Interactive Fanfiction: The Road Ahead.



  • [Speak in radio.]

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Episode 3 - We Stand Together [Part 2/6] [Try to shoot Brecker.] I pretend to take aim at one of the group members. I line the shot, I

  • speak in radio

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Episode 3 - We Stand Together [Part 2/6] [Try to shoot Brecker.] I pretend to take aim at one of the group members. I line the shot, I

  • [Speak in radio.]

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Episode 3 - We Stand Together [Part 2/6] [Try to shoot Brecker.] I pretend to take aim at one of the group members. I line the shot, I

  • {speak!}

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Episode 3 - We Stand Together [Part 2/6] [Try to shoot Brecker.] I pretend to take aim at one of the group members. I line the shot, I

  • Voting is closed! Rachel will [Speak in radio.]

  • Deleted about half of the new chapter, I got to work on homework now, sorry.

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Voting is closed! Rachel will [Speak in radio.]

  • edited September 2014

    Episode 3 - We Stand Together [Part 3/6]

    [Speak in Radio.]

    "Margareth get out of there now!" I say urgently but I try to stay quiet hoping nobody else hears me.

    "Rachel. I can't hear you you have to speak up. Where are you guys? I was looking for Ned and when I came back you were all gone!" She said in a slightly irritated tone.

    My hands tremble as my voice ttys to find the courage to speak up. "MARGARETH GET OUT OF THERE NOW!" I urge her.

    "Where are you?" She asks me.

    "We're in some groups camp set up at this hospital in Houston, they're bad people. Zaphaeus is dead." I tell her, I make sure not to bring Audrey's name up.

    "Oh my god." Margareth mumbles in the radio. Static begins to mute her out as she begins to say something else.

    "Margareth? Margareth!?" I shout into the radio. But it's no use. I turn around to look at Audrey.

    "You. Oh god, you've killed us!" Audrey shouts as she falls to the floor.

    "Audrey?" I run over to her side. Out cold. I check her pulse. She's good. As long as she's down may as well board up the next room. I pick up her radio and put it in my pocket, the plywood and the nails. "Can't forget this." I tell myself as I grab the hammer. I gently close the door behind me and make my way to the next room. I clumsily tried to open the door with my one hand.

    "SHIT!" I scream as I close the door ahead. I drop all the bucket of nails and watch as they spill out. Dozens of biters in that little room lining up shoulder to shoulder, they must've broke through the window.

    "GUYS. HELP!" I scream for my group to come. But they probably can't hear me, this hall must've been at least a quarter mile from the lobby, or at least it felt like that. That door's not going to last forever. The splintering sounds of each thump make me more anxious by the second.

    "Okay Raych, stay calm. Just find a weapon." I tell myself. I look down at the hammer. Guess this will have to do. I sigh.

    I quickly open the door just a crack and let one out. I immediately close the door. I slowly back away, making sure not to step on any nails. I throw a quick swing with the head of the hammer, then another and he's down. I carefully walk over to the door again and let another out and quickly shut the door. Two come out this time. One of them has a shard of glass sticking out his eye. I carefully walk backwards staying out of this ones reach and throw a strong swing knocking him down immediately. I look at the other one, a fresh biter with long red hair pulled back in a braid. It was that girl I saw got devoured this morning. I swing my hammer at the side of her temple and then another swing, I hit her one last time and her body fell limp on the floor.

    I carefully walk towards the door again. The plastic hospital door breaks in half as all the biters pour into the hall. I back away as quickly as I could without stepping on any nails. One of the biters I didn't completely kill grab a hold of my leg and clenched tightly with an inescapable grip. I look at my hammer I dropped just out of arms reach. I kick but he won't budge as the dozens of other walkers close in on me.

    A single gunshot screams through the halls, the blood of that biter covers my face. I break free of the grip and crawl to my hammer. I look over to see the man in his late twenties who was talking to the boy a couple minutes ago, he had short black hair, light brown eyes and pale skin. He shot his handgun with grace, not missing a single head.

    "Sam!" I heard a distant voice call out. Sam turned around and stopped shooting for a moment.

    "Brent?" He said in confusion as a biter sunk its teeth deep into his arm, a bone crunching sound came from his arm. I swung my hammer over the biters head until it was dead.

    "Oh my god-" I say staring at his forearm, I could see the bone.

