The Conduit!
Ok. first and best looking wii fps ever so far.
according to nintendo power it would complete "SEGA's hardcore Wii trifecta". but i was looking on the website and i saw it was rated T!
a hardcore game goes into the M category like Madworld or House of dead/ resident evil all are M rated. The conduit must have dare i say it "Metroid" shiver,shiver...... type shooting action. i mean its not that cool if not M. that what appeals to most people. satisfaction in halo comes from seeing aliens blow up. that wont happen in the conduit because rating is
mild language
This is hardly hardcore because there is no blood and gore or intense violence so i would hardly call that hardcore.

according to nintendo power it would complete "SEGA's hardcore Wii trifecta". but i was looking on the website and i saw it was rated T!
a hardcore game goes into the M category like Madworld or House of dead/ resident evil all are M rated. The conduit must have dare i say it "Metroid" shiver,shiver...... type shooting action. i mean its not that cool if not M. that what appeals to most people. satisfaction in halo comes from seeing aliens blow up. that wont happen in the conduit because rating is
mild language
This is hardly hardcore because there is no blood and gore or intense violence so i would hardly call that hardcore.

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So I guess Starcraft isn't hardcore... Neither is final fantasy, Harvest Moon, Contra, or Kings Quest. Whatever you say.
yes, in fact, I started it. It didn't last long.
To stop that from happening again, Let's talk about something:
Possible Box art?
When i say hardcore i mean like godfather hardcore not final fantasy 7 hardcore.
When is it coming out?
But really, the developers never claimed that The Conduit would be "hardcore" (by your definition), just that it would appeal to the core market. I can't say I see what your complaint is. If you want red pixels, go get red pixels. There's plenty of them out there.
It only got changed to M after release. Many copies are still T rated!
Super Mario Sunshine is awesome. I like it more than Galaxy!
When you reach a certain level of maturity, you realize that a letter on the box doesn't make you "more mature" for having played it. Not to say that blood and violence are not fun for the sake of blood and violence, but they can be done without as well while still giving us a strong narrative and tight gameplay.
The Conduit will use the Wii's hardware in ways that have never been attempted before. Ways that should have been utilized, but simply haven't. I'm just afraid that the Wii has found its niche, and that the market The Conduit aims to tap may simply not exist in great enough numbers to make the game profitable.
I forgot about that. Makes my point even more valid.
I hear you my friend:) It's by FAR my favorite 3d Mario Game. Tight challenge, fascinating world to explore. The game just made me feel good from start to finish. It's a masterpiece that , for me, ends up being one of the biggest underappreciated games ever.
I think what killed it was it's difficulty. It didn't fit well with most current gamers who are used to be taken by the hand from start to finish in the game.
I was raised in the Ghost and Goblins/BattleToad generation. THAT's hardcore.
p.s Re-reading this made me feel like an ancient... *shivers*
Gamecube was underrated in general. Luigi's Mansion, Resident Evil (remake), Star Fox Adventures, in my opinion all those games were underrated.
Yup as well as the Metroid games and Animal Crossing:(
It was sad, i loved my purple box more than i love my wii today
Hardcore game has to have blood and gore??? Completely untrue, Hardcore games are those that are competitive, or take hours to finish, such as Starcraft, Counterstrike, TF, Empire: Total War Street Fighter and Halo to an extent; while it is true that some of these have blood or gore not all do.
an M rating
having the words "grand theft auto" on it
having the words "halo" on it
having the wo*you get my point there.
having a high rating for it(that only tells you how good is it)
being a 360/PS3 game(wii games are good)
get my drift?
Halo is about as hardcore as Bob the Builder.
I'd take a blood-filled, gorey swearfest a proper interpretation of "hardcore". And in fact, I enjoy that kind of fun every once and awhile. Fist of the North Star and all that. Reveling in violence for the sake of violence isn't a completely ridiculous prospect.
Wrong Halo is one of the biggest MLG games, thus making it a pretty hardcore game with the right settings.
That is the point of the thread! Nintendo power said conduit said conduit complete sega hardcore trifecta and they meant M rated stylized gorefests!
everyone is a critic today!
Then why didn't you name the thread "Trifecta Sega Gorefests" instead?
Much more possible box art.
Not really Neo is clean shaven, that character is not, the glasses and hair style are similar but not so much; also neo wears clothes not a generic power suit type thing and facial shape is very different
A critic? Because you don't agree with what I say? That's on par with sticking your fingers in your ears and screaming "LALALALALAAA!!!" whenever somebody says something you disagree with.
Besides, we can't read your mind. You never said anything about Nintendo Power calling it a gorefest. How were we supposed to know? A lot of us here don't read Nintendo Power, and even the ones who do probably wouldn't have made the connection between the article and your post.
Also, you can't take a magazine's word for gospel. Editors make mistakes. That's why people research from multiple sources. No reason to go into a caps-lock-laden rage over it.
So, hows about that Charlie the Unicorn 3?
Yes, I'm a bit late to the party, at least on the actual topic that this thread was started for.
If you don't feel that this game will be "hardcore" enough to satisfy you, you should really watch some of the videos of gameplay from The Conduit. Anything from here would do, really. Anything it lacks in gore and detailed deaths, it certainly makes up for in sheer awesomeness. Go on, take a look. The videos don't do the graphics justice, but the gameplay is obviously awesome.
Well, at the very least he looks a bit like Keanu Reeves.
watch the subway off screen it looks amazing...Starting to regret selling my wii...
I hope this comes out for other systems
I highly doubt that. The whole point of Conduit is to have a decent (ie. not made by ubisoft) shooter game on wii. If it comes out on another system it would defeat the purpose.
Yep. It's videos like these that keep me incredibly interested in this game, even though it is coming out in (exactly) 2 months.
But I wouldn't count on the whole released-on-other-systems deal. This is a Wii-exclusive fps; it was built from the ground up for the Wii, to provide the best possible experience for Wii users as opposed to some crappy Wii shoot-off of another fps.
Well THEY meant more along the lines of Final Fantasy 7 Hardcore. As in, not aimed at the "casual" gaming audience.