do you think telltale games can pull it off
do you think telltale might just make this the best game they have reated so far ? lets hope so. oh.... and comment down below.
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do you think telltale might just make this the best game they have reated so far ? lets hope so. oh.... and comment down below.
I have faith, it has the makings of a good game.
I have high hopes for it ^^
I don't think it will be the best Telltale game, but it's certainly going to be good, without a doubt.
Telltale knows comedy and Borderlands is all about that. If anybody can pull this off it's Telltale.
i have hope telltale know how to do comedy the evidence is their older games while they aren't as good as twd or twau they are still amazing and borderlands has a decent amount of story and lore since borderlands 2 came out if anyone can actually pull a non fps borderlands games its telltale
I think Telltale finally hiccups with this one. I dunno about this...
They hiccuped with Jurassic Park already.
At this point, I think it's not a question of if but rather how Telltale can handle it. Telltale is all about faithful representations of the source material they make games about, and the previews seem to indicate Telltale is onto something good.
The gameplay was a little streamlined, but looking at it from this point in time, it was more or less a stepping stone for Walking Dead.
I'm of the opinion that Telltale's current games could use more gameplay - or at least interactivity beyond dialogue and QTEs, but at this point, Telltale has enough experience that they probably won't have any more notable slip ups in terms of gameplay design.
I think they should do well this this franchise, i haven't played Borderlands 2 but i have watched some videos and read about it and so far i have found it fun to watch so i am really interested in what Telltale have planned, it will also be great to see Telltale do comedy game again.
They can pull it off, I have fa- well, I was going to say faith but dojo beat me to it, and that's more of a TWAU thing anyway.
Umm, I bet my legendary shock sniper rifle that TT will pull this off, otherwise I will rip out Cl4p-Tr4p's eye out again. Ah, that sounds better.
I am really looking forward on how TT will do a way more funny (Comedy-Wise) game in TWD-Style. I only know TT since TWD and I am absolutely no Adventure-Fan, so I have no Idea about the earlier games and can't image TT creating a less-serious and less-dramatic story
Yeah, I think they can pull it off. The only bad game they've ever made (that I've played) was Jurassic Park.
I don't think Telltale will have any problem with the comedy part of it, considering those were the tight of games they used to make. But other than that, I'm not sure how exactly they are going to do it, considering Borderlands is a FPS.
i think this has a lot of potential, but i am affraid that telltale might try to play it safe .
What do you mean by "play it safe"? Like, how they will go about the story or something?
i do have faith in the game but i hope they dont do anything stupid like work on 2 games or more at once .
Since the game is meant to take place after Borderlands 2, Telltale could literally do anything with the storyline. I trust that they won't mess it up.
Well they will be working on GOT around the same time as well.
as long as they dont work on any other game i guess it will be alright