TWD: The Fallen World



  • [Check the halls.]

    Episode 1: Beyond Surviving Chapter 3: The Wolves [Go to The Mountain Top] After thinking on it for a while I decided it best to give

  • So I understand that I'm a bit late to the punch on this one. I'll see if I can read one episode every now and then, and post a mini review here, with your permission, of course.

  • [Check the halls]

    I love that Wolf Pack, especially since it includes both of my characters :D

    Episode 1: Beyond Surviving Chapter 3: The Wolves [Go to The Mountain Top] After thinking on it for a while I decided it best to give

  • [Check the halls]

    Awesome Chapter!!!

    Episode 1: Beyond Surviving Chapter 3: The Wolves [Go to The Mountain Top] After thinking on it for a while I decided it best to give

  • [Check the halls]

    Episode 1: Beyond Surviving Chapter 3: The Wolves [Go to The Mountain Top] After thinking on it for a while I decided it best to give

  • [Check the halls]

    Episode 1: Beyond Surviving Chapter 3: The Wolves [Go to The Mountain Top] After thinking on it for a while I decided it best to give

  • [Check the halls]

    Episode 1: Beyond Surviving Chapter 3: The Wolves [Go to The Mountain Top] After thinking on it for a while I decided it best to give

  • [Check the halls]

    Episode 1: Beyond Surviving Chapter 3: The Wolves [Go to The Mountain Top] After thinking on it for a while I decided it best to give

  • Voting has closed! Cody shall [Check the halls] I would like to give a small shout-out to another amazing Walking Dead fanfic i've been reading recently called A New Life. It follows a man named Tony who lives a pretty lonely life, but when the walkers show up life gets even lonelier for him.

  • Thanks man!

    Voting has closed! Cody shall [Check the halls] I would like to give a small shout-out to another amazing Walking Dead fanfic i've been read

  • Hey guys, here's something you should check out if you like fan fictions. I would really appreciate it.

  • I apologize for the delay, it's just been a really busy week for me. I'm going to try and get the new chapter up tomorrow or the day after.

  • Episode 1: Beyond Surviving Chapter 4: A New Threat

    [Check the halls]

    I knew I couldn’t just put this out of my mind. I kept my machete raised to strike and opened the door, it creaked and I stopped in fear of someone hearing me. I slipped through the crack in the door and tiptoed along the cold hallway. I pressed myself against the wall once I reached the end of the hallway and turned my head to look into the other corridor. I noticed a person walking through the hall with a knife in his hand. My chest started to feel tight and hot with anxiety. I started to breathe heavier, I turned into the hall and followed a ways behind the person. I stopped when he began pounding on one of the doors. “Let me in you stupid fuck!” the man screamed. He paused for a moment then started rapidly hammering his fists into the door growling as he did it. I took the opportunity to sneak up behind him and slip my arm under his chin. At once I put my palm to the back of his head and pushed forward and pulled backwards with my arm. The man began to struggle as I squeezed the air out of him, he lost consciousness and became motionless. I heaved air into my lungs, adrenaline was flowing through my body. “It’s safe to come out!” I said to the people in the room. A man and a woman came out with the most frightened look on their face. “Why did he single your room out?” I asked looking them both in the eyes. “We don’t know, he was probably crazy!” said the man. “I saw him walking by all the other rooms and not stopping until he found yours. Why did he single you out?” I restated my question and my voice grew louder. “Damnit!” the man sighed. “I used to be his girlfriend, it didn’t work out and I decided to cut him loose. He seemed fine at first but I guess he was pretty upset.” the woman faltered. “Pretty upset?” I said “He had a knife in his hands, he was going to kill you two!” I said.

    More and more people began crowding the halls and closing in to see what happened. I knew I wasn’t the one in charge here, hell it was my first night! I decided to wait until Leonidas arrived and go from there. I noticed a man run through a door, probably on his way to alert Leonidas. I looked down at the unconscious man and knew that the only reason I didn’t kill him was because I was new here. I thought again about how dark that may have seemed, but he would have killed anyone to get to them who’s to say it wouldn’t have been Maria, Bernie, Tom, Judy, and Andrew. “Move out of the way!” Leonidas commanded those in the hall.