    "Shut the fuck up!" He yelled at me as he continued to shoot the biters One by one, they all fell down until there were none left. The teenage boy he was talking to earlier ran up to him.

    "Oh my god, Sam." The boy who looked no older than sixteen, although he was quite tall and fit looking. His dark brown eyes looked at him worried.

    "I know Brent." He barked, looking deeply into his bite

    "We have to take you to the nurses station now." Brent grabbed a hold of his good arm and rushed him down the hall. Audrey groggily opened the door.

    "What happened?" She asked me.

    "No time, we gotta go!" I ran with Brent and Sam towards the lobby.

    The Lobby:

    "Kyung!" Brent yelled out to who I assumed to be the nurse. "We need you help! Sam's bit!" He said worriedly. Kyung was on the stairs wearing loose faded jeans and a long sleeve light grey shirt that hugged her torso. She looked to be in her thirties and had jet black hair that went to her jaw. She was a rather pretty lady with fair skin and dark brown eyes.

    "When this happened?" She spoke in a thick korean accent.

    "Just a couple minutes ago." Sam told her grasping his forearm.

    "We might have time." She said as she ran up the stairs.

    "Oh god." Audrey said nervously again.

    "What's going to happen?" I asked her.

    "Something that you don't ever want to have happen to you." She tells me.

    "Hey Rachel." James calls across the lobby waving towards me, Kyung runs back down the stairs with a handsaw and bandages.

    "You." She points to me. "You need hold him down, now." She directed at me. She tears off a piece of the bandage and tightly wraps it above Sam's bitemark. By now I had known what was coming.

    "One, two, three!" She quickly moves the saw back and forth. Sam lets out an agonizing, bloodcurdling scream that echoed throughout the room. I pinned Sam down by his shoulders.

    "You're going to be okay!" I yell at him trying to speak louder than his screams. I look over at his arm. Most of it is already cut off, I felt like vomiting just looking at it.

    "C'mon Sam! Stay with me now!" I yell at him. His screaming stops he's passed out. Kyung cuts the final piece of his arm off.

    “Is he going to be okay?” I ask Kyung who begins quickly wrapping up the bandage.

    “Should be. Well, technically. If he overcomes the bloodloss.” Kyung tells me. I shiver in disgust.

    Suddenly Brecker comes in through the door with several others. “Kyung. Lets get him to the sixth floor now.” He tells her. “Cameron, I’ll need your help too. He says as the three of them begin to carry Sam’s body up the stairs.

    “Rest of you, back to your quarters! We’ll call it a day.” Brecker tells us

    “Wait, Sam!” Brent calls out. “Sam?” He says one last time before he slumps by a wall.

    I look down at Sam’s arm still lying there. They forgot to pick up his gun. I quickly walk over there and look at it.

    “Still loaded.” I say. A guard walks in through the main lobby again. Shit. I put the gun in my pocket without thinking. The guard carries on.

    I look over at Audrey who’s facing away from everything and has her arms crossed.

    “You okay?” I ask her grabbing her shoulder.

    “Yeah, yeah I’m fine. Just had a weak stomach for these sort of things.” She tells me, slowly turning around and looking at the arm. “I don’t know how you did it.”

    “Sam needed me. It’s not like I had a choice.” I tell her.

    “Guess so.” She tells me.

    I walk over to the diner group finishing boarding up the walls. I quickly look at all of them.

    “That was crazy what you did.” James told me.

    “Yeah, crazy.” Bridgit says closely wrapping her hands around her stomach.

    “Maybe I could learn how to do that? Incase something goes wrong?” Cynthia suggests.

    “Cynthia you don’t need to do anything. It’s not like you’re going to go cutting around peoples arms all the time.

    “Okay.” Cynthia sighs.

    “You could’ve asked me Rachel, you know I was a surgeon before all this.” He told me.

    “Let’s just go upstairs.” I suggest.

    “You alright?” Bridgit asks me.

    “Why wouldn’t I be?” I sarcastically remark.

    “Nothing you just sound uh, different.” Bridgit tells me.

    “Didn’t even know.” I reply honestly.

    “Matthew,” Martin walks over to him. “Brecker would like a word with you in his office after he’s done.” Martin tells him. Matthew stays behind as Martin leads us up to the fifth floor.

    “Lockdown in 15 minutes.” Martin tells us even though it must only be 6 P.M. I walk to my room and see Selena.

