So, I got a Wii for my birthday, and I need title recommendations, but...
...they have to be family titles. I know, I know, I wanted to get Strongbad and Sam & Max for the Wii, but it's become very clear from our conversations in the past with my family that the Wii I got on my birthday is actually "the FamWii."
Case and point: Nintendo's marketing actually worked on my mom who played the bowling part of the included Wii Sports to great enjoyment.
So now I'm looking into titles that will, ultimately, bring around a family game night of sorts. Anyone here have any recommendations?
Oh, and FYI, SBCG4AP and the Sam & Max titles are not up my family's taste in humor, so something like Mario Party would be a nice benchmark to go by.
Case and point: Nintendo's marketing actually worked on my mom who played the bowling part of the included Wii Sports to great enjoyment.
So now I'm looking into titles that will, ultimately, bring around a family game night of sorts. Anyone here have any recommendations?
Oh, and FYI, SBCG4AP and the Sam & Max titles are not up my family's taste in humor, so something like Mario Party would be a nice benchmark to go by.
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If your siblings and/or parents prefer an easier control scheme, with more motion involved, Mario Kart Wii is another great 4-player game, although I would recommend that you get 3 extra wii wheels if you plan to get the game.
Unless your family isn't really into puzzle-based games, I can't recommend this one enough.
It's extremely visceral.
All games that aren't multiplayer have strikethrough.
By the way, to better help you guys, my parents have just turned Senior Citizen age while my sister is 23 but has very limited gaming exerpiance/tolerance. I'm the experianced gamer in the family.:p
Oh... I thought that the FamWii meant that you shouldn't have any adult games. And Super Mario Galaxy IS multi-player, if bad at that.
i highly agree.brawl is a great family game
Actually, wii fit has a two player jogging mode and Galaxy has a co operative mode.
I've tried it and it is a JOKE. Trust me. It only makes the most difficult levels harder.
mainly when the player 2 keeps either
A. waisting your star bits
or B. keep hitting you with a so you jump all the time.
If they dont do that, it does help out a lot.
whatever,enjoy ourselves.....
Mom kind of enjoys it, but apparently the tracks are too colorful and distracting to the point where she doesn't know where she's going. :rolleyes:
I'm looking to get the remake of Punch-Out!! next week. Do you guys think it looks like a good game for the "FamWii?"
Mario Kart Wii is also decent, altough not the best Mario KArt they made...MarIo Party is also a winner!