Jane Took Advantage Of Luke



  • Jane isn't receiving half the hate Luke is, which I don't understand, It takes two to tango? And for those saying that Jane didn't have a job to do like Luke did well Jane offered him sex even when she knew he had a job to do, he didn't have to say yes but she didn't have to offer him sex, then none of this would have happened, they are both to blame - not just Luke, and not just Jane, so I wish everyone wouldn't make out like Luke is fully to blame and deserves hate when really they both are, and I am not 'slut shaming' Jane and I haven't even seen any posts 'slut shaming' her mostly all the posts I've seen have blamed Luke for what happened and said that his actions were selfish and caused Sarah's death when really if you think about it even if he did do his job how could he go up against all of those walkers? And if he could have warned them earlier and got their defences up judging by how many walkers there were they would have ended up in the exact same position, maybe they would have had a little more time but Rebecca wouldn't have had her baby any sooner and she couldn't walk much further so they would have ended up in the same position and Sarah would have died either way. Don't get me wrong, I am mad at Luke and I am not trying to defend or make excuses for what he did, I know he made a mistake but I don't think that just for making one mistake he should be labelled a monster we are all only human and making mistakes doesn't make us monsters it makes us human.

  • Luke was responsible for watching out for the herd, he was busy getting it on with Jane. I understood why he did it, however his actions lead to the death of Sarah.

  • I'd have let her take advantage of me too.

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