    “Hey.” I wave to her.

    “Hey.” She waves back. I look at where Brecker grazed her cheek, that was definetly going to leave a scar. “How’d your shift go?”

    “Biters and amputations. It was bad.” I tell her.

    “Amputations work?” She asked me.

    “Don’t know yet, took the guy to the sixth floor.” I reply back. “What about your shift?”

    “Nothing really, Charity’s really nice.” She tells me. “Judy was missing the entire day though.” She says.

    “What!?” I yell. “And nobody did anything?!” I said angered, I rushed out the room and ran to the emergency stair case.

    “Where are you going?” Martin asked me.

    “Judy’s missing. You have to let me look. Martin looked at me, thinking heavily.

    “I didn’t see anything.” Martin tells me. I run up the stairs onto the roof.

    The Rooftop

    A strong spring breeze blows as I enter the roof, catching me off guard.

    "Judy? Judy!?" I call out. I see a greenhouse on top of the roof, I quickly run inside the greenhouse.

    "Judy? Judy are you here?" I call out. My eyes widen in horror as I see what happens.

    "Judy! Get back." I demand at her while she plays with the head of a biter. The rest of the body is missing. How the hell did that even get there? I aim my gun and fire, killing it completely.

    "No!" Judy yells. "Why'd you do that?" She asks me.

    "I'm sorry Judy, I couldn't risk it." I say.

    "You killed Jack!" She says pointing to the biters head. "He was my friend."

    "C'mon Judy, we gotta get downstairs before lockdown." I warn her.

    "Fine." She crosses her arms and follows me to the fifth floor.

    Fifth floor

    I open the escape exit door. I'm greeted by Martin.

    "Lucky you came down just now, Trent was here a second ago." He tells me.

    "Judy, go to your room." I tell her coldly.

    "What?" She asks me dazed.

    "Just go." I demand. I don't want her or I getting in more trouble.

    "Okay." She sadly says as she shuffles down to her room.

    "I'm a little worried about her." Martin whispers to me. "If Brecker caught her she'd be dead."

    "Me too." I reply back. "You mind if I check on Cynthia and Judy for a second? I ask him.

    "Sure, but lockdown is in 10 minutes." He tells me cautiously.

    I look down at my handgun covered up by my shirt. Brecker's words echo in my head. What I know for sure is every single one of you will be dead before the end of the week if you keep this up. First to go will probably be the kids.

    "It's time." I tell myself staring at the gun. Cynthia seems eager to learn but maybe if I teach Judy she'll learn that biters are bad. I look at the two doors side by side. I don't have time for both.

    [Teach Judy how to shoot.] [Teach Cynthia how to shoot.]

  • Okay so I initially added a choice but I thought it was a little bit too disturbing, I might edit this and make a new decision.

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Episode 3 - We Stand Together [Part 3/6] [Speak in Radio.] "Margareth get out of there now!" I say urgently but I try to stay quiet ho

  • What was the original choice? Just wondering.

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Okay so I initially added a choice but I thought it was a little bit too disturbing, I might edit this and make a new decision.

  • edited September 2014

    [Shoot Trent] or [Leave with Judy]

    What was the original choice? Just wondering.

  • I don't see anything disturbing here.

  • It was the reason why she was going to shoot Trent.

    I don't see anything disturbing here.

  • Added decision to this chapter.

  • Oh Jesus. I get it now.

    TWD_25 posted: »

    It was the reason why she was going to shoot Trent.

  • [Teach Judy how to shoot.]

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Episode 3 - We Stand Together [Part 3/6] [Speak in Radio.] "Margareth get out of there now!" I say urgently but I try to stay quiet ho

  • edited September 2014

    Very nice chapter, intense, I really enjoyed this! That said, I am thinking that Judy is one sandwich short a picnic; it gave me the willies, I could just see the whole thing, some kid sitting own a roof playing around with some rotting zombie head. That said I ain't to sure she'd be my first choice to give a firearm. **Teach Cynthia to shoot **

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Episode 3 - We Stand Together [Part 3/6] [Speak in Radio.] "Margareth get out of there now!" I say urgently but I try to stay quiet ho

  • [Teach Judy how to shoot.]

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Episode 3 - We Stand Together [Part 3/6] [Speak in Radio.] "Margareth get out of there now!" I say urgently but I try to stay quiet ho

  • [Teach Cynthia how to shoot.]

