Oh Superball, I don't get it !

edited July 2009 in Sam & Max
Superball is one of my favorite Sam and Max characters but i never got his name joke. I know it is suposed to be funny and I tried to figure it out but I never did. and also can you tell me name of the songs on the bagpipe driving game in 202 ?:confused::confused::confused:


  • edited April 2009
    SuperBosco wrote: »
    and also can you tell me name of the songs on the bagpipe driving game in 202 ?:confused::confused::confused:

    The silver level is "Office Theme"
    The gold level is "World of Max", the song that concludes season one. I must have played that round at least 30 times before I won that darn decal.
  • edited April 2009
    yes, thanks Randulf but what about the bronze level
  • edited April 2009
    The bronze is "I've Been Working on the Railroad". Or something.

    And his name is Superball because he's the "bouncer" of the White House, to make sure people who are authorized to get in can get in.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2009
    (And super balls are rubber bouncy balls.)

    Max: Ohh, Superball. I get it!
  • edited April 2009
    Wow. So many obscure little stuff. I never tought of that.
  • edited July 2009
    Sorry to bring this topic up again, but I've been listening to the bronze level, and I can't figure out what it is. It's not I've Been Working on the Railroad, that's the mandatory level.
  • edited July 2009
    Emily wrote: »
    (And super balls are rubber bouncy balls.)

    Max: Ohh, Superball. I get it!

    LOL I just got it myself!
  • edited July 2009
    MussKatt wrote: »
    Wow. So many obscure little stuff. I never tought of that.

    Superball very clearly stated it himself in his first appearance.... I don't see how its obscure O_o
  • edited July 2009
    Yeah, I got it the first time I heard it too.

    ...Does this mean I'm smarter than the general public?
  • edited July 2009
    Superball very clearly stated it himself in his first appearance.... I don't see how its obscure O_o

    He just says his name is Superball because he's "a bouncer," which is only funny if you know what a super ball is.
  • edited July 2009
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    He just says his name is Superball because he's "a bouncer," which is only funny if you know what a super ball is.

    But how can you not know what a superball is? Every kid has had one at some point.
  • edited July 2009
    That's kind of a broad statement. I had a few, but I knew them as bouncy balls, so there's a regional factor as well.
  • edited July 2009
    Shwoo wrote: »
    I had a few, but I knew them as bouncy balls, so there's a regional factor as well.

    That's what I've always called them too. I didn't even know about "super balls" as an alternative term until this thread, actually (and thank goodness I found out -- that joke from 104 flew so far over my head I kept wondering what the heck I'd missed). So it depends. *shrug*
  • edited July 2009
    Oh maaaan, I get it now. Yeah, if he was called Bouncyball, I woulda got it too, but yeah that woulda been crap lol.
  • edited July 2009
    I've never heard anyone call them "super balls" before, but I got it the first time I heard it too. I just thought "hey, balls are bouncy," so a super ball must be... really bouncy?
    I dunno. I just knew I got it. XD
  • edited July 2009
    He's a bouncer, so if you know what THAT means, then you'll get the joke.
  • edited July 2009
    ... is a Super Ball better than a normal ball? :O

    It must be with a name like that.

    Gotta get me some Super Balls.
  • edited July 2009
    But how can you not know what a superball is? Every kid has had one at some point.

    Well excuse us for speaking a different dialect to you, but we never called them "super balls".

    Thanks for explaining Emily, that had been digging at me too.
  • edited July 2009
    Chris1 wrote: »
    Well excuse us for speaking a different dialect to you, but we never called them "super balls".

    Thanks for explaining Emily, that had been digging at me too.

    I just assumed that is what everybody called them
  • edited July 2009
    I just assumed that is what everybody called them

    Well... today I learned a new Word...

    My way to a good level of English is getting shorter...
  • edited July 2009
    I believe that SuperBall is the trademark name of small rubber bouncy balls.
  • edited July 2009
    Superball: Hugh Bliss is great. I'm sorry. I'm gushing.

    Sam: Wanna rub my unicorn?

    Superball: Have you reached level red yet?

    Sam: No
    Superball: Then no.

  • edited July 2009
    Superball: Master Jurgen, the greatest leader ever
    Max: But you said that about the Evil President AND Hugh Bliss!
    Superball: This is diferent sir, Master Jurgen has a castle
    Sam: He seen like he has a point

    (Or something among this lines ^^!)
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