Bradley ordered.
*“Yeah it always has to be your way Bradley” Joe mumbles to himself. *
“Fuck, no keys in this one” said Joe.
“This one has trouble starting” said Ellis turning the key in the ignition.
“Bingo, works fine doesn’t have much gas though, but should be enough to get me to Jonesboro” said Joe cheerfully.
Bradley exited the house and approaches the taxi - “Okay got everything I need....I guess”
“Wait, if anything goes wrong in Atlanta....head south maybe by chance you might still meet me in Jonesboro, if not...just keep going south.....” said Joe.
“No guarantees man, if the quarantine zone is safe as I think it is then I don't’’s going to be tough, but okay....good luck finding your family” replied Bradley.
“Hang on a second, your not taking my taxi?!” Ellis yelled infuriated.
“Well if your not going then....yeah I’m taking your car” Bradley answered sarcastically.
“The hell you are” Ellis responded grimacing.
A group of walkers started to emerge down the street.
“Fuck, lets go! we don’t have time for this” yelled Joe.
“What’s it gonna be Ellis?” shouted Bradley.
Major Choice: Destination
[Go with Joe to Jonesboro][Go with Bradley to Atlanta]
“Why is that?” said Bradley rather curiously.
Joe stayed silent looking through the window clenching his teeth, consumed with anger.
“… moreLet’s just say, I have nothing to go back to” replied the driver in a negative tone.
“You don’t have any family here?” asked Bradley.
“I have a cousin in Virginia, that’s about it” the taxi driver answered.
“So, where do you live then?” Bradley asking the driver.
“Midtown Atlanta” the driver responded emphatically.
“If this ‘virus’ or something is serious, then the cities are going to suffer the most” said Bradley.
“We don’t know anything yet” replied Joe firmly.
“My name’s Ellis, by the way” said the driver.
“I’m Joe and this is Bradley”
“Looks like were going to be stuck with each other for a while” responded Ellis Holt.
26 minutes later, arriving at Riverdale
“Okay, stop here this is my house” said Bradley decisively.
He ran out of the car and entered his Uncles home, while Joe and taxi… [view original content]
“Why is that?” said Bradley rather curiously.
Joe stayed silent looking through the window clenching his teeth, consumed with anger.
“… moreLet’s just say, I have nothing to go back to” replied the driver in a negative tone.
“You don’t have any family here?” asked Bradley.
“I have a cousin in Virginia, that’s about it” the taxi driver answered.
“So, where do you live then?” Bradley asking the driver.
“Midtown Atlanta” the driver responded emphatically.
“If this ‘virus’ or something is serious, then the cities are going to suffer the most” said Bradley.
“We don’t know anything yet” replied Joe firmly.
“My name’s Ellis, by the way” said the driver.
“I’m Joe and this is Bradley”
“Looks like were going to be stuck with each other for a while” responded Ellis Holt.
26 minutes later, arriving at Riverdale
“Okay, stop here this is my house” said Bradley decisively.
He ran out of the car and entered his Uncles home, while Joe and taxi… [view original content]
“Why is that?” said Bradley rather curiously.
Joe stayed silent looking through the window clenching his teeth, consumed with anger.
“… moreLet’s just say, I have nothing to go back to” replied the driver in a negative tone.
“You don’t have any family here?” asked Bradley.
“I have a cousin in Virginia, that’s about it” the taxi driver answered.
“So, where do you live then?” Bradley asking the driver.
“Midtown Atlanta” the driver responded emphatically.
“If this ‘virus’ or something is serious, then the cities are going to suffer the most” said Bradley.
“We don’t know anything yet” replied Joe firmly.
“My name’s Ellis, by the way” said the driver.
“I’m Joe and this is Bradley”
“Looks like were going to be stuck with each other for a while” responded Ellis Holt.
26 minutes later, arriving at Riverdale
“Okay, stop here this is my house” said Bradley decisively.
He ran out of the car and entered his Uncles home, while Joe and taxi… [view original content]
That was a pretty tough decision. But I think the quarantine zone could be very interesting and if it falls we could still catch up to Joe with the taxi.
“Why is that?” said Bradley rather curiously.
Joe stayed silent looking through the window clenching his teeth, consumed with anger.
“… moreLet’s just say, I have nothing to go back to” replied the driver in a negative tone.
“You don’t have any family here?” asked Bradley.
“I have a cousin in Virginia, that’s about it” the taxi driver answered.
“So, where do you live then?” Bradley asking the driver.
“Midtown Atlanta” the driver responded emphatically.
“If this ‘virus’ or something is serious, then the cities are going to suffer the most” said Bradley.
“We don’t know anything yet” replied Joe firmly.
“My name’s Ellis, by the way” said the driver.
“I’m Joe and this is Bradley”
“Looks like were going to be stuck with each other for a while” responded Ellis Holt.
26 minutes later, arriving at Riverdale
“Okay, stop here this is my house” said Bradley decisively.
He ran out of the car and entered his Uncles home, while Joe and taxi… [view original content]
“Why is that?” said Bradley rather curiously.
Joe stayed silent looking through the window clenching his teeth, consumed with anger.
“… moreLet’s just say, I have nothing to go back to” replied the driver in a negative tone.
“You don’t have any family here?” asked Bradley.
“I have a cousin in Virginia, that’s about it” the taxi driver answered.
“So, where do you live then?” Bradley asking the driver.
“Midtown Atlanta” the driver responded emphatically.
“If this ‘virus’ or something is serious, then the cities are going to suffer the most” said Bradley.
“We don’t know anything yet” replied Joe firmly.
“My name’s Ellis, by the way” said the driver.
“I’m Joe and this is Bradley”
“Looks like were going to be stuck with each other for a while” responded Ellis Holt.
26 minutes later, arriving at Riverdale
“Okay, stop here this is my house” said Bradley decisively.
He ran out of the car and entered his Uncles home, while Joe and taxi… [view original content]
*Angus proceeds to the gym, glancing behind as his best friend leaves. In a way he understood that Liam had to find his mom, she’s his family and that’s the most important thing in the world. Angus deep down hoped that his father would leave work to pick him up from school. *
He gets interrupted by a 14 year old girl who’s standing behind him - “Hey”
“Damn, you scared me.” Angus slightly jumps turning around towards her.
He gazes at the girl in front of him, she has long brown hair and beautiful brown eyes, wearing a teal hoodie and light blue jeans.
The girls name’s Sarah Martinez. Angus kind of has a crush on her, but never expressed his true feelings, they’ve been good friends since the 7th Grade.
“Oh hey Sarah....what happened in the gym?” Angus replied.
“Some 8 grader had an asthma attack, luckily teachers found the inhaler in his backpack, he seems alright now ” Sarah calmly answers.
“Thats good, I guess” said Angus.
“I wonder when will they be evacuating us” Sarah says curiously.
“I don’t know, and I don’t think I should go” responds Angus.
“Why? it’s safe there” Sarah reacts.
“What if my dad comes here and I'm not here?” Angus says in a worried tone.
“How do you know if your dad isn’t already at the safe zone and is waiting for you” Sarah responds mildly.
“He wouldn’t do that, not knowing if I was safe” said Angus decisively.
“You’re right about that, but what if he didn’t have a choice?” Sarah asks inquisitively.
“What do you mean?” Angus responds.
Suddenly, a boy from across the hall interrupts them by running up to them.
“Hey guys” yells the boy excitedly
“Who’s this clown?” Angus grimaces.
“That’s Link, his from the 12th Grade...I think” replies Sarah doubtfully.
The boy approaches them, wearing a green tunic with brown sleeves and a wooden sword
“Hey Sarah, I found some cool stuff in the shed behind the school” says Link excitedly.
Angus notices two figures by the front entrance, bashing their heads on the door.
“What did you find?” Sarah smiles asking Link.
*The doors gave in, and two lurkers come in, growling towards the three youngsters. *
“What the fuck are those things” yells Link frightened.
“They look like freaking ghouls or something” says Angus in a scared tone.
“We have to warn the others” Sarah responds gravely.