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Episode 3 - We Stand Together [Part 3/6] [Speak in Radio.] "Margareth get out of there now!" I say urgently but I try to stay quiet ho

  • Even in my own story where Judy is from (I submitted her), she's this crazy. Except she was literally on drugs that her mother gave her. She stabbed someone because he told her to not step on a baby bird. She ripped the heads off of her dollies and destroyed her dollhouse. :)

    crawfish posted: »

    Very nice chapter, intense, I really enjoyed this! That said, I am thinking that Judy is one sandwich short a picnic; it gave me the willie

  • Yep, no way in hell I give Judy a gun.

    Even in my own story where Judy is from (I submitted her), she's this crazy. Except she was literally on drugs that her mother gave her. She

  • [Teach Cynthia how to shoot.]

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Episode 3 - We Stand Together [Part 3/6] [Speak in Radio.] "Margareth get out of there now!" I say urgently but I try to stay quiet ho

  • edited September 2014

    [Teach Cynthia how to shoot.]

    Judy reminds me of Lizzie from the show. Better not giving her any weapons, and definitely not teaching her how to use it.

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Episode 3 - We Stand Together [Part 3/6] [Speak in Radio.] "Margareth get out of there now!" I say urgently but I try to stay quiet ho

  • My sentiments exactly, like giving a pyro matches and a can of gas.

    [Teach Cynthia how to shoot.] Judy reminds me of Lizzie from the show. Better not giving her any weapons, and definitely not teaching her how to use it.

  • She was based off of Lizzie, actually. (She's my character and I use her for one of my own fanfictions.)

    [Teach Cynthia how to shoot.] Judy reminds me of Lizzie from the show. Better not giving her any weapons, and definitely not teaching her how to use it.

  • moar. My character is just introduced and already he has one arm. well, good luck, one armed sam. good luck.

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Added decision to this chapter.

  • {teach cynthia}

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Episode 3 - We Stand Together [Part 3/6] [Speak in Radio.] "Margareth get out of there now!" I say urgently but I try to stay quiet ho

  • edited September 2014

    Episode 3 - We Stand Together [Part 4/6]

    [Teach Cynthia How to Shoot.]

    I knock softly on the laminated door. I rub my shoulder gently trying to rub out the soreness. I eye Martin down the hall and quietly mouth a quick thanks. He was one of the few people here I trusted. Cynthia slowly opened the door until she realizes it’s me.

    “My Dad’s not here.” Cynthia quietly whispered me. “Is that why you’re here?” She asks me in her sweet yet curious angelic voice.

    “Ha, no. I actually wanted to talk with you.” I tell her still rubbing my shoulder. “Can I come in?” I ask.

    “Well… Okay.” She hesitantly replies. “We are friends after all.” She says with a quick smile.

    I walk into her room. It looks just like Selena and I’s room with the white bland walls and the beige curtains over the window. The dimming orange sunlight hits the wall.

    “Okay if we’re going to do this we got to do this now while we still got some light.” I say as I whip out Sam’s handgun.

    “You- You’re going to make me shoot?” Her eyes widen in suprise

    “Settle down now cow girl. We’ll take baby steps. We’ve got to remove this ammo first.” I unload the handgun. Six shells lying in the palm of my hand. I put them in the pocket on my pants.

    “Here hold onto this.” I hand her over the gun. “Don’t worry it can’t hurt either of us.”

    “Mmmph. I don’t know.” She says as she positions her gun into a mediocre shooting stance.

    “Woah, woah. Don’t lock your elbows.” I warn her carefully.

    “Why not?” She says.

    “It’s a good way to blow out your shoulders.”

    “Sounds painful.” She told me worrisomely.

    “Keep a firm grip at the wrist.” I gently touch her elbow and help loosen them. “Lets aim at that lamp.” I direct her. A quick click comes out the gun.

    “Did you shoot?” I asked her.

    “Yeah.” She replies back.

    “Aim a little lower.” I tell her. “Feet shoulder width apart and support the gun with your left hand.” I tell her. She gets into the shooting position and fires.

    “Nice you would’ve gotten that one. Let’s try one more time.”

    “Okay. This is kinda fun.” Cynthia smiles widely. “My dad never lets me do this stuff.

    “Glad to hear that, because you’re-“ The door quickly opens. I stuff the gun back in my pocket.