    “What the fuck happened?” Leonidas questioned me

    “This man was going through the halls, he stopped at their door and began to pound on it. He was carrying a knife, keep in mind I have five of my own here and I found a threat. I did what any competent person would, I choked him out.” I told him

    “This isn’t how we handle things here Cody.” said Leonidas

    “Well would you like to inform me how they work here? Cause’ if I were to have someone walking around with my community with a knife with the intention to harm someone else I would intervene immediately.” I said with gusto

    “Around here we would’ve approached him and asked him to put the weapon down and calmly figure out why he’s doing what he is.” said Leonidas

    I was silent with pure disbelief for a moment. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding.” I scoffed “You would’ve asked him to give you the knife and he would, no big struggle to stop him whatsoever. Have you never handled something like this?” I asked

    “Not to this level but we know what we’ll do if situations like this ever arise.” Leonidas shot back.

    “I’m taking my group and leaving, you have a lovely place but I think it’s being wasted with the protection you’re offering it.” I growled “You need to start thinking about someone coming here and wanting to kill all of you! Do you think they’re just gonna go away because you ask them? No! That’s not how things work now, you have to be aware of what’s going on and what you might need to do to protect each other.” I paced briskly back to my room. I shook Maria’s shoulder and watched her eyes open to look straight into mine. “What’s going on?” she asked and rubbed her eyes. “We’re leaving, it’s not safe here.” I said and threw our things into our bag. “What do you mean?” she asked. “Leonidas doesn’t know how to protect anyone, a man was passing through the hall with a knife and I was in the wrong for choking him out.” I growled.

    “Well this is his community.” said Maria

    “Maria I made a promise a long time ago that if anyone would put my family in danger that I would kill them. I’m not going to let us die because of some dumbass with a knife.” I said

    “Regardless you can’t go ahead and do something without the leader’s permission. What if someone came into Wellington and acted against your rules?” said Maria

    “I just can’t lose anyone else.” I faltered

    Maria put her hand on my face and looked me in the eyes. “You won’t lose us, we’ve come this far.” Maria smiled and kissed me on the cheek. I put my hand on hers and closed my eyes thinking of what happened to Cyndia. “We’re survivors.” Maria faltered

    “We have to go.” I said

    “We need to get the others then.” said Maria

    “And we will, but right now we have to get everything ready to go.” I replied

    “Alright.” Maria sighed

    We had gathered everyone else in our group and made our way to our truck. I threw the door open and tossed my bag inside, the others did the same. Rodriguez rushed to the truck after I closed the door and knocked on the window. “Don’t do this.” he said

    “I don’t trust this place, I need to go back home anyway.” I replied sternly

    “Do we still have an agreement?” asked Rodriguez

    “Yes, I just can’t stay here. We’re not safe.” I replied and rolled up the window.

    I got the gate opened and drove out, I looked in the mirror and shook my head in disappointment. We drove for a long while, snow had started to fall heavily. After about an hour I had to stop the vehicle and set up a small base for the night. We were able to start a fire but had to keep a close eye on it. The flames flickered as the snow flew gently to the cold ground. We had gathered around the fire and put our fingers as close to the fire as they could get. Bernie was able to snag us a small possum that had scurried under one of the vehicles next to us on the road. We spent a lot of our night out there, we eventually had to gather back into the truck; the snow was piling in the road. It had been a cold night, we gathered to keep our warmth. I noticed a few walkers walk beside the truck throughout the night but it hadn’t been too worrisome. When the morning finally came the snow had been gathered a foot high. “Shit!” I groaned, Maria sat up and looked down at the road before us. “How are we going to drive anywhere with the snow like this?” asked Maria desperately.

    “The snow doesn’t seem to be letting up anytime soon, maybe we should get a move on before we’re completely trapped.” said Judy

    “I don’t think that’s too bad of an idea.” Bernie added

    “Well let’s get to it then. We need to get back to Wellington as quickly as we can.” I said

    I turned the key and the engine thankfully worked. I stepped on the pedal and the truck had been stuck. “Son of a bitch!” I growled while furiously stepping on the medal. Suddenly the truck burst forward and slammed into another vehicle ahead of us. My head jerked forward and hit the steering wheel. I threw my arm over Maria and stopped her from smashing her head on the dash. I was disoriented for a moment but I forced myself to snap out of it and check everyone else. “Is everyone okay!?” I groaned and looked back at them.

