Well it's more likely than any new Bone episodes at any rate. Then again barack Obama confessing that he's not black at all is more likely to happen than a new Bone episode
I'd buy a handful of new, staggered-monthly episodes of SBCG4AP. With money! And enthusiasm.
It'd be sweet if they could have a lil' bit of They Might Be Giants in the next season. I also like the previous post about a rasslin' episode. That thurr is a good idurr. Idea. Wrestling.
Trogdorman, same here. Except I never got Sam and Max. But I never would of came here if not for Strong Bad. Now, what we REALLY need is Stinkoman Level 10. I've been waiting for years...
Please Tell Tale At Least Reply To This Thread,
The Only Reason I Even Made An Account On This Site Was Because Of SBCG4AP
Please, Please, Please We Really All Want Another Season For This Game I'm Now Starting To Hate This Company Because There Isn't A Second Series Please Start Working On A Second Season Unless You Are Already? But Please Tell Us If You Are,
I Have Been Really Liking That Series But Know... You Stop The Whole Series Please, Please, Please Just Please Make Another Season PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know, I never really liked Point-and-Clicks that much. I think the Brother Chaps should move on to action-based platformers and racing and all that crazy stuff.
It should be called Strong Bad's AWESOME Game for HOT People!
I don't know if anyone said this, but it just popped into my head. 5 words.
'Tis True, Pom-Pom, 'Tis True.
Think about it. That would be Awesome. I mean, that short clip on the DVD was too deep of a plot to be an actual cartoon. But SBCG4AP has a deeper plot than the usual antics of those stupid animal characters.(har har.) First, Strong Bad must think of a sure-fire way to cheat at homestars race. Once The Cheat has been given his plan, you must use your gaming button mashing (or wiggle waggling) skills to be in a decent proximity of Homestar in the race. 'Horra-what?' No ones cheering for Stro Bro!? Uuh, Homestar knows how to ruin my victory even when he's knocked senseless. I know! If I can get dumbstar back to normal, everyone will focus on me!' and so, through a series of convoluted scheming, he makes a giant homestar head-bonking device. It fails, and you all (who bought the DVD) know the ending.
I hope for a second season too. SBCG4AP was the very reason I joined TTG, and the reson I got into Sam and Max.
Same here. Though I would be okay if a second season was never made; I would rather the Chapman bros. work on their site and not have Matt Chapman get a sore larynx from all that voice work. Besides, Sam & Max and Monkey Island are also awesome, and I, for one, would love to see other LucasArts (and non-LucasArts) franchises be resurrected by the wonderful wizards of Telltale.
i don't know if anyone said this, but it just popped into my head. 5 words.
'tis true, pom-pom, 'tis true.
Think about it. That would be awesome. I mean, that short clip on the dvd was too deep of a plot to be an actual cartoon. But sbcg4ap has a deeper plot than the usual antics of those stupid animal characters.(har har.) first, strong bad must think of a sure-fire way to cheat at homestars race. Once the cheat has been given his plan, you must use your gaming button mashing (or wiggle waggling) skills to be in a decent proximity of homestar in the race. 'horra-what?' no ones cheering for stro bro!? Uuh, homestar knows how to ruin my victory even when he's knocked senseless. I know! If i can get dumbstar back to normal, everyone will focus on me!' and so, through a series of convoluted scheming, he makes a giant homestar head-bonking device. It fails, and you all (who bought the dvd) know the ending.
I hope they'll make a new one, but I can wait. They had trouble making the voices for the games monthly (Or so I've heard), so they should take a break. But I would love to see more.
The most recent releases' forum sections (as far as I can tell) get bumped up to the top, and since SBCG4AP is now currently above Wallace & Gromit, I'm gonna say that gives a little more hope for a second season.
The most recent releases' forum sections (as far as I can tell) get bumped up to the top, and since SBCG4AP is now currently above Wallace & Gromit, I'm gonna say that gives a little more hope for a second season.
I thought that was just because they finally noticed a Alphabetization error. Y'know..... Telltale Public House. Tales of Monkey Island. Sam & Max. Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People. Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures.
But Wait, SBinator! Waht aboot CSI, Bone, 'n Texax Hold'em? Dey R in Da rong PLaces!!!1!11!11!!!!!!11!!!!