    “There’s my girl.” Matthew’s eyes lit up as he crouched down while Cynthia ran up to hug him.

    “I missed you.” Cynthia says still hugging him.

    “What are you doing here Rachel?” He warmly asks me with a big smile.

    “Oh nothing really. Just keeping Cynthia some company.” I speedily come up with a white lie. I mean, I was keeping her company, and some other stuff.

    “Well I appreciate it, I mean it.” He tells me rubbing his greasy blonde hair, it looked odd seeing him without a baseball cap. Cynthia’s brown silvery hair was still tied up neatly in a ponytail.

    “What’d Brecker ask you?” I asked him.

    “Guess he overheard me talking to you, says he could use another doc.” He tells me. I look down at my feet at my black, worn out sneakers.

    “I’ll be on my way now.” I tell him as I briskly walk out the door. I grab the door handle than stop. “Just promise me you’ll be careful.” I tell him. Matthew nods his head yes.

    I step out into the hallway I immediately regret it once I see Trent talking with Martin. The door closes loudly behind me alerting Trent and Martin.

    “What the fuck?! You just missed curfew by about 30 seconds.” Trent says as his hand reaches back to slap me in the face. I narrowly dodge his hand and pin him against a wall.

    “Fuck you! You little bitch! I oughta shoot you.” He yells at me as he pushes me back. Funny he should say that considering I’m taller than him. He throws a punch that hits the bruised area of my neck. I let out a pained yell as I fall to the ground.

    “But Brecker’s going to want a have a word with you first.” He says as he drags me by the collar of my shirt. I try to stand up but his iron grip is a stronghold I cannot break.

    “Trent!” Martin barks at him as he takes a shooting position. The sound of a AK-47 firing hits the building my ears ring like never before. Dozens of shells start screaming through the halls. I lie in the fetal position on the hospital’s tile flooring trying to avoid all the shots. I break free of Trent’s grip and turn around once the shots stop firing. Dozens of holes fill up Trent’s body, including his head. His bright red blood shines magnificently against the plain white tile.

    Selena swiftly opens the door to our room “Get in here now!” She yells at me.

    “Oh my god!” I say in dismay. Martin’s body lied coldly on the floor with blood spewing out of his chest. “Martin!” I shriek. He breathes heavily trying to get any air he can, his eyes pitifully into mine as he takes his last breath and body goes limp.

    Just close your eyes Rachel, don't look. I turned my head away and begun to crawl to the door. Selena quickly closed the laminated door behind me.

    “Holy Shit.” I try to say. The words hardly can come out of my mouth as I grasp for air.

    “ON THE ROOF!” I hear voices ascend from downstairs, the quick moving of there steps on the emergency staircase sound like an audience clapping after a great performance.

    “WHERE’S BRECKER?” A female voice calls out.


    Selena ran to the nightstand and grabbed a lamp. She threw it against a window as it broke into a million little pieces. “FUCK!” Selena yells at the broken glass.

    “Selena what are you doing?” I ask her. She grabbed a chair and lugged it at the window, breaking the window entirely I looked down at the streets as the chair makes a harsh impact against the pavement.

    “I’m getting us out of here!” She responds looking out the window. “It’s the perfect chance.” She tells me.

    “What about everyone else? What about Tony?” I yell at her irritatedly. “He’s your brother!” I tell her.

    “Shit. We got to hurry than!” Selena rushes out the door. I pull out Sam’s gun and reload the shells of the gun. Martin lies at the door as white as a ghost and eyes a milky white. He grips on to Selena’s hand. I aim the gun and shoot Martins head. His body goes limp for its final time.

    “You had a gun?” Selena asked me surprised.

    “It’s not mine.” I tell her as I knock on every door as fast as I can. Selena does the same.

    “Ray, how many bullets do you have?” She asked me with urgency.

    “Five!” I quickly respond.

    “Okay, okay that should be good. We just—“ Selena stops talking. “Duck!” She warns me as more shots fire across the street. I lie low on the ground covering up my ears. No shots pass through. Anton, Milfred, Tony, Cynthia, Matthew and Judy all come out of their rooms surprised.

    “What’s happening?” Matthew shouts trying to speak louder than gunshots.

    “Oh my god!” Cynthia gasps as she sees the two dead bodies lying on the floor.

    “They’re aiming at the roof!” I exclaim. James opens up the door I’m knocking on.