[Push through the walkers and escape][Worn the others in the gym]
[Warn the others in the gym]
I don't think it would be safe for three kids to push two grown walkers out of the way. If those walkers bite any of the kids in the gym, it's gonna be bloody.
Henry W.Grady High School
*Angus proceeds to the gym, glancing behind as his best friend leaves. In a way he understood that Liam had to … morefind his mom, she’s his family and that’s the most important thing in the world. Angus deep down hoped that his father would leave work to pick him up from school. *
He gets interrupted by a 14 year old girl who’s standing behind him - “Hey”
“Damn, you scared me.” Angus slightly jumps turning around towards her.
He gazes at the girl in front of him, she has long brown hair and beautiful brown eyes, wearing a teal hoodie and light blue jeans.
The girls name’s Sarah Martinez. Angus kind of has a crush on her, but never expressed his true feelings, they’ve been good friends since the 7th Grade.
“Oh hey Sarah....what happened in the gym?” Angus replied.
“Some 8 grader had an asthma attack, luckily teachers found the inhaler in his backpack, he seems alright now ” Sarah calmly answers.
“Thats g… [view original content]
Henry W.Grady High School
*Angus proceeds to the gym, glancing behind as his best friend leaves. In a way he understood that Liam had to … morefind his mom, she’s his family and that’s the most important thing in the world. Angus deep down hoped that his father would leave work to pick him up from school. *
He gets interrupted by a 14 year old girl who’s standing behind him - “Hey”
“Damn, you scared me.” Angus slightly jumps turning around towards her.
He gazes at the girl in front of him, she has long brown hair and beautiful brown eyes, wearing a teal hoodie and light blue jeans.
The girls name’s Sarah Martinez. Angus kind of has a crush on her, but never expressed his true feelings, they’ve been good friends since the 7th Grade.
“Oh hey Sarah....what happened in the gym?” Angus replied.
“Some 8 grader had an asthma attack, luckily teachers found the inhaler in his backpack, he seems alright now ” Sarah calmly answers.
“Thats g… [view original content]
Henry W.Grady High School
*Angus proceeds to the gym, glancing behind as his best friend leaves. In a way he understood that Liam had to … morefind his mom, she’s his family and that’s the most important thing in the world. Angus deep down hoped that his father would leave work to pick him up from school. *
He gets interrupted by a 14 year old girl who’s standing behind him - “Hey”
“Damn, you scared me.” Angus slightly jumps turning around towards her.
He gazes at the girl in front of him, she has long brown hair and beautiful brown eyes, wearing a teal hoodie and light blue jeans.
The girls name’s Sarah Martinez. Angus kind of has a crush on her, but never expressed his true feelings, they’ve been good friends since the 7th Grade.
“Oh hey Sarah....what happened in the gym?” Angus replied.
“Some 8 grader had an asthma attack, luckily teachers found the inhaler in his backpack, he seems alright now ” Sarah calmly answers.
“Thats g… [view original content]
Henry W.Grady High School
*Angus proceeds to the gym, glancing behind as his best friend leaves. In a way he understood that Liam had to … morefind his mom, she’s his family and that’s the most important thing in the world. Angus deep down hoped that his father would leave work to pick him up from school. *
He gets interrupted by a 14 year old girl who’s standing behind him - “Hey”
“Damn, you scared me.” Angus slightly jumps turning around towards her.
He gazes at the girl in front of him, she has long brown hair and beautiful brown eyes, wearing a teal hoodie and light blue jeans.
The girls name’s Sarah Martinez. Angus kind of has a crush on her, but never expressed his true feelings, they’ve been good friends since the 7th Grade.
“Oh hey Sarah....what happened in the gym?” Angus replied.
“Some 8 grader had an asthma attack, luckily teachers found the inhaler in his backpack, he seems alright now ” Sarah calmly answers.
“Thats g… [view original content]
“Sarah’s right, we have to worn the other’s” said Angus without hesitation.
Sarah stormed into the gym, and tells Miss Kingston what’s happening.
Then they hear shots fired, both of them rush into the hallway.
A muscular guy in his forties appeared at the entrance and shoots down the lurkers with is 9mm beretta pistol.
“Dad?.....Dad?!” shouts Angus excitedly running towards the man.
Both share a hug.
“It’s good to see ya boy, we got to go” said Frank smiling.
“We’re going for the quarantine zone?” asks Angus.
“Yes, those things or monsters are everywhere, I think the zone is our only hope” replies Frank in a calm tone.
“You’re taking us with you, right?” Sarah asks firmly.
“Of course....I mean, with have to Dad” Angus responded.
“Yeah come on kids there's no time to spare.” Frank says.
*Frank, Angus, Sarah and Link got into the small red pickup truck and drove away. Angus takes a last glance behind, and sees Miss Livingston and other pupils fleeing the school and scramble in all directions. He looks at Sarah for a brief moment, expressing a slight toothless smile as they all head for the safe zone. *
As they approach the quarantine zone, which was Thomasville Park one of the few bigger parks outside the city, a good place to protect a large number of people, but for how long.....
They notice numerous military vehicles at the main entrance, luckily the park is protected by a tall fence, so no walkers can get in from the side, shots were being fired within and in front of the park.
“It doesn’t look good” Frank remarks.
He stops the car for a brief moment.
“Why are we stopping” Sarah asks with widened eyes.
“Whatever happens kids, those things can only be killed by destroying the brain.” Frank said with cold eyes.
The children look at each other with a worried expression.
“You kiddo, be sure to use that wooden sword when you have to, looks pointy enough” said Frank.
“Will do, Sir” Link responds affirmatively.
“I only have one knife in the glove box” says Frank in a concerned tone.
[Give the knife to Sarah][Give the knife to Angus]
“Sarah’s right, we have to worn the other’s” said Angus without hesitation.
Sarah stormed into the gym, and tells Miss Kingston what’s ha… moreppening.
Then they hear shots fired, both of them rush into the hallway.
A muscular guy in his forties appeared at the entrance and shoots down the lurkers with is 9mm beretta pistol.
“Dad?.....Dad?!” shouts Angus excitedly running towards the man.
Both share a hug.
“It’s good to see ya boy, we got to go” said Frank smiling.
“We’re going for the quarantine zone?” asks Angus.
“Yes, those things or monsters are everywhere, I think the zone is our only hope” replies Frank in a calm tone.
“You’re taking us with you, right?” Sarah asks firmly.
“Of course....I mean, with have to Dad” Angus responded.
“Yeah come on kids there's no time to spare.” Frank says.
*Frank, Angus, Sarah and Link got into the small red pickup truck and drove away. Angus takes a last glance behind, and sees Miss L… [view original content]
Henry W.Grady High School
*Angus proceeds to the gym, glancing behind as his best friend leaves. In a way he understood that Liam had to … morefind his mom, she’s his family and that’s the most important thing in the world. Angus deep down hoped that his father would leave work to pick him up from school. *
He gets interrupted by a 14 year old girl who’s standing behind him - “Hey”
“Damn, you scared me.” Angus slightly jumps turning around towards her.
He gazes at the girl in front of him, she has long brown hair and beautiful brown eyes, wearing a teal hoodie and light blue jeans.
The girls name’s Sarah Martinez. Angus kind of has a crush on her, but never expressed his true feelings, they’ve been good friends since the 7th Grade.
“Oh hey Sarah....what happened in the gym?” Angus replied.
“Some 8 grader had an asthma attack, luckily teachers found the inhaler in his backpack, he seems alright now ” Sarah calmly answers.
“Thats g… [view original content]
“Sarah’s right, we have to worn the other’s” said Angus without hesitation.
Sarah stormed into the gym, and tells Miss Kingston what’s ha… moreppening.
Then they hear shots fired, both of them rush into the hallway.
A muscular guy in his forties appeared at the entrance and shoots down the lurkers with is 9mm beretta pistol.
“Dad?.....Dad?!” shouts Angus excitedly running towards the man.
Both share a hug.
“It’s good to see ya boy, we got to go” said Frank smiling.
“We’re going for the quarantine zone?” asks Angus.
“Yes, those things or monsters are everywhere, I think the zone is our only hope” replies Frank in a calm tone.
