"Forum" is a bad word?

edited March 2009 in Site Support
I'm wanting to change my custom user title to "Forum Games comic creator", but it keeps coming up as "***** Games comic creator". Is "forum" a cuss word in some countries?


  • edited March 2009
    This is a stab in the dark, but it might be there to stop people changing their title to 'Forum moderator' or the such like. Which may make sense, since moderator is censored too.
  • edited March 2009
    OMG... he said THE WORD, all this rampant use of the "F" word in here...


    .. and yeah, "forum" is most likely censored to prevent anyone from claiming any sort of official relation to the forum.
  • edited March 2009
    Okay, that actually makes sense. I'll just change it back to my leprechaun user title then.
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