Most of those battles during Aegon's Conquest required a dragon. King Loren of the Rock and King Mern (I think it was Mern) of the Reach united their armies to face Aegon's. And, what do you know, the army got destroyed by a dragon. Figures not only the Ironborn need a dragon to be released against them.
And the position taken brought the Ironborn nothing. They've tried to rebel all the time, and last time before the War of Five Kings, they got their ass handed over to them... again. Their position matters little if the only way to can enforce it is the widespread conflict on the mainland.
Harren the black refused to bow his head and got killed. And since then the Greyjoys have been plotting on rebellion.
I didn't say they w… moreould've refused to take shit from the fuckers with dragons and lived to tell te tale. The position taken is what matters, not the outcome
EDIT: Also the Ironborn were the only ones that actively required the use of a dragon in battle, instead of just run for cover at the mere menace of it
Instead of lee dying, what if they had him fall into some sort of dimensional portal whee he just ended up in the GOT story line
Lee Wher… moree the hell am i?
Larry the guard: Stop Naive, the king will want to see you, he demands to see all outlanders.
Lee I'm not in Macon anymore!
Sure it wouldn't be realistic, but i'm sure it would be more interesting than TWDG S2. .
I know how you feel. I'm pretty much bored of Clementine at this point. Clementine was great in S1. Killing Lee off was a mistake, i wonder if the writers ever think. Man i wish we didn't do that.
While Starks are my favourite House, I'd say Martell since I don't want to die young (Which seems to be the fate of most Starks and their bannermen.......I thought about Tyrell too, but I would like to serve under Oberyn Martell, so I picked Martell)
Most people would probably not agree with me at this, but the Lannisters would be my choice. Until Tywin’s death, it was not a bad house to serve under as a bannerman (and for the future, we will need to wait and see).
Most of those battles during Aegon's Conquest required a dragon. King Loren of the Rock and King Mern (I think it was Mern) of the Reach united their armies to face Aegon's. And, what do you know, the army got destroyed by a dragon. Figures not only the Ironborn need a dragon to be released against them.
And the position taken brought the Ironborn nothing. They've tried to rebel all the time, and last time before the War of Five Kings, they got their ass handed over to them... again. Their position matters little if the only way to can enforce it is the widespread conflict on the mainland.
House Baratheon for sure.
I would've gone for House Stark, but after what happened... I'm not so sure...
The Starks.
KING LEE Make it Happen Telltale.
U Already Know Baybee Stannis da Mannis
If I could be anybone I'd probably be a wondering do-gooding Knight Type. I just wanna be The Hound honestly
That or a wondering recruiter for the Brothers in Black dat shits too cool.
I would serve under Stannis Baratheon. At least you would know where you stand.
To hell with the barbaric westerosis, I'd be a banker in Bravos
Ok if I have to choose I'd live under the banners of Martells. Dorne seems a nice place.
King Lee: you treat him as a fucking house guest!
Princess Clementine: But father-
King Lee: Do you want to work on the farm young lady!?
Instead of lee dying, what if they had him fall into some sort of dimensional portal whee he just ended up in the GOT story line
Lee Where the hell am i?
Larry the guard: Stop Naive, the king will want to see you, he demands to see all outlanders.
Lee I'm not in Macon anymore!
Sure it wouldn't be realistic, but i'm sure it would be more interesting than TWDG S2. .
I will buy that! S2 destroyed my love for Clementine tbh
I know how you feel. I'm pretty much bored of Clementine at this point. Clementine was great in S1. Killing Lee off was a mistake, i wonder if the writers ever think. Man i wish we didn't do that.
I would chill in Essos and maybe start the training as a faceless man.
None of them. I would be a dirty little peasant boy who gets shot in the face.
Tyrell. Plenty of food, southern weather and rarely touched by wars like the other houses.
'do-gooding' and 'The Hound'... Sandor is not a do-gooder at all.
Bolton, so I can fuck shit up. Otherwise I'd follow Stannis the Mannis. I'll probably screw up and be flayed or burned by my own Lord though
While Starks are my favourite House, I'd say Martell since I don't want to die young (Which seems to be the fate of most Starks and their bannermen.......I thought about Tyrell too, but I would like to serve under Oberyn Martell, so I picked Martell)
Easy: House stark, or house baratheon (stannis)
Most people would probably not agree with me at this, but the Lannisters would be my choice. Until Tywin’s death, it was not a bad house to serve under as a bannerman (and for the future, we will need to wait and see).
House dun dun dun dun Baelish.
On a pyre?
Wreathed in wildfire?
Freezing your nads off on the wall?
Well, since I come from an island similar to Tarth, I'd choose their House. Cause... summertime fun*?
*Summer Is Coming
I'd go with House Martell xP