Wallace and Gromit - frozen!

edited June 2011 in Game Support
After I finished trapping the bees with the porridge gun, I went back to the dining room and now I'm frozen! The characters appear to be moving but there's no cursor and none of the keyboard buttongs respond.


  • StuStu
    edited March 2009
    I have had exactly the same problem! I can't even exit without forcibly killing it. Please help!
    I can send the save game if you wish.

    PS. Why does the loader program consume so much of the CPU when starting?
  • edited March 2009
    Same problem... just after completing the porridge gun part, the game froze, mouse & keyboard aren't responding (apart from ctrl-alt-canc), even though the graphic and sound seem still to work (the music is still playing and the fan in the room is working). The bad thing is the game autosaved in that frozen state, so I can't load it to continue playing. I'll start a new game and see if it happens again...
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2009
    Hey all, we are looking into this problem, but we haven't been able to reproduce it yet. Do you remember the order of things you did right before this happened? Like which bees you killed in which order, or did you leave and come back, etc.
  • edited March 2009
    I started a new game and got past that point without problems.
    As for the first time, when the bug happened, after controlling Gromit I did more or less the following:

    1) Play with the porridge gun a bit
    2) Exit the dining room and enter the kitchen
    3) Pick up the answering machine
    4) Back in the corridor and pick up the items from Wallace's clothes
    5) Go upstair and pick up the tennis racket
    6) Go out in the garden and use the racket with the gnome
    7) Back in the dining room. Use the lever. Use the gun.
    8) Trap the bees in the order: tree -> pants -> trash bin
    9) After the dialogue the game get autosaved and freeze.

    As a side note, when picking up the items from Wallace's clothes, I took the map of the neighbourhood, which I didn't take when controlling Wallace before.

    edit: Probably it doesn't matter, but I'm playing in Italian at the moment.
  • StuStu
    edited March 2009
    I seem to recall doing a similar order of events. ie. shooting the canon in two parts. Should I restart or wait for a solution?
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2009
    I would be really surprised if you got the same issue twice. So far you three are the only three who appear to have gotten this problem, so it seems rare at best. We are still looking into it, but we haven't been able to reproduce it yet.
  • edited April 2009
    Make that four...same issue here. Finished the porridge gun part, goes back to usual view of Gromit, autosaves, and after that the keyboard doesn't work at all (actually no form of input works, though the game seems to be otherwise running fine). Here's the save file, if it helps (the problem is still there if you quit+reload):

    Attachment not found.

    I did leave the shooting screen and come back (had to exit to give the racket to the gnome), so maybe that's the issue? I did the bees in a different order (tree->trash->pants) than Kentaurus so I doubt that's the problem. I had also taken care of all the other bees first, but it sounds like Kentaurus didn't do that, so that's probably unrelated too.
  • edited April 2009
    Same problem here.
  • edited April 2009
    Exactly the same problem here - was enjoying the game, got through the Bee shooting stage after probably the second attempt.

    No idea what order I shot the bees down in, but indeed after completing this part, the game returns to the dining room, with the Major asleep at the porridge blaster and Gromit standing behind him.

    I'm expecting to be able to move Gromit, as I can see that the idle animations are still working, as is the sound and music, but none of the controller inputs do anything.

    I can't even exit the game probably, so have to give the three fingered solute of Ctrl-Alt-Del.

    Everytime I try to reload the game from the same point - I only have 1 savegame, the same happens again, and I have basically given up playing it - as I am unable to.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Up to this point I was really enjoying the game aswell, it has to be said.

    Just sad that it seemingly broke.
  • edited April 2009
    I was hoping that this issue would have been worked out by now. I have exactly the same problem as described in the other posts. Right after the bee shooting event, the game play freezes. The music goes merrily along, the fan spins, but nothing else is responsive, even escape to bring up the menu.

    I tried changing renaming the prefs.prop file and that made everything REALLY interesting graphically, but no less unresponsive...

    The scoop:
    Windows XP SP3
    Dell Dimension 8200
    Nvidia GeForce FX 5700VE 256 MB
    1.5GB RAM
    DirectX 9.0c

    I guess we'll wait and see if anyone comes up with a solution!
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2009
    This is definitely an in game logic issue, so I'm afraid to fix it you will either have to load an older save or start over. We still don't know *why* this is happening however, but it is being looked into.
  • edited April 2009
    Any news on a fix for this problem?
    I would hate to have to run through the game again to get to the same point and hope that it works.