    “What the fuck’s going on?” He asks me.

    “We’re getting out of here!” Selena replies.

    “Thank god. Wait a minute. How are we going to make it out without getting torn to pieces?” Bridgit asks me. I run over to the hallway window that’s now shattered. I look down at the ground and see biters slowly emerge out of their buildings and flooding the street like a tsunami.

    “We gotta move quick then!” Selena yells. I look up at the building the sniper’s shooting at. I look at the sniper and noticed her golden hair and the light green blouse she was wearing similarly to-

    “That’s Margareth!” I point out.

    “What?” Anton asks. “How’d she get here?”

    “Never mind that. We’re leaving now!” Selena runs into our room and comes back with a candlestick that was on the nightstand. She lights one of the curtains on fire.

    “Why would you do that?” Cynthia asks her frightened.

    “Yeah, why’d you do that?” Tony irritatedly asks her.

    “So Brecker and those scumbags can burn in hell.” She responds. I look as the growing fire spreads further and further.

    “We have to go!” I yell at everyone. “To the fire escape!” I say as we charge down the halls.

    We sprint down the fire escape going down almost all five floors. I step on each cement step with purpose of not getting burnt to a crisp.

    “Almost there!” Selena tells everyone. Bridgit almost trips but James quickly grabs her hands. Milfred is in the back of everyone just trying to keep up.

    “We’re almost there dad!” James tells Milfred. But with every step, Milfred gets slower and slower.

    “Shit.” He whispers under his breath. “I’ve got you!” He proceeds to assist Milfred and help him down.

    “These goddamn old bones of mine.” Milfred says. “Aw hell.” Milfred says. “What about the others? That one man and boy? What about Charity and what’s her name? Audrey? What about the fifty other people who live here also?” Milfred asks the group.

    “Shit. He’s right we can’t leave them behind, some of them are good people too.” James says.

    “Audrey’s nice. We can’t leave her!” Cynthia says.

    “It’s too late! It’s suicide to go back now.” Selena says.

    “Well maybe if you didn’t light the goddamn building on fire!” Tony yells at his sister.

    “Shut the fuck up Tony! I was helping and you know it. Maybe you should try being useful for a change once too!” She starts yelling at Tony. My head can’t take much more yelling.

    “What about Rachel? She’s one of the fastest people here.” Bridgit suggests. I give a quick glare her way.

    “If you want to save those people so bad why don’t you do it?” Selena asked Bridgit angrily.

    “Rachel, you don’t have to do anything. This is not your fault.” Tony tells me looking at Selena.

    I felt the room slow down at an instance. All I could see was arguing going on but all I could hear was my heartbeat growing louder and louder.

    I felt it.

    My own fire growing inside of me.

    ["I'll go back."] [We have to leave.]

  • ["I'll go back."]

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Episode 3 - We Stand Together [Part 4/6] [Teach Cynthia How to Shoot.] I knock softly on the laminated door. I rub my shoulder gently

  • ["I'll go back."]

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Episode 3 - We Stand Together [Part 4/6] [Teach Cynthia How to Shoot.] I knock softly on the laminated door. I rub my shoulder gently

  • ( do you really think I value any of your lives over Shaun's? We go back)

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Episode 3 - We Stand Together [Part 4/6] [Teach Cynthia How to Shoot.] I knock softly on the laminated door. I rub my shoulder gently

  • Who's Shaun?

    ( do you really think I value any of your lives over Shaun's? We go back)

  • Damned morality!

    ["I'll go back."]

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Episode 3 - We Stand Together [Part 4/6] [Teach Cynthia How to Shoot.] I knock softly on the laminated door. I rub my shoulder gently

  • That's a quote by sean bean from national treasure. he says: "Do you really think I value any of your lives over Shaun's? We go on."

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Who's Shaun?

  • ["I'll go back."]

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Episode 3 - We Stand Together [Part 4/6] [Teach Cynthia How to Shoot.] I knock softly on the laminated door. I rub my shoulder gently

  • [I'll Go Back.]

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Episode 3 - We Stand Together [Part 4/6] [Teach Cynthia How to Shoot.] I knock softly on the laminated door. I rub my shoulder gently

  • Hello?

    ahem.. hello?

  • how long we thinking until the next episode?