    “I think I got whiplash but that’s about it.” Bernie rubbed his neck and groaned

    “It seems like the truck is fucked.” sighed Andrew

    “I agree with you on that.” I said

    “What are we going to do?” asked Judy

    “I would say we could walk but how the hell are we going to get very far with all of this snow and the distance?” said Maria

    “Let’s take a look around, if we find nothing then we’ll regroup back here and go from there. Judy, Bernie, and Andrew go check some more cars on the road. Maria you and I will head to that gas station about a mile up.” I commanded “If anyone has any problems just use your walkie talkie and we’ll be back ASAP.” I said

    “Sounds like a plan.” agreed Bernie

    “Let’s get to it then.” I ordered them

    Maria and I went as quickly as we could to the gas station. The snow had started to fly everywhere, I began to think we were in a blizzard. I opened the door to the gas station and fell into one of the chairs by the door. “It’s so damn cold out there.” I gasped

    “I hope the others have some luck.” Maria mentioned while going through the aisles.

    She held up a small bag of chips and tossed them to me. “This is just a setback we’ll get back to Wellington in no time.” I said tearing open the bag and eating a few chips. Maria had found a bag of jerky and began to chew on it. “I’m glad this hasn’t expired yet.” she chuckled

    “It’s only a matter of time with canned goods and packaged food.” I sighed

    “There’s nothing else besides what we have and a few bags of skittles.” Maria mentioned

    “Well let’s head back, don’t want to keep them waiting any longer.” I said

    I opened the door and a gust of wind nearly blew me over. Maria and I struggled to walk back to the truck. A blast of wind was too strong and it knocked both Maria and I down into the snow, I struggled to get back up. I rushed to Maria and picked her up we finally reached the truck after a long and freezing walk. I threw the door open and got Maria and myself inside, I noticed that the others weren’t in sight. “Shit, I’ve gotta get them. It’s getting too bad out there.” I faltered “You stay here, I’ll be right back.” I said

    “But I want to help!” Maria argued

    “I’ll be right back! I like knowing that there’s someone safe from this.” I interjected

    I walked back out into the freezing air. I trudged through the deep snow, each step becoming more tiresome than the last. I shielded myself from the wind behind a car and brought out my walkie talkie. “Bernie!” I yelled into it. There was no reply; I tried again with no more luck than the first try. I knew something was up, I just had no idea what it was. I started to hear a low chant close by, I crouched low and looked around. There was a large group of people all dressed in the same attire marching to the chant and carrying Bernie, Judy, and Andrew. I pulled out my pistol and followed close behind. They were all wearing a grey cloak with the same symbol from the wall made with blood. My eyes grew large and my breathing was heavier, these people must have been following us. There were way too many to fight alone, I counted ten of them. With the visibility as low as it was I couldn’t trust my counting. Maria was back at the truck, I couldn’t leave her behind but I also couldn’t let these people take Bernie, Judy, and Andrew. This could be my chance to stop these people before they could become any more dangerous for my people. In the back of my mind I knew it would eat away at me if I were to leave Maria behind though. I made the choice and began running back to the truck, I made it to the door and couldn’t find Maria inside. I turned quickly and was attacked by one of the people that took the rest of my group. The man or woman wore a mask that looked to be made out of a walkers skin. I caught his hands before he could strike me, I threw him into the hood of a car and brought out my machete. His back was on the hood and I brought it over my head and slammed it down. The person dodged the strike before I could land it, the sharp noise had sent a chill down my spine. “Where did you take her!?” I screamed with fury. I slashed at the person as hard as I could knowing that only one of my strikes landing would kill them. Without warning I felt a baton slam across the back of my head and knock me into the snow. I woke up while I was still being dragged to wherever the hell these people called home. I remembered the small pistol that I kept attached to my ankle in case anything went wrong. I knew it could be a bad idea to try anything with such a small gun and being this greatly outnumbered. It was now or never I had to choose.

