Not sure if such actions would be safe, at least in her final form, also... Bloody Mary doesn't seem to be that kind of girl, I think she would prefer beating someone to a pulp over sexual intercourse any day. Besides, she's too busy feeding peoples' lungs to their dogs.
Not sure if such actions would be safe, at least in her final form, also... Bloody Mary doesn't seem to be that kind of girl, I think she wo… moreuld prefer beating someone to a pulp over sexual intercourse any day. Besides, she's too busy feeding peoples' lungs to their dogs.
Wait wait, why is everyone talking about sex? When I talk about myself, I talk about Bigby and my actions while playing as him (like if I was gonna decide what to do with Mary personally). Thus, I initially meant trying to hire her to work for the Business Office and offering to become sheriff's assistant (she would make a pretty nice bad cop, so why not?). And... hmmm. Never mind, you think the right way. xD
Slowly and painfully.
Use magic to trap her inside a mirror and then break it.
Like Dum.
If I really had no choice at all, I would trap her inside a furnace and watch as the glass melts off of her.
But if I did have a choice, she's coming with me to the nearest Steak 'N Shake to have the frostiest chocolate milkshake ever!
I would put her on fire and give her new figures then put her into water and after she's cold I will put her on my desk! As a decor!
Have her watch Keeping up with the Kardashians but....
I'd rather go skipping down the street with her, while birds tweet and the sun shines above us. XD
That's the thing.... I wouldn't kill her. Never ever. She'd probably kill me though. I'd leave her evil majesticness alone.
I wouldn't kill her :P
I would like to use that nice wheel torture device the Crooked man had lying around.
turn into Bigby's true form (wolf) and blow broken mirrors and wood objects to Bloody Mary and bury her. would fuck her to death?
I wouldn't fuck her, I would make love to her.
She seems like the type of girl that would rather be f*cked.
Goddamnit stop posting that picture while im drinking xD
Why should I kill her?
I'd offer her amnesty and convince her to join me as a partner.
Sexual partner uh?
Not sure if such actions would be safe, at least in her final form, also... Bloody Mary doesn't seem to be that kind of girl, I think she would prefer beating someone to a pulp over sexual intercourse any day. Besides, she's too busy feeding peoples' lungs to their dogs.
Yep, that's true. But I would try it anyway, even though she's likely to refuse. I can't help myself, I like her too much.
Make sure to avoid the glass bits while you're at it! It's a deathtrap down there.
Wait wait, why is everyone talking about sex? When I talk about myself, I talk about Bigby and my actions while playing as him (like if I was gonna decide what to do with Mary personally). Thus, I initially meant trying to hire her to work for the Business Office and offering to become sheriff's assistant (she would make a pretty nice bad cop, so why not?). And... hmmm. Never mind, you think the right way. xD
I'd vaporize her body, she wouldn't feel a thing.
Why would you destroy such a ravishingly good body like that?
I'd vaporize it with my d***. XD
Shoot her with a gun full of maxi pads. You can't lose.
Forcefully feed her lots of lungs puked out from the family dogs, and after she has thrown up 7 times stuff her into a garbage can and run away.
I'd do this to her to xD (im sorry lol)
Well, that fucking cracked me up. XD XD
I hope you don't mind...