“You’re taking us with you, right?” Sarah asks firmly.
“Of course....I mean, with have to Dad” Angus responded.
“Yeah come on kids there's no time to spare.” Frank says.
*Frank, Angus, Sarah and Link got into the small red pickup truck and drove away. Angus takes a last glance behind, and sees Miss L… [view original content]
“Sarah’s right, we have to worn the other’s” said Angus without hesitation.
Sarah stormed into the gym, and tells Miss Kingston what’s ha… moreppening.
Then they hear shots fired, both of them rush into the hallway.
A muscular guy in his forties appeared at the entrance and shoots down the lurkers with is 9mm beretta pistol.
“Dad?.....Dad?!” shouts Angus excitedly running towards the man.
Both share a hug.
“It’s good to see ya boy, we got to go” said Frank smiling.
“We’re going for the quarantine zone?” asks Angus.
“Yes, those things or monsters are everywhere, I think the zone is our only hope” replies Frank in a calm tone.
“You’re taking us with you, right?” Sarah asks firmly.
“Of course....I mean, with have to Dad” Angus responded.
“Yeah come on kids there's no time to spare.” Frank says.
*Frank, Angus, Sarah and Link got into the small red pickup truck and drove away. Angus takes a last glance behind, and sees Miss L… [view original content]
“You boys have weapons make sure to keep Sarah safe, she’s unarmed remember, you know just in case something happens to me” Frank orders Angus and Link.
They drive up to the front gate.
“Oh my god” remarks Frank
There were about seven soldiers guarding the gate. Five of them were shooting down walkers emerging from the opposite side of the street. “Hold it right there” - a soldier yells.
“Wait here” Frank orders while getting out from the vehicle. “Anyone bit or scratched?” shouts the soldier
“No sir, it’s only me and the children” Frank answers decisively.
“Why are there shots fired from within the park is something wrong?” Frank follows up.
The soldier then noticed a herd of walkers heading from the direction that Frank and kids came from and from the opposite side of the road.
“Fuck more lurkers, on other side” soldier yells while running and gunning towards the herd
“We need immediate backup on the front gate over” he yells through the radio.
Radio: “The east side of the park is full of walkers, were under attack here we.....”
Soldier: “This is fucked up” he mumbled to himself frustrated
Frank turns around and sees three walkers sneaking up by the car.
“What are we going to do?” says Sarah stuttering in fright.
“I got this one” Link says killing the walker through the windshield with his sword.
“Okay, this one’s mine” replies Angus stabbing the walker in the head.
Frank shoots and kills the third lurker, but another snuck up on him from behind and bites him in the neck.
“Dad?! NO!!!!” yells Angus while storming out of the car.
He stabs the walker numerous times in the head, while his dad is on the ground breathing heavily and bleeding out fast.
*A lurker from the alleyway advances towards Angus, overpowering him to the ground, he left the knife in the other lurkers head making him unable to kill this one off.
Walkers from the opposite side is gaining in on them, the soldiers didn’t manage to hold them off by gate, however many shots are still being fired behind the herd.
Sarah glanced over her shoulder observing the herd closing in on them.
She jumps out from the car and runs towards Angus, she fells and twists her ankle.
A walker is gaining in on her.*
“Here, take it son” Frank said.
“You boys have weapons make sure to keep Sarah safe, she’s unarmed remember, you know just in case someth… moreing happens to me” Frank orders Angus and Link.
They drive up to the front gate.
“Oh my god” remarks Frank
There were about seven soldiers guarding the gate. Five of them were shooting down walkers emerging from the opposite side of the street.
“Hold it right there” - a soldier yells.
“Wait here” Frank orders while getting out from the vehicle.
“Anyone bit or scratched?” shouts the soldier
“No sir, it’s only me and the children” Frank answers decisively.
“Why are there shots fired from within the park is something wrong?” Frank follows up.
The soldier then noticed a herd of walkers heading from the direction that Frank and kids came from and from the opposite side of the road.
“Fuck more lurkers, on other side” soldier yells while running and gunning towards the herd
“We need immed… [view original content]
“Here, take it son” Frank said.
“You boys have weapons make sure to keep Sarah safe, she’s unarmed remember, you know just in case someth… moreing happens to me” Frank orders Angus and Link.
They drive up to the front gate.
“Oh my god” remarks Frank
There were about seven soldiers guarding the gate. Five of them were shooting down walkers emerging from the opposite side of the street.
“Hold it right there” - a soldier yells.
“Wait here” Frank orders while getting out from the vehicle.
“Anyone bit or scratched?” shouts the soldier
“No sir, it’s only me and the children” Frank answers decisively.
“Why are there shots fired from within the park is something wrong?” Frank follows up.
The soldier then noticed a herd of walkers heading from the direction that Frank and kids came from and from the opposite side of the road.
“Fuck more lurkers, on other side” soldier yells while running and gunning towards the herd
“We need immed… [view original content]
*Link clenches his teeth and rushes to rescue Sarah, he kicks the walker off of her, and stabs him in between the eyes with his sword.
Angus’s hands went numb as the walker bites him in shoulder, with a last gasp of air Frank shoots the walker in the head.
Link helps Sarah up, they stand looking over Angus who has a big chunk of his shoulder ripped off breathing heavily in shock.
Both look with a faint expression. Sarah starts to tear up “” as she kneels to his body.
“We don’t have time, we should move the herd is gaining on us” says Link in horror
Sarah says faintly “we have to....sigh..put him out of his misery.”
Sarah walks up to Frank’s corpse, picks up the pistol.
Points it at Angus......”I’m sorry” she said sorrowfully......
She pulled the trigger.
After a second they both hear a voice calling from the distance.
Outside the library. Liam
“No one is bit, Miss” shouts Liam.
*The two soldiers keeping firing the weapons killing any walker that comes closes. *
“Good, because the bite will turn you to one of them, everybody get into the SWAT van we’re heading for the safe zone” the woman responds heavily.
She walks up to them.
“My name’s Amanda Martinez, I’m the Captain of the SWAT Division Unit, the military organized a safe zone outside city” says Amanda in a firm tone.
The group and newcomer’s are all in the back of the van.
“I sounded harsh back there, I’m sorry” said the girl in a sincere tone.
“Don’t worry about it, I’m Liam by the way” said Liam smiling.
“I’m Devyn and that’s my brother Devin” responded Devyn with a happy smile.
“Hey, thanks for saving my sister” Devin says affirmatively.
“I was going trying to save you both...” Liam said in a mild tone.
“We know” smiles Devyn.
“Jesus Christ, hold on” shouts Amanda as she exits the vehicle.
A series of shots are being fired. “God there’s so many of them, the gate is swarmed by them”
“Fuck we don’t even have enough ammunition” the soldiers yelled
Amanda yells back “keep shooting I can see a few people by the gate we have to get to them”
“What the fuck” Carter mumbles to himself with widened eyes.
“Do you all hear that?” Lisa asks with concern.
“It’s those ghouls, all they do is just keep moaning and growling” replies Devyn.
“Yeah and those fuckers just keep eating people up” says Carter anxiously.
“What should we do?” Liam asks with his eyes widened.
“Well we can just take off, look she left the keys in the ignition” says Carter mischievously.
“This people are trying to help us, and you just want to leave them?” replies Lisa infuriated.
“Calm down I wasn’t serious...I think” answers Carter smirking.
“We should go help them” muttered Winston.
“No, I think we should stay put and stay quiet, noise attracts those monsters.“ Devyn responds decisively.
Lisa -
[side with Devyn ][side with Winston][side with Carter]
*Link clenches his teeth and rushes to rescue Sarah, he kicks the walker off of her, and stabs him in between the eyes with his sword.
An… moregus’s hands went numb as the walker bites him in shoulder, with a last gasp of air Frank shoots the walker in the head.
Link helps Sarah up, they stand looking over Angus who has a big chunk of his shoulder ripped off breathing heavily in shock.
Both look with a faint expression. Sarah starts to tear up “” as she kneels to his body.