Well, My other mind, Bone and Texas Hold'em haven't been around for a long while, and CSI...well, you got me there.
I think that Telltale probably had a good deal of success with sbcg4ap, after all they gave it the most space on the store that I've seen so far (only started at sbcg4ap) and it seems that a lot of people enjoyed it. Although, matt definately would want to rest his chords, and sometime in 2011 or late 2010 seems about right. i really hope there will be, but i wouldnt mind tomi 2 or a new series. i never got into the wallace and gromit games, which is surprising because i love the animation.
Oh crumbs. I just realized that t comes afters. heh. Eveybody just ignore my last post. Back on topic, I think someone somewhere said that Telltale are on a routine. As in, they make a Sam&Max, then a SBcg4ap, then a Wallace&Gromit, a Monkey island, and repeat. Maybe they'll add a new game down the line, maybe they'll stop making a certian game down the line, but I think that as a whole, they'll probably stick to that routine. After all, the R in 'routine' stands for R...
SBCG4AP just won't appeal to anyone who hasn't already watched the toons. Especially since a lot of the jokes are inside references.
My friend complained that, compared to Sam & Max, the enviromnet of the game was minimalist (furnature), garish (Marzipan's house), uninspiring, repetitive, & bland. I told her that it was like that in the cartoons, but it just stood out more in 3D, & that you got to go to way more places than you could in S&M & interact with way more characters. My only complaints were the missing Strong Garage & Cheat Office (which are possibly in the laundry room) & the tree that's supposed to be by Strong Bad's window...& the lack of partly missing carpet in his office.
I don't think the well's run dry on ideas for season 2. There are still places, like the cliff, the front of the KoT's castle, the office, the graveyard, the spooky forest, the lake, Homestar's house, the Marshmallow place, the Cheat's grill, the deck, Marzipan's classroom, the indoor theater stage, the outdoor competition stage, the school dance hall, the island, the pool, the raddish patch, the tall hill, the theater, etc. Places that only showed up in one game (like Strong Bad's other office) can be reused.
There are still characters like Green Gobblin, Announcer, Senior Havingalittletrouble, Mr Bland, Onion Bubs, the Old Timey crew, the puppets, Strong Bad's new computer, Yellow Dello, the ghost of computers past, all the kings men, the Grape Fairy, Pompom's cookiejar dog, those mopey-looking halloween kids, Cardboard Homestar, & reuse once-used characters like Senior Cardgage, Marshie, Cardboard Marzipan, Trogdor, Stinkoman & co.
Teen Girl Squad alternatives: Cuppincakes, Little Brudder, powered by the cheat, 4 Gregs, Cheat Commandos, Strong Badman.
& a few episodes could be around the most popular toons of the year: Halloween & Decemberween. Also, it wouldn't hurt to make Homestar the playable protagonist for at least 1/2 an episode.
I know that a lot of us are saying that the series 'took a lot out' of the bros, but considering that they just had another kid, I think it's more than likely that they'll stay on for a second season. The games had to be good money for the work they did and considering they don't sell advertising space and the economy is still in the toilet, I'd say it's more than likely that there'll be a second season of Strong Bad.
I'd love more Homestar myself, maybe he'll take on a Max-like role? (i.e. he follows SB around making silly comments. Considering he seems to do this anyway for the Sbemails, it's very possible.)
Ideas for Season 2 plots? I'd love stories around Decemberween and Halloween (like the Jibblies painting), a return to the wrestling ring (a running gag could involve Strong Bad looking for increasingly gimmicky identities. Il Cartographer would be just the START!), Dangeresque 4: Now in non-3D 3D!, and the return of cardboard Homestar and Marzipan.
SBCG4AP just won't appeal to anyone who hasn't already watched the toons. Especially since a lot of the jokes are inside references.
I wouldn't say that. I never even heard of Strong Bad and the Homestar Runner universe before playing the games but I still enjoyed them. It's from the games that I found their website and the toons within.
Just now finally finished the series. I've been working on it a while, but got distracted. Must say, I loved it. I thought 8-Bit is Enough and that the episodes got better every time. Hopefully they'll make another season and continue this trend.
I'd love to see a second season, but to be honest Strong Bad is starting to grate on my nerves. It's too much of a good thing, much like how Bender is beginning to annoy me after the four new Futurama movies.