    [Fight back] or [Stay submissive]

  • [Stay submissive]

    I don't think he has a chance right now, so I think it could be better to wait until there are less psychos. By the way these people are totally Whisperers, right?

    Episode 1: Beyond Surviving Chapter 4: A New Threat [Check the halls] I knew I couldn’t just put this out of my mind. I kept my mache

  • I knew I might get some people thinking that but they just made a mask out of their skin for their outfit. More will be explained in the upcoming chapters.

    [Stay submissive] I don't think he has a chance right now, so I think it could be better to wait until there are less psychos. By the way these people are totally Whisperers, right?

  • [Fight back]

    Episode 1: Beyond Surviving Chapter 4: A New Threat [Check the halls] I knew I couldn’t just put this out of my mind. I kept my mache

  • [Fight back]


    Awesome Chapter!!!

    Episode 1: Beyond Surviving Chapter 4: A New Threat [Check the halls] I knew I couldn’t just put this out of my mind. I kept my mache

  • Don't do anything stupid, too many potential threats :L

    Episode 1: Beyond Surviving Chapter 4: A New Threat [Check the halls] I knew I couldn’t just put this out of my mind. I kept my mache

  • Tough choice. I'm gonna go with

    [Stay submissive]

    It's too dangerous to fight right now, with too many of them.

    Episode 1: Beyond Surviving Chapter 4: A New Threat [Check the halls] I knew I couldn’t just put this out of my mind. I kept my mache

  • Voting has closed! Looks like it's gonna be Stay submissive. I'm going to try my hardest to get a new chapter wrote in the next few days. In the meantime why don't you check out At Any Cost by "WalkerMage102 It isn´t very far in yet so it will be easy to catch up. It definitely deserves more views and praise.

  • I apologize for the extremely long wait. My internet's been down for a while and I'm just now writing the chapter. Again I apologize profusely!

  • It's cool, I know how it feels to have no internet and needing to use it for something important :)

    I apologize for the extremely long wait. My internet's been down for a while and I'm just now writing the chapter. Again I apologize profusely!

  • Episode 1: Beyond Surviving Chapter 5: A Deadly Cult

    [Stay Submissive]


    Morgan had spent a while with The Wolves and had grown to realize that they were nice people. She learned of their plan to deal with a threatening group and thought of Wellington. “I have a community, they could be in danger.” Morgan mentioned to David. “If they led you out into the woods then your community is probably being attacked as we speak.” David sighed and put a few more arrows in his quiver. “Well I have to help them!” Morgan stressed to him. “By helping us you’ll be helping your community. From what we know about these people they are too strong and they have no problem taking on even the largest community, their fighting skills are practically unmatched and the way they handle their guns it shows that they’ve had a lot of training.” said David. “How have you been able to notice all of this?” asked Morgan as she loaded a clip for a rifle. “Like I told you before, we strike from the shadows. Sometimes we don’t strike, learning your enemy is another big part of winning. You have to know your enemies as well as you know yourself.” said David. “I’ve given it some thought. I want to join you.” said Morgan. “You’ll have to go through the initiation.” David stressed. “I’m ready.” Morgan stated firmly.

    Morgan went through a series of challenges proving she could be silent and deadly. The rest of the Wolves were impressed by her skills and motivation to impressing them. They tested her strength and ability to use a gun. By the end of all the challenges David had been so taken aback by Morgan’s abilities that he could do more than grin and clap. Later that night Morgan was waken up by David, Katrina, and George. Torches filled the cave and spanned to an almost endless length. Morgan lost sight of the others but continued forward knowing that this was the final test. The stone was cold on the pads of her feet, it gave her chills that shot up her body. The smell of burning wood filled the cave and gave Morgan a slight feeling of home, she had ended up at the last few torches that were put on the walls. She looked at the ground and found a unlit torch along with a couple sticks to start a fire. Morgan went to work on making her torch, it had taken her several tries to get a few sparks but suddenly the end of the torch lit up in a glorious fashion. Morgan continued through the tunnel and stopped in a larger room. She found the others standing in a row with their wolf pelts cloaked over their bodies. “Morgan, you have passed the challenges and have gained our respect. It would be an honor for you to be at our side.” David said with a low voice. “If you join us you will be one of our own, we will protect you no matter what the cost. You will always have someone who’s got your back.” George intoned. Morgan had thought for a moment what she could be getting herself into with these people, but she also thought about Wellington and the others. Morgan was at a loss.