“We don’t have time, we should move the herd is gaining on us” says Link in horror
Sarah says faintly “we have to....sigh..put him out of his misery.”
Sarah walks up to Frank’s corpse, picks up the pistol.
Points it at Angus......”I’m sorry” she said sorrowfully......
She pulled the trigger.
After a second they both hear a voice calling from the distance.
Outside the library. Liam
“No one is bit, Miss” shouts Liam.
*The two s… [view original content]
*Link clenches his teeth and rushes to rescue Sarah, he kicks the walker off of her, and stabs him in between the eyes with his sword.
An… moregus’s hands went numb as the walker bites him in shoulder, with a last gasp of air Frank shoots the walker in the head.
Link helps Sarah up, they stand looking over Angus who has a big chunk of his shoulder ripped off breathing heavily in shock.
Both look with a faint expression. Sarah starts to tear up “” as she kneels to his body.
“We don’t have time, we should move the herd is gaining on us” says Link in horror
Sarah says faintly “we have to....sigh..put him out of his misery.”
Sarah walks up to Frank’s corpse, picks up the pistol.
Points it at Angus......”I’m sorry” she said sorrowfully......
She pulled the trigger.
After a second they both hear a voice calling from the distance.
Outside the library. Liam
“No one is bit, Miss” shouts Liam.
*The two s… [view original content]
“Winston’s right we have to help them” Lisa says outright.
“Yeah, we all have weapons let’s put them to good use” says Liam.
“Okay, if you’re all serious then let’s do this” says Carter raising his brow.
“I still think this is a bad idea” says Devyn taking out a dagger from her backpack.
“Be careful son, and don't get separated" says Lisa as she gazes at her son.
*Winston nods as he opens the door, they all swarm out. Lisa kicks a rotten walker in the leg, causing it to hit the ground and stabs it through the temple of it’s head. Liam sways his hammer skillfully ending two lurkers. Carter and Winston ran forward swinging their bats at any walker that comes close. Devyn and Devin protect each other by standing back to back killing any walker that approaches them. *
Then they hear Amanda’s shout “Sarah?!
Amanda rushes to her niece.
“Mandi?!” says Sarah weakly with a visible smile. The two share a strong hug.
“Thank God you’re alright” Amanda responds cheerfully.
Liam glances and see’s a familiar face and runs to her.
“Sarah, Link what are you.....oh my god Angus” says Liam with his eyes brows raised.
“He got bit saving his dad” sighed Link.
Amanda’s radio interrupts them. Radio: “Eastside is overrun, I repeat eastside is overrun, all units evacuate anyone alive from the quarantine”
The whole group stood in the road, watching bleakly as the Atlanta safe zone falls to the undead.
The Walking Dead Episode 1: A Nightmare Arrives Chapter 3: The Unknown.
“I’m going with you, after all you’re taking my taxi” says Ellis sarcastically.
“See ya in another life Joe or down south hopefully, take care and find your family” said Bradley in a firm tone expressing a slight smile.
“You too man” Joe smirked.
They all drove away in their own directions, blindly hoping in finding family and safety.
10 minutes later
“So, you say that those monsters are actually dead people?” Ellis ask his eyebrows raised.
“Apparently yeah, and you have to destroy the brain to kill it” Bradley responds seriously.
“Kill it? they are already dead, they can’t be more dead” says Ellis jokingly.
“Dead don’t walk” says Bradley in a harsh tone looking through the windshield.
“Right...” says Ellis awkwardly.
Moment of awkward silence.
“Damn you have a large nose” smiles Bradley.
“What the hell is wrong with my nose?” asks Ellis slightly furious.
“Oh nothing, it’s big that’s all” Bradley jokes.
“Well fucking forgive me that I ain’t so good-looking as you are” Ellis replies ironically.
“Just drive” says Bradley emphatically.
He takes out his gun and loads it.
“Damn where did you get that?” Ellis says in a startled tone.
“It is....was my uncle’s .38 Special” Bradley responds firmly.
“Oh cool, good to have one in a time like this” Ellis smiles.
As they passed the southside industrial, they see a huge smoke coming from the downtown area. Helicopter flying around the city, explosions and sirens is all they could hear.
“I’m starting to doubt that this so called safe zone is even safe after all” Ellis says in anxious tone.
“Fuck, everything is fucked up.......hold on Katie” says Bradley to himself in a rather distressed tone.
Ellis’s face saddened and looks ahead. All the unattended cars left scattered on the highway makes it impossible for the duo to pass.
“Shit, looks like this is as far as we can go” said Ellis.
“Help somebody help me” yells a man.
“Where’s that coming from?” asks Bradley curious.
“Christ, over there the man by the sedan three walkers are after him” Ellis points out.
“I’m going to help him” says Bradley affirmatively exiting the car.
He rushes to the man rescue, kills the first walker with his knife and shots the other two. *
*He then notices that the man’s bit on the thigh.
“Fuck you’re bit” shouts Bradley.
“Thats right” cries the man.
He notices the gun in Bradley’s hand
“Please I beg you give me the gun” says the man in hopeless tone.
“Why do you want my gun?” Bradley raises his eyebrows.
“I just want to end this nightmare or you could do it for me please” the man begs.
“You can’t just give up man, don’t give him the gun Bradley” Ellis orders.
“The man’s practically dead there’s no saving him” Bradley says bleakly.
The Walking Dead Episode 1: A Nightmare Arrives Chapter 3: The Unknown.
“I’m going with you, after all you’re taking my taxi” says Elli… mores sarcastically.
“See ya in another life Joe or down south hopefully, take care and find your family” said Bradley in a firm tone expressing a slight smile.
“You too man” Joe smirked.
They all drove away in their own directions, blindly hoping in finding family and safety.
10 minutes later
“So, you say that those monsters are actually dead people?” Ellis ask his eyebrows raised.
“Apparently yeah, and you have to destroy the brain to kill it” Bradley responds seriously.
“Kill it? they are already dead, they can’t be more dead” says Ellis jokingly.
“Dead don’t walk” says Bradley in a harsh tone looking through the windshield.
“Right...” says Ellis awkwardly.
Moment of awkward silence.
“Damn you have a large nose” smiles Bradley.
“What the hell is wrong with my nose?” asks Ellis slightl… [view original content]
The Walking Dead Episode 1: A Nightmare Arrives Chapter 3: The Unknown.
“I’m going with you, after all you’re taking my taxi” says Elli… mores sarcastically.
“See ya in another life Joe or down south hopefully, take care and find your family” said Bradley in a firm tone expressing a slight smile.
“You too man” Joe smirked.
They all drove away in their own directions, blindly hoping in finding family and safety.
10 minutes later
“So, you say that those monsters are actually dead people?” Ellis ask his eyebrows raised.
“Apparently yeah, and you have to destroy the brain to kill it” Bradley responds seriously.
“Kill it? they are already dead, they can’t be more dead” says Ellis jokingly.
“Dead don’t walk” says Bradley in a harsh tone looking through the windshield.
“Right...” says Ellis awkwardly.
Moment of awkward silence.
“Damn you have a large nose” smiles Bradley.
“What the hell is wrong with my nose?” asks Ellis slightl… [view original content]
The Walking Dead Episode 1: A Nightmare Arrives Chapter 3: The Unknown.
“I’m going with you, after all you’re taking my taxi” says Elli… mores sarcastically.
“See ya in another life Joe or down south hopefully, take care and find your family” said Bradley in a firm tone expressing a slight smile.
“You too man” Joe smirked.
They all drove away in their own directions, blindly hoping in finding family and safety.
10 minutes later
“So, you say that those monsters are actually dead people?” Ellis ask his eyebrows raised.
“Apparently yeah, and you have to destroy the brain to kill it” Bradley responds seriously.
“Kill it? they are already dead, they can’t be more dead” says Ellis jokingly.
“Dead don’t walk” says Bradley in a harsh tone looking through the windshield.
“Right...” says Ellis awkwardly.
Moment of awkward silence.
“Damn you have a large nose” smiles Bradley.
“What the hell is wrong with my nose?” asks Ellis slightl… [view original content]
Bradley's eyes narrowed while he points the gun at the man’s forehead.