    TWD_25 posted: »


  • I can't write on weekdays because I'm too busy with school and other things, but Friday I have no school so I can start tomorrow.

    how long we thinking until the next episode?

  • edited October 2014

    Episode 3 - WE STAND TOGETHER [Part 5/6]

    [I'll go back]

    I look back nervously up the stairs.

    Who am I? I'm no leader. Why am I doing this? But something inside me takes over... Instinct.

    I look up the never ending stairs and start to sprint up as fast as my legs carry me.

    "Be careful!" I hear Anton call out.

    "Rachel!" James calls out to me. "We'll try to wait as long as we can." He tells me. My feet halt to the floor in an immediate stop.

    "No." I demand. "You need to get the kids out as fast as you can." I begin running up the stairs again. I hear the groups footsteps clatter as they go down the stairs. I feel the fire burning as I get to the fifth floor. Inside the doors window I see the entire floor burning.

    "Shit, it's getting pretty dark." I whisper to myself as the fire burns brighter. I look blankly at the fire inside. There's a small wooden chair next to me. I pick up the chair and quickly slam it against the wall, breaking a leg off the chair. I walk carefully into the fifth floor hallway. The skin on my body feels like it's in a oven. I close my eyes as I light the chair leg on fire. I look back at the metal emergency door I came from. The once white walls foundations turn into a scorched black as the buildings foundation starts to decay. I briskly walk back into the emergency staircase and stare at the gray walls around me.

    "Better." I tell myself as I quickly run up the stairs with the torch. I keep running and running around the floors.

    Almost there Raych. Just don't stop. I reach for the door and slowly open it.

    "Shit!" I silently close the door. The rooftop has snipers firing into the graying sky.

    "I got one of the escaped!" I hear one of the snipers boast outside.

    "Good now just get the rest!" Another sniper teases.
    "What? No... God... No. No. No!" I cover my mouth to muffle my screams. I fall to my knees and lean my back against the cold metal door. I just want to scream my head off, but there's no time for this. I stand back up as I dry the tears from my eyes.

    "You're all going to die." I whisper to myself, setting fire to the door. I walk down the stairs away from the door in pursuit for Brecker next. The grey some begins to build up as I cough repeatedly. I lift my collared shirt over my mouth and try to breathe. The shirt makes it almost breathable as I rush down the stairs and past the once boarded up walls of the sixth floor. What happened? I look at the broken boards of plywood and make my way through the sixth floor hallway, looking the exact same as the fifth floor. Beige floors and white tiles. I walk down the halls and peak into an open laminated door with a distinct voice coming out.

    "Now I'm sorry, oh Loretta don't go snapping at me we've got more... God still just as beautiful as the day I met you." I look at Brecker looking deeply at something I can't see. The smell of rotting bodies grow stronger than the flames. I draw my gun out of my pocket as I silently walk inside the room. An old woman chained up by her neck eats what remains of a body I can't identify. And then I see it. Kyung's frail body lay on the floor with a bullet in her prettily little face.

    "Oh Loretta, where'd we go wrong?" Brecker says with his cowboy hat covering the majority of his face. I can still see he's trying to rub the tears away from his eyes. I look over at the body once more. A pool of blood lies where the limbs should be, every single one cut off to the base. The majority of the gut is also missing as I stare at the stomach. And the face. I almost gag seeing it's Sam's body mauled by this fucking killer. Zaphaeus, Kyung, now Sam?

    I line up the shot of my gun and hear his quick cries of pain. The bullet tore up his shoulder and I begin to walk to his body crippled in pain.

    "Fuck!" He screams wrapping his arm around it. I stand over him with the gun pointed at his head.

    "Don't move." I coldly tell him. He moves his arm over to the chained up biter, I watch as she sinks her teeth into his hand.

    "Easy now... Easy now..." He tells Loretta as he moves his arm away.

    "I knew it'd be you... You'd be the fall of me." I look at him puzzled. "That leader of yours James ain't shit."

    "You know nothing!" I yell at him.

    "I know that he's not a real leader. If he was, it'd be him here not you!" He spits back. "But you. You know what I see when I look at you? A fighter. I know your type, you're not great at anything but you won't give up... Now shoot me you bitch."

    "You'll get what you deserve!" I eye the torch in my hand. The gun in the other. Both trembling in fear of what's to come next.

    I wouldn't.

    I couldn't.

    But maybe I should.

    [Let him suffer] [Shoot him]

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