    There were a couple of time up to now where I thought that the game had become stuck but it was only temporary. This point in the game,,, totally stuck.
  • edited April 2009
    And another with the same problem.

    Could somebody provide us with a savegame at that point so we don't have to run through the game again :(
  • edited April 2009
    I would just like to confirm that this is not a permanent problem, as after going to my bookmark and trying again a successfully completed the Porridge Gun section and could continue afterwards. Everyone effected should try again as I doubt it will happen twice.
  • edited April 2009
    Very sorry, but my problem is permanent, I cannot continue the game from this point, no matter how many times I try.
  • edited April 2009
    Have you tried going back to before the porridge gun section and doing it again?
  • edited May 2009
    Would anyone be willing to post a save file from just after the porridge gun sequence? It's extremely tedious thinking about having to replay the game all the way from the start without knowing whether this problem will just manifest again...

    For the record, the problem is either in the save game file itself, or else it's something to do with the hardware on my machine. I have a dual boot system and I went into Windows Vista (as opposed to XP where I had played and gotten stuck,) but the game is still stuck in the same place using the save file copied from the XP partition...

    I noticed that the next chapter has already come out, but I am loathe to download the next installment before I've completed the first...

    Is anyone at Telltale listening?! :rolleyes:
  • edited May 2009
    Same problem here, at exactly the same state of the game - characters are frozen, no keyboard or mouse controls possible... could anybody send a savegame of the state shortly before that event? Thanx! :) :( :)
  • edited May 2009
    We have the exact same problem, except we're on the xBox360
    so we can't use other saves, nor can we bookmark

    I've restarted the game and got to the same spot and it did the exact same thing.
    I shot the bee's in a different order and it still happened.
  • edited May 2009
    We have the exact same problem, except we're on the xBox360
    so we can't use other saves, nor can we bookmark

    I've restarted the game and got to the same spot and it did the exact same thing.
    I shot the bee's in a different order and it still happened.

    You can bookmark on the 360
  • edited June 2009
    I'm also experiencing this bug. I made two attempts at using the gun before I figured the puzzle out. I believe the gun puzzle was solved in the order of tree, pants, bin. Just before solving it I trapped the bee in the can using the bed lever, and I dropped the record through the cellar door.

    Hope this helps fix the problem.
  • edited July 2009
    I also experienced the same problem, but I didn't have any problems in my second try. I started a new game and I did some different things which I didn't do in my first game which was frozen.

    Here is what I did different:

    -First of all lower graphics to 1, change hints to never and disable subtitles.
    -Do only the things you need to pass through the game. ( You can follow the walkthrough)
    -DO NOT pick up the racket in the first chapter; you will take it from bedroom when you need it while the bee invasion.
    -Do the gun part as late as you can, after you done with recorder and cheese things.

    This one worked for me, I hope this solves your problems too. :)
  • edited November 2009
    I guess this is still not fixed? So my kids have to keep replaying the game till the bug does not happen? Kinda lame at this late a date.
  • edited December 2009
    sina-an wrote: »
    Here is what I did different:

    -First of all lower graphics to 1, change hints to never and disable subtitles.
    -Do only the things you need to pass through the game. ( You can follow the walkthrough)
    -DO NOT pick up the racket in the first chapter; you will take it from bedroom when you need it while the bee invasion.
    -Do the gun part as late as you can, after you done with recorder and cheese things.

    I tried the game - and I got through this part fine (the parts in bold I did anyway - and the game was fine with this.)

    I just focused on the porridge puzzle at the start of Act 3, I didn't go into the cellar or the town and I don't think I did alot in the Kitchen at all (best to do nothing in the Kitchen)

    When my sister played the game, she went in the cellar, the kitchen and parts of the town and her game froze. So I suppose, the game can't deal with so many open puzzles being uncovered - so to anyone still having trouble with this I suggest focusing on the porridge puzzle first.
  • edited June 2011
    if someone tells me how ill put a save file up thats past the porridge gun part
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