Where do Sam & Max sleep?

edited March 2009 in Sam & Max
This might have been explained in the comics and cartoon series.
Just out of curiosity, where do Sam and Max sleep? :confused:


  • edited February 2009
    They share a bedroom, and I'm not completely sure, but I think in a seperate house from their office.
    Don't worry, though. They have a bunkbed, so it's not as if they sleep together.
  • edited February 2009
    This is kind of off topic, but it has to do with this thread, so I'll post it here and hope for no consequences. XD
    Max sleeps with a little stuffed monkey in the comics, which I think is awful cute. Not only because I do too... I just have trouble picturing someone as destructive as Max with any sort of stuffed animals.
  • edited February 2009
    It's ambigous where they live in the comic and games. It doesn't really come up in Hit the Road, but in the Christmas comic, the outside of the building where they live looks a lot like the outside of the building where they work, except without a railing.

    And in the Telltale games, they refer to the street as "our street" instead of using its name, and Max complains that they never knew that they were living over the portal to Hell, which definitely makes it sound like they live in or near the building their office is in.
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    This is kind of off topic, but it has to do with this thread, so I'll post it here and hope for no consequences. XD
    Max sleeps with a little stuffed monkey in the comics, which I think is awful cute. Not only because I do too... I just have trouble picturing someone as destructive as Max with any sort of stuffed animals.
    That is cute. I can't believe I didn't notice that.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2009
    I'm pretty sure they at least semi-officially have a house somewhere. It showed up in the cartoon once or twice, and I think Steve has made reference to it a few times.
  • edited February 2009
    I honestly think they generally live in their office building, unless a story calls for them to live somewhere else. Their reality is fairly flexible.

    Anyway, in the Telltale games they seem to live on the street. I think a lot of dialogue makes me think they just sort of hang around their office until the Co missioner calls. Probably sleep at their desks.
  • edited February 2009
    They don't Sleep, They just drink 1000 KG of caffeine each day.
  • edited February 2009
    That would be kind of scary. Max is hyper enough as it is. We don't need to be giving him any caffinated beverages. I'm pretty sure he'd annoy the heck out of Sam if he had THAT much coffee...
    Max: Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
    Sam: Would you shut up? We're not even in the car!
  • edited February 2009
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    That would be kind of scary. Max is hyper enough as it is. We don't need to be giving him any caffinated beverages. I'm pretty sure he'd annoy the heck out of Sam if he had THAT much coffee...
    Max: Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
    Sam: Would you shut up? We're not even in the car!

    Well now we need to give Max coffee.
  • edited February 2009
    In Belly of the Beast, they have a house I think. They run past it. I always assumed they lived in a suburb outside New York.
  • edited February 2009
    I always assumed Max just slept in the file cabinet. Sam, not so sure.
  • edited February 2009
    I'm sure Sam's office chair is a comfy chair, and he sleeps in that. At least that's how they play out in my mind.
  • edited February 2009
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    Max is hyper enough as it is.

    Maybe he's just normally hyper with no coffee, But when he does drink the 100 cups of coffee or so, He becomes that Hyper-Kineticy Rabbity Thing we all know and love Respect.

    Actually, This theory is getting more obscure than Chaco being the Strongest force on the island :rolleyes:.
  • edited February 2009
    If we are ever lucky enough to see more of the inside of Sam & Max's building, im sure there are lots of rooms, with crazy stuff and ofc a bedroom of some sort :)
  • edited February 2009
    Well, in the animated series, they had a bathroom in the same building as their office, which Max showered in. So maybe they DO live there.
    But in the Glazed McGuffin Affair, at the beginning, it showed them frolicking outisde their beautiful house.
    Of course, knowing them, they were probably making fun of something.
  • edited February 2009
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    Well, in the animated series, they had a bathroom in the same building as their office, which Max showered in. So maybe they DO live there.
    But in the Glazed McGuffin Affair, at the beginning, it showed them frolicking outisde their beautiful house.
    Of course, knowing them, they were probably making fun of something.

    And it's impossible to think that their own house would be so beautiful like that. I mean, look at their office! XD I can't believe they could be able to keep a big house ( let alone the garden ) so.. non-wrecked.

    8D But yeah, "That Darn Gator" definitely gave some proof that they do have a house somewhere. The front yard even had a bush cut in a shape of Max's head.. wow. XD

    ..or then, it would be logical that they have actually lost their house.. for now. (think about the webcomic Purcell made. ) After being away a long time like that, it could be that their house was reclaimed and now all they have is the office. o.o
  • edited February 2009
    And yet they're completely unphased, just like normal. XD
    Same old Sam and Max.
  • edited February 2009
    I believe they sleep in their building, but another apartment, or there's a door in their office where the camera has never shown, that leads right to their bedroom.
  • edited February 2009
    Their bedroom exists in Hammerspace.
  • edited February 2009
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    That would be kind of scary. Max is hyper enough as it is. We don't need to be giving him any caffinated beverages.
    Actually, at one point in Hit The Road, at least in the German version, Max says that he's addicted to coffee.
  • edited March 2009
    Max says that he's addicted to coffee.

    Ray 1, Logic 14.
  • edited March 2009
    They sleep wherever they like.
    In the office, in their house, in the gutters.
  • edited March 2009
    Chaosfan wrote: »
    They sleep wherever they like.
    In the office, in their house, in the gutters.

    The White House.
  • edited March 2009
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    The White House.

    resists urge to make a "YOUR MUM" joke
  • edited March 2009
    I find it funny how nobody has mentioned yet that there's a couch in their office. :P
  • edited March 2009
    It's not really big enough for both of them to sleep on, though. If the picture I'm looking at is right, it's far too small for Sam to sleep on alone.
  • edited March 2009
    The one in the games certainly looks big enough for Sam to sleep on... Then again, I'm no S&M expert (well, THAT came out awkwardly) and haven't even got the comics (yet).
  • edited March 2009
    On the job
  • edited March 2009
    That actually sounds fairly plausible.
  • edited March 2009
    No, wait, anyone else remember what Max said in Reality 2.0?

    Max: I don't sleep, because when I do, the clowns that live in the closet will come out!
    Sam: Max, you know that our closet is filled with the random detritus of our previous adventures.
    Max: I know, Sam, but the clowns only come out in the night so that they can make balloon animals with our large intestines!
    Auntie Biotic: Okay, you boys definitely aren't getting anywhere near the mailbox.
  • edited March 2009
    No, wait, anyone else remember what Max said in Reality 2.0?

    Max: I don't sleep, because when I do, the clowns that live in the closet will come out!
    Sam: Max, you know that our closet is filled with the random detritus of our previous adventures.
    Max: I know, Sam, but the clowns only come out in the night so that they can make balloon animals with our large intestines!
    Auntie Biotic: Okay, you boys definitely aren't getting anywhere near the mailbox.

    Yep, that certainly explains alot.
  • edited March 2009
    That implies that they do sleep in or near their office.

    Also, I don't remember Max sleeping in the Telltale games, but he's seen sleeping in the cartoon and the comics. The clowns thing must be a new development.
  • ArtArt
    edited March 2009
    Watch "Christmas, Bloody Christmas" they have a house and in the Christmas panel in "Surfin' the Highway".
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