Your avatar is a terrible piece of art. For one thing, no one has hair that shape. It looks like LEGOS. Second, no one has hair that color. Third, there is no place on this earth that neon green. What did he do, spray paint his lawn? And what about the shoulders? They're as pointy as swords! What's he wearing? A tunic? I mean, the tunic looks okay, but what about the arms. The artist forgot to draw hands! Finally, the face. It's too short, too wide, the nose is too high, his eyes are nonexistent, meaning he can't even see, and I also don't see a mouth. That's horrifying. What are you trying to do? Give us all nightmares? What a piece of shit. Also, if it's not square and exactly the avatar specs of the forum rules, it looks awful. You should feel bad.
Even the pony and sonic recolor avatars are drawn better.
Oh cool. Since Brilliant is before Better Than Dashing's, my avatar must necessarily be better than Brilliant, much the same way 10 is necessarily better than 8 in 8/10.
Awesome/awesome because Josh is an idiot. Proof? He likes silent movies like the Artist. Silent movies aren't even good because they don't have that extra layer talkies have. Also Wizards. Liking a movie with such poor rotoscoping? The mark of an idiot.
You've earned it, Starbuck.
Always good to see goatse putting in an appearance.
Good pic, but not a lot of creativity.
That poor pony is so cold she's turned blue .
Because it denied me a chance to insult MLP OCs everywhere.
0/10 for not recognizing Hunter S. Thompson. You may call him GOD.
Even the pony and sonic recolor avatars are drawn better.
Also: Hasn't changed, still lame.
Awesome/awesome because Josh is an idiot. Proof? He likes silent movies like the Artist. Silent movies aren't even good because they don't have that extra layer talkies have. Also Wizards. Liking a movie with such poor rotoscoping? The mark of an idiot.
Still Garbage/Bashi-bazouks
Epic Beard, man.
Ponies. How original.
But oh how I love the direction this thread is going!
Like the sunglasses
Pony!!! ^_^
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say 10.5/10
I know it's not. I had a picture of one before and I got bored with it. This one looked much better.
BTW, Martin mcFly 10/10
-Ponys rule and I like bright colours
i actually kinda like it, but it to stereotypical
For bad typing and for being seilberg989