    [Join the Wolves] or [Decline]


    I knew it would end badly for me if I decided to try and attack, I would just use the gun later. I heard some mumbling up ahead from the people who nabbed us; I couldn’t understand what they were saying. I felt my head heaving back down but I forced myself to keep awake. I thought back to how I initiated the fight and what I could’ve done differently, perhaps if I hadn’t been as overzealous I wouldn’t have been caught. There was no use thinking about what I could’ve done but what I could do from this moment on. My breathing had become shallow as the darkness had consumed me yet again. I awoke in a straitjacket, I looked to see the others were in my same predicament. I looked further and noticed the area we were in spanned the size of a football field, and it was completely covered by people in the same outfits as the ones who took us. They were all in rows, each person in the row was holding onto a knife. A low hum echoed through the room, they were beginning whatever it was that they were doing. A person walked from a side entrance and onto a stage-like area, he was dressed in a white cloak with the symbol on the back. He raised his hands high into the air and the humming had stopped. “We have found four lambs that will rest the hole in our Fallen’s body. They will bring us new blood to paint across the land and spread the gospel! They will sacrifice their bodies so that we may lead others down the path of illustriousness!” the preached yelled out. I thought back to the body parts and the blood and grimaced to think of a poor soul who met that fate. I struggled in the binds but to no avail. “Before we start the ceremony we must feast on our fallen!” the preacher called out. Hundreds of walkers were brought out and the people laid them onto a fire. They kept cooking them for around an hour until finally they brought out forks and began to eat the walkers. I threw up when I saw this and could not believe what I was seeing. The others had woken up to see the same horror I had witnessed. I struggled even harder but again to no avail I could see this being the end. One of the members of the cult had walked by and looked at the bindings to make sure we were secure, my heart pounded in my chest looking at how he and all the others used a walkers skin for masks. I would have run if my feet hadn’t been tied to something. I looked around and noticed a sharp piece of wood lying on the ground. I had known how to get out of a straitjacket only it would be so hard. I breathed heavily and waited for them to go back to their sickening meal.

    I struggled in the jacket and got my arm over my head the next few moments became a blur as I finally freed myself and grabbed the piece of wood. I sliced away at the rope holding my feet to the wall and began undoing the others’ straitjackets and bindings. We were all free and we rushed to a wall that hid us from them. I knew it would only be a matter of time before they realized that we escaped. “We’ve got to try and find a way out of here!” I whispered with urgency.

    “How are we supposed to find it? This place is huge!” said Maria

    “Should we split up?” asked Bernie

    “That’s stupid we may get found!” said Judy

    “We can’t keep arguing over this! Cody what should we do?” asked Maria

    “I’m really at a loss here, splitting up is dangerous but we could probably clear more area and get more people out. But like you said it’s really dangerous, if we stay together we’ll have a better chance of taking any out if they come after us.” I said

    “I don’t care I just want to go home!” cried Andrew

    [Split up] or [Stay together]

  • [Join the Wolves] Cause why not? Join the Cool Club!

    [Split up] Everyone except Maria and Cody can die cause they aren´t real characters

    Awesome Chapter!!!

    Episode 1: Beyond Surviving Chapter 5: A Deadly Cult [Stay Submissive] Morgan… Morgan had spent a while with The Wolves and had gr

  • [Join the Wolves]

    My decision has totally nothing to do with the fact that my characters are part of the Wolves, I swear...

    In all seriousness, these guys are pretty cool :D

    [Stay together]

    These crazy cult people seriously freak me out. By the way, shouldn't they all be infected after eating the walkers?