I don't know if Homestar has enough fan-pull to do five episodes all on his own. I loved the hremails, but everyone was begging for sbemails to come back.
Five episodes with five different characters would be fun. That way, Strong Bad could be a protaganist in one and it wouldn't be like overkill to his character. Telltale pulled off a non-speaking character very well in Wallace & Gromit, so an episode playing as the Cheat could be fun. For completely non-talking characters though, I'm not sure I'd want to play a day in the life of the Poopsmith! :eek:
I have a few reasons to think there might be a season 2.
1)There a buttloads of Homestar fans. That webshow has been around since 2000.
2)Aside from the new baby, working on season 2 would explain the brothers Chapp's long hiatus from updating new content on their site since December 1st. The last 2 longest hiatuses were from a first baby & from working with TellTale.
Though instead of SBCG4AP2, I'd prefur one with Homestar as the lead character. He USED to be the main character until SBemails became big, & then they stopped making them for quite awhile & switched to HRemails, then made a few more SBemails. After decades of spotlighting one character above the others, maybe Strong Bad needs to step aside more often.
If have a season 3 of sam and max this summer you can do my idea for 2 episodes is:
1. a type of 8-Bit Is Enough Part 2 with Pom Pom, Homsar, Teen Girl Squad, The S is For Sucks figthing Trogdor and the Dragon Theme (You could possibly add a reference of Pucca i ralking about Destiny the Dragon from Pucca in this episode http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIvslN1xuQc) becouse in the end of 8-Bit Is Enough i see Trogdor on the end of the game.
2. A protest of don't making more toons just only on store how about one Bubs have the power of the store and cancel all the toons, now Storng Bad needs save the website
It'd be sweet if they could have a lil' bit of They Might Be Giants in the next season. I also like the previous post about a rasslin' episode. That thurr is a good idurr. Idea. Wrestling.
The Only Reason I Even Made An Account On This Site Was Because Of SBCG4AP
Please, Please, Please We Really All Want Another Season For This Game I'm Now Starting To Hate This Company Because There Isn't A Second Series Please Start Working On A Second Season Unless You Are Already? But Please Tell Us If You Are,
I Have Been Really Liking That Series But Know... You Stop The Whole Series Please, Please, Please Just Please Make Another Season PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It should be called Strong Bad's AWESOME Game for HOT People!
'Tis True, Pom-Pom, 'Tis True.
Think about it. That would be Awesome. I mean, that short clip on the DVD was too deep of a plot to be an actual cartoon. But SBCG4AP has a deeper plot than the usual antics of those stupid animal characters.(har har.) First, Strong Bad must think of a sure-fire way to cheat at homestars race. Once The Cheat has been given his plan, you must use your gaming button mashing (or wiggle waggling) skills to be in a decent proximity of Homestar in the race. 'Horra-what?' No ones cheering for Stro Bro!? Uuh, Homestar knows how to ruin my victory even when he's knocked senseless. I know! If I can get dumbstar back to normal, everyone will focus on me!' and so, through a series of convoluted scheming, he makes a giant homestar head-bonking device. It fails, and you all (who bought the DVD) know the ending.
Same here. Though I would be okay if a second season was never made; I would rather the Chapman bros. work on their site and not have Matt Chapman get a sore larynx from all that voice work. Besides, Sam & Max and Monkey Island are also awesome, and I, for one, would love to see other LucasArts (and non-LucasArts) franchises be resurrected by the wonderful wizards of Telltale.
"The one and only Telltale Games! Wonderful....
Now that's a catchy slogan.
yeah, same here.
maybe they could make the second season about homestar. HOG4EDP (Homestars Okay Game for Everyday People)
Reference here: http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail166.html
Wow. What sore losers, eh?
I thought that was just because they finally noticed a Alphabetization error. Y'know.....
Telltale Public House.
Tales of Monkey Island.
Sam & Max.
Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People.
Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures. Well, My other mind, Bone and Texas Hold'em haven't been around for a long while, and CSI...well, you got me there.