“Thank You” the man says desperately.
Pulls the trigger.
“Man, what a mess” sighed Ellis.
“We couldn’t let him suffer” replies Bradley.
“But giving up isn’t an option” says Ellis loudly.
“When you’re bit, there are no options” replies Bradley infuriated.
“We have to get of this highway or head back” says Ellis anxiously.
“No, we’re not heading back, it shouldn’t be too far now” replies Bradley harshly.
“Am I missing something here?! look ahead of you, do you fucking see that, a city full of smoke and flames, do you honestly fucking believe that you’ll still find your sister?!” Ellis shouts angrily.
“She’s all I have left, I have to know” responds Bradley clenching his jaw.
“What if a large group of those creepers appear? What are you going to do then, throw boots at them?! shouts Ellis.
“....sigh...I think you should.....I think you should just let go” Ellis says compassionately.
“I can’t and... won’t” says Bradley as his eyes pierce Ellis’s face.
“Eh...fucking fine. Can we at least get of this fucked up highway” Ellis shouts.
They get off on the nearest exit.
“We need to get some supplies, I'm hungry as hell” says Ellis touching his stomach.
“Yeah, me too” Bradley responds faintly.
“How about that gas station over there? it should have something to eat” suggests Bradley.
“Good idea, although you should go first” Ellis responds with a smirk.
“Why me?” Bradley’s eyes widened.
“You’re the one with the gun” says Ellis cheerfully.
“Oh...poor Ellis doesn’t have a weapon to defend himself.....well I ain’t giving you my knife” Bradley replies with a sneer.
“That proves my point you asshole, you’re going first” Ellis smiles.
As Bradley was ready to approach the station. They hear a gunshot and see a woman and a kid running from a group of walkers.
“Fuck, get down, they’re going to get us killed” Bradley whispers loudly, as they hide behind a truck.
“We should help them, she’s with a child, it looks like their running towards some sort department store” responds Ellis with his eyes stretched.
Bradley's eyes narrowed while he points the gun at the man’s forehead.
“Thank You” the man says desperately.
Pulls the trigger.
“Ma… moren, what a mess” sighed Ellis.
“We couldn’t let him suffer” replies Bradley.
“But giving up isn’t an option” says Ellis loudly.
“When you’re bit, there are no options” replies Bradley infuriated.
“We have to get of this highway or head back” says Ellis anxiously.
“No, we’re not heading back, it shouldn’t be too far now” replies Bradley harshly.
“Am I missing something here?! look ahead of you, do you fucking see that, a city full of smoke and flames, do you honestly fucking believe that you’ll still find your sister?!” Ellis shouts angrily.
“She’s all I have left, I have to know” responds Bradley clenching his jaw.
“What if a large group of those creepers appear? What are you going to do then, throw boots at them?! shouts Ellis.
“....sigh...I think you should.....I think you should just let go” … [view original content]
Bradley's eyes narrowed while he points the gun at the man’s forehead.
“Thank You” the man says desperately.
Pulls the trigger.
“Ma… moren, what a mess” sighed Ellis.
“We couldn’t let him suffer” replies Bradley.
“But giving up isn’t an option” says Ellis loudly.
“When you’re bit, there are no options” replies Bradley infuriated.
“We have to get of this highway or head back” says Ellis anxiously.
“No, we’re not heading back, it shouldn’t be too far now” replies Bradley harshly.
“Am I missing something here?! look ahead of you, do you fucking see that, a city full of smoke and flames, do you honestly fucking believe that you’ll still find your sister?!” Ellis shouts angrily.
“She’s all I have left, I have to know” responds Bradley clenching his jaw.
“What if a large group of those creepers appear? What are you going to do then, throw boots at them?! shouts Ellis.
“....sigh...I think you should.....I think you should just let go” … [view original content]
Bradley loads his gun. They ran over to assist the strangers. All four of them storm into the department store merely managing to barricade the entrance.
“This should hold” Bradley gasps.
“You think?” replies Ellis rhetorically
They turn around and see a tall woman with long chocolate brown hair, dark eyes and a slightly freckled face. She looks to be around the age of 24. Bradley notices her machete strapped to her back.
The child is a short and thin young boy about 15 years of age, he has a blue backpack with a bow attached to it. Both guys notice that the kid is holding a knife covered in blood.
The woman walks up to Bradley.
“Hey thanks for the help back there, I’m Katherine and this is Elias” says Katherine. sympathetically.
“Hi” Elias says while expressing a slight awkward wave.
“I’m Bradley and this is Ellis” smiles Bradley.
“Hey there” says Ellis.
“So who are you guys, why are you here?” Katherine asks firmly.
“We were on our way to the safe sister is there” responds Bradley.
“I hate to be the bear of bad news, but that place is falling apart” says Katherine decisively.
“How the fuck do you know that!?” shouts Bradley angrily.
Katherine looks at Elias “Because we were there when it all started happening”
“What happened?” Ellis asks in fearful tone.
“In the beginning the military thought that they had it all planned out, eastside of the zone would be the focus for medical purposes, helping out anyone who’s injured or started to get out of control eventually, I met Elias on the westside he got separated from his parents during an evacuation from a museum. I managed to get us both out from the zone before all hell bursted loose”
“God, I’m sorry kid” Ellis looks at Elias as his face darkly saddens.
“Have you by any chance met a girl about 20 years old named Katie O’Cart? the last time I saw her she had short brown hair” asks Bradley hopefully.
Katherine nods negatively “Sorry.....there were hundreds of people there, when everyone started panicking about the dead coming back to life and the whole situation on the eastside....hell” she sighs.
“Oh..God...God” Bradley gasps to himself holding his head.
“I’m sorry man” says Ellis trying to comfort Bradley.
“Our only chance is to get the hell out of the city” Katherine says seriously.
“I think we should take a look around this store, looks like we’ll have to wait awhile for those creeps outside to disappear, take any supplies we can and find a working vehicle” Ellis replies affirmatively.
“I agree and I could use some clean clothes” says Katherine as she walks away searching the store.
30 minutes later.
Ellis glances at Bradley who’s sitting on the floor by the counter, he still hasn’t spoken since the last conversation. Katherine changed into a black hoodie a pair of navy jeans and white sneakers. Elias has a blue undershirt and light jeans with matching blue trainers. Ellis grabs a denim jacket and dark green cargo pants remarking “This looks quite badass”. In the end he finds a weapon for himself in the gardening section, a iron hoe.
“Okay I managed to find a duffel bag, packed as much food, clothes and other stuff as I could” says Katherine exhaustedly.
“One of us has to still go out there and find a car” Ellis reminds.
“It’s risky if we go all together” Elias points out.
Bradley loads his gun. They ran over to assist the strangers. All four of them storm into the department store merely managing to barricade … morethe entrance.
“This should hold” Bradley gasps.
“You think?” replies Ellis rhetorically
They turn around and see a tall woman with long chocolate brown hair, dark eyes and a slightly freckled face. She looks to be around the age of 24. Bradley notices her machete strapped to her back.
The child is a short and thin young boy about 15 years of age, he has a blue backpack with a bow attached to it. Both guys notice that the kid is holding a knife covered in blood.
The woman walks up to Bradley.
“Hey thanks for the help back there, I’m Katherine and this is Elias” says Katherine. sympathetically.
“Hi” Elias says while expressing a slight awkward wave.
“I’m Bradley and this is Ellis” smiles Bradley.
“Hey there” says Ellis.
“So who are you guys, why are you here?” Katherine asks firmly.
“We … [view original content]
[Bradley - Why’s that?]
Thanks for introducing Bradley. Keep up the good work, Domingez
No problemo
I should have the next part up shortly.
Mother of a tree, this is like a lamp.
[Joe - Shut up, I wasn't talking to you]
“Why is that?” said Bradley rather curiously.
Joe stayed silent looking through the window clenching his teeth, consumed with anger.
“Let’s just say, I have nothing to go back to” replied the driver in a negative tone.
“You don’t have any family here?” asked Bradley.
“I have a cousin in Virginia, that’s about it” the taxi driver answered.