    Episode 1: Beyond Surviving Chapter 5: A Deadly Cult [Stay Submissive] Morgan… Morgan had spent a while with The Wolves and had gr

  • Spoiler

    If they cooked them , no. The cannibal group in the comics eat Dale´s leg , who was infected , and they didn´t infect cause they cooked it with fire

    [Join the Wolves] My decision has totally nothing to do with the fact that my characters are part of the Wolves, I swear... In all ser

  • Ah, I see. I thought it was left ambigous in the comics and judging from the Hunters reaction, they certainly seemed convinced that they were infected. But it has been a while since I've read the Hunter arc. Still, the cultists freak me out XD

  • edited March 2015

    Believe me when I say there's more freaking out to come... This is going to be the darkest type of group I've ever written. Even after the cannibals, the people who locked up Cody, and even Trent himself

    [Join the Wolves] My decision has totally nothing to do with the fact that my characters are part of the Wolves, I swear... In all ser

  • [Wolf Club Master Race]

    Cause why not.

    [Split up]

    If one gets caught, then the others can go free. Survival of the fittest.

    Episode 1: Beyond Surviving Chapter 5: A Deadly Cult [Stay Submissive] Morgan… Morgan had spent a while with The Wolves and had gr

  • [Join the Wolves]

    [Stay together]

    Episode 1: Beyond Surviving Chapter 5: A Deadly Cult [Stay Submissive] Morgan… Morgan had spent a while with The Wolves and had gr

  • [Join the Wolves] They seem pretty cool, why not join them :D

    [Stay together] Well, that's pretty fucked up...Better stay together since they don't want lose each other with those...Sickos around.

    Episode 1: Beyond Surviving Chapter 5: A Deadly Cult [Stay Submissive] Morgan… Morgan had spent a while with The Wolves and had gr

  • Voting has closed! Morgan will Join the Wolves, Cody and the others will Stay together

  • edited March 2015

    Sorry for not getting a chapter up. I'll try and get a long chapter up by tomorrow or the day after.

    EDIT: New chapter will be up tomorrow. I've just been so busy lately that I don't even have time to get a single sentence wrote.

  • Episode 1: Beyond Surviving Chapter 6: A Way Home


    “I will join you.” Morgan stated with a heavy breath and looked at the three people in front of her.

    “You now have a choice of weapon, a bow, a rifle, or an assault rifle.” David offered

    “I’ll go with a rifle.” said Morgan

    “How accurate are you?” asked George

    “Give me the rifle and I’ll show you.” Morgan grinned

    Outside of the cave Morgan found four walkers at a about two miles away. She exhaled and squeezed the trigger four times each squeeze executing one more of them. They were all impressed by Morgan’s skill and led her back into the den. Morgan was dressed in a wolf pelt and held a rifle in her hands. She didn’t know what type of commitment she just made to these people but she knew that she would have to go back to Wellington eventually. Morgan had been accepted into the Wolves. “We’re going to scout the area in the morning, hopefully we can find some of the people who have been making those signs.” David alerted her. “So get some rest and be ready in the morning.” David continued. Morgan laid down on her bed mat. She awoke to one of the wolves lying next to her. Katrina whistled and the wolf rushed to her side with attentiveness. Morgan groaned and grabbed her belongings. “You ready?” asked Katrina. “Ready as I’ll ever be.” said Morgan. They ventured beyond the den and searched for any way to track the group. They stopped for a few breaks in between which gave Morgan time to get a quick meal in. They found themselves at the highway eventually and noticed a truck driving in their direction. Snow was already covering the ground heavily, it would be a long way back. “Morgan look through your scope and see who it is.” commanded David. Morgan peered through the scope and found Cody, Maria, Judy, Andrew, and Bernie exiting the truck. “Those people are a part of my group!” Morgan had a grin on her face.

    “Wait look over to the treeline!” said Katrina

    Morgan looked through the scope again and found a large group in cloaks with the symbols Morgan found on the tree. “It’s the group that’s been stealing people!” gasped Morgan. “I have to save them!” said Morgan. “No!” said David. “If we can follow them back to their base then we can save your friends and take them out!” David intoned. Morgan groaned and pulled the rifle back onto her shoulder. “We get them the hell out of there as soon as we know where their base is!” Morgan growled. “Of course.” George stated.


