Does the Sam & Max "complete Animated Series" Work on Europian DVD players?

edited March 2009 in Sam & Max
The title says it all, here. I've been thinking about buying this for ages as somebody told me it was made to play on all players world wide, regardless of region, but now that I look at it in the TaleTale store I can't see anything to confirm this.

If it isn't 'non regional' then is it possibly to get hold of a region 2 version of the set? (I think Europe is region 2, I never bothered to check).


  • edited March 2009
    My guess is that it's region free, because the Season DVDs are. But you'll have to wait for a response from the Telltale team.
  • edited March 2009
    It's region free, but it's NTSC so you'll need a multi-standard player and TV.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2009
    Marduk wrote: »
    now that I look at it in the TaleTale store I can't see anything to confirm this.

    It says "region free" in the buy box, right under the price. Maybe it needs to be more obvious? Were you expecting to see something about the region in the product description?

    Let us know, and we can make it clearer in the store! :)
  • edited March 2009
    Emily wrote: »
    It says "region free" in the buy box, right under the price. Maybe it needs to be more obvious? Were you expecting to see something about the region in the product description?

    Let us know, and we can make it clearer in the store! :)
    $24.99Sam & Max Complete Animated Series DVD
    3-disc set, region free.
    Silly me; there it was the whole time.

    Anybody get the urge to scream "it's right there, idiot!"?
    It's region free, but it's NTSC so you'll need a multi-standard player and TV.
    Should it say on the player's case whether it's multi-standard?
  • edited March 2009
    If you still haven't decided yet. Both the Season DVD's and The Animated Series work perfectly on my standard regular Dutch DVD-players.

    I don't from which country you are exactly, but my guess is that they will work for you as well as they work for me.
  • edited March 2009
    If you still haven't decided yet. Both the Season DVD's and The Animated Series work perfectly on my standard regular Dutch DVD-players.

    I don't from which country you are exactly, but my guess is that they will work for you as well as they work for me.
    I'm in the UK. But all europian DVDs are compatible.

    Still, thanks; I shall now order the series :D

    Well, after I get some money...
  • edited March 2009
    Yep yep, it's region free. The DVD works fine for me! :) (Finnish here )
  • edited March 2009
    jup, the dvds work on most european players...and if your tv screws up, you can always watch it on your pc. the collection is definitely worth getting..
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