“So, where do you live then?” Bradley asking the driver.
“Midtown Atlanta” the driver responded emphatically.
“If this ‘virus’ or something is serious, then the cities are going to suffer the most” said Bradley.
“We don’t know anything yet” replied Joe firmly.
“My name’s Ellis, by the way” said the driver.
“I’m Joe and this is Bradley”
“Looks like were going to be stuck with each other for a while” responded Ellis Holt.
26 minutes later, arriving at Riverdale
“Okay, stop here this is my house” said Bradley decisively.
He ran out of the car and entered his Uncles home, while Joe and taxi driver waited outside.
“The whole neighborhood seemed deserted, a few cars were left in the road. I wonder why would people leave their vehicles, traveling by car would’ve been safer and faster for these folks, maybe there is a logical explanation for what’s going on.” thought Ellis
“Damn, this place looks like a ghost town” said Ellis.
“Did people know about the virus in advance?” asked Joe curiously.
“Hmm...why do you think that?” answered Ellis.
“Come on, if everyone would start evacuating at once this place would’ve been fucking chaos” Joe responded.
“Well, I’ve heard on the news about 2 days ago, that there were many cases of people getting bit by other people. I knew that some shit is hitting the fan, never thought that it would be this serious, but this morning they were talking about some type of virus which might be the cause of this mess” said Ellis in firm tone.
“Everything is fucked up, what’s Bradley taking so long, I’m going to check in on him” replied Joe unpleasantly.
As Joe entered the house he yelled for Bradley, but no one responded, the kitchen and living room was in a total mess. I went upstairs and found him sitting by a bed looking downcast.
“Christ, want happened here..... oh my God” said Joe in shock.
There was a dead man on the floor, with a knife sticking out of his head.
“My sister had to kill him....she left me a note that dead people are coming back to life....their neighbor Julian attacked my uncle....later he died and turned....” sighed Bradley.
“I’m sorry man.....what about your sister, is she alright? where is she?” asked Joe.
“She.......she went to Atlanta, apparently there’s some sort of quarantine zone in the city” replied Bradley in a bleak tone.
“GUYS!!!!!” someone yelled from outside.
Both Bradley and Joe ran out to see what happened.
“Fuck, is that a dead person!?” Joe questioned.
“How do I know, it fucking looks like one” Ellis yelled, glued to his taxi.
As the three stood in shock, the dead person was proceeding towards them, growling with its hands out trying to reach them.
Bradley stormed back into the house.
“Hey, where are you going?!” yelled Ellis while pushing the walker away.
Joe approached the walker, clenching his fist and punches it in the face, but the walker kept going and grabs him. Both fell to the ground, in a split second Joe saw a rabid monster forcing to bite his neck. In the nick of time Bradley stabs the lurker in the head with a knife.
“Breaths heavily....too close don’t ya think...thanks” said Joe with a terrified face.
“We have to go” yelled Ellis.
“Yeah we do, I’m heading for the quarantine zone” replied Bradley affirmatively.
“No way, were going to Jonesboro to find my family first that’s how we planned” said Joe angrily.
“My taxi has about enough gas to head back” Ellis responded.
“Plan changes Joe, I guess it’s time to split up then, check those cars if they work, I’m going to get a few things from the house” Bradley ordered.
*“Yeah it always has to be your way Bradley” Joe mumbles to himself. *
“Fuck, no keys in this one” said Joe.
“This one has trouble starting” said Ellis turning the key in the ignition.
“Bingo, works fine doesn’t have much gas though, but should be enough to get me to Jonesboro” said Joe cheerfully.
Bradley exited the house and approaches the taxi - “Okay got everything I need....I guess”
“Wait, if anything goes wrong in Atlanta....head south maybe by chance you might still meet me in Jonesboro, if not...just keep going south.....” said Joe.
“No guarantees man, if the quarantine zone is safe as I think it is then I don't’’s going to be tough, but okay....good luck finding your family” replied Bradley.
“Hang on a second, your not taking my taxi?!” Ellis yelled infuriated.
“Well if your not going then....yeah I’m taking your car” Bradley answered sarcastically.
“The hell you are” Ellis responded grimacing.
A group of walkers started to emerge down the street.
“Fuck, lets go! we don’t have time for this” yelled Joe.
“What’s it gonna be Ellis?” shouted Bradley.
Major Choice: Destination
[Go with Joe to Jonesboro] [Go with Bradley to Atlanta]
Well this is some serious pancakes.
[Go with Joe to Jonesboro]
[Go with Joe to Jonesboro] Knowing the Walking Dead, I know that Atlanta falls, and it's definitely not safe there.
[Go with Bradley to Atlanta]
Nobody takes Ellis' taxi!
[Go with Bradley to Atlanta]
That was a pretty tough decision. But I think the quarantine zone could be very interesting and if it falls we could still catch up to Joe with the taxi.
Yes! Thanks for featuring Ellis, my character.
[Go with Bradley to Atlanta]. Bradley seems like a more stable person, rather than Joe who looks like he has some anger issues.
Voting is still open.
The story is going to shift for a bit back to Angus and the whole school situation. Next piece coming soon.
Henry W.Grady High School
*Angus proceeds to the gym, glancing behind as his best friend leaves. In a way he understood that Liam had to find his mom, she’s his family and that’s the most important thing in the world. Angus deep down hoped that his father would leave work to pick him up from school. *
He gets interrupted by a 14 year old girl who’s standing behind him - “Hey”
“Damn, you scared me.” Angus slightly jumps turning around towards her.
He gazes at the girl in front of him, she has long brown hair and beautiful brown eyes, wearing a teal hoodie and light blue jeans.
The girls name’s Sarah Martinez. Angus kind of has a crush on her, but never expressed his true feelings, they’ve been good friends since the 7th Grade.
“Oh hey Sarah....what happened in the gym?” Angus replied.
“Some 8 grader had an asthma attack, luckily teachers found the inhaler in his backpack, he seems alright now ” Sarah calmly answers.
“Thats good, I guess” said Angus.
“I wonder when will they be evacuating us” Sarah says curiously.
“I don’t know, and I don’t think I should go” responds Angus.
“Why? it’s safe there” Sarah reacts.
“What if my dad comes here and I'm not here?” Angus says in a worried tone.
“How do you know if your dad isn’t already at the safe zone and is waiting for you” Sarah responds mildly.
“He wouldn’t do that, not knowing if I was safe” said Angus decisively.
“You’re right about that, but what if he didn’t have a choice?” Sarah asks inquisitively.
“What do you mean?” Angus responds.
Suddenly, a boy from across the hall interrupts them by running up to them.
“Hey guys” yells the boy excitedly
“Who’s this clown?” Angus grimaces.
“That’s Link, his from the 12th Grade...I think” replies Sarah doubtfully.
The boy approaches them, wearing a green tunic with brown sleeves and a wooden sword
“Hey Sarah, I found some cool stuff in the shed behind the school” says Link excitedly.
Angus notices two figures by the front entrance, bashing their heads on the door.
“What did you find?” Sarah smiles asking Link.
*The doors gave in, and two lurkers come in, growling towards the three youngsters. *
“What the fuck are those things” yells Link frightened.
“They look like freaking ghouls or something” says Angus in a scared tone.
“We have to warn the others” Sarah responds gravely.
[Push through the walkers and escape] [Worn the others in the gym]
[Warn the others in the gym]
I don't think it would be safe for three kids to push two grown walkers out of the way. If those walkers bite any of the kids in the gym, it's gonna be bloody.
[Warn the others in the gym]
[Warn the others in the gym]
[Warn the others in the gym]
[Warn the others]
**Voting closed. **
Ellis went with Bradley to Atlanta.
Angus.Co went to warn the others.
“Sarah’s right, we have to worn the other’s” said Angus without hesitation.
Sarah stormed into the gym, and tells Miss Kingston what’s happening.
Then they hear shots fired, both of them rush into the hallway.
A muscular guy in his forties appeared at the entrance and shoots down the lurkers with is 9mm beretta pistol.
“Dad?.....Dad?!” shouts Angus excitedly running towards the man.