    “We’re staying together.” I said

    “What are we going to do?” asked Andrew

    “First we need to find our weapons and then the exit. There’s no way we can get out of here without our weapons.” I led them down a hall. I opened one of the doors and found a walker tied up to a bed; I grimaced and shut the door. “What was in there?” asked Bernie instantly. “A walker tied to a bed, they eat them so I don’t even want to know what they do with them in their free time.” I shuddered. One of them walked into the hall that we were in; I threw myself on top of him and stabbed him in the throat with the piece of wood. I moved the body into the room with the tied up walker and tried to find another door. There was a metal door, I pushed it open and found the armory. There was hundreds of guns and knives. I picked out the best weapons and put silencers on them, I found my machete and gripped it tightly in my hands. We exited the armory fully loaded and ready to escape. “They’ve escaped!” a cultist called out. “Shit!” I whispered and hurried to another door. A cultist was in the room; he yelled before I could shut him up. I knocked him out and brought out an assault rifle I stole from the armory and prepared to fire against the cultists. A grenade flew into the room and suddenly smoke filled the air and invaded my eyes. My visibility was gone, I got as close to the ground as possible just trying to see if they were walking into the room. I brought out a pistol and shot one of the cultists in the foot. They fell to the ground, I slammed the pistol on his head and knocked him out. I heard Maria struggle against something, I wasn’t able to tell who was who. I found an opening and rushed out of the door, I could finally see but I saw hundreds of people surrounding us. I brought out the assault rifle and started firing into the crowd. Maria dove out of the room; I rushed to her side and kept firing at the cultists. One of them had tackled me from behind and threw the gun away. Maria tried to kick him off but was caught by one of them. I held the cultists throat in my hands and I squeezed as hard as I could. We tossed each other around before he was now on top of me and pressing all of his weight down onto my throat, darkness was all I could see. I heard three gunshots echo from the room that Bernie, Judy, and Andrew were in I knew that they were either dead or fighting.

    I pushed the man off of me and I threw myself back onto him. I took my machete out of my belt and slammed the blade on him. Blood flew onto my body and I got up and found the other cultists were gone. Maria was still fighting off a cultists, I kicked him off and shot him in the head. “Why would the others leave?” asked Maria as she brought a pistol out of her belt. “I don’t know but we need to get out of here.” I told her and kept my pistol drawn. We rushed through the halls together and found a main entrance, I tried pushing the doors but it wouldn’t budge. I kicked the door and nothing. I took a few steps back and threw myself into the door; It burst open and light filled my eyes. I grabbed Maria’s arm and we ran through the woods, every step was harder than the last with the snow completely covering the ground. I heard a gunshot and Maria fell and screamed. “Maria!” I screamed and examined her. She was shot in the side, I lifted her into my arms and carried her away from the place. I looked back and noticed that the building was a museum, I was going to try and find my way back to the highway and find the Mountain Top or the Sanctuary.


    “Cody shouldn’t be in charge! He’s just going to lead this community into the ground and I’m not going to stand by and let that happen.” said Clifford Straftus. “John wouldn’t put him in charge!

    “We can’t just let someone who got here less than a month ago boss us around we know this place and what it takes to run it!” a woman joined in.

    “It’s time to end this bullshit and get this place back on track!” Clifford roared.

    A quarter of the members of Wellington were joining in on Cliffords views and ranted with him. “What do you say we do?” asked one of them.

    “It’s simple. . . We kill Cody.” Clifford growled.

    End of Episode...

  • Thoughts on the episode? Ways to improve? Any thoughts on what might happen? I would love to hear your opinions!

  • Oh god. Hope the non actual characters (Judy . Andy and Bernie) die. If Maria dies , i will make them pay.


    Awesome Chapter!!!

    Episode 1: Beyond Surviving Chapter 6: A Way Home Morgan… “I will join you.” Morgan stated with a heavy breath and looked at the thre

  • It was great, as always! I'm very intrigued to see where the story is headed for now.

    On another note, this fanfiction really needs more recognition. I'm gonna try to get more people to hop on this story!

    Thoughts on the episode? Ways to improve? Any thoughts on what might happen? I would love to hear your opinions!

  • Thanks!

    Partition posted: »

    It was great, as always! I'm very intrigued to see where the story is headed for now. On another note, this fanfiction really needs more recognition. I'm gonna try to get more people to hop on this story!

  • edited April 2015

    Episode 2: Rally for War is coming soon!

  • I know it's really early to tell, but will there be a Season 4?

    Episode 2: Rally for War is coming soon!

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