My friend complained that, compared to Sam & Max, the enviromnet of the game was minimalist (furnature), garish (Marzipan's house), uninspiring, repetitive, & bland. I told her that it was like that in the cartoons, but it just stood out more in 3D, & that you got to go to way more places than you could in S&M & interact with way more characters. My only complaints were the missing Strong Garage & Cheat Office (which are possibly in the laundry room) & the tree that's supposed to be by Strong Bad's window...& the lack of partly missing carpet in his office.
I don't think the well's run dry on ideas for season 2. There are still places, like the cliff, the front of the KoT's castle, the office, the graveyard, the spooky forest, the lake, Homestar's house, the Marshmallow place, the Cheat's grill, the deck, Marzipan's classroom, the indoor theater stage, the outdoor competition stage, the school dance hall, the island, the pool, the raddish patch, the tall hill, the theater, etc. Places that only showed up in one game (like Strong Bad's other office) can be reused.
There are still characters like Green Gobblin, Announcer, Senior Havingalittletrouble, Mr Bland, Onion Bubs, the Old Timey crew, the puppets, Strong Bad's new computer, Yellow Dello, the ghost of computers past, all the kings men, the Grape Fairy, Pompom's cookiejar dog, those mopey-looking halloween kids, Cardboard Homestar, & reuse once-used characters like Senior Cardgage, Marshie, Cardboard Marzipan, Trogdor, Stinkoman & co.
Teen Girl Squad alternatives: Cuppincakes, Little Brudder, powered by the cheat, 4 Gregs, Cheat Commandos, Strong Badman.
& a few episodes could be around the most popular toons of the year: Halloween & Decemberween. Also, it wouldn't hurt to make Homestar the playable protagonist for at least 1/2 an episode.
I'd love more Homestar myself, maybe he'll take on a Max-like role? (i.e. he follows SB around making silly comments. Considering he seems to do this anyway for the Sbemails, it's very possible.)
Ideas for Season 2 plots? I'd love stories around Decemberween and Halloween (like the Jibblies painting), a return to the wrestling ring (a running gag could involve Strong Bad looking for increasingly gimmicky identities. Il Cartographer would be just the START!), Dangeresque 4: Now in non-3D 3D!, and the return of cardboard Homestar and Marzipan.
I wouldn't say that. I never even heard of Strong Bad and the Homestar Runner universe before playing the games but I still enjoyed them. It's from the games that I found their website and the toons within.
I don't know if Homestar has enough fan-pull to do five episodes all on his own. I loved the hremails, but everyone was begging for sbemails to come back.
Five episodes with five different characters would be fun. That way, Strong Bad could be a protaganist in one and it wouldn't be like overkill to his character. Telltale pulled off a non-speaking character very well in Wallace & Gromit, so an episode playing as the Cheat could be fun.
1)There a buttloads of Homestar fans. That webshow has been around since 2000.
2)Aside from the new baby, working on season 2 would explain the brothers Chapp's long hiatus from updating new content on their site since December 1st. The last 2 longest hiatuses were from a first baby & from working with TellTale.
Though instead of SBCG4AP2, I'd prefur one with Homestar as the lead character. He USED to be the main character until SBemails became big, & then they stopped making them for quite awhile & switched to HRemails, then made a few more SBemails. After decades of spotlighting one character above the others, maybe Strong Bad needs to step aside more often.
ummm actually its S.B.C.G.4.A.P
Have they ever released two seasons in one year?
Yes, they did. Sam & Max Season 2 and SBCG4AP were both released in 2008.
Also, Wallace & Gromit and ToMI were both released in 2009. So there.
Damn straight!
Please make more Stong Bad! I miss him and his friends and they're adventrues.
Crapfully yours,
Also I guessed that they were going to continue Sam and Max after ToMI so I guess a I TOLD YOU SO! Is in order.
Edit: ALSO! The brothers have a baby on their hands. They seem kinda busy. It's why the Website hasn't been updated. So only time can tell.
1. a type of 8-Bit Is Enough Part 2 with Pom Pom, Homsar, Teen Girl Squad, The S is For Sucks figthing Trogdor and the Dragon Theme (You could possibly add a reference of Pucca i ralking about Destiny the Dragon from Pucca in this episode http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIvslN1xuQc) becouse in the end of 8-Bit Is Enough i see Trogdor on the end of the game.
2. A protest of don't making more toons just only on store how about one Bubs have the power of the store and cancel all the toons, now Storng Bad needs save the website