Both share a hug.
“It’s good to see ya boy, we got to go” said Frank smiling.
“We’re going for the quarantine zone?” asks Angus.
“Yes, those things or monsters are everywhere, I think the zone is our only hope” replies Frank in a calm tone.
“You’re taking us with you, right?” Sarah asks firmly.
“Of course....I mean, with have to Dad” Angus responded.
“Yeah come on kids there's no time to spare.” Frank says.
*Frank, Angus, Sarah and Link got into the small red pickup truck and drove away. Angus takes a last glance behind, and sees Miss Livingston and other pupils fleeing the school and scramble in all directions. He looks at Sarah for a brief moment, expressing a slight toothless smile as they all head for the safe zone. *
As they approach the quarantine zone, which was Thomasville Park one of the few bigger parks outside the city, a good place to protect a large number of people, but for how long.....
They notice numerous military vehicles at the main entrance, luckily the park is protected by a tall fence, so no walkers can get in from the side, shots were being fired within and in front of the park.
“It doesn’t look good” Frank remarks.
He stops the car for a brief moment.
“Why are we stopping” Sarah asks with widened eyes.
“Whatever happens kids, those things can only be killed by destroying the brain.” Frank said with cold eyes.
The children look at each other with a worried expression.
“You kiddo, be sure to use that wooden sword when you have to, looks pointy enough” said Frank.
“Will do, Sir” Link responds affirmatively.
“I only have one knife in the glove box” says Frank in a concerned tone.
[Give the knife to Sarah] [Give the knife to Angus]
[Give the knife to Angus]
I think it would make sense for Frank give the knife to his son.
[Warn the others in the gym]
[Give the knife to Angus]
[Give the knife to Angus]
“Here, take it son” Frank said.
“You boys have weapons make sure to keep Sarah safe, she’s unarmed remember, you know just in case something happens to me” Frank orders Angus and Link.
They drive up to the front gate.
“Oh my god” remarks Frank
There were about seven soldiers guarding the gate. Five of them were shooting down walkers emerging from the opposite side of the street.
“Hold it right there” - a soldier yells.
“Wait here” Frank orders while getting out from the vehicle.
“Anyone bit or scratched?” shouts the soldier
“No sir, it’s only me and the children” Frank answers decisively.
“Why are there shots fired from within the park is something wrong?” Frank follows up.
The soldier then noticed a herd of walkers heading from the direction that Frank and kids came from and from the opposite side of the road.
“Fuck more lurkers, on other side” soldier yells while running and gunning towards the herd
“We need immediate backup on the front gate over” he yells through the radio.
Radio: “The east side of the park is full of walkers, were under attack here we.....”
Soldier: “This is fucked up” he mumbled to himself frustrated
Frank turns around and sees three walkers sneaking up by the car.
“What are we going to do?” says Sarah stuttering in fright.
“I got this one” Link says killing the walker through the windshield with his sword.
“Okay, this one’s mine” replies Angus stabbing the walker in the head.
Frank shoots and kills the third lurker, but another snuck up on him from behind and bites him in the neck.
“Dad?! NO!!!!” yells Angus while storming out of the car.
He stabs the walker numerous times in the head, while his dad is on the ground breathing heavily and bleeding out fast.
*A lurker from the alleyway advances towards Angus, overpowering him to the ground, he left the knife in the other lurkers head making him unable to kill this one off.
Walkers from the opposite side is gaining in on them, the soldiers didn’t manage to hold them off by gate, however many shots are still being fired behind the herd.
Sarah glanced over her shoulder observing the herd closing in on them.
She jumps out from the car and runs towards Angus, she fells and twists her ankle.
A walker is gaining in on her.*
Link jumps out with fear on his face.
Major Choice: Heroics
[Save Sarah] [Save Angus]
Oh damn it. The choices get harder every time. I didn't see that one coming at all. Well done, Domingez, well done.
Anyway, I think Link has to save the girl, being a hero and stuff.
[Save Sarah]
Also RIP Frank...
[Save Sarah]
*Link clenches his teeth and rushes to rescue Sarah, he kicks the walker off of her, and stabs him in between the eyes with his sword.
Angus’s hands went numb as the walker bites him in shoulder, with a last gasp of air Frank shoots the walker in the head.
Link helps Sarah up, they stand looking over Angus who has a big chunk of his shoulder ripped off breathing heavily in shock.
Both look with a faint expression. Sarah starts to tear up “” as she kneels to his body.
“We don’t have time, we should move the herd is gaining on us” says Link in horror
Sarah says faintly “we have to....sigh..put him out of his misery.”
Sarah walks up to Frank’s corpse, picks up the pistol.
Points it at Angus......”I’m sorry” she said sorrowfully......
She pulled the trigger.
After a second they both hear a voice calling from the distance.
Outside the library. Liam
“No one is bit, Miss” shouts Liam.
*The two soldiers keeping firing the weapons killing any walker that comes closes. *
“Good, because the bite will turn you to one of them, everybody get into the SWAT van we’re heading for the safe zone” the woman responds heavily.
She walks up to them.
“My name’s Amanda Martinez, I’m the Captain of the SWAT Division Unit, the military organized a safe zone outside city” says Amanda in a firm tone.
The group and newcomer’s are all in the back of the van.
“I sounded harsh back there, I’m sorry” said the girl in a sincere tone.
“Don’t worry about it, I’m Liam by the way” said Liam smiling.
“I’m Devyn and that’s my brother Devin” responded Devyn with a happy smile.
“Hey, thanks for saving my sister” Devin says affirmatively.
“I was going trying to save you both...” Liam said in a mild tone.
“We know” smiles Devyn.
“Jesus Christ, hold on” shouts Amanda as she exits the vehicle.
A series of shots are being fired.
“God there’s so many of them, the gate is swarmed by them”
“Fuck we don’t even have enough ammunition” the soldiers yelled
Amanda yells back “keep shooting I can see a few people by the gate we have to get to them”
“What the fuck” Carter mumbles to himself with widened eyes.
“Do you all hear that?” Lisa asks with concern.
“It’s those ghouls, all they do is just keep moaning and growling” replies Devyn.
“Yeah and those fuckers just keep eating people up” says Carter anxiously.
“What should we do?” Liam asks with his eyes widened.
“Well we can just take off, look she left the keys in the ignition” says Carter mischievously.
“This people are trying to help us, and you just want to leave them?” replies Lisa infuriated.
“Calm down I wasn’t serious...I think” answers Carter smirking.
“We should go help them” muttered Winston.
“No, I think we should stay put and stay quiet, noise attracts those monsters.“ Devyn responds decisively.
Lisa -
[side with Devyn ] [side with Winston] [side with Carter]
[Side with Winston]
[Side with Winston]
[side with Winston]
Thanks to everyone who voted for Sarah BTW!
Poor Angus though 
Side with Winston.
“Winston’s right we have to help them” Lisa says outright.
“Yeah, we all have weapons let’s put them to good use” says Liam.
“Okay, if you’re all serious then let’s do this” says Carter raising his brow.
“I still think this is a bad idea” says Devyn taking out a dagger from her backpack.
“Be careful son, and don't get separated" says Lisa as she gazes at her son.
*Winston nods as he opens the door, they all swarm out. Lisa kicks a rotten walker in the leg, causing it to hit the ground and stabs it through the temple of it’s head. Liam sways his hammer skillfully ending two lurkers. Carter and Winston ran forward swinging their bats at any walker that comes close. Devyn and Devin protect each other by standing back to back killing any walker that approaches them. *
Then they hear Amanda’s shout “Sarah?!
Amanda rushes to her niece.
“Mandi?!” says Sarah weakly with a visible smile.
The two share a strong hug.
“Thank God you’re alright” Amanda responds cheerfully.
Liam glances and see’s a familiar face and runs to her.
“Sarah, Link what are you.....oh my god Angus” says Liam with his eyes brows raised.
“He got bit saving his dad” sighed Link.
Amanda’s radio interrupts them.
Radio: “Eastside is overrun, I repeat eastside is overrun, all units evacuate anyone alive from the quarantine”
The whole group stood in the road, watching bleakly as the Atlanta safe zone falls to the undead.
