I hope ______ is killed off!!!

I hope Bigby DESTROYS this guy! I don't know anyone would want to spare him. If i get the chance, he is going down, along with who else has been involved!!!
Who else is with me!! Would you get rid of him if you could!!
Edit: went too far in putting a user name up here. my bad, dude. sorry again.
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nah, i would punch him 5 times and then let him go, thats probably fair for what he has done.
He certainly needs to learn how to treat girls. The way he was talking to Nerissa in episode 2 was disgusting.
I agree!!! i hope to tear out his throat!! very disrespectful and don't know how anyone would be a fan of a man abusing girls like that!!!
Especially a girl as sweet as Nerissa.
see!!! glad you agree with me!!! there is this jerk on this forum that is so for georgie asshole porgie!!!! don't see how anyone would spare him, much less be a fan!!!!has offibv
Are you fucking kidding me? He helps TCM regulate his slaves!!
see!! another person agrees!! why spare him with a punch or two. kill the idiot!!! all those that 'support' him or 'enjoy' this character should be ashamed!!!!
Hmmmm. 'There is this jerk on this forum that is so for georgie asshole porgie' I'm guessing you are refering to me, then. And uh, thanks for 'adding' my name to the forum description. Must be doing SOMETHING right for you to ackowledge me.
First off, grow up. Second, I NEVER said I agreed for how he's been treating these girls. I never clapped my hands and said, "OH yes! That's what you do!" No. Some people just like the bad guy! I liked his design and the accent was a great add! His interactions with Bigby in the 2nd ep was hillarious!-there are MANY on here that cheer on Bloody Mary, the Jersey Devil or even the Tweedles! Go find them, make a thread with 'their' name and go from there.
Just to let you all know, Nat001 is pretty much stalking/trolling pudding_pie. He doesn't know when to give up and leave people like pudding alone.
EDIT: He has apologized to pudding, which is good.
He should be brought to justice, still. We know that he and probably one of the Tweedles helped dispose of Lily's body, or tried to had TJ not seen it, as we hear his "stop laughing at me" outside Crooky's office. So he's guilty at least of accessory to murder and attempting to pervert the course of justice.
That said, he is pretty funny.
"You Georgie?"
"Brilliant deduction, Sheriff!"
Well to be fair georgie ain't half as bad as the others just kind of a douche lol
EVeryone in that room at the end of EP 4 plus Bloody Mary should die, or I hope they do at least.
Im afraid we aren't going to get the chance to see his fate
Bigbys a sheriff not a murderer, he said himself he does whats necessary, and trust me i would beat the shit out of the tweedles i dont care but bigby only wants to bring them to justice and find out whats going on not go on a killing spree
Yes, let's ignore the fact that he helps the crooked man regulate his slaves. Let's forget how he "closes his eyes and takes his cut".
I do not like him for WHAT he did! Yes, he does deserve to have the shit beat out of him but not killed. Bigby does not do that. All he wants is justice! I agree with Pie. There are fans out there of Bloody Mary and the others and no one thinks twice! If anything, he and the others deserve a trial and sentenced the right way, not have their throat ripped out! Sheesh. Wouldn't even do that to Mary and she's trying to kill me!
Yea I agree. Deep DEEP down I think Bigby feels a sense of unification amongst the fables . . .even the ones who are trying to kill him.
In the comics, Bigby is a murderer. He kills Crane just based on the indication that he could ally with the adversary. No trial there, just murder.
No one is ignoring that. He AND the others are in it and KNEW about that-what about Johan? HE knew. He helped. What about him? Have him handled properly, not his throat being ripped out.
I think that's probably a coincidence. He doesn't seem to be the type of person to do field work, if you know what I mean.
The Bigby in the comics would certainly send all of them down the witching well.
Georgie just seems like a coward to me. I'm not sure he deserves death as much as some other people in the game.
Well, this isn't the comics. This is before all that. Killing, ripping throats out and acting like a wild beast might be how YOUR Bigby acts but not mine. Justice has to be served.
I read the comics too but that's just one person he murders
He's up against a lot of people in this story line so he has to play smart or he will lose the whole game. If bigby tries to everyone he will most likely wind up dead since the crooked man is very powerful and with bigby dead no one will be able to stop the crooked circle of criminals. I'm just saying that a sherrif needs to think smart and not just do what comes to mind.
Yeah, I'm no Georgie fan either. He annoys me. He's a trashy, ugly, abusive douche. I hope he get his comeuppance. He's at the very least begging for a beating. I hope he's either incarcerated (do the Fables even have prisons?) or thrown down the Witching Well.
Exactly. It's determinant. Some of our Bigby's would kill Georgie. You're playing Bigby as moral. I play him as a bit of both. I killed Dum (or Dee? I don't remember which) when given the opportunity. He tried pretty hard to kill Bigby and I had just had it with that guy. At the same time, I try to be decent to most of the Fables. I offered Auntie Greenleaf a job instead of burning her tree.
The great thing about this game is that Bigby doesn't have to be a certain way. He can be what you want him to be (with certain limitations obviously). Nobody's way of playing is better or worse than the next. They're just different versions of the same story.
I have several playthroughs. I do my canon one, which is a mixture of humane and beastly Bigby, a strictly moral one, and a total jerk one. I find the second two to be my least favorite. I don't think Bigby would be super nice or a big jerk 100% of the time. I like to play him a bit more complex than that. That's just my personal favorite way of playing as Bigby.
i'm not attacking you as a fan!!! i agree with you. he had his moments in the 2nd episode but don't you feel like he went too far!! yes, jersey, mary and the tweedles get hype and no one bats an eye. I will take down your name if you like. i did go too far and im sorry. he deserves some form of punishment!! you must agree with that!!
I like how he talks all big but then gets pushed out of the way by Snow like it was nothing xD
that was pretty hillarious!!
Whatever, dude. It's a video game character and I don't think 'arguing' over the internet will help. You have your favorite, I have mine. Simple as that. Yes-he DOES deserve whatever is coming to him. He did help with this mess and just like the others, will get what's coming. I just didn't appreciate you blasting me like that. But thank you for taking it down.
It isn't.
His life was obviously threatened and he was under duress.
Btw, I spared Dum so stop assuming things.
I think Georgie's a prick, but he sure as hell is funny.
Well I smashed nearly everything in his place and punched him twice so if he did not kill those girls I think were even. But If he is hiding something or killed those girls, HE IS DEAD.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure he knows everything. He just closes his eyes and takes his cut.
Maybe, but I doubt Telltale would have deliberately included that little detail for no reason. If the CM ordered him to get rid of the body would he have the backbone to stand up to him?
I forgot one other thing - when Bigby returns to the club, he rats you out to the CM. "We've got a problem". Minutes later Bloody Mary turns up, so we can add helping a suspect escape to his list of charges.
I just want t kill Bloody Mary
Why only her?
Out of vengeance. I wont let anyone break my arm without any consequence lol