End of Chapter 2.
The next chapter will involve Bradley and Ellis. Hopefully I'll manage to put it up today
The Walking Dead Episode 1: A Nightmare Arrives Chapter 3: The Unknown.
“I’m going with you, after all you’re taking my taxi” says Ellis sarcastically.
“See ya in another life Joe or down south hopefully, take care and find your family” said Bradley in a firm tone expressing a slight smile.
“You too man” Joe smirked.
They all drove away in their own directions, blindly hoping in finding family and safety.
10 minutes later
“So, you say that those monsters are actually dead people?” Ellis ask his eyebrows raised.
“Apparently yeah, and you have to destroy the brain to kill it” Bradley responds seriously.
“Kill it? they are already dead, they can’t be more dead” says Ellis jokingly.
“Dead don’t walk” says Bradley in a harsh tone looking through the windshield.
“Right...” says Ellis awkwardly.
Moment of awkward silence.
“Damn you have a large nose” smiles Bradley.
“What the hell is wrong with my nose?” asks Ellis slightly furious.
“Oh nothing, it’s big that’s all” Bradley jokes.
“Well fucking forgive me that I ain’t so good-looking as you are” Ellis replies ironically.
“Just drive” says Bradley emphatically.
He takes out his gun and loads it.
“Damn where did you get that?” Ellis says in a startled tone.
“It is....was my uncle’s .38 Special” Bradley responds firmly.
“Oh cool, good to have one in a time like this” Ellis smiles.
As they passed the southside industrial, they see a huge smoke coming from the downtown area. Helicopter flying around the city, explosions and sirens is all they could hear.
“I’m starting to doubt that this so called safe zone is even safe after all” Ellis says in anxious tone.
“Fuck, everything is fucked up.......hold on Katie” says Bradley to himself in a rather distressed tone.
Ellis’s face saddened and looks ahead. All the unattended cars left scattered on the highway makes it impossible for the duo to pass.
“Shit, looks like this is as far as we can go” said Ellis.
“Help somebody help me” yells a man.
“Where’s that coming from?” asks Bradley curious.
“Christ, over there the man by the sedan three walkers are after him” Ellis points out.
“I’m going to help him” says Bradley affirmatively exiting the car.
He rushes to the man rescue, kills the first walker with his knife and shots the other two. *
*He then notices that the man’s bit on the thigh.
“Fuck you’re bit” shouts Bradley.
“Thats right” cries the man.
He notices the gun in Bradley’s hand
“Please I beg you give me the gun” says the man in hopeless tone.
“Why do you want my gun?” Bradley raises his eyebrows.
“I just want to end this nightmare or you could do it for me please” the man begs.
“You can’t just give up man, don’t give him the gun Bradley” Ellis orders.
“The man’s practically dead there’s no saving him” Bradley says bleakly.
Major Choice: Mercy
[Give the gun to the man] [Kill him yourself]
[Kill him yourself]
[Kill him yourself]
[Kill him yourself]
Bradley's eyes narrowed while he points the gun at the man’s forehead.
“Thank You” the man says desperately.
Pulls the trigger.
“Man, what a mess” sighed Ellis.
“We couldn’t let him suffer” replies Bradley.
“But giving up isn’t an option” says Ellis loudly.
“When you’re bit, there are no options” replies Bradley infuriated.
“We have to get of this highway or head back” says Ellis anxiously.
“No, we’re not heading back, it shouldn’t be too far now” replies Bradley harshly.
“Am I missing something here?! look ahead of you, do you fucking see that, a city full of smoke and flames, do you honestly fucking believe that you’ll still find your sister?!” Ellis shouts angrily.
“She’s all I have left, I have to know” responds Bradley clenching his jaw.
“What if a large group of those creepers appear? What are you going to do then, throw boots at them?! shouts Ellis.
“....sigh...I think you should.....I think you should just let go” Ellis says compassionately.
“I can’t and... won’t” says Bradley as his eyes pierce Ellis’s face.
“Eh...fucking fine. Can we at least get of this fucked up highway” Ellis shouts.
They get off on the nearest exit.
“We need to get some supplies, I'm hungry as hell” says Ellis touching his stomach.
“Yeah, me too” Bradley responds faintly.
“How about that gas station over there? it should have something to eat” suggests Bradley.
“Good idea, although you should go first” Ellis responds with a smirk.
“Why me?” Bradley’s eyes widened.
“You’re the one with the gun” says Ellis cheerfully.
“Oh...poor Ellis doesn’t have a weapon to defend himself.....well I ain’t giving you my knife” Bradley replies with a sneer.
“That proves my point you asshole, you’re going first” Ellis smiles.
As Bradley was ready to approach the station. They hear a gunshot and see a woman and a kid running from a group of walkers.
“Fuck, get down, they’re going to get us killed” Bradley whispers loudly, as they hide behind a truck.
“We should help them, she’s with a child, it looks like their running towards some sort department store” responds Ellis with his eyes stretched.
[Ignore them and head for the station] [Help them]
[Help them]
[Help them]
Bradley loads his gun. They ran over to assist the strangers. All four of them storm into the department store merely managing to barricade the entrance.
“This should hold” Bradley gasps.
“You think?” replies Ellis rhetorically
They turn around and see a tall woman with long chocolate brown hair, dark eyes and a slightly freckled face. She looks to be around the age of 24. Bradley notices her machete strapped to her back.
The child is a short and thin young boy about 15 years of age, he has a blue backpack with a bow attached to it. Both guys notice that the kid is holding a knife covered in blood.
The woman walks up to Bradley.
“Hey thanks for the help back there, I’m Katherine and this is Elias” says Katherine. sympathetically.
“Hi” Elias says while expressing a slight awkward wave.
“I’m Bradley and this is Ellis” smiles Bradley.
“Hey there” says Ellis.
“So who are you guys, why are you here?” Katherine asks firmly.
“We were on our way to the safe sister is there” responds Bradley.
“I hate to be the bear of bad news, but that place is falling apart” says Katherine decisively.
“How the fuck do you know that!?” shouts Bradley angrily.
Katherine looks at Elias “Because we were there when it all started happening”
“What happened?” Ellis asks in fearful tone.
“In the beginning the military thought that they had it all planned out, eastside of the zone would be the focus for medical purposes, helping out anyone who’s injured or started to get out of control eventually, I met Elias on the westside he got separated from his parents during an evacuation from a museum. I managed to get us both out from the zone before all hell bursted loose”
“God, I’m sorry kid” Ellis looks at Elias as his face darkly saddens.
“Have you by any chance met a girl about 20 years old named Katie O’Cart? the last time I saw her she had short brown hair” asks Bradley hopefully.
Katherine nods negatively “Sorry.....there were hundreds of people there, when everyone started panicking about the dead coming back to life and the whole situation on the eastside....hell” she sighs.
“Oh..God...God” Bradley gasps to himself holding his head.
“I’m sorry man” says Ellis trying to comfort Bradley.
“Our only chance is to get the hell out of the city” Katherine says seriously.
“I think we should take a look around this store, looks like we’ll have to wait awhile for those creeps outside to disappear, take any supplies we can and find a working vehicle” Ellis replies affirmatively.
“I agree and I could use some clean clothes” says Katherine as she walks away searching the store.
30 minutes later.
Ellis glances at Bradley who’s sitting on the floor by the counter, he still hasn’t spoken since the last conversation. Katherine changed into a black hoodie a pair of navy jeans and white sneakers. Elias has a blue undershirt and light jeans with matching blue trainers. Ellis grabs a denim jacket and dark green cargo pants remarking “This looks quite badass”. In the end he finds a weapon for himself in the gardening section, a iron hoe.
“Okay I managed to find a duffel bag, packed as much food, clothes and other stuff as I could” says Katherine exhaustedly.
“One of us has to still go out there and find a car” Ellis reminds.
“It’s risky if we go all together” Elias points out.
Who should go?
[Ellis] [Katherine] [Bradley]
I think he has the best chances of finding a reliably working car, since he has